World Tree MUSH

Preparing for a pokemon adventure.

Character Pose
Luke Gray
It's a beautiful day in route 51, a small path separating Quartz town from a small forest. It was a good spot for new trainers to train and practice, without being worried about overly strong pokemon attacking them. And close enough to a pokemon center that it was not uncommon to see people itching for spars. Still, at this time, the area was mostly free of people, besides a kid who was busy setting up his tent with the 'help' of his pokemon. A large, round looking tiger creature, which seemed to be either encouraging him, or trying to hurry and be over. Given it was close to lunch time, the second option was more likely.
Noriaki Kakyoin
Rounding a bend in the path is a young man in a green school uniform, with red hair. He seems ill-prepared for travel, and doesn't even seem to have a Pokemon with him. But it doesn't seem to have bothered him. He does have his school bag with him. There is also a rather obvious bruise on his cheek. It's shaped roughly like a whip.

He pauses as he comes across the campsite, actually stopping in his tracks for a moment, and an expression of something like dread flitting over his face. But after a moment he recovers, and calls out quietly, "Hello. I hope I'm not disturbing you."
Luke Gray
Gray seems a bit distracted trying to settle down the tent, but the large tiger pokemon does notice the approaching young man. The Electiger seems amiable enough, perking those rounded ears and turning to greet him with a "Ger!", and a soft purr, it tilts his head at the dread expression, as if confused, and tries to get the kid's attention via prodding of that jagged tail.
    "Ok, ok, I am done!, let's..." and turns to see what the conmotion was, smiling as he hears the greeting and shaking his head, "Not at all, was here just to camp somewhere quiet and train a bit." he says, taking a quick glance at the new person. "Don't mind Dynamo, he is friendly." he says, wondering if the expression was due to the pokemon. "I'm Gray, from Quartz town, nice to meet you!." he gets up and moves to offer a hand to the visitor, while the big cat pads around casually, sniffing curiously.
Noriaki Kakyoin
The stranger with the red hair smells a little like ozone, like the sky before a storm. Just a little, though. The offered hand is accepted for a handshake. "Pleased to meet you as well," he offers politely. "My name is Noriaki Kakyoin." He doesn't offer his place of origin though. But the fact that he's not carrying visible Pokeballs of anything of that nature is probably telling enough -- he's probably not from this world.
Luke Gray
The electric tiger is used to that scent, but seems a bit curious a human has it!. Still, seems it is a nice person, so it casually rubs against one of the stranger's legs, building some static in the process and purring more. Gray nods and smiles, shaking firmly, "You aren't a trainer!" he says, seeming a bit surprised, "Not from around Kansai then?" he asks politely, smiling. "Still, you seem fine with Dynamo here, some people seem scared of him."
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin chuckles at the tiger. Though yeah, he can feel that static, and he does wince a bit. The next time he touches something -- or someONE -- he's probably going to give them quite a shock! So he puts his hands behind his back for the moment.

"Dynamo... I don't think I've ever seen a Pokemon like this before," he notes. Though he doesn't reach down to pet. Cats are cats, no matter how big they are, right? And cat prefer just to investigate on their terms, don't they? But he does confirm, "I'm not a trainer, no. I'm not from your world. We don't have Pokemon in my world. I was taking a walk to see how many types I could find."
Luke Gray
Gray smiles and nods as he hears that admission, "It's not a surprise, Electigers are rare." he explains, before he opens his eyes wide as he hears the full explanation. "Really?" he says, seeming amazed, "That's so cool!" he says happily, moving to pet Dynamo, "Seems the collar is full, let's take care of that before you begin zapping people by accident.". He reaches into the thick fur, getting some static zaps, if his twitch was a reaction, and fishes a thick collar from around the beast's neck. It has several green lights. "This is a battery pack, helps Dynamo keep his electricity under control." he explains, before switching it for another one.
     Once that is taken care of, he grins, "Well, I have a few types with me, if you are still building a list, but they are not too impressive." he says, "Only Dynamo and Agni are really combat ready."
Noriaki Kakyoin
"Electiger... the species?" Kakyoin inquires. He's starting to fish around in his bookbag now, extracting what looks like a sketchbook from it. This is confirmed when he also gets out a pencil. He starts to flip to an empty page. And there are a LOT of occupied pages. In the flipping, Luke can see several Pokemon have been sketched with some degree of skill, including a Primerina -- wonder where he got THAT idea, huh? -- and a page of bug-types.

He pauses in the flipping of pages to note what Luke's doing with the collar. "Oh, I see... do you think the help of a... let me find it now..." He flips back pages, to the bug one. "The Joltik. Do you think having a Joltik in the fur would help with doing away with the excess electricity?" he wonders. As for the list? "Not necessarily a list. Mainly it's for my own personal reference."
Luke Gray
Luke nods a few times, "Yeah, that's the name of the species, he is the evolution of Tigrette." he explains, smiling as he notices the sketch, "So you do art things? nice, I never learned how to draw." he says, smiling a bit. He admires the other pictures, "You are quite good!" he praises, before telling the big cat to be still. 
     The idea does seem to get his attention, "Joltik... I admit that is a very good idea." he says, rubbing his chin. "I should check on that sometime, but for now, the batteries seem to work just fine." he explains. "I have another four pokemon you can draw as well, if you'd like to."
Noriaki Kakyoin
"Thank you," Kakyoin replies. "It's just for personal reference, and a little bit of art practice." He slips back through the book for an empty page, and starts to sketch the ronded electric feline. Very big roly poly electric feline! While he does, he notes, "I only thought about it because I saw one on the back of a very large black and white furred Pokemon that seemed to want me out of its territory rather urgently..."
Luke Gray
Gray oogles at the art and watches the process, while Dynamo seems to get an inkling of what might be going on, and suddenly begins to stretch and shift a bit... is it posing?. Gray chuckles, "I think he likes the idea of being drawn." he says, before nodding, "I considered that, perhaps I should get some eventually, but for now, what we are doing works, plus still is the issue of giving the Joltiks things to do with that extra power." he replies. "So, how is the world you came from?" he asks.
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin chuckles as he looks back at Dynamo and sees him posing. "Wanting to make sure I get your best side, I see," he says teasingly. "I'm not drawing you like a French girl." He does pause when Luke mentions what a Joltik would do with the extra power. "I was under the impression that they ate it, like we'd eat food." As for the world he came from? "...That's always a hard question to answer. I could say 'normal', but then 'normal' for you and 'normal' for me are two different things. Besides, I don't have much experience with 'normal'. I can say we don't have Pokemon, though."
Luke Gray
Luke Gray nods a few times as he hears that, "I heard most people say this world is normal, except for the pokemon thing." he says, smiling and chuckling a bit more. "Oh, they do, but he generates a lot of power." he says, "The batteries and the joltiks both are great ideas, but I think he might be a bit too much for a single joltik, and carrying too many pokemon at once is a bit tricky." he explains, "Still, worth seeing that.". Dynamo stretches and finally settles on a pose, flopped on it's side to show hte odd lighting bolt mark on it's front. "I am glad you like pokemon, I admit I was not sure what other people might think of them."
Noriaki Kakyoin
"It's hard to tell others what 'normal' is," Kakyoin notes. "Because that word means different things to different people, even in my world." Scritch scritch scritch of pencil on paper. He chuckles as Dynamo settles on a pose. He'd been sketching a neutral pose; now that Dynamo has flopped onto its side, Kakyoin begins to sketch that one. "That is true," he agrees. "The Joltik are awfully small. But at least it wouldn't be hungry." A small smile. "Oh, I like the Pokemon. I'm not sure about some of their owners, because there seemed to be several on the way that wren't prepared to let me pass until I battled them. I had to improvise." Which is probably where he got that bruise from.
Luke Gray
Gray laughs, "Fair enough." he says, glancing around at the sketch in progress and glancing back at Dynamo, "Stay still, please." he says, chuckling a bit more and moving to check on something in his backpack, producing some snacks and offering Kakyoin what seems like a energy bar. "Weird, never expected people to actually attack like that..." he begins, before blinking, "What do you mean, improvise?" he says, "Did they mug you?"
Noriaki Kakyoin
The sketch is just one for reference, and the Electiger is a roly poly cat, so the design seems relatively simple. It shouldn't take Kakyoin long to complete it. He's finished in time to accept the offered energy bar. "Oh, thank you. Despite the name, 'trail mix' is ludicrously inadequate for the trail." As for being mugged? "I doubt it. It seemed less like a mugging and more like a very aggressive warning about the danger on the path. They didn't want me to go on without proving that I could defend myself."
Luke Gray
Luke Gray nods and smiles a bit, "Still, I hope they didn't actually hurt you..." he says softly. He reaches to offer the roly poly tiger what looks to be a cupcake, "This is for being good and not moving." he says. He returns to Kaykoin's side and eats on an energy bar of his own. "I realize it can be dangerous to be around, but I don't think I'd actually force someone to battle, if they didn't want to." he says softly. "How did you manage to deal with that?". The big cat begins chewing
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin shakes his head. "They didn't. Just some bruising," he reassures. "I was more worried about the Pokemon, actually. I don't exactly have a 'safe mode'. And even now, I'm still learning what I can do. But the Pokemon were fine when I left; I wouldn't have left if I had thought they were seriously injured." He opens the energy bar and starts to eat. Between bites, he explains, "I think their hearts were in the right place, even if how they dealt with it wasn't very polite. I just had to prove that I could defend myself, and they were willing to let me pass."
Luke Gray
Luke Gray blinks and tilts his head, "How did you... manage it?" he asks, sounding surprised, "I mean, I don't think most trainers around here are that strong, but still, you said you have no pokemon." he says softly. He glances back at the pokeballs on his belt, "I heard people from other worlds can have powers, is that what you did?" he asks. Even as he asks, he grabs one of his pokeballs, "Anyway, let me show you another of my pokemon.". He clicks the button and a red light appears from the device. 
     As the light fades, a figure emerges, a short bipedal panda!, that is clear enough, it seems to be wearing a costume, a hat, robes, and a weird spell tag on it's chest. If Kakyoin knows about some folklore, might recognize it as a chinese chi zombie outfit. The small creature yawns and stretches, before covering its eyes from the sun, "Pangshi, stop being dramatic, it's just lunch time."
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin nods at the question of his powers. "I don't have a Pokemon, but I have something called a 'Stand'," he replies. Fortunately he's seen Pokemon popping out of a Pokeball before -- the Pokemon battling not too far back -- so the burst of red light doesn't startle him too much. He blinks a bit at what comes out, though. He's familiar with jiangshi, though he knows them as 'kyonshi', of course, being Japanese. He tenses a little, but when it doesn't immediately attack -- and it's actually kind of cute, honestly -- he relaxes. "He won't die in the sun, will he?" Kakyoin has to ask.
Luke Gray
The Pangshi seems to pout a bit when called on the dramatic bit and yawns, rubbing it's eyes. It quickly turns back to Kakyoin, waving a paw cheerfully and smiling, showing sharp fangtips poking out of the upper lips. It tries to keep the 'Jiangshi' character, hopping a couple times, before it trips and finally starts walking closer. "Nah, he will be fine, he just likes to play the vampire part ever since he managed to see a movie on my tablet." he says. Even as he says that, the small panda 'talks' to Gray, "Pan, shi!, Pangshi!" and motions to it's shoulders. "Oh, it's in my bag, you can get it if you want, but first greet my friend here, Kakyoin.". Somehow, even while speaking pokemon, Kakyoin can swear he might hear a thick, clearly fake accent like in some cheezy vampire films and cartoons. The vampire nods and bows a bit, waving happily again and walking around the stranger. "Don't worry, he is just silly."
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin offers a wave in return, though he's briefly concerned when the 'vampire' bear (Vam-bear? Bear-pire?) trips. He takes a step towards the bear but thankfully, it quickly recovers. "Well, I can understand the sentiment. Vampires are powerful... beautiful... all that. Why wouldn't someone want to be that powerful, even with that kind of a tradeoff?" When the Pangshi bows, Kakyoin returns the gesture. "Hello there," he greets politely.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray smiles and finishes eating the energy bar, while the bear seems pleased by the polite greeting. It puffs his chest a bit at the praise over vampires, the round tail wobbling in a wag, and tries to hug one of Kakyoin's legs. "Seems he likes you." he chuckles. Suddenly, the bear seems to remember what he asked before, and walks to the discarded backpack, casually reaching a paw into it. Kakyoin might notice, the paw actually thinks through the backpack, rather than the opening on the top. The bear roots for a moment, and makes a triumphant 'shi!' noise and pulls, which only causes him to tug the bag and fall on his rear. "Remember, you need to pull things through the opening, not through the bag.". It grumbles and tries again, producing a little cloak, which it puts on. It kinda clashes, honestly, but the bear tries to puff it's chest. "Just be careful with that." Gray says, chuckling.
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin is perfectly fine with this hugging of his leg. Though he does have to ask Luke, "How do you show affection? They seem to be closer to human intelligence than a regular animal, so I wouldn't want to insult him by petting him like an animal." There is that, he seems concerned about the Pokemon's feelings. He does seem a bit surprised when the bear's arm phases through the bag... though he can't help but snicker a little at the falling over due to the Pangshi forgetting basic physics. Then again, he's heard of 'Ghost' types, that seems about right, given the bear's design. So that makes sense in retrospect. When the cape is extracted, Kakyoin notes to the bear, "I'll have to see if I can find you one of those kyonshi robes."
Luke Gray
Luke Gray glances back at Dynamo as he hears the question, and reaches to scratch one of the big cat's ears. "To be honest? most enjoy simple contact, like being petted or hugged, or kind words." he says, "That silly guy there likes being petted and hugs, despite trying to act serious sometimes.". The Pangshi clasps the cape and twirls once, showing it off, before returning to Kayoin's side, "He is still elarning how to do the ghost stuff properly." he explains a bit. "He can levitate sometimes, and go through people and obstacles." he replies. The mention of 'robe' gets the bear's attention again, "Pangshi?" the bear asks, looking up, bouncing a bit. Luke laughs, "Just remember you can't wear a costume while in a fight.. I mean... I guess you can, but it might get broken up."
Noriaki Kakyoin
"So they do have companion animal instincts, somewhat?" Kakyoin inquires. And of course, with the sketchbook out and having finished his own energy bar, what does he do? He finds a page and starts sketching the Pangshi. "Any abilities take some time to learn," he agrees. "As someone with abilities beyond what most people in my world have, I can attest to this." Talk of the robe gets a chuckle. "If it's made well, he might be able to."