Mirage Mouse (Dropped)

Mirage Mouse
World: Earthcadia-1
Groups: Harvesters
Actual Age: 25
Apparent Age: 20s
Quote: The flesh is weak... the mind is a much stronger muscle!
Role: Psionic Mercenary
Species: Mouse (Anthro)


Once a tech support specialist turned thief, she was captured by a supervillain bent on creating his own team of colorful and powerful minions. Subjected to extensive brainwashing and conditioning, the once mild-mannered and meek mouse had become a fearless, fiery and playful trickster with the powers of telepathy, mind control and the ability to create hard-light phantasms to beguile or attack her enemies. She was reborn as Mirage Mouse, psionic illusionist and render of minds. Eventually, the other shoe of justice dropped (as it tends to) and Mouse's unit was broken up, her old captor/creator dealt with. Herself and several others escaped, but they were lost in chaos, and Mouse was left to wander. Escaping the border of her own world she operates as a freelance thief and mercenary within the branches of the world tree.


Psycho Assimilate< Copy-T >: Stealing abilities and traits from others psionically.
Following a psychic attack, Mouse can forcibly absorb her victim's skills and memories, taking a piece of what they were temporarily along with her until it fades away in time. She must be in direct contact and proximity for this to occur. Via this method she can copy a particular learned trait or skill of theirs, such as a fighting style, knowledge of a particular subject or a skill such as a magical spell--but not inherent things like a mutant power or racial ability, such as a dragon's fire breath, which may require radically different physiology from her own. The copy method carries risk of personal harm to herself, if the intended victim is still able to defend themselves. In addition, there is also the risk she can absorb a personality trait or phobia as an unintended side-effect, see also Broken Mirror complication.
Solid Light: Hard-light matter construct creation. With her mind, she makes it real.
Mouse is able to psychically manipulate light photons of the EM Spectrum, she can create many things out of what is known as hard-light, or solid-light, essentially holograms. She can use this to disguise herself or her allies (or victims) as well as create things out of thin air--and make them tangible as if they were real. With great expenditure of energy (edge), she can reach out and alter the area around her in fantastic ways, making a boiling furnace appear as a frozen over husk, or create an entire symphony hall or band around her. Among the objects she can create are the standard fare--melee weapons, guns and energy weapons firing weaponized light-energy projectiles, artificial attire or people--but these things are localized to her, and they will fade soon after she leaves the general area of them, de-materializing into nothingness.
Telepath: The Psionic ability to reach out and talk to someone. Also mind-reading.
Mouse can broadcast her own thoughts faster and more simply than oral communication, transmitting thoughts and ideas--whole images and scenarios in the blink of an eye. This ability is short-ranged, usually to those in the same room or building with her, close by. To /receive/ (ergo, reading one's mind) requires concentration and usually cooperation on the subject being read from, otherwise she could receive scrambled words and information, or even misinformation. This ability requires time and concentration, even on the defenseless bystander sort, she cannot open people and read them like a book--that is, not all in one sitting.
Telekinesis: The ability to move things with the mind and hover.
Mouse is able to project great kinetic force psychically with her mind. This effect is localized to the area around her, up to 50 feet. She is able to lift objects and carry them around, crush things, pull things toward her or push things away and of course throw things through the air. Larger and heavier objects require more concentration. The more force that needs to be applied to a given object, the greater the effort. She can also use this to 'hover' by directing telekinetic force against wherever gravity is being exerted to float. This does not however really grant her full, controlled flight, but it can slow her descent from free fall. This ability is entirely mental and requires no physical gestures to use. While the upper weight limit can vary depending on her level of concentration, physical and mental condition, etc.
Mind Control: She can change your mind. In need of... attitude adjustment?
By exerting extreme focus, Mouse can reach out and attempt to control those around her. This is essentially a form of mental attack and can be resisted actively, particularly by those with high mental fortitude or willpower. It can also be inhibited by dampening implants or devices worn by the subject, or special training to resist such intrusion. This ability is short-range, limited to those she can get physically close to, similar to hypnosis. Typically, it manifests in simple commands such as go here, or do that--though more extreme things like putting a gun to one's own body or that of a loved one require much more effort and time--things the subject would very much *not* consciously want to do, ever. She cannot just reach out and instantly brainwash people--though given time and effort this can also be possible. She can also use this ability for 'psychic surgery' to heal others. For example, repressing or removing the memory of crippling emotional trauma or correcting unwanted behavior, if the subject is willing.


Kleptomaniac: Old habits are hard to break--and hers is stealing things!
After leaving her life as a IT tech behind, she became something of a catburglar. With the skills for such thing under her belt, she also developed a predisposition for finding it a bit too easy to take things in some cases, almost like kleptomania. This can include things she doesn't even want or need, and can lead to her getting into trouble. This is sometimes done subconsciously, so even her fantastic mental abilities to disguise or beguile the mind are of no use in hiding it. She likes to steal and take things that aren't hers, partly due to thrill seeking, but it has become a chronic problem she has trouble controlling.
Broken Mirror: Her psyche is fractured, collecting shards of people as she goes.
Mirage Mouse's latent psionic ability was not only unlocked to make her a super-powered operative, but also to assist in in the brainwashing and conditioning of the rest of her teammates. A side-effect of her diving into her victim's minds meant that she would frequently take parts of them into herself, which was unintended. While she has more control now of her own personal barrier during the use of her other powers, probing and copying another's abilities or memories carries the risk of taking along something she doesn't want. While this is not debilitating by far, it does emerge in times of stress, finding herself subject to fears or phobias of things she's never seen, or acting and speaking like someone she's copied from before. Sometimes this can be beneficial, as a part of someone else can be sparked by a particular stimulus and as a response to danger, but other times it can make her seem unstable, confused or mentally ill.
Superiority: Don't doubt her power or ability, shovel-head!
Early on in life, Mouse came under a lot of flak for her meek nature and stature--other people took advantage of her for her brainy and tech-oriented nature, even bullied her. After being turned into what she is now, the memories and resentment remain. Though she is not exactly concerned about her height--she likes being five-foot nothing--easier to get around that way--it is easy to arouse her anger if someone underestimates or disregards her. Instances of people being picked on by others for like reasons also set her off, which can lead to her getting involved in things she otherwise might not. She feels righteous indignation for her beliefs that the world ought to be run by those with what she perceives as noble merits and abilities, less about what someone looks like. This can make her pursue these ends a bit recklessly and with zeal.
Fixer: If it's broken it must be fixed. Even when not asked!
Mouse has always had a nearly pathological desire to fix broken devices and sort out computer issues. It is not without some secret measure of pride, either. If she sees something broken, she'll strive to fix it, regardless of it being hers or not, or if the owner even asks or wants it fixed. She realizes that this can be wrong and lead to trouble, but she honestly can't help herself. This can also extend into the realms of mental health, causing her to feel a nagging desire to 'fix' people as well. However, what she perceives as a problem another may not, which can lead to chaos.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
567 When Vampires Attack Sep 13 2019
554 A night out in Lylat Sep 08 2019
540 Telephone Jul 15 2019
416 Iota's gathering Feb 05 2019
299 Lego Castle Oct 19 2018
225 Under the Moonlight Aug 31 2018
206 Brain Drain Aug 01 2018
169 A Foreboding Letter Jun 28 2018
165 Demon Deathchase Jun 24 2018
161 Chimera Trouble Jun 20 2018
See All 28 Scenes


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