Olivia Montag

Olivia Montag
World: Ark Survival Evolved-1
Actual Age: 20
Apparent Age: 25
Quote: Whats your tale stranger? I'd love to hear it if you have the time.
Role: Ark Survivor
Species: Human
Theme Song: Ark Abberation Openting Theme
Voice Actor: Tara Strong


Olivia ('Ollie' to friends)'s father was a SWAT Officer from New York City and Mother a Grecian citizen from the early 1st Century B.C. - now, survivors on one of the mysterious ARKs. As first generation ARK-born, Olivia has only ever known her savage world and the tribesmate tales, making her ever curious about this strange new world. She's trained to handle harsh environments patrolled by carnivorous megafauna, relying on canny construction and survival skills, and packing both medieval weaponry and firearms to stay alive. After all, what's the point of being a great warrior if you can't mend your clothes or rebuild your hut after a T-Rex fell on it? Now with even more worlds to explore, she approaches the sudden influx of the other worlds with a bright-eyed curiosity, in spite of complete ignorance of how more developed societies operate.


Hunter: She is competently trained in the use of various weapons and stealth.
Olivia is has been trained in the use of guns by her father Guy Montag. Other tribesfolk taught crossbows, bows, pikes, swords and shields. She's quite component in their use, far from a simple savage. She is also skilled in the use of stealth as well.
Dino Master: Skilled in hunting, taming and riding a variety of animals.
Olivia's skilled in stalking, hunting, taming, and raising a great many exotic creatures, particularly Dinos. Such beasts make great mounts. She's comfortable when astride creatures like Raptors, Trikes, Allosauruses, flying creatures such as Pteranodons and Argentavis', and sea creatures such as Ichthyosaurus and even Megalodons.
Gear: She has drugs, food and gear needed to hunt and tame the creatures of the Ark.
Olivia has the gear she needs for hunting, capture and taming of various dinos She has tranq Darts, rifle to use the darts, drugs, taming foods, some basic traps, grappling hooks and Boomerangs and GPS (which functions only on the ARK) Her tribe produces fairly decent quality armor and wearables, suitable or various climates and battle scenarios. Hot climates, cold climates, prolonged battle, and even highly valuable scuba gear.
Survival Skills: She has the skills and understand to survive and find food in hostile lands.
She's adept at surviving in hostile environment native to her Ark notably Jungles, Arctic and Desert conditions. She knows what's edible or not amongst the Ark's flora and fauna, and isn't a bad cook. She can reasonably adapt to other environs with some time to try things.
Physical Fitness: Olivia is at the peak of normal human fitness or just about.
Olivia is in near peak physical condition for a human given the life she leads - it involves lots of running, swimming, physical endurance and feats of strength. Much can be said of grappling with dinosaurs for your lunch throughout the day. Don't want to end up THEIR lunch!
Survival Crafting: She's able to build and help with making buildings, traps, and other items.
With the aid of her implant, she's able to construct given time and material? She can make basic structures made from thatch, wood, stone or metal and the tools needed to do so. Focused on smaller to sometimes mid-sized buildings (Often barns for Dinosaurs) and small outposts. She is also, able to produce the ammo, traps, drugs used in hunting some basic clothing as well.
Implant: Grants limited immortality, PDA features, and translation.
An implant ubiquitous among Ark natives, with numerous useful features. Basic PDA/smartphone-esque features, spoken language translator, links her to the Ark's mysterious 'respawn/immortality' system - which she doesn't have any control over. This last function only works if she dies within an ARK.
Trapper: Olivia is well versed in a wide array of traps.
She is well versed in a wide array of traps from trip wire explosive or narcotic traps, snares, pit traps and care traps.
Open Sea: She can use rafts and knows how to operate them.
There is a large body of water surrounding the main landmass of her ARK she is able to build small rafts and sail them around so long as she does not stray from coastal waters. She knows how to navigate using the stars of the ark and handle the crafts sails.
Savage Scholar: Olivia likes to collect history and stories.
Multi-lingual Olivia likes to collect history and stories. She can speak German, English, Greek and Old Norse She also can read them as well.


Tamed Creatures< Basic D-Tier >: Ollie's tribe has a number of creatures they breed and tame for various tasks.
Her tribe's bred and trained a smorgasbord of small/medium Dinos, notably Allosaurs, Raptors, and Dimorphodons for combat. Others provide brute strength for tasks like hauling goods or passengers.


Frontier Law: She only understands basic laws easily.
Olivia tribe's keeps rule of law simple: "don't do the pillage, rape and murder thing." Modern laws (considerably more complex) and associated ideas of justice/punishments often confuse her or seem wasteful. It means she's likely to fall afoul of them.
Curious: Curiosity killed the Sabre Tooth Cat after all.
She's very curious. Always driven to explore, to learn! It makes her likely to rush in head-first upon any major discovery like ruins, and not consider danger until her foot sinks onto a pressure plate. She sees the glowing button, and wonders what it does!
Superstitious: She has some irrational views on certain things.
Olivia's simple worldview leads to a good deal of superstition. She's very certain that SOME kind of gods - be it the Aesir or Gods of Olympus or something else entirely - watches over the Ark, and she behaves accordingly: trying to win their favor and not anger them. Places such certain caves on the ark which contain mysterious bits of high technology and dangerous creatures she considers to be traps or tests by the gods. Places of great carnage she fears the dead might rise and attack them or return for revenge. Finally another good example is she will presume natural disasters are the results of some divine test or punishment as well.
Implant: The Ark Implant will compel her to return to the Ark after a time.
Whoever made the Ark understood that the survivors might escape. After several days away, Olivia's implant compels her to sleepwalk back to it. Anywhere in it, regardless of who or what claims that territory.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
412 City Ruins Exploration Jan 25 2019
296 Pleasant Hill: Beyond the Curtain. Oct 25 2018
285 Pleasant Hill: Harvest Festivities Oct 09 2018
229 To Neverland Sep 04 2018
179 Exploring the Ark Nov 13 2023
153 The Missing Miwa Jun 13 2018
82 Reversal of Fortune Apr 17 2018
69 A Peachy Cruise Apr 09 2018
66 Daemons in the Night Mar 31 2018
63 Hearts and Crafts Mar 29 2018
See All 13 Scenes


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