World Tree MUSH

Battle Practice at the Beach

Character Pose
     Its a warm summer afternoon in Alola, but fortunately the cool ocean breeze helps to keep the tropical heat from being unbearable. Miwa is at a black sand beach on Ula Ula island, having searched a while to find one that wasn't crowded with people. She didn't want distractions, or to have to worry about young children getting in the way of her practicing and possibly getting hurt. 

     Currently she was swimming just a short distance off shore, her voice carrying across the beach as she sang, using her vocal aquakinesis to lift a large orb of water into the air. She was trying to push her limits and lift more water than she had ever done before. Currently, the orb she was lifting is about fifteen feet in diameter, and it sparkles in the Alolan sun, small drops of water dripping from it as it slowly rises higher into the air.
Luke Gray
    Summer, a new continent!, of course Luke was going to take some time of his visit to check out beaches, especially ones without a lot of people. There was always the chance to run into some new pokemon, and even if he was not looking to capture one at this moment, well, some practice wouldn't hurt!.

    The 'boy' was joined by one of his pokemon, a rather... roly poly looking tiger with a lighting mark easily seen on it's chest!, one lemonade to the person that can guess the type!. The pair just walks down a beach, Luke looking for a good spot to settle down, when they hear a voice and decide to trace the source, quickly arriving to the edge of the water, watching curiously.
     Over the sound of her own voice, and the roar of the ocean, Miwa doesn't hear the approaching Pokemon trainer, but she does see them, and keeps an eye on them, but she still has most of her attention focused on the huge sphere of water she is holding in the air. She holds her font flippers outward, as if to push, and the orb begins to slowly move forward, till it eventually is far enough in front of her that she is no longer directly below it. She could let it drop from here, but that would result in a fairly sizable wave, so instead, she quickly sings out a high note, which causes the sphere to burst, showering her and the ocean around her in a heavy downpour for a brief moment. 

     Finally she turns to greet the boy who has joined her on the beach, and notes his Pokemon, one she had not seen before, but she would bet her pearls it was an electric type. She waves a flipper to the pair before swimming toward shore. "Hello there. Are you visiting Alola?" She asks warmly, guessing by the non-local Pokemon and the way he is dressed that he's not from the islands.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray seems content to watch the display, not wanting to disrupt the clear concentration, paying close attention to all seh does, while Dynamo sits besides him, trying to act casual. There is a round of applause as the giant water orb is shattered in a bit of rain, and he is quite glad ti was so contained!. "That was really nice!" he cheers, watching the seal pokemon move closer and waving. The actual human speak takes him by surprise, but he quickly recognizes her, she was a bit of a celebrity after all, "Miwa?" he asks, before nodding a few times, "Indeed!, I come from the Quartz town, Kansai region." he says happily. "This is a really nice area." he says, reaching to pet the big cat, who seemed surprised, tilting it's hear and approaching the Primarina, vocalizing something to the other pokemon. Basically just expressing surprise at the ability to speak. And yes, Luke is... clearly a tourist, given his outfit.
     Miwa grins as the boy greets her by name, not all tourists knew her by name, but as she'd been in shows around the world, many did know of her. "Yes, I am Miwa, I see my reputation precedes me." She offers with a laugh as she reaches the shore and walks out onto the beach a bit before flopping down onto the wet sand to rest a bit as that last move took a lot out of her. 

     As Dynamo approaches her and expresses his surprise that she can speak human, she smiles and nods, before replying in Pokespeak that she loves to sing, and wanted to learn to sing in their language so that her songs would carry greater expression when people heard them. Turning back to Luke, she responds about where he's from. "Kansai? Don't think I've ever been there, explains why I've never seen a Pokemon like you're friend here. I hope you're enjoying your stay in Alola so far, but it sounds like you are, and honestly, I don't know how anyone could not like it here."
Luke Gray
    Luke nods a bit and chuckles, "Well, it's not as pretty as these islands to be honest." he says, "So not surprised if you didn't hear of it." he begins, admiring the Primarina curiously for a few moments, and smiling, "Ah, he is an Electiger, he is a bit of a rarity, seems to be pretty much only in that region." he says. Dynamo nods at the explanation, situably impressed. He also mentions that perhaps he should learn how to sing so he can comunicate better!. Luke grins adn nods, "It's quite nice, the people are friendly and seen some really neat pokemon so far." he says happily. Dynamo stretches and stiffles a yawn, big cat in a sunny spot, it's almost a reflex. "I really like it here.".
     "Well, I'm glad you like it here, though I'm sure the land you come from has it's own charms. But it is hard to beat Alola. Most of the people here are pretty laid back, hard not to be when you live in paradise though. As for Electiger being unique to your region, I suppose I can relate, as you won't find a Primarina anywhere else either." Miwa says as she stretches out a bit, chuckling a little at Dynamo's wish to learn how to sing. She tells him that she doesn't think learning to sing is required to learn how to speak human languages, you just have to work hard at it, and having help from others does wonders. So anyway, now that you've discovered me on this secluded beach, what do you want to do now...? Did I ever get your name?"
Luke Gray
Luke Gray smiles and blinks a bit, "Oh right... names." he mumbles, rubbing the back of his head before offering a polite bow, "I'm Luke, this is Dynamo." he explains, pointing to the big round cat who was stretching on the warm sand, listening to the conversation, and Miwa's reply with quite a bit of interest. Luke smiles and nods, "I admit I was going to try to relax fo ra bit, and then do some training, perhaps try to find a pokemon to battle or just have my pokemon practice with eachother, if they feel like it."
     Miwa nods to Luke. "Nice to meet you Luke and Dynamo. You came to the right place to relax, that's for sure. As for battle training, I'd be happy to battle you if you like. I could use the practice. Just try not to fry me too badly if you are planning to use Dynamo there." She offers with a smile as she finally sits up in the wet sand and brushes the sand out of her hair and skin as much as she can. "Later if you'd like we can go find some lunch, I know some good places in town."
Luke Gray
    Luke smiles at the offer, "Well, I only have Dynamo and a fire type, so it might be a tricky fight on either side." he says, reaching to pat Dynamo's back, the round tiger approaching Miwa once the Primarina slips out of the water, purring and brushing against her, it might have a tiny bit of static!. "Sure, Dynamo would use a bit of training, are you up to it?" he asks to the purring monster cat, who pauses on it's shows of affection (perhaps at the mention of lunch) and quickly pads back to Luke's side, letting out some happy noises. 
     It only takes a moment to remove the collar from the cat's neck, and moving to a better spot, the pair preparing to fight. "Ready!"
     Miwa nods and moves further up the beach a bit, knowing she has a harder time moving around on dry land, but if she stayed in the ocean, even a miss from one of Dynamo's electric attacks would still hurt due to the conductivity of salt water. "I'm ready. Mind if I go first? Since I'm at a bit of a disadvantage here?" She asks politely as she takes a moment to stretch in preparation for the battle.
Luke Gray
     Luke moves away, giving the batlers room, while Dynamo streetches and grooms his snout a bit for the battle, he must look presentable!. The lighting tiger's tail twitches as the fur seems to stand up a bit, without the collar he was building up a bit of energy already. It's Dynamo the first to answer Miwa's request, nodding and standing at attention, while Luke chuckles, "I think Dynamo thinks that is perfectly reasonable."
     Miwa nods, watching Dynamo. The electric tiger certainly looked strong and ready for battle, and being at a type disadvantage, she wouldn't be holding back. Though, knowing that part of her disadvantage is movement, she decides to even that out a bit with her first attack. She takes a moment to chill her internal temperature, then fires a blast of icy wind combined with shards of ice toward Dynamo, hoping the cold would slow him down. It would certainly be a shocking temperature change on this hot summer day.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray watches Miwa curiously, it was almost like fighting a wild pokemon, but she certainly might have a better strategy than most. He resists the impulse to yell commands, and lets Miwa do the first strike. Dynamo tenses up as she begins to move, ears splaying as he is blasted with the cold air and ice, grunting as he is poked by the shards, shivering a little at the sudden change of temperature, taking a step back and shaking himself, 
    "Dynamo, don't let her slow you down, start to move, Agility!" It's not a moment after Luke says that command, that Dynamo takes off like fluffy ball lighting, running around the sandy surface, out of the cold area and warming up again, starting to run in a wide circle around his target.
     Miwa's eyes widen as she hears the word agility. Her strategy of trying to slow Dynamo down wasn't going to work as it just negated any loss of speed and then some. As the round tiger began running circles around her, she for a moment considering trying an ice beam, in hops of freezing Dynamo in place. However she doubted her ability to land such an attack. She decided on something a bit less direct. She uses Dazzling Gleam, her body glowing in a rainbow colored light, which once charging for a moment, blasts outward in a powerful flash of fairy power, which she hopes would be enough to stun Dynamo for a moment.
Luke Gray
Dynamo is certainly quick, he was a speedy pokemon before!. It's clear neither him, or Luke saw that move before, so they are taken by surprise by the rainbow blast from the water type, the flash of power hitting the round tiger, causing him to growl loudly and trip, he did feel that one!. It takes a moment to get up, "Dynamo, get closer and use Thundershock!, go easy on her.".
     The tiger nods at the command, shaking again and moving closer, sparks flying from it's fur as electricity builds up, and an arc of electric energy extends from the tiger pokemon towards the water seal. It seems to grow suddenly grow thinner before landing on Miwa, as if holding back. Still, Dynamo is quite strong.
     As soon as Dynamo trips, Miwa is already on the offensive, and even as Luke is talking to the tiger, she is superchilling a blast of water within her, and as Dynamo sends a Thundershock toward her, she fires back at the same time with ice beam. The beam of freezing water that becomes solid on contact with anything it touches surges toward Dynamo, but also provides a conduit for the Thundershock to cling to, and leads it right to her. She winces sharply in pain for a moment, but it was not a terribly powerful electric attack, and she soon shakes it off to then begin powering up her next move.
Luke Gray
    Luke forgets he should be faster on commands, and even as the ice beam clips one side of the electric type, disrupted by the electric attack, he tries another command, quick, while she is stunned, charge beam!. This move seems similar than the one before, except the tiger builds up more, glowing brightly around it, most of the power focusing in front of it's mouth, released as a beam of energy aimed at the powering primarina.
     Before Miwa can prepare her next attack, Luke calls out a Charge Beam and Dynamo quickly delivers. With the massive blast of electrical energy coming at her, Miwa tries to avoid it by diving into the sand, but the blast still screams across her back and she cries out as the electricity arcs through her and into the ground. She lays there in the sand a moment as she finishes charging her next attack, and suddenly gets up as she fires a Moonblast at Dynamo, a large pink orb of energy swiftly shooting towards the tiger.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray gets a bit worried when Miwa hides under the sand, did he go too hard on the water type?. He motions Dynamo to get ready, the tiger getting up and once again building power. "Light screen!" he commands, even as Miwa begins to emerge, the caution seeming to pay this time, the tiger growling as energy seems to arc out of the round tiger, forming a sparking wall of energy in front of it. The pink energy orb is 'caught' by the wall, and causes it to 'explode' without hitting Dynamo directly!. The tiger certainly is not looking that well, panting for air, scraped and looking generaly worn out, the wall of energy still standing. "I think this might be a good spot to pause the battle." Luke offers, "I don't think either of you might handle much more without getting seriously hurt."
     Miwa nods, she was certainly feeling the effects of the battle thus far. She felt she could go longer if she had to, but a few more attacks like that last one, or worse, anything stronger, and she'd be in danger of fainting. "Yeah, you're right, best not to push ourselves too hard. Not like we're having an match to see who would win, though I don't think we'd need to to figure that out. If you started with your fire type, I'd probably win that round, but I have no doubts that Dynamo could finish me off if you weren't holding back."
Luke Gray
Luke Gray tells Dynamo to calm down adn stop, the tiger suddenly seeming to relax, teh weird energy wall collapsing as it shakes again and begins to groom it's face, "Hope that was fine for you." he says, moving closer to check on Dynamo, and offer him some 'first aid', potions and a snack, "I think you did great." he says with a grin. "And you too, Miwa." he says. "Want some first aid?" he offers.
     Miwa nods and walks through the sand over to join Luke and Dynamo, gently patting Dynamo on the head with a flipper. "Thanks, to both of you. I know you were holding back, but I appreciate that, since I know the battle probably would have been pretty short if you didn't. I'll certainly take some treatment if you have the extra potions, thank you." Miwa says with a smile as she pauses a moment, then continues talking with Luke. "You're very strong, and if you're planning on sticking around, maybe you should take the Island Challenge! It's our version of the gym system, but we don't have gyms, we have trials, which lead up to you battling with the Kahuna of each island." She explains.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray smiles and nods, offering Miwa a couple potions, while Dynamo arches into the patting, rumbling contently, clearly over the fight, just busy grooming itself a bit. The mention of the local 'league' gets Luke's attention, even as he finishes using the potions, "Maybe I should take a look, I got most of th emedals back home but... decided that maybe exploring and visiting other places might be more interesting." he replies, "This place certainly seems nice.
     Miwa nods, laying back in the sand and relaxing, enjoying it's warmth against her skin. "It is nice, if you are planning on sticking around there is a Pokemon Center further down the beach here, and I live in an offshore grotto nearby which you're welcome to visit if you don't mind going for a swim. If you're planning on taking the trials, most trainers start with the island they live on, but since you're a tourist here and already have your badges from your home region, I'm sure you could start wherever you wish. The Kahuna here is a police officer named Nanu. He may seem gruff at first, but if you can get past that, he's a rather affable guy."