Ochako Uraraka (Dropped)

Ochako Uraraka
World: My Hero Academia-1
Actual Age: 15
Role: Student Hero
Species: Human
Voice Actor: Luci Christian


Ochako is an ambitious young woman with aspirations to become a professional hero. At first, her pursuit of wealth may seem selfish but her aim is, mostly, to save her parents from living out their lives struggling with a failing construction business by making enough to support them. She's almost always upbeat, sees almost everyone in a positive light and she looks up to her peers as inspirations for bettering herself in pursuit of her dream. Her Quirk, Zero Gravity, has given her a lot of potential to become a great rescue hero and though she's inexperienced she has demonstrated on occasion that it can be of great benefit if she's pressed into a fight. Her Quirk, together with her extreme tenacity and quick thinking, even forced one of the strongest fighters in her class to take her seriously. Her, Quirk: Zero Gravity! Anything she touches with the pads on her fingers is rendered seemingly weightless! Overusing it might make her become sick, though.


Zero Gravity: Ochako can halt the effect of gravity on an object she touches with her fingers.
Ochako's Quirk allows her to render a person or object weightless with a touch of the pads on her fingers and thumbs. She can trigger this effect on as many things she can get her hands on up to a weight limit of three tons. As she approaches her limit, the likelihood of her becoming dizzy and nauseous increases and rendering herself weightless without aid of her costume will almost certainly make her sick. Exceeding her weight limit will also guarantee that she'll become ill and will also dramatically drain her stamina, even to the point of incapacitation. She can release everything under the effect of her quirk by touching the pads of her fingers together and she doesn't know her maximum range; she once threw a softball completely beyond range of the equipment being used to measure her throwing distance during an early assessment event.
I'm Still Standin': Ochako is so tenaciously fixed on her goal she won't stop until her body quits.
For better or worse, Ochako is dead set on her dream of becoming a hero that she'll stand up to any challenge laid out before her. Even something so ridiculously daunting that she doesn't have a real chance of success she'll do her best, pushing herself until she simply can't continue. And while she can persist well past where a normal person would have either given up or fallen out, her willpower and stamina are still not on the level of some of her peers. It's their demonstrations of will, their determination and that desire they show to become great heroes that Ochako draws on as examples to live up to. In her mind, however irrational the notion may be, to fail is to fail her parents and she fears that outcome more than almost anything.
Hero Costume: Ochako's costume eases the use of her Quirk and can protect against short falls.
Ochako's costume, while slightly embarrassing to her, serves a practical role beyond making her simply stand out. While it offers good mobility and adequate protection against the weather, the core of the design is to include as many methods to ease nausea and dizziness as possible in order to aid her in the use of her Quirk. The visor and boots also provide limited protection against impacts, possibly enough to survive at least one hit from an opponent and in the case of the boots, allowing her to endure a fall of several meters without injury. Because the costume is subsidized by UA, any damaged or destroyed components can be repaired or replaced easily. However, access to it is requires permission from UA faculty.
Deku Fangirl: Ochako can on occasion stumble upon moments of tactical brilliance.
Following Izuku Midoriya's example is tough for Ochako but as she sees it, he's one of the most admirable people of her class. Rather than parroting the formula someone else uses for success, she's mostly emulating the will and humility she's seen from her friend time and again. That willingness to learn, adapt and push ever onward is the core of what she's taken, allowing her to walk her own path toward success as a hero. This mindset has allowed her to keep her wits sharp in the few combat scenarios she's been involved in, executing one clever plan in particular that, while unsuccessful ultimately, gave her a real shot at besting a foe that she normally wouldn't have stood a chance against. This is the bud that will blossom, someday, into her making effective use of a less offensive Quirk in an actual combat situation should that be required of her.


Extremely Emotive: Ochako doesn't hide her emotions well at all, making her disruptive on occasion.
Ochako doesn't disguise her emotions easily or well at all. Generally, this leaves her appearing bubbly and upbeat, very outgoing and easy to get along with! However, when feeling fearful, sad, excited she tends to try too hard to hide it. Sometimes, she'll seem inappropriately bubbly and easygoing when trying to disguise her anguish or disappointment. Others, she'll be overly gung ho or extremely intense when nervous and excited. It can often lead to misunderstandings, draw unwanted attention to herself or generally disrupt the flow of an otherwise normal, if serious conversation. Once someone gets to know her a little better, these can all be pretty obvious tells that something's going on with her though most in her class are too polite to pry.
The Parents: Every great thing Ochako has done or may yet do is for the sake of her parents.
Ochako's parents are the reason why she wants to be a Hero. She wants to become successful and prominent in order to make money to ease their financial burdens as they get older. Since the stakes, to her, are so high she takes school very seriously- studying and training, even competing until she breaks; it's all for them. Her parents are how she finds her center when she's upset, the rock she clings to when feeling overwhelmed, the singular thing that can make her stand up and fight on far longer than she has any right to. If not for them, she wouldn't be nearly so ambitious, so demanding of herself and ultimately, without them, it's very likely she'd have never dared to try and be a hero to make money. Additionally, her overly frugal tendencies are a direct result of watching her parents struggle with money for so long. She lives simply and can't stand to see money wasted. This may seem immature to some and she's usually somewhat embarassed to admit as much. Never ashamed, however.
UA Student: She's a student, held to exacting standards of conduct; also an unlicensed hero.
Being a student in the Hero course of the most prominent school in Japan, on her world, is a lot of pressure. The students in the course can be dropped at a moment's notice and so the is for her to not only perform but to conduct herself as an exemplary pupil to match the exacting standards of such an institute. Off world, though, she still has to work around the very demanding curriculum she's expected to follow as well as the prospect of being scouted by local agencies as well as abroad. Finally and probably most importantly being a first year student means she's not a licensed hero yet and thus cannot make public use of her Quirk without running afoul of the school or law enforcement. This means that even if physically threatened, her duty is to flee or call for aid from a certfied hero or law enforcement professional as causing injury through direct or indirect use of her quirk is a grave violation of the written law on her world, as well as school policy that she dares not ignore.
That Frail Girl: Much to her dismay, it's easy for people to assume Ochako is delicate and weak.
Ochako's easygoing, happy chatterbox demeanor might be disarming. She smiles a lot and is, in general, a gentle person. Physically, she's short and doesn't seem particularly strong even for her size and that makes it easy for some to not take her seriously. Much to her dismay, they're not necessarily wrong. It's alarming and discouraging to her to think she makes such an underwhelming impression, which could seriously undermine all her work toward becoming a hero. It's an attitude that, should she be made aware of it, either spur her onward to reckless levels of extra effort to either show that she is, in fact, deserving of her pursuit or worse still, make her waver in her resolve and potentially question herself. In an emergency or moment of conflict, this could be extremely dangerous. In the classroom or other social environments, it usually leads to her acting out weirdly. Sometimes she'll pour on extra hype or her struggle to remain calm will come across as rather intimidating.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
617 Machinings 2: The Tribes Feb 11 2020
393 Lazy Afterschool Days Jan 06 2019
235 Field Trip Sep 16 2018
195 Musutafu and Shaved Ice Nov 13 2023
185 A unfortunate sith-uation Jul 13 2018
180 A Perfectly Normal Walk Home Nov 13 2023
177 A Different Kind of Monster Jul 04 2018
See All 7 Scenes


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