World Tree MUSH

A unfortunate sith-uation

A spillover from a Sith and Jedi fight branches out into another world entirely
Character Pose
    ~In a galaxy far, far away...~

                Scene 185
            An Unfortunate Sith-uation

    The ancient war between the Jedi and Sith has gone on as long as one can remember, stopping and starting time and again. In the Outer Rim world of Cathar, a skirmish was just coming to a close when a group of Sith prisoners overpowered their captors, stole their weapons back and fled. Jedi Master Surai had broken off from the rest to try and catch up to and apprehend those who fled, but somehow wound up in another world entirely.

    "How did we even wind up here? This isn't even Cathar!" exclaimed a hooded figure, looking back and forth as they ran through an alleyway towards an open market. "No, it is not, and while I am unsure how we got here this is a perfect opportunity. The Jedi would not risk fighting us in such a populated area, let us lay low until we have a chance to escape and find out where we are." A third figure in a set of spacey-looking armor, sans helmet, nodded. The third was not robed at all, in fact not even wearing a helmet, a blaster rifle slung over one shoulder. "No way, we need to create a distraction and flee in this crowd. If we just wait around we'll be found!" the first one chimes back in before reaching up and through the Force grabbing a portion of a nearby building, ripping it free and causing the rubble to fall into the street. A series of screams and sounds of confusion ring out from the local populace as they jump out of the way and crowds begin to act confused as to what happened, leaving the three figures to try and make the best of things and slip into the crowd.

    All the while a fourth figure was wandering through the alley tracing the steps of the escapees, a figure cloaked in a brown robe, hurrying along as much as they safely could.
Ochako Uraraka
    So wow, yeah, class was murder as usual. Ochako Uraraka, looking thoroughly defeated by the time she makes this part of her walk home, is almost a victim of the falling debris! Just a few meters away, the concrete and steel comes down in a shower of dust and a racket that's almost unbearable. "Wh-what!"

    "Oh no, what the heck?" The schoolgoing not-hero scans around for trouble while pulling out her phone. Even in a crowd, though, a group of people not scrambling for cover, shouting and calling out for heroes might kind of stand out. Right?

    She hesitates, realizing calling the police would probably just saturate the emergency lines with repeat calls and so, on nothing more than a dumb hunch, she trots after the group, phone-in-hand and pinky out. But... It's a crowd in a hurry to get clear of danger. Who knows if she can even keep up! "Scuse me, oof! Ah! Careful, sorry!" She's... Probably not going to make good progress.
    After that display, the Sith and the armored Trooper were doing their best not to stand out. Even if they did kind of stand out in this environment, there were enough /strange/ beings here that they might be less stand out than others! In theory. It's what they hoped anyways. With Ochako trailing them at a distance, she was totally the smart one here.

    Meanwhile just arriving at the scene of the chaos, 'Surai' paused and looked over the area at large, feeling with the Force, trying to figure out any indication of what she could focus on. Something had to stand out, right? Besides her, she was drawing a few looks from others, even one asking, "Hey, you a Hero?" which didn't get an immediate answer. After a few moments she shook her head, "No, I am a Jedi. Surai. Stay safe." And then she was off again weaving through the crowds. Most all beings seemed focused on the incident, but there was one girl, it seemed, following something. Maybe she knew something? It was a bit rough, and unprofessional, but Surai needed to get through faster than Uraraka to catch up so she began to gently nudge people aside as she ran forward with the Force, a push here and there to just offset someone enough so she could weave and slide through the crowd with ease. "Young woman, a moment." she called out as she got close, trying to get the girls attention without directly grabbing at her with the Force. Maybe the trailing voice wouldn't be heard over the crowd, though she was catching up at a decent pace. "Young woman, hold, are you... I noticed you standing out from the rest, traveling away from what happened. Do you know something about what took place?" Surai appeared to be an older woman of some age, with the robe about her and hood up it was hard to make out much about her, though she had long silvery-blonde hair spilling out from the edges of the hood and a brown blindfold over her eyes. Could she even see?
Ochako Uraraka
    Ochako, the smart one. That's a scary thought. While she has a feeling something about those costumes the group were wearing is off, she doesn't really have anything to go on. She's just trying to get close enough, snap a picture and wait for someone to show up! That's it! Then- Oh no! "I'm not- I'm just-"

    She's already making excuses as she's approached by someone, hands up and kind of waving awkwardly. "Nono, I- I was?" She shifts her footing ever so slightly, eyeing the strangely dressed woman curiously. "I just saw some people in costumes going away from what was going on instead of helping and I thought it was weird. So I was just gonna-" Of course, tapping the shutter button while trying to cut through a press of jostling people isn't likely to result in anything more than a blur. Even though this world's smartphones are crazy good, too much movement while trying to capture a photo is still not ideal.

    "Maybe I got a good photo, um..." She lowers her phone, flicking through shots to see if anything came out clear enough to recognize. Then... "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. Um... I didn't think!" She's so flustered she just tried to show pictures to a blind hero. "I'm so dumb, I wasn't-"
    A soft sigh and an amused tone could be heard in Surai's voice, "It is well enough, young noe. You are likely right, three prisoners escaped capture after overpowering the guard. They are armed and fled out this direction. I believe they are the ones who caused the damage to the building. While I can hardly see what you are talking about on your device, it would be quite helpful if you could accompany me in the direction they went in the hopes you see them again. If you can point them out to me, at the very least I should be able to track them even with all the people here." Just how, she didn't say. "They were going that way, right?"
    She pointed towards the direction Ochako was walking originally, feeling out with the Force once again and trying to expand her field of view, searching through the crowds while looking for a group of three that stood out. "I will not ask you to put yourself in danger, but you see differently than I do and may more easily be able to pick them out."

    And with that, she started off in the direction the girl was going in, once again starting to make her way through while reaching out with her hands and almost parting the sea a few people at a time. Which might give Ochako some idea that she /did/ have abilities, just what though is hard to say. Something about how she was using them, despite the situation, was a lot more gentle than she could be. Like she was just guiding the crowd out of her way rather than shoving them like she probably could.
Ochako Uraraka
    "Er, right, um... Wow, alright." Ochako does feel reassured that she picked up so fast on something going on. Escaped prisoners with dangerous quirks and a hero tailing them? If she were a little sharper she'd ask more questions!

    As-is, she makes a series of assumptions and has the good fortune of not being in immediate danger. "There's a bunch of them. Should I call for someone to show up?" She follows along, oddly conscious of how easily this hero is moving through the crowd opposed to how she was struggling just a few moments ago. It's really kind of impressive! Caught up in the excitement, she forges on

    "No, it's okay, I know better than to get involved. I'll help you figure out if those are the guys and then I'll get away and call for help. No problem!"
    "It is not my position to say no or yes to that. More help would be appreciated, but their weaponry is very dangerous to those who are not trained to defend against it. I do not know the capacity of those in this world. It is your decision." Finally managing to get out of the crowd, Surai makes her way into an open park area and before she pauses and holds up her hands. She surely could get /something/, right? It would be a risk losing them in this city. So many could get hurt, or taken advantage of or even become hostages. She needed to find and trap them again while she had the chance.

    And while Surai didn't say /what/ she was doing, maybe Ochako would be able to figure out she was trying to find or sense them in some capacity. "Tell me if you have any indication at all, though if not, thank you so far." She was still just a random stranger as far as Surai knew, who took the chance to try and help what she could. As of yet she had no idea the girl had any powers of her own.
Ochako Uraraka
    Ochako certainly doesn't need to be told twice. She's already typing on her phone as the crowd is steadily put behind us. "Hey, what did you say your name was again? Sorry, I'm just trying to put all the details in this before I send it!" Of course, all those things are true. There could be a great risk of life and limb by reaching out to other heroes but it's for the best! It's what she should do as a student-hero!

    "So is this your Quirk, being able to see stuff different? And, ah, heh, no it's fine! I'm just gonna help point them out then I gotta get out of your way." There's a firm nod from the small girl and she picks up her pace as the trail gets hot, her eyes coming up to scan for the group of fugitives. Especially that one in the weird space suit!


    "Surai. And Quirk? ...I believe I understand what you are asking, but not quite. You appear to be a human, I am... a Miralukan. We see things differently." At which point she lets out a soft 'ah' sound and says quickly, "Stay safe, I see the one with the blaster." And with that she darted quickly on her feet into a nearby alley, vanishing from sight. Several moments later there was a strange spacey laser sound and a few shots ring out from the alleyway before silence. Surai comes back out after a few moments and tosses the gun into the air before quickly pulling a hunk of it apart at the seams with the Force. "There, apologies young one, one prisoner is unconscious. If you could mention that, it would..."

    Ochako would likely be able to see it first, before Surai would, but at the top of the alleyway, from a balcony, the pair of robed figures ignited a glowing red sword-like weapon a piece and leapt off right for the brown-robed woman - seemingly ready to strike her down.
Ochako Uraraka
    "Alright, there-" Ochako pulls up short, though, "Well, yeah, I'm human. Are..." Ohhhh, oh wow these are more people from off world. Anyway, things are dangerous enough she can't really dwell or fawn. She nods once, looking about as serious as she can manage. She clutches her phone carefully and tucks up near a wall to wait. She startles at the shot, hunkering down just a bit more.

    Then Surai's back, in the process of confidently stripping down a weapon. "Oh wow..." She's about to add to her text message to the emergency dispatch when her eyes catch movement. "Look out, above!" The urge to move and do something is there but she doesn't know what /to/ do and she's hardly fast enough anyway. She can only hope her warning was enough!
    Ochako would be treated to a rather spectacular turn of events, once her warning happened. As she started to warn her, Surai already started to respond, as if simply the act of trying was enough to alert her to it taking place. As she turned in place her full-body cloak flared up in the air, largely obscuring her from above as she slid just barely out of the way. The red laser swords burned partially through the robe, catching it on fire in two places as she quickly shrugged it off and threw it at one of the two Sith. At this point, it would seem Ochako was safe, as the three were focused on each other. Surai did seem unarmed as the sith swatted the robe away and both charged her, quickly and aggressively beginning to attack her in a coordinated fashion.

    From up close it might not be possible for the two black-robed Sith to see, but observing from a distance, it might look like a coreographed dance of death with Surai just barely avoiding it as she stepped carefully and weaved inbetween the bloodthirsty attacking prisoners. Occasionally as they would get close her hands shifted and she seemed to grab onto something, tugging at their hands as they lunged and swept to throw them off balance, resulting in them stepping awkwardly to try and recover as she defended herself. "Fight us, Jedi! Draw your saber already!" the more aggressive Sith cursed at here before charging just on his own. The older woman could be seen agily stepping back and forth as she ducked and weaved out of his way, pissing him off more and more as he flew into a blind rage trying to kill her before she finally stepped in on the offensive as she saw his partner attempting to slip in and attack. And in the flash of red blades, there was suddenly a flicker of two more colors, one green blade, and one blue blade. For only a moment the two colors were there, a signature hum and hiss in the air before all four weapons fell silent and the prisoners cried out in confusion as their weapons had been cut in two. Before they could even respond she raised her hands and clapped them together, the two Sith suddenly jerking at each other, heads colliding and causing them to collapse unconscious.

    Surai, meanwhile, looked rather tired as she took a step back and leaned against a refuse container to steady her breath.
Ochako Uraraka
    The warning out, all Ochako can do is huddle in relative safety while a fight with laser swords erupts. It's all so fast! All she can think to do is lift her phone and point the camera. She snaps a couple of pictures, a bit too stunned to do any more. A blind lady against laser swords?! What is this, some kind of dream?

    "Ah! Careful! That was close!" Finally snapping out of her fearful pause, she flubs the destination of her text but sends it away just the same. Someone's bound to get it but probably not the cops! In that time, the blind woman has responded and disarmed her assailants. "Wha!"

    Then they collide and slump together unconscious and she shakes her head, "H-wow! You did it! I'm so glad!" She hops up and lets out a whoop, "Sorry I wasn't more helpful! Um... What agency do you work with, anyway? Er, sorry if that's so forward. It's just that I'm a student at UA." She bows, rather deep and formal. What she saw may weigh her decision about who to intern with! Well. Supposing she finds 'Jedi Order' or something in her list of offers.
    Surai just shook her head a little. "You acknowledged I am not of this world, but you ask about such things as... agencies and you mention UA. By all means, young one, please elaborate what you mean. I am from elsewhere, yes, I am Jedi Master Surai, of the Jedi Order. I do not believe you will find it like an agency is here, whatever that may be, though what little I know of this world... I have to assume hero agency?" She'd heard the word a couple of times, in passing mostly except the one person who asked her. Her smouldering robe was still on fire, though she held out a hand and lifted it up, shaking it around a bit in the air through the Force to mostly put it out.
Ochako Uraraka
    Gaaaah! Ochako bounces impatiently at her slip. She got caught up in all the excitement; adrenaline is kind of a... thing. "Ahh, right, sorry!" She bows once again, her hair falling in her face. "Er, yeah, I got excited and well..." She straightens up, rubbing at the back of her head with a sheepish smile. "Right, Heros usually operate agencies. Basically companies where multiple heroes, sidekicks and interns can all work together!" Comprehensive explanations aren't her forte like a certain someone but she does her best! "And you're still- Oh." The fire's basically over. "So um..." She pockets her phone, "Sorry I wasn't more help. It's against the law to do that stuff without a license and I'm still a long ways away from that. Aaaah, I might still get in trouble!"
    "It is all well." The Jedi listened to the explanation only to nod. "In that case, you mentioned the Law, and heroes and such. Perhaps it is best you contact them now so we may sort out the issue of transporting these three back to my own world, as well as coordinating with the rest of the Jedi who may follow along soon enough to check on things. If they get worried I did not succeed. And... I will cover for you should there be any issues, after all I was the one who asked you to come along to let me know if you see anything. You did nothing wrong as far as I can tell simply by assisting me? Though the laws of this land may differ from... what seems normal in my own." It was a curious thought, that one was not allowed to do 'that stuff' without a license, whatever that is.

    With that said, she walked towards the alleyway and paused, using the Force to levitate the incapacitated armored fellow and float him towards the other two Sith, before starting to collect the destroyed weapons into a separate pile. But not before harvesting two crystals from the destroyed lightsabers. Well, what remained of them.
Ochako Uraraka
    "Well, alright!" Ochako's maybe just a bit on the trusting side, huh. "Well, I sent a message about all this." She pulls out her phone, swipes to unlock it and then presents the screen. It's a pretty good, hastily typed summary of what was happening. Including a series of pictures! What 'Dad' is going to do with such information is anyone's guess, however. "So everything's okay!"

    Just then, the screen flicks to something else and the phone begins to chirp and hum from an incoming phonecall. "Ah!" She's so fast to answer it, "He- Dad!? Oh my gosh, no- What!?" She mouths a silent apology and half-turns away, "You did? Oh, thanks! Sorry to be a bother! I love you too!"

    "Er, right, I guess I hit the wrong button? Anyway, like, are you just... Like a Hero somewhere else and just happened to end up here? That's kinda neat! And well, you have to have a license to do any kind of hero stuff. Otherwise it'll get you in lots of trouble and because I'm a student..." Her gaze lowers and her shoulders fall.
    "Not quite, no. I would not venture to say Jedi are Heroes of any sort, though... to some perhaps we are. The Jedi is an ancient organization of beings who can commune with The Force who act to maintain balance in the galaxy. Occasionally we work more directly at the behest of the galactic Republic if requested for something, or in such a case as we are now, a crisis has emerged. At the moment, there is a group of beings known as the Sith, in coordination with their Empire, seek to destroy the Jedi and take over the galaxy. But that may be a bit much for one your age, from another world, to... understand." she smiles a bit at that.

    She still couldn't see the screen, but this misunderstanding was something she was fairly used to, so she didn't say much on the matter. Instead she just reached out to pat Ochako atop the head in a friendly manner, a calming aura seeming to radiate from the older woman. "I am certain you will be found to have done nothing wrong. All you did was follow and observe at my request. Normally in a case like this I would have waited for the local authorities to assist in the manner, or at the very least notify them - but these three were dangerous, fleeing and armed with weapons that could likely have killed or harmed many if they felt the need to. Hostages, for instance, or fighting against any of these Heroes you mention who do not realize soon enough what a lightsaber is capable of."
Ochako Uraraka
    Oh man, she did it again! The flustered Ochako groans at herself. She's still got so far to go. It takes quite a lot of effort on her part not to get super emotional. "Still sounds awesome. Like, wow, you were pretty amazing! And... Ah?" The headpat catches her off guard and the calming Something seems to ease her agitation. She also no longer wants to cry!

    "Lightsabers are the laser sword things you guys have? Hnh." Anyway, she shifts her backpack, again eyeing the floating bundle of captive fugitives. "Well anyway my dad said he sent the info to the local police. They should be here in a few minutes if a few heroes don't show up first." So far, everyone she's met from offworld has been so /different/. It's cool, kind of intimidating too but at least this lady seems nice too! "Well, okay. Should I stick around? Maybe I can go flag the police down for you!"
    "That might be helpful if you did, just to speed things along. I cannot leave them, and you know the customs of this world better than I." It wasn't hard in the least to feel the 'admiration' that the girl seemed to have of her, even without the Force. Maybe she was just excitable, but she seemed to have a case of hero worship to a point. Or maybe she just appreciated them. And was possibly trying to become on with all the talk of licensing? "And perhaps after everything is done, if my evening is not too busy, you can show me around this place and explain a little more about what it is? And likewise I can try to return the favor. With the state of things as they are and different worlds and lands being connected, I cannot imagine it hurts for all parties to know more." Though it seems this place did like their laws and paperwork so she might very well be busy into the next day.
Ochako Uraraka
    "Mm!" Ochako offers that affirmative with a nod, then as she turns to jog back toward the street, the blind Jedi speaks up again and she stops. "Huh? Well, I guess! I was..." Ah jeez, she has to study too but this lady was super nice and pretty awesome to watch. She was raised better than this! "Alright! Hopefully they don't keep us tied up long!" She's pretty safe from that. Her ordeal will come on the next day of school if it's found she acted negligently. With that, she tosses up a hand, "Back in a bit!" Then she's off at an easy trot, her laden backpack bouncing just a bit less than it should.