World Tree MUSH

Musutafu and Shaved Ice

Jedi Master 'Surai' winds up having an extended stay in Musutafu, conversations happen, maybe involving shaved ice.
Character Pose
    After having spent a good portion of the afternoon, and the next few hours, coordinating with local law enforcement and eventually meeting up with the reinforcements who arrived from the Jedi on Cathar, the re-captured Sith were sent on their way. However, by the time Master 'Surai' went to leave, that path had closed off for the time. Thus, she was staying a bit longer in this Musutafu city after all. She had been offered a loaner cell phone to use while here - which she had offered to pay for with credits, even if the exchange rate might not necessarily work - even though she couldn't very well see or interact with the screen too well. Still, she could at the least receive calls, and place them - and among the limited contacts she had - Surai had obtained Ochako's! With the assitance of a passer-by she had asked them to contact Ochako for her using her phone and was, as of the moment, sitting on a bench outside of a small eatery in Musutafu while waiting otherwise to see if the young woman felt like conversing a bit more and explaining further about this new world she found herself in. And perhaps she could treat her to a meal as thanks for the assistance. There was room in Jedi budgets for such niceties after all.
Ochako Uraraka
    Phone calls, always a bit of a jumpstart for Ochako! Still, getting one from the laser sword lady was not something she was expecting anytime soon. Professionals are super busy all the time, right?

    Despite that, she answers and agrees to meet, though she's honestly confused why she's worth the time. So, she tucks her phone back in her pocket, looking across to her friend and classmate. "Well, I guess that lady from before's done with all the paperwork. Y'wanna come with? I could use company for the walk there!" Besides, with the world so open to sudden incursions of laser sword people and who knows what else, she'd just feel better with a companion. Of course, she tries to hide all that inner uncertainty behind a bright smile. As she does.
Tsuyu Asui
    Phone calls don't bother Tsuyu Asui all that much. Especially when they're not for her and ringing on someone else's phone. But for the duration of Ochako's mysterious phone call, the amphibian girl gives her classmate that intense, flat, stare. When the other girl finishes, hangs up and asks if she wants to come along, there's an almost owlish blink in response.
    "Oh huh. You mean from that incident you mentioned?" Tsuyu asks confirmation, before her shoulders lift in a lazy shrug. "Sure, I don't see why not."
    And that's how easily it was decided. It could be interesting after all, and as long as no other incidents crop up and the students don't have to attempt any hero work, meeting someone from off world shouldn't be an issue.
    "You're looking nervous, though, Ochako-chan." She comments bluntly.
    Ochako's smile cannot lie to her. And she will not keep quiet about anything on her mind, after all.
Ochako Uraraka
    Ochako rubs at the back of her head. Eheheh. "Nervous? Ah, me? It's fine! I'm just, I dunno. I guess I was just worried about getting in trouble still. Sorry to make you worry!" She offers a cheerful thumbs up before stooping down to change her shoes. "We'll go see what's up. And... maybe we can just have fun doing something!" Something mindless, fun, no pressure! That sounds nice.

    "Oh, and..." She looks up, shuts her locker and looks around. Not seeing whatever it was she's looking for, she hefts her schoolbag, "I think I know the way to that place, so we can get there pretty quick. All ready?" Maybe she wanted more company? But whoooooo?
Tsuyu Asui
    Tsuyu staaaares at Ochako.
    This time she doesn't comment. She already said what she had observed, anyway.
    "I'm not worried." The amphibian girl replies, simply. Unflappable Tsuyu was always difficult to throw off, after all. So she simply grabs what books she needs from her locker and stuffs them away, changing from her indoor shoes to her outdoor shoes and begins following Ochako. It shouldn't be too long before they arrive.
    As the two students make their way to the afforementioned meeting place, they would be able to see the middle-aged Jedi woman was currently seated on a bench outside of a small eatery. There were a few lines here and there for various things, including one for a shaved ice stand nearby which she seems to have patroned. As of the moment, with her attire consisting of a snow-white silken dress of sorts, which was a little different than what Ochako would have seen her wearing last time they were around each other. The clothes she had on had suffered some damage from the fight from close shaves with the offending lightsabers, so she had discarded them in favor of something that didn't look like she just came out of a warzone!
    Not to mention her face where her eyes would be was, once again, wrapped over with a cloth. The cloth was the same, though, a light blue cottony material that she had on before. Floating in front of the woman was a cup of shaved ice that she was idly eating out of with a spoon while otherwise seeming fairly non-suspect. She didn't seem to be dressed up in a proper hero costume, and really, without her robes on and her hair down, there was no sign that she was a Jedi. Well, unless you count the two lightsabers she had with her - which were attached to a pair of straps under the dress on her legs - out of sight but still there.
Ochako Uraraka
    The walk is easy enough and light conversation makes the time fly past while Ochako walks along with Tsuyu. The topic has apparently moved on to school matters, "I've really been having a lot of trouble with that whole class. You wanna study together sometime? I could really use the help!" Then, oh, here we are.

    "So, um... Ah, there! The lady with the mask!" Masks probably aren't that weird, right? Just... More typical on hero types. So, rather than lurk she lifts her hand in a wave without even realizing that the person she's waving at can't really /see/ that kind of stuff. "Hiiii! We made it! Sorry if we kept you waiting for long! And I brought a friend! This is Tsuyu!" She offers an apolgetic little bow, though, for her tardiness and for the presumption of bringing a friend along. Because she can! And maybe some of her classmates might've scolded her otherwise!
Tsuyu Asui
    Yep. Ochako brought along a friend. And as soon as the two arrive and the Zero Gravity Hero (in training) points out the figure on the bench, Tsuyu's empty eyed stare locks on the masked woman settled there. No, not quite a mask, but a wrap. Masks are one thing in the hero world but that covers her eyes.
    Most heroes use their eyes.
    Top it all off she's eating shaved ice by floating it.
    "Using your Quirk in public is frowned upon, you know." She points out instead of starting with a greeting. She just calls it like she sees it. But then introduction time.
    "So this is her?" Asked to Ochako first, one finger tapping on her lower lip as Tsuyu regards the jedi. But she doesn't hold her hand out for a shake or anything... If she's making a proper assumption about those wrappings anyway.
    "Tsuyu Asui. Call me Tsu if you wanna be friends." She says matter of factly.
    "Ah, hello again." she wound up saying, at first not turning towards the two. Instead, she reached up and took the container in her hand and brought it down to her lap. "I admit I am unfamiliar with this land, is an apologetic bow a common practice here? That was the impression I got from you at least, though I may just be speculating." she did pause, however, and finally turn to face Tsuyu. "Also, I am not of this world, and this is not a Quirk, as is commonplace enough here from my understanding. Ochako made the same mistake though, so I imagine many more will too." There was a small chuckle from the older woman. If she could see or not was hard to say, though somehow she knew Ochako bowed so that was something. "Tsu, Ochako. I am Surai. I am uncertain how much your friend would have told you about me but I am a Master in the Jedi Order. We help maintain the peace in the Galaxy we are from. Apparently similar to the Heroes here, but not quite as regulated by the government it seems."
    Seems she had picked up at least a little something in the interim. "Oh, right - if you wish it, Ochako, here." Surai reached down beside her and into a utility belt around her waist to take a small bag of something and offer it to the girl. "If you wish to accept it, my thanks for the assistance earlier, compliments of the Order." Inside was... 500 Galactic Credits. Which probably has no value here. "I am uncertain if you will find much value for it here, though if any trade ever gets opened up with our worlds, or somehow you end up in our Galaxy, you may have some use of it."
Ochako Uraraka
    Seemingly used to Tsuyu's frankness and cool demeanor, Ochako manages enough of a smile for both. Even if it's not entirely beneficial to the 'sightless' woman. Tsuyu's rebuke gets a glance from her and she bites her lip. "Sorry, she is right. It's just..." She feels bad mentioning it herself, as she often does so even if she's trying to be discreet.

    "Anyway! Yeah, see, she's like a space hero! Knight. Person. She-" Then, there's money. Ochako, without thinking, accepts the little pouch, careful not to touch it with all of her fingers at the same time. "... Huh? Oh, well... Thanks!" It's hard, very hard, for her to not want to open the pouch up then and there and start counting. She's in it for the money but that doesn't supercede a certain level of decorum! "It really wasn't a problem. I just happened to see them..." And she was following them like an absolute lunatic. What was she even gonna do? She'll keep telling herself that she was just gonna call the cops. That's it.

    "So, how's the shaved ice? I haven't tried this place before!" Still harboring some level of uncertainty about being given money, she has still not pocketed the pouch.
Tsuyu Asui
    She called her Tsu. That makes things a lot easier in judging how to gauge how to handle interactions over the course of the meeting to come. The fact that she dips her head in a nod is just pure ingrained social habit, and it makes her pause for a beat afterwards, wondering if it was even registered or not.
    Though the exhange of the pouch to follow does draw the frog girl's attention briefly, especially when Ochako ACCEPTS it, it may come as a surprise that... Tsuyu doesn't comment on it.
    Then again Heroes getting salaries for their work in this world is pretty standard, though it might be a little odd for Ochacko to be taking pouches of credits from strangers. Though if there isn't a conversion rate for them right now there probably will be in the future.
    Still, the point about Quirks in public has been made, even if Surai is from offworld. That gets Tsuyu tapping at her chin again when the Jedi order is explained.
    "So you're like Pro Heroes on a galactic scale." She surmises. Even sans the heavy regulations. "Ochako said a few things, but she's usually pretty excitable when it comes to recounting events, so all I could make out of what she said at the time was 'super cool laser swords'."
    "It is ice that has been shaved. I got this without any flavor added, I admit, so I cannot speak to the rest. I tend to eat rather plainly." The mixed desire to count it and uncertainty of what to do with it was glossed over by the Jedi and instead she seemed amused. "Something like that, yes. Though I will not be taking them back out unless the situation calls for it. I have them tucked away beneath my dress. It would be improper of me to walk around without them, but also a bit awkward for me to walk around in this attire with them fully visible. I admit they probably also would cause concern if they are hidden, but it was a compromise I reached with the officers I spoke to after the cleanup. They even gave me a slip of paper, though I know not what it says past a point."
    There was a mixture of what it seems she could see, and what she couldn't, though she knew it was a temporary permit of some nature. "I believe it may be a much to consider us Heroes, at least if the concept is similar to the phrase where I come from. We do not go out of our way to protect others, or save others. We try to maintain the balance of things and act as intermediaries while the Galaxy moves on its own. Recently, however, a war has errupted from an imposing Empire, mixed with a group of dark-sided Force Users - which some might mistake to be just another kind of Jedi, though they are not - so we have taken on a slightly more frontline duty in these times. Well, myself excluded. As a Master of the Order I am alotted some freedom in my duties, so I tend to wander the Galaxy and go where I feel I am needed."

    She stands up slowly before adding, "Would you two like anything to eat, or drink? I do not mind paying, I asked Ochako here partially to offer the Orders thanks for the assistance, and also to see if she had any interest in talking further about our different worlds. The same offer extends to you, if you like, Tsu." Fully standing, she wasn't that tall, or imposing. By all accounts she was a human woman in her late thirties to early fourties, though with her eyes covered part of her face may be drastically different. Even if it didn't look that different on the surface.
Ochako Uraraka
    Still holding that pouch somewhat uncertainly, Ochako offers an awkward little smile. Money from space! So cool! B-but should she really... Ethical quandary aside, she makes a bit of a fussy face at Tsuyu for calling her out on her ability to explain stuff.

    "Heeeeey. They really were super cool looking though." Hmf! She's not really mad, of course, and is quickly distracted. "Uwaaaaa? No flavor? But-"

    Well, who is she to judge? "Oh. So..." Yeah, more like knights! She huffs triumphantly and pockets the pouch finally. We'll... get to that later. "Oh! Food! Um..." She'll follow Tsuyu's lead on that offer, she thinks. "But, wow, yeah, okay! I mean..." Her knowledge of her own world isn't really the greatest given her age but a worthwhile insight or few may come from learning of others! Maybe? "I've only been off world like, once." To a world that was basically a giant petting zoo. It was glorious. The thought only bolsters her cheerful smile!
Tsuyu Asui
    "You know you're supposed to get them flavored, right?" Tsuyu says. The Jedi probably knows already, but just telling a highschooler that she got shaved ice plain, will make anyone old enough to have shaved ice boggle a bit. But that's about as far as Tsuyu holds on to that conversation thread, while completely paying absolutely no mind to the look her classmate shoots her.
    Balance over Heroism though makes the amphibian girl quietly tap on her lip a little more. It is always interesting to learn the values and goals of offworlders. It's like a window viewing out to the everything beyond the ideals of modern heroism.
    "Dark side?" She does ask curiously, before Surai makes the offer. Tsuyu spends a few beats contemplatng it, long enough to be polite in both not leaping on the offer and not instantly turning it down.
    "Sure. I haven't tried the shaved ice from here, either." She decides before pausing again, thoughtfully.
    "I've been offworld a few times. It's been a learning experience. Hearing about another place, without having to fend off mummified kittens would be a nice change of pace for once."
    ... Mummified kittens? Yes, she didn't stutter.
    "Yes. The Force is a bit difficult to explain in full to those who cannot perceive it, but it is the field of energy given off by all life, connected in some manner. It is still debated to a point the true nature of the Force, but for one such as myself - there is no true light, or dark, within the Force. Simply the light and dark of those who wield it. Those of us connected to the Force can interact with it." She demonstrates this by lifting the shaved ice cup from her hand and having it twirl around her. "More than just this, but the idea remains. Those who fancy themselves of the Light use the Force for defense of themselves and others, or to maintain the balance and peace, not for personal gain or domination. Counter to such, those of the Dark Side - in this case, the Sith - believe the Force can set them free, can break their chains so to speak and allow them the power to do whatever they like. Driven by passions, the Force for the Sith is a tool to be used, to control, dominate, gain power."

    The shaved ice returns to her hand where she scoops some more out with a spoon. "As for the flavoring, I understood it to be some kind of sugar-based syrup. I am sure it would make it taste like the syrup, but I much prefer natural tastes. Something so sweet often leaves me a bit lightheaded, if too strong. Dainty tastes." The last bit was likely a joke, though she did follow it up with, "I shall follow you two to wherever, as you likely know this place better than I. I have mostly sat here and observed for a bit, you actually know this land." She wasn't certain to think of 'mummified kittens' though it did sound unsavory. "If you do ever see anyone with red-colored laser swords, please do let one of the Jedi know if you can. While this is not a hard rule, most Jedi tend towards using green, or blue, lightsabers, whereas the Sith tend towards Red. There are various colors and meanings, naturally, behind such - but as a general rule. And stay safe. A lightsaber can cut through most any material, including thick metals and bodies, with little force needed. It is why I was concerned about involving your officers or heroes before I disarmed those who escaped. If they tried to fight them with conventional weaponry or even some manner of gun, it could have been very unfortunate."
Ochako Uraraka
    It's all a bit overwhelming to hear. The Force? Light and Dark? Like- It's hard not to draw conclusions that make it all sound like concepts she's familiar with. Heroes, villains~ Magic? "So... Yeah, wow, that's a lot to take in. Well, at least you stopped those guys so it should be okay now, right?" Never that simple, is it? She can certainly hope.

    "Ohhh, too sweet huh? Well, there's all kinds of flavors around here!" Though, as she considers, she colors just a little bit. The places she stops by are usually the very, very deeply discounted places if she even eats out at all. So, hopefully, she looks to Tsuyu. Can always trust her for a good answer, right?

    "Ah... So there's lots of you guys, right? Well... Alright!" Convenient color coding, okay, good. "I'm glad it worked out, anyway!"
Tsuyu Asui
    Surai explains the force and Tsuyu... And now not only is the frog girl tapping her lip... She furrows her brow. She suddenly has an intensely curious question.
    "What about silver lightsabers?"
    She suddenly asks in regards to green and blue versis red. She can't be entirely certain but...
    "I think I ran into one of those Sith while offworld. She was kind of ridiculous. It was like the angrier she got the more stronger she became. I thought I was gonna die."
    Tsuyu Asui just... Says it so tonelessly. But for all her lack of displaying emotions, she means it. She thought she was going to die.
    Tsuyu isn't picky though. She'll settle on a shaved ice of her own. Though with strawberry syrup.
    Can't go wrong with strawberry, and it saves face for Ochako when Tsuyu picks something modest anyway.
    "...silver, you say? Silver is typically a reflection of inner peace, self control and a lack of emotions. A purity of mind, so to speak, reflected in the purity of the crystal. But as you say, if one became angrier, and channeled such anger into strength, that is most certainly one of the Dark Side. ...I cannot say I know why a sith would have such a crystal, except perhaps out of irony or maybe some trophy of conquest." This really did surprise her a little, though for reasons that weren't necessarily clear to the others. 'Surai's lightsabers were green and blue, the lightsaber she used with her sith identity was naturally Red, but her own personal lightsaber, the crystal she used when she truly belonged to the Order was closer to a silvery white.

    "I am glad to know you returned safe, to think you faced a Sith and escaped with your life, seemingly unmaimed, is a mercy."
Ochako Uraraka
    The tone of the conversation is serious enough that Ochako edges closer to her friend. Life and death situations! Goodness, she's only really had the one to face. Still, she offers a hug. No need to dwell on it, though. Offer a little comfort and move on.

    "I'm just glad it... Worked out?" She feels bad for not being there to help but she's not really much help on her own, she realizes. "Strawberry ice? Hm, yeah, that'll be good. Sorry, I'm just- Wow, you know? Alright! So, light sword colors are sometimes just a preference I guess?" Maybe the swords are magic or something she doesn't know. "Anyway, what'd you wanna know about our world? I didn't mean to make you guys think about all that scary stuff. Have you tried any of the actual food here? Food is awesome!" There, she's getting worked up. "There's so much variety around here too; you hafta try stuff sometime!"
Tsuyu Asui
    "That's the thing." Tsuyu says as the color code is given more detail. "When she wasn't angry she seemed kind of alright. ... I mean, well, alright aside from being an obvious Villain." Added on as an important after note. "She was pretty calm and personable, until she went all business mode. Then I just got super lucky I didn't get crushed by bits of broken pyramid."
    So yeah it worked out. Tsuyu obviously didn't get crushed.
    "Uraraka and I can try and answer anything you have to ask about this world though, yeah."
    "Well, I will let you choose on the food. I do not mind spices or natural flavors, but added sugar has always been an odd taste to me. And..." The question from Tsu did make the Jedi think. "Could you two properly explain to me the relationship between Heroes, here, and Villains? And... the school Ochako attends, I believe she referred to it as UA. I heard something mentioned about a UA Hero school while I was here. Also, maybe shaved ice and food?"
Ochako Uraraka
    Ochako moves as if she might clap her hands, instead carefully lacing her fingers, "I guess villains aren't all smoke guys or creepy brain monsters." Some are bound to seem nice? Sometimes? "Yeah, we'll do our best!"

    Then it's on her again for the food. "Well, there's... A noodle cart a little further down by one of the candy stores. The old guy there sells everything really cheap. I guess the store and the cart are his hobby; he even keeps a few games around that you can win prizes from." Like free noodles.

    "And that's where we both go to school! There's lots of us in class and everyone is super awesome! Ah... I mean, yeah though. It's a hero academy!" She leaves off that it's prettymuch the top in the entire country.
Tsuyu Asui
    Asking about UA, huh? Well, Ochako can lead toward the noodle cart. Tsuyu will follow, walking in her usual hunched slouch. She's already a short girl, but walking like that makes her seem even smaller.
    "UA is the most prestigious hero academy in Japan." She adds to Ochako's statement. "All the best pro heroes of this age are usually alumni. Hundreds of people take the entrance exams every year and the cuts are brutal. Only like one or two percent of applicants make it in."
    She does not leave that part out.
    "Anyway, being a Pro Hero is a legit career people go into, here. Fighting crime, stopping villains, disaster control, rescue operations, it's not all just punching bad guys and taking names."