Jai-el (Dropped)

World: Star Wars: Old Republic-1
Groups: Harvesters
Actual Age: 47
Apparent Age: Mid to late 30's
Quote: Jedi, Sith, all come to nought when the credits are taken away. What is a war without suppliers, or supplies.
Role: United Coalition of Planets Chairwoman
Species: Miraluka
Voice Actor: Megan Hollingshead


Jai-el is a former Jedi Knight, a warrior monk tasked with upholding the peace in her galaxy. Having grown disillusioned with the war, she began seeking a way to end it without fighting, crafting disguises that allowed her to play for all sides in an effort to gain the insight needed to accomplish this. Now, she uses her identities within the various factions to influence and manipulate each side toward her vision of peace. This quality of hers, for planning for the long term, bleeds over into her daily life. An almost instinctive need to plan and prepare keeps her from focusing on the immediate, instead seeing value primarily in focusing on the long. Far more concerned with the Desert than the grains of sand. In combat, Jai-el can wield the Force, granting her a collection of mystical abilities, alongside the signature weapons of her world, a lightsaber.


The Force: Able to use telekinesis, sense attacks, and redirect energy.
As a Force Wielder, Jai-el can levy certain powers using the Force, an energy field that connects all living things in her world. She can use it to to move objects up to roughly the size of a car, or smaller(even fine) objects with great precision and ease. This telekinesis can also be used to do things like pull an opponent to or away from her, or save an ally from a fall. Skilled in Force Transduction, Jai-el can absorb and redirect energy from various sorces as long as she has somewhere to put the energy, be it a grounded source, or storage. Finally, Jai-el can use the Force to sense the very near future, especially if it involves her being attacked or something very, very bad happening.
Miraluka: Sees the world through the Force rather than light and color.
Mirakula is the name of Jai-el's species, beings born without eyes. Instead, they see the world through the Force. This means Jai-el isn't affected by things like total darkness or blinding lights, and that she has a significant boost in perception when it comes to the detection of living things, which she can sense up to a few hundred meters around herself. Beings not connected to the Force (like droids) are still visible to her, but it's still possible to avoid her notice with various means of Force-based/magical cloaking or blending into the surroundings well.
Lightsabers: Able to build, repair and wield laser swords with great skill.
Jai-el is able to construct, repair and wield lightsabers with ease. Lightsabers are plasma blades projected from a typically metallic hilt using a special crystal, and they can cut through most materials as well as deflect(or redirect) other sources of plasma/lasers. Being able to build them, Jai-el predictably possesses a number of lightsabers of varying makes and utilities. Jai-el's prefered style of lightsaber combat involves switching the blades on only when attacking or defending, making her highly unpredictable.
An Analytical Mind: Makes effective long-term plans through observation.
Perhaps above all else, Jai-el possesses a very astute mind when it comes to perceiving information and sorting it out. Combining patience with a level-headed personality and willingness to operate for the long term, she is able to look at situations and make the most of them. Be it business, social interactions, reading into the intentions of others or the likes. This does carry over to her preferred style of lightsaber combat. For the majority of the time in any situation, if she has the opportunity to observe and plan, she will be far better off than if not. This also lends to her having a knack for games of skill and gambling.
Disguise Expert: Able to put together high-quality disguises.
Jai-el has had to hide her identity for a majority of her adult life, and has learned to craft disguises both cunning and sophisticated using whatever she can get her hands on. This makes it easy for her to conceal her identity if needed, using various costumes or alterations to her movements, voice and demeanor. Her three primary personas are a wandering Jedi exile, an agent of the former Sith Emperor, and a wealthy merchant, showing the breadth of her skills.
Smooth Criminal: Very skilled liar and spinner of tales.
Jai-el is an exceptionally skilled liar, and has learned to suppress the various tells that allow people to pick up on lies, like shifts in tone or heartbeat. Combined with her observation skills, it lets her craft lies and stories tailored to her targets with ease.
Force Empathy: Able to communicate and empathize through the language barrier.
Jai-el possesses a more unique gift with the Force, that of communication. Though it doesn't let her understand or read written languages, as long as a language is physical or vocal, Jai-el can sense with the Force to understand the meaning of what's said, and to communicate back. This works even with animals, monsters or even beings of pure energy, though the further away from a human mindset something is, the harder it can be.
Resources: Able to pull some weight around and incredibly wealthy too.
Having established all three of her primary identities on different sides of the conflict in her world, Jai-el can pull various amounts of resources from them, whether it's a few men (see Forces NPC entry) for a task or requests for information. The most important resource she has access to is the simple ability to go anywhere she wants in her world without attracting attention, being welcome everywhere so long as she puts the right face on. She is also incredibly wealthy, able to purchase most anything she could ever need as long as it's on the market at all.


Forces< Basic F-Tier >: A collection of basic non-descript droids and non-droid forces.
Jai-el tends to have a number of employees under her at any given time, whether men requested by her disguises to accomplish specific goals or standard droids(AI-driven robots) and humans meant to help with things like repairs or cooking. These forces are never Force-sensitive or even combat-capable, being supporters or informants most of the time.


At All Costs: Her efforts must not be uncovered.
Jai-el truly believes that what she is doing is for the greater good of not only her Galaxy, but the entirety of the World Tree. To which end she sees her goals as above herself in such a way that she believes she cannot risk her identities being exposed, even if it means getting harmed or injured grievously in the process. She will not risk voluntarily breaking her identities, even if it means she is put in danger or harmed in the process. And if somehow one of her identities were to be lost, or even worse tied together, it would be a massive effort on her part to try and fix the problem - overly fix it. Even if that meant guaranteeing the silence of others through whatever means she has to use. One life over many.
Must Prepare: An ingrained nature to plan and explore possibilities.
Jai-el is the type of person who MUST think about things going into them. She does not make rash decisions, it is simply not who she is. She cannot make them, because she questions everything, including the question being asked. She /must/ question everything. She has to go into a situation with a full plan prepared, with every angle considered, and if somehow she is forced into a scenario in which she is having to make things up on the fly - she is far more vulnerable to hesitation or even moments of weakness. Whereas her strength lies in planning and possibilities, so to does her weakness.
Fear of the Dark Side: She knows she is walking the edge of the blade.
Many paths lead to the Darkness, especially those Force Wielders who seek to change the Galaxy, who become at risk from corrupting themselves and causing more harm than good. She tries to avoid being put into situations in which she must choose between the lesser of evils, because self doubt and chipping away at ones morals can lead to such doom. If such a situation arose where she would need to choose, the calm, composed woman would quickly begin to lose such, focusing wholly on an alternative. Which may result in her putting herself in harms way more than needed, or even throwing aside her own plans.
Form Zero: The way of the Unignited Lightsaber.
Form Zero is also a mentality more than a true combat style. You do not ignite your blade until you need to, until all other options have been exhausted. It is not so much an avoidance of violence as it is a code of self conduct to adhere to. An ignited blade should mean you need to harm, or kill, not just wave it around to deter. As such, there may be times when she will not attack even if she has the opportunity. She will try and talk people down, or intimidate them through other means, be it the Force or trickery. She will defend herself and tread backwards, she will do anything in her power to avoid having to ignite her weapon(s). Even when in identity, Sith, or otherwise.
Miraluka Sight: Inability to interact with certain things without equipment.
Jai-el uses a set of special interface devices to be able to interact with objects that require the perception of light or colors to operate, like computer displays. This interface can be damaged or destroyed, or taken from her body, resulting in her being unable to perform certain things.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
302 Grand Theft Mineral Oct 29 2018
301 Stag Cluster-2 Oct 20 2018
195 Musutafu and Shaved Ice Nov 13 2023
185 A unfortunate sith-uation Jul 13 2018
145 The Imperial City Gralea Jul 11 2018
116 Onboard the Gungnir May 18 2018
114 Time to get kraken May 17 2018
See All 7 Scenes


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