Asato (Dropped)

World: Lamento: Beyond the Void-1
Actual Age: Late Teens
Apparent Age: Young Adult
Quote: "From now on. I'll just be Asato."
Role: Keeper of Darkness
Species: Ribika
Theme Song: "Lamento", Kanako Itoh -
Voice Actor: Wataru Hatano


Raised in an isolated forest village called Kira, Asato's isolation went beyond even what was typical for the people of his village. He was shunned by the rest of the villagers because his father was of the Meigi clan, a clan of demon-worshippers. Asato is a quiet, simple sort of fellow -- simple, but not stupid; he merely finds dealing with social situations needlessly complicated, and would prefer to stay close with a small handful of friends. He generally uses his catlike agility to get onto the roofs to avoid crowds -- as well he should, since he appears to be a hybrid of cat and human, with all the advantages and drawbacks that brings with it. When the going gets tough, he's capable of using not only his claws and fangs, but a zweihander as well. He'd prefer to just live peacefully. But the darkness inherited from his father's bloodline still lurks under the surface, waiting for someone to unleash it...


Feline Physiology: Body of a cat; fast, agile, strong
Asato's species appear to be hybrids between human beings and various forms of cats. This being the case, he has the proportionate physical strength, speed, and toughness of a cat, scaled up to human size. He can run fast enough to keep up with a car going at a typical speed limit; he can jump about six times his height in a forward direction, and about twice his height vertically; the sheer fact that he's able to wield his zweihander at all, much less use it ONE-HANDED, is indicative of the sort of strength he possesses.
Feline Senses: Eyesight, hearing, smell, and touch as sharp as a cat
Due to his species being basically a hybrid between human and feline -- and keeping all the perks of a feline even at human size -- his senses operate at the same level of a cat. He can hear sounds with as high of frequency as 100,000 hertz; has approximately 200 million scent-sensitive cells in his nose; his sense of touch allows him to feel imperfections on even small seeds and kernals, or to recognize air currents of objects moving quickly in his vicinity; his vision however, is only better than a human's insomuch as he only needs about a sixth of the light that a number does. He's somewhat nearsighted, in fact, and often has to squint to see objects clearly if they're far away. Though he can pick up motion in his field of vision almost instantly.
Natural Weapons: Bite and scratch
Being a feline, Asato naturally has access to natural weapons. His claws are capable of puncturing thick leather armor and shredding canvas; he can easily bite through unprotected flesh, and his jaws can break human finger/hand bones with bite force alone. He uses his claws and fangs for self-defense when he cannot use his sword for whatever reason. He can also use his fangs to bite or chew through things like ropes (even zip-ties), or use his claws to cut ropes (possibly ropes binding himself, if he can get to them), and pick up things that would hurt his fingers to touch. Not to mention he's generally a very good back-scratcher.
Transformation< Edge-C >: Like Jeckyl and Hyde, a feral beast form
Asato is capable of transforming by regressing into a beast-like state. This transformation does not affect his clothes; however, his body becomes more bestial and furred. His head becomes that of a panther, but with horns at the top of his head and along his jawline, and a sharp spur sticking out of his chin. In this state his physical condition increases by roughly twice his normal. But in this state, he can't speak or understand at a sapient level. Enough of him exists that he can recognize friends, but also enough that he's confused, and tends to get frightened easily. Asato has no control over when he changes; it tends to happen during times of emotional stress, physical duress, or exposure to dark magic that lasts at least a few weeks.
Zweihander: A two-handed sword made of steel
A large, wide, double-edged sword made of steel. The handle is made of stacked pieces of black wood, shaped to fit the hand; the blade is engraved from the hilt to about halfway up the length of the blade, with what looks like a Celtic knotwork pattern that was copied from some of the Two-Canes' writings and drawings. And the tip of the blade tapers to a slightly blunted end. It looks like it's only through sheer force that it could function as a stabbing weapon. Though it seems to function well as a slashing weapon, or a bludgeoning weapon. The sword is not inhumanly large, but it does take a fair amount of strength to wield. Obviously he CAN wield it, and he's quite good with it.
Wilderness Survival: Tracking and hunting for food
Asato has lived his whole life in a village in the middle of a forest. He is able to set traps, avoid the traps of other hunters, hunt game, field-dress said game, preserve and/or tan the quarry's hide for later use, and knows how to utilize every part of the animal to minimize waste. He also knows how to navigate in a forest (to a slightly lesser degree just navigation in general); he's able to find places to successfully hide, as well as to find others' hiding places by looking for "abnormalities" (such as a conspicuous pile of leaves or branches, since trees do not normally shed their leaves/branches in neat piles); and track prey -- and people -- by scent, footprints, disturbed areas of ground, etc.
Stealth: Asato is sneaky
Due to the law made in Kira that he was to "disappear" at night, Asato is very good at concealing his presence. He can quiet and slow his breathing, he knows how to not fidget around when he's hiding, and he tends to have a very light tread, all to minimize the impact his presence has on the hearing of those around him. He does the same with the other senses, too -- not fidgeting makes certain that motion doesn't give his position away to the eye, and he generally tries to stay upwind to conceal his scent.


Overall Distrust: Does not generally trust others easily
Because of the emotional (and in some cases physical) abuse from the cats of Kira village, Asato has learned not to trust people from the outset. This can easily make him come off as standoffish and cold at first meeting. This is particularly the case if he finds a person in what he views as his "territory". Being a cat in the first place, he's rather territorial and will seek to chase an intruder away, thus making him seem even MORE unapproachable!
Naivety: Still easy to hoodwink, though
How can someone be both naive AND distrustful? Simple -- he is very much not accustomed to dealing with people who will lie or hide their true motives. While the villagers of Kira were abusive towards him, they always made their dislike and distrust of him perfectly clear. So it's easy for those who intend to do so, to catch him off guard, or trick him into doing things, particularly if one takes the time to allow him to come to trust him/her. Given his history of everyone he ever interacted with growing up openly viewing him with such revulsion, kindness is a good way to get him to give his trust to another. Kindness, friendliness, and... well, NOT treating him like he's diseased, possessed, or some kind of monster.
Agoraphobia: Does not like crowds
It's closer to Ochlophobia, actually; it's not the wide open spaces that bother him, and he's not experienced enough with society to have a concept of social embarrassment. What it amouts to is that Asato does not like crowds, particularly those in large cities. It tends to drive him to the rooftops to get around the city. Makes it hard to get around a large city, particularly a modern city, without fear of falling to one's death. And if forced into a large crowd, he becomes nervous and distracted, more easily caught off-guard.
Culture Shock!: Inexperienced with social and cultural cues
Given his upbringing, being shunned even by an isolationist village, Asato was not given the opportunity to learn about culture in general. For example, he didn't learn about the concept of "money in exchange for good and services" until he met Konoe. He's roughly one hundred percent likely to screw up when a situation requires knowledge of culture. He's also very socially awkward. Besides the fact that Kira village was isolationist and xenophobic, even within that village Asato was shunned and isolated yet further. This makes it very difficult for him to understand social norms, even in his own society, making dealing with other societies -- particularly modern ones -- very difficult.
Mood Body: Finds it difficult to completely hide his feelings
Asato has difficulty hiding his feelings, for a couple of reasons. Firstly because he often doesn't know he should be trying to do so; secondly because the feline mannerisms -- the contracting of pupils, the laying back of ears, the fluffing up of tail, etc. -- in response to his feelings is kind of instinctual. This makes his moods easier to read than a typical human, particularly if one knows the body language of cats well.
Simple Simon: Just doesn't "get" modern society in general
Given his lack of knowledge about a lot of things, Asato's liable to make a lot of mistakes when aspects of life don't work like he expects them to, or when he runs into something more advanced than what he can count amongst his meager experiences with. The area he was born and lived in was even lower tech than the rest of Sisa world, so anything more complicated than a windmill or arrangement of pulleys is likely going to confuse him.
Brutally Honest: Blunt as a spoon
Asato was not taught how to be tactful or polite. But he IS honest. Sometimes BRUTALLY so. He may tell people their outfits look weird or that something they made is bad, he doesn't understand "unspoken" rules so he may bring up subjects that upset people in conversation, or he might just not offer an answer period when one is required. So while what he says is usually the truth (at least, it is as HE sees it), it's rarely going to be phrased in the most courteous way!
Big Berserk Button: Don't call him "monster child"
Asato is generally a nice guy... until you push his buttons. One of those buttons -- by far the biggest of them -- is calling him "monster child". This specific phrase gets to him in such a deeply visceral way that it throws him into an instant rage. In this state does not try to protect himself, but instead throws himself on the target of his rage, foregoing blades for his natural weapons. And he does require being pulled off of the target.
Curse of the Meigi Blood: Darkness still lurks within
Asato's father was a member of the Meigi clan, and their blood is tainted by demonic power. Despite his usually shy attitude, Asato has not escaped this taint. In times of extreme stress or negative emotion, this darkness has a chance to awaken within him. In this state he finds himself reduced to an instinctual, animal-like frame of mind. A very ANGRY animal. This could be disastrous for civilians around him, or even for those who are merely unprepared. Darkness calls to darkness -- those who command dark power may be able to reach inside him and wrench this darkness free, prompting him to change into the monster he once was. Dark powers also call to him more strongly, and he is also more easily corrupted by dark powers.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
328 May Humankind Be Everlasting Nov 08 2018
239 Fields of meeting Sep 19 2018
220 Catching Wild Pokemon? Results May Vary. Aug 26 2018
192 Beastie Boys Jul 18 2018
187 Making friends. Jul 19 2018
183 Who's That Pokemon?! Jul 08 2018
156 Cat and Trees Jun 16 2018
125 Who Is the Hunter, Who the Hunted? May 25 2018
See All 8 Scenes


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