World Tree MUSH

Who's That Pokemon?!

Reports of a strange creature outside a large metropolitan area have Luke Gray investigating. What he finds is not a Pokemon, but a curious cat-man.
Character Pose
Rumors have been spreading that there's a Pokemon of some kind stalking the forests outside one of the bigger cities in Alola. It hasn't accosted any people, but it's resulted in some knocked-out Pokemon in the wild. No deaths, though. The 'Pokemon' has been described as dark blue, man-sized but quadrapedal, with a slim build, pointed ears at the top of its head, and a long whiplike tail. It's always moved too fast for more than that to be seen.

For whatever reason, this one doesn't seem to have the same degree of... well, conscientiousness towards people and other Pokemon as is normal. It's been recently sighted very close to one of the larger cities, and there is some concern that the Pokemon may enter the city and cause some damage or hurt someone. It isn't a well-known or big concern, but the presence of police Pokemon has been increased slightly in the area.
Luke Gray
    Luke is a tourist in this region... well, he is a visiting trainer, and as such he might be a bit out of the loop of most details of news. But he did hear the information about the misterious pokemon, and it certainly peeked his interest. He IS a high level trainer, having 7 out of 8 badges on his native region, and a pair of fierce pokemon, and thus, he feels confident he is safe, after all, pokemon seldomly truly attack humans... scare? even knockout? yes, but not actual attempts at killing.
     As such, ignoring the warnings about danger, and wanting to figure out just... what is going on, he and his trusty Dynamo make their way towards the forest, the electric 'tiger' sniffing the air and listening for hints of the misterious creature.
The 'Pokemon' has been here recently. It smells like... cat. It also smells like darkness! Big + Dark + cat... Liepard? But even Liepard aren't that big, are they? Could it be a Zoroark? Lots of possibilities, and not a whole lot of information. Yet. Because the trail of scent does lead in a very definite direction, deeper into the forest, and can be followed.

If Luke and his Pokemon do continue to follow it, it won't be too terribly long before his round tiger companion is going to feel very much like he's being watched. Luke may also pick up on that feeling too... that someone -- or someTHING -- is watching him...
Luke Gray
Dynamo pauses, sniffing the air and perking those round ears, glancing back at Luke and vocalizing, signalling he found something. Luke pets the big, fluffy beast and nods, "let's track it, but let's be cautious." he replies. The electric tiger is a bit uneasy, it smells... off, like the visitors from other worlds it met, not that it truly understands yet, Luke didn't explain much. 
    Luke has a decent sense on the area of being 'watched' one kind of builds that after traveling along the wild, hunting for pokemon and battling. Still, the pair go deeper in the forest, going deeper into the wilds, when both pause, right in the middle of a tiny clearing. "You feel that too?" Luke asks to the cat, static building on Dynamo. "We are not wanting to hurt you." he tries.
Dynamo will probably see the shadow first. There in a tree, there's a figure crouched on a higher branch. It's almost motionless except for its tail hanging from the branch. The tail is twitching very much like a feline's, and its pointed ears are aimed forward at the boy and his Pokemon.

Any degree of dealing with cats as a species though, is going to reveal some worrying signs. That tail twitching like a hunter that's found prey, and the head seems to be down like a feline about to pounce!
Luke Gray
Luke Gray has dealt with cats for a while now, both big and small!. Still, he does not spot the exact location of the mysterious creature at first, looking around slowly, only aware that he is being seen. Dynamo, having better senses, has more luck, adn soon enough finds itself glancing up at a nearby tree, vocalizing loudly and nuding Luke to pay attention at it. "Ger!, elec!" it makes a few similar noises, and even points up, moving to stand in front of the kid, ready to intercept the pounce, tail swishing behind him. "Ger!" it calls at the visitor. Luke takes a few steps back, realizing what it looked like.
As the figure realizes it's been spotted, it seems to jolt, as if in surprise. And it leaps into another tree. The extension of the body might reveal some more details about it. It has hands like those of a human -- four fingers and an opposable thumb. But there are long nails or claws. And the feet look like they're in shoes. The body itself is mostly human, it seems, but with the arms being longer and the spine being more flexible.

Right now it seems to be hiding in that second tree. It's perched on a branch behind the trunk, curving its body around the tree in a way that a human spine shouldn't be able to allow. It's a weird mix of traits. Oh, but that tail's still twitching, though it's gone from 'Imma pounce' to 'what's that?'.
Luke Gray
Luke tries to follow the movements of the weird... humanoid?. He blinks a few times, trying to adjust to the low light, but indeed noticing the odd details of the creature moving to another tree. "We are not trying to hurt or cause problems... we heard there was something... out of place here..." he says softly, trying to be friendly, "Are you lost?, hungry?" he offers.
    Dynamo in the meantime, has no issue following what the cretaure is doing, and seems to visibly slump and relax as the body language changes, trying to look non aggressive as well, sitting on it's haunches and grooming his snout, making more vocalizations, if one might understand pokemon language, it's saying somethign quite similar to what Luke said.
Whether it's what Luke said or what Dynamo said, the figure starts to climb out from behind the tree's trunk. It seems to pause on the branch, leaning forward to sniff. But then it starts to climb down from the tree. It is very much moving like a humanlike primate would do, grabbing hold of branches and setting its feet on branches as it heads towards the ground.

Once the 'creature' finally makes it to the ground, it's easier to see that it does look human. Almost. It's a dark-skinned male with black hair that would look completely human if not for those feline ears perched atop his head, the cat tail attached behind him in the proper place, and the claw-like fingernails.

He tilts his head at Luke, and then looks at the round tiger-like Pokemon. He doesn't say anything for a moment, but just looks oddly at the Pokemon. Then looking back up to Luke, he says quietly, "...Yours." It's hard to tell if he's asking a question or making a statement.
Luke Gray
    Luke takes a step back, unable to avoid that reflex, but otherwise, does not really react, simply watching curiously, tilting his head as his curiosity overtakes any aprehension of the situation. He tilts his head to one side and slowly moves a bit closer, just a couple of steps. Luke looks like a boy for sure, nothing particular about him, beyond the odd creature next to him!.
    Dynamo seems far more ready to be friendly, standing up slowly and taking a couple of steps towards Asato, sniffing teh air again. The creature smells feline, but there is a hint of ozone, static around him!, letting out a deep rumble, stopping in front of it, and tilting it's head to one side, "Ger.". Luke nods, "He is Dynamo... he is my pokemon."
Asato also seems to sniff at Dynamo, head tilting upwards a little, ears swiveled forward curiously. He pauses, flattening his ears and rubbing his nose a bit at the tickly sensation of the ozone to his nose. Though he doesn't really seem to be able to understand Dynamo, since he headtilts at the Pokemon's 'words'.

But names are being given, so he notes, "...Asato." He doesn't seem afraid, there's that. Though he's more than a little awkward in dealing with others, from the looks of it.
Luke Gray
Luke finally makes his own movements closer, after being sure the cat person was not aggressive. He smiles, relieved, "I'm Luke." he adds, realizing he forgot to mention his name!. "I guess you are lost here, Asato?" he asks softly, watching the two interact.
    Dynamo is a big guy, fluffy guy, and it gently bumps it's head on Asato's side as a friendly gesture, brushing that flank against the cat person's side, a tiny bit of static!, a deep purr.
Asato immediately crouches down to return the headbutt from Dyamo, but shakes his head a little at the static. Yup. That fella there is definitely a cat. Though he's not quite so fluffy. There's fur on his ears and tail, but the rest is human-like skin.

From his crouch, he looks up at Luke. Lost? He looks around, seeming a bit confused at the question. "I can't find Kira, so I don't have a home anymore." He doesn't say this as if he's sad or upset, just stating a fact.
Luke Gray
    Luke watches curiously, letting out a sigh and stretching, before suddenly sittingon the ground, listening curiously, "You might be... in a world that is different from your home." he says, "I don't know much about how that works but... there were news here about it and... met one person in a similar situation." he says softly. "I am sure we can get you a place to stay for a bit." he says softly. "Would you like food?, i have some sandwiches and pastries." he replies. 
    Dynamo seems to realize something about the static is affecting Asato and growls softly, whipping it's tail aside, trying to discharge the energy towards a poor, random plant.
Asato nods. "There are worlds now," he states. "I've been looking for mine. The vines don't go there." As for a place to stay? He frowns a bit, looking worried. "...Is it okay here? Sometimes I make people panic because I have ears like this." He raises his hands up and takes hold of his own ears, to indicate the feline structure.

Ah, Dynamo's discharging of the electricity gets a look too. Once he notices the electricity is gone, he tilts his head to bump his nose against Dynamo's side. No static this time, yay!
Luke Gray
Luke Gray reaches into his backpack and produces some snacks, "Well, I think it's just that you might be more comfortable with a bed and stuff, right?" he says softly, "I think it was just that... they didn't get a good look at you and thought you were some kind of wild animal, trust me, they are not that easy to scare." he says. He mentions how a certain wolf person was buying things in the city earlier, and eating with him, without causing trouble. "I think, if you approach carefuly and introduce yourself, people might be fine."
    Dynamo wriggles when bumped, and casually leans to bat at Asato's tail with one paw, as if checking if it was real. "Most people of this world are used to unusual creatures."
Asato tilts his head up to sniff at the snacks Luke brings from his backpack. "Not here. Other worlds where everyone looked like Luke does," he explains. Ah, so he's been visiting other worlds, and he's apparently run into some trouble because he's a cat-hybrid.

Speaking of 'unusual creatures', Asato finds his tail being batted at! He gives a squeak, his ears going back. And turns a bit, to bat back at Dynamo. His claws aren't out, no, and he's not hissing. Probably just startled him. But that is definitely a real tail. It's warm like flesh, and moves too smoothly to be mechanical.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray offers Asato a sandwich, seems to be some kind of meat and cheese. He nods a few times, "ah, I understand." he says softly, "I meant, I think here is an ok spot to stay, while you search for your home, or a better place I mean." he replies, smiling. Dynamo pulls his paw away after the quick contact, the bat from Asato meeting the round tiger with ease, making it pull back a bit, ears flickering, it stops at least, letting out a soft noise and licking his nose.
Asato sniffs in the sandwich's direction, and when he determines that the sandwich is safe, accepts it. "Thank you." He sniffs at it again when he brings it close to his face, perhaps checking again for its safeness to eat. But yes, eventually he'll take a bite.

If it helps, Asato doesn't make any other aggressive moves towards Dynamo. In fact he scoots a bit closer to the tiger as he eats. And a nod to Luke. "I have been staying in a lot of places until I can't stay there any longer."
Luke Gray
Luke Gray takes another sandwich and begins to eat, "You are welcome." he says softly, smiling, "I think you can stay here for a long while, it might be quite a safe place, for the most part." he says. "At least, as long as you don't cause problems.". After a moment he adds, "i'd offer you to stay at my home but... well, I live a far distance from here." he chuckles. Dynamo, sensing food, quickly rushes to get a snack of it's own, rooting into Luke's back adn snagging a third sandwich, before settling down next to Asato to devour it. "Dynamo... don't steal food like that."
Asato nods. "I don't want problems," he notes. "But sometimes other creatures attack me." So, only in self-defense? As for staying at Luke's? "...That might be strange for family. I notice people look at me funny a lot." But he does smile at the 'stealing' of food. Still, he offers, "...Does Luke have enough food? I have some I can share. But it's not here."
Luke Gray
Luke Gray nods, "Well, I am sure that if you stay for a little longer and prove you are not trying to be aggressive they might let you be." he says, "I mean if you want to stay on this world." before ading, "As for looking odd... I told you before, I don't think that might be an issue, you are not the first person like... that I've seen here, or in a town." he says, "I am quite sure no one would bother you, as long as you don't attack people at least, some might be surprised at first but... not for long.". The mention of food gets a chuckle from him, while Dynamo cleans crumbs from his muzzle, perking ears at the offer of food. "Dynamo eats well, he just likes snacks.". The big cat nods as Luke says that, seeming to smile in return, before facing Asato, brushing against him and shaking his head in negative. "I think he is fine with that sandwich."
Once more, Asato nods. "...It would be nice. These are hotter forests than Kira's. But plenty of game to hunt." Uhoh. He's not going to be eating the Pokemon, is he?! Asato also notes that Dynamo seems to perk at a specific moment. "...Can Dynamo understand?" It's hard to tell if he's asking Luke or asking the tiger himself!
Luke Gray
Luke Gray nods a few times as he listens to that, "Yeah this place is warmer than where I live as well." he says with a smile. The mention of hunting seems a bit scary but... well, he does not push on that aspect, not yet at least. "I don't really know much of the world stuff, so can't help you on getting to your world, but I think finding you a place to stay might be easier.". He nods a bit, "Oh, yes, they can understand what we say, at least that's what I think, and seem able to speak with eachother too.". Dynamo perks his ears at the question and nods slowly, making a soft 'ger' noise, before glancing back at Luke.
Asato seems fine with that. "Luke... is right," he says -- slowly, as if he's accepting it himself. "We are taught that we must get back to Kira at all costs. But that might not be possible. So... concentrating on immediate needs seems the next best thing."

He looks to the direction Luke came from. "There's a city there." Again, it's hard to tell if he's asking or stating. A pause, and he looks back to the Trainer. "...Can Luke... show the way to the city?" It's asked nervously.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray nods again, not rushing, curious about the way Asato talks, glancing in the direction of the nearby town, and then back at the cat person, when spoken to. "Sure, I'd love to do that." he says, slowly getting up. "Just try to relax." he offers Asato a hand to stand up, if needed, and playfully pats the lazing Dynamo to stand as well, "It's this way." he says, guiding Asato to the main 'path' of the forest, and towards the small city.
Asato stands, though he doesn't seem to need the help. But when Luke starts leading the way, he's quick to fall into step behind Luke. As they near the city, Luke will find Asato hiding behind him more and more, creeping nearer and nearer. Until by the time they get close to the city, he's almost pressed against Luke's back. Depending on how tall Luke is, since Asato's about six feet tall himself, him trying to hide behind Luke might actually be a bit humorous....