World Tree MUSH

Exploring the Ark

Character Pose
Olivia Montag
This ARK was a strange place, things long dead on most Earths prowled this place. Titans long lost to history lived here, the North Beaches of this ARK were 'safer' the larger mega-predators didn't roam much if, at all here, the majority of dinos were things like Trikes, Stegos, if one was careful the local Raptors and Dilos wouldn't be too much of a problem, this beach, in particular, had some ruins large Mayan like stone heads. The waves lapped against the shore and several types of flying dinos soared overhead crying out into the noonday sun. Also, there were freaking huge turtles on the beach too, however, they seemed not to be aggressive.
Luke Gray
    Luke wanted to do some tourism, and when he heard about 'exotic creatures' and 'forgotten animals' and such, he made a beeline to the 'ARK' area, at least, hoping the vine won't put him in an awkward spot. So far the world was rather neat, he had seen some ruins, and giant turtles!. He knew enough about animals to not approach, at least not too much, simply checking on things and taking pictures!, such a tourist... Next to the kid, there was a far more interesting sight, a tiger!... well, it sort of looked like one, except... far more round, if that is a better term, and it had lighting mark on it's chest! curious!. The feline kept by Luke's side, admiring the area as well, ocasionally moving a bit away from the trainer to sniff around, or check random things, but never very far.
Olivia Montag
A Dodo wanders up to Luke and his feline pal, it makes a strange chirping noise at them and does not seem to get the cat might make dinner of it. It just keeps scuttling about mining its own business for the most part meanwhile several seabirds fly overhead. Something can be seen in the distance it's an avian-like ground creature, for those in the know? It's some kind of Raptor and there's a human woman on it's back in strange clothing riding the thing coming closer. Luke's friend would certainly smell the rider and Dino.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray tilts his head as he looks at the odd bird, he really does not have a frame of reference of how unusual it might be to see a dodo, or what a dodo is, he just heard the 'animals' of this area were interesting, the whole area was interesting to see, and thus, he came around to visit!. He offers the bird some seeds he had, while Dynamo keeps guard of the seabirds, growling if one makes a dive for Luke and his food, protective cat. Being distracted by the dodo, he is unaware of the dino rider coming closer to him, instead, the roly poly big cat perks it's ears and faces to the visit. It watches for a moment, before nudging to get Luke's attention. The boy seems impressed at the dino mount, and waves to the woman, while the big cat seems unsure what to do, and finally decides to go and sit in front of the trainer.
Olivia Montag
The Seabirds here if you asked any native would have many crude words to describe them up to and including demon birds. Thankfully they have not moved to bother Luke and his friend for the moment. Olivia sees the boy and the stranged Sabretooth Tiger she has ever seen ahead and moves to slow her mount down. One thing Luke would notice is the woman is clearly armed, there's some sort of pistol on her hip and a shotgun slung across her back. 

"Greetings, did you come for the tours? If you did the Obelisk is the actual meeting point for them."

she gestures to the massive techno pillar floating in the distance giving off a blue light, visible even in the day.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray forgets about the dodo, to instead focus on the dinosaur adn the woman, smiling and reaching to pet the big round cat, just to help it calm down further. "Greetings!, yeah I admit I was hoping to do the tour." he replies, nodding and taking a step closer. His eyes lower to the gun, that was a bit of an oddity, but he was aware what it was for sure. "I'm Luke." he says, "And this is Dynamo, my pokemon." he says casually. The big fluffy thing seems to be reassured when petted, and moves casually to look at the rider and dinosaur, it's a casual, calm pace, no hint of aggression from the fluffy thing. "Don't worry, he is not going to do anything, he is friendly."
Olivia Montag
Olivia looks to Luke for a moment "Olivia and my friend here is Clever Girl." 

She tils her head looking at Dynamo. "That's quite the creature I have to admit. Also good to know, I have enough things trying to eat me daily."

She pats the Raptor on teh head and pulls some raw meat out of a pouch to give to it. The Raptor is not going to complain about a treat and chomps awya happily on it. "We should make for the Obalisk, I hope you have been enjoying yourself here." What the tribe running these tours charged was odd, not money buyt Iron or steel Ingots of all things.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray nods and takes a few steps closer, after the raptor gets to eat of course, "That's a very interesting... dinosaur?" he says, trying to remember the terms, "I like her." he says with a grin. Dynamo stretches and sniffs in the direction of the treat, and then makes a weird 'ger!' noise at Luke, who chuckles, "Ok, here.". Oddly, he feeds the pokemon something that looks kind of like a muffin, or pastry rather than meat. "So you trained her?" he asks, before nodding at the question, "It has been rather intersting!." he says, "Lots of creatures I never seen."
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag says "Not just trained her, raised her, my tribe generally breeds most of our dinos. I have known her since the day she hatched." She grins a bit, while Clever sniffs Dynamo for the moment. "I keep hearing that, or how they are long dead on the tourists worlds. My father claims the same for his own home, then again Gods knows how we get here. From what my father and the leaders of my tribe has gathered everyone on the ark comes from various points in time."
Luke Gray
Luke Gray nods a few times, "That's really cool!... I did not raise Dynamo from birth, but kept him since he was small, he is really strong.". The big cat seems to respond to the sniffing in kind, curious cat!. "I admit I never seen many off world creatures, been mostly used to pokemon." he says softly. "Must be quite difficult, living here."
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag says "I amdit many of the creatures I have seen have been a mix of strange thing which make me wonder if the gods were drunk during their creation or down right tame." She nots looking at the pokemon again. "Could be worse I could be stuck in one of the massive cities so many seem to be obsseed with living in, stacking in people like rounds in a Magazine."