World Tree MUSH

The Downtown Food Faire

Character Pose
Aurelia Argent
    The influx of trade from the larger 'verse of the World Tree has had some interesting benefits to say the least. Today this can be seen in Gardenia City's downtown, as food trucks and food stalls from the host world and many worlds beyond it have set up there. There's a lot of exotic food and exotic people. Smells collide in ways that aren't always pleasant, and in other ways are alluring.
    "Get your roasted marshmelons! Freshly cooked! Tastes just like roast marshmallows!" says one stall operator. Aurelia is peering at the basketball sized 'fruit' that resembles a properly burnt marshmallow.
     Bewul was just another visitor to this world, and potentially, cause several sets of eyes to land on him, how many small lizards wearing a fox pelt can be seen just walking around, admiring the different food stalls, and licking it's chops as he begins to track a particular one, leading him to the Marshmelons.
Aurelia Argent
Aurelia Argent is actually having a bit of a time not twitching at every non-human or variation of a human at the food faire. After all, she's supposed to be on the look-out for big nasty threats. She glances down at the lizard... fox... thing? "Where... did you come from?" She seems genuinely puzzled. She ohs and pays the stall operator some cash for one of the marshmelons.
Bewul ponders for a moment, and checks in his coat for some japanese money, which he tries to offer to the merchang for one of the odd 'fruits', rather curious!. The question gets a grin from the odd gabumon, tail wagging, "I am from the digital world!" he says matter of factly, "I mean... from another world."
Aurelia Argent
    The vendor checks the money to make sure it's legitimate in some fashion before accepting it and handing the odd gabumon a marshmelon. It's squishy but just firm enough to not turn into a gooey mess when Bewul and Aurelia hold them.
Bewul tries to take a bite of th weird goopy thing, forgetting the conversation to try the weird fruit, gabumon is hungry!
Aurelia Argent
It's like biting into a roasted marshmallow. The immediate area behind the crispy blackened part is gooey, but the center is fluffy marshmallow. It's a pleasant contrast.
Aurelia Argent
Aurelia Argent peels off the outer-skin herself and eats it. "So~ bad, but so good~." She says with her mouth full.
Bewul ends up with his snout smeared in the goop, licking what he can out of it, before nodding, "It's quite good." he replies, smiling brightly to Aurelia. "I'm Bewul by the way." he says.
Aurelia Argent
Aurelia Argent regards the marshmellon. "I'm Aurelia. You're adorable!" She says, grinning.
Bewul licks his nose again and whipes at his nose, "So sticky." he mumbles, before blushing at the praise, "Thank you." he says, grinning a bit. "This world is rather neat, I like this... mellon thing."
Aurelia Argent
Aurelia Argent ohs. She glances down at the denuded marshmellon. "This isn't from here." 
    The vendor helpfully says it's from his world. Where nothing is manufactured because there's always some kind of plant or animal that can stand-in for what other worlds manufacture with industry. "There is a very neat plant creature from the same swamps as the marshmellons. We breed them and use them for matresses." Aurelia has a vague horrified look on her face. The vendor laughs and says "What? Is no different than raising cows for beef!"
Bewul rubs the back of his head, "Well, this world is rather nice really, even if this fruit is not from here." he says, licking his nose clean and smiling. "Oh?, back home we grow meat from plants... well in the digital world we do." he says, wanting to chime in at the talk of odd creature and plant things. He does seem a bit curious of poor monster mattresses.
Aurelia Argent
    "Yes yes, their prey are the climbing pillow beasts." The vendor goes on to explain the swamp's ecology and how most of the things are turned into fluffy things like blankets, cardigans, bunny slippers, and futon mattresses.
    Aurelia's stomach rebels as she hears the details of how 'industry' works on the vendor's world, and she pukes into a nearby trashcan.
Bewul is not quite as 'sick' as Aurelia is from the revelations, but he is not that happy either, tuning out the explanations to slowly approach Aurelia, "Are you ok?"
Aurelia Argent
Aurelia Argent throws her now filthy marshmellon in the trash too, after wiping her mouth on her sleeve. "Yeah. That was too much for me." 
The vendor is happily assisting other customers now. Aurelia urghs. "Maybe not. Something to drink'd be nice. Help me over to that stall." She's reaching for Beful (as she is not very tall herself) to steady herself.
Bewul is glad to offer some help, holding on Aurelia's side, "Sure, lean on me, I am stronger than I look." says the weird reptile, smiling... as much as such a thing can, and helping the uneasy person to the pointed stall.