World Tree MUSH

Up a Tree

Character Pose
The 'Vine' or portal that disgorges folks nearest to here will deposit them into a... fairly mundane, mordern city? It might be someplace like Seattle, or maybe Boston--someplace larger and closer to the east coast of North America--for good or ill. Right now the sun has begun to sink low and gloom has spread across the city--and while this isn't anywhere /near/ the World of Darkness, it has creatures of the night of it's own.


The sound of a dog barking fills the night.

"Damnit, get outta here--don't you got a home to go to, Pongo--git!"

Comes a voice just over said dog, from not nearby.

"Damnit..." Leo sighed, his legs crossed around the (thankfully) large branch of a tree, which he'd had to run up to get away from this English Terrier that tried to half-jump/half-scramble up the side of the tree to get at him. Leo had a bit too much cat in his mien (that being his true form beneath the mask) to fool or dissuade the occasional canine from wanting to chase him. The changeling's blue spaded tail flicked beneath him, flicking once in a while--jerking up out of the reach of the dog as it tried to jump and lunch for it with his jaws. It wasn't even that big of a dog, to be fair--but neither did Leo want the conflict, apparently!

It was still majorly embarrassing.
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke followed one of the branches into this apparent city, though clearly he recognizes NONE OF IT. and more than likely, he looks severely out of place, like some kind of assassin or something. But, enshrouded by his cloak with a black headband around his head to keep his hair controlled, Sasuke simply keeps moving, though as he steps, the sound of the dark barking does get his attention. He pauses though, and he analyzes the dog...until Leo arrives! 

Simply watching as Leo tries to rangle the dog, Sasuke simply approaches, looking to the young man. "Do you know this world." he asks in a manner of which...isn't really a question. But his face is serious, so it must be! Regardless, he doesn't move. Nor does he flinch when the medium-sized dog more than likely barks wildly at him. He's killed gods before, a dog isn't a problem.

Though he also noticed that Leo was perhaps...a bit scared of the dog, but that was okay! dogs can be scary. Not to say that Sasuke will pity you.

Because he won't.
"Huh? Oh hey--you mind helping me with Fido here? I don't know who's dog this is--and it's gotten the wrong idea!" A pair of yellow, nearly luminescent glowing cat-like eyes would blink out at Sasuke from the darkness of the tree--the assassin-like fellow would be seeing through his mask, and the true shape of the half-fae therein.

"If you uh, wanna help me with the animal here I'll see if I can help you, deal?" he has to twist against the tree branch and reach down to grab his blue spaded tail just as the snowy white English Terrier hops up into the air for it again.

The dog doesn't seem to really notice Sasuke either, more fixated on what it thinks is something weird and cat-like above them--which well, they're not wrong!
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke looks at Leo as he looks as untrustworthy as literally the next bandit on the road, but given that he apparently seems terrified of this dog that wants to have him for lunch, Sasuke simply sighs, and deigns to help him. Placing a single finger on the dog, the dog will likely turn to look at him, before Sasuke simply pets the dog and shows it affection. Things tend to like him,'s hoping the dog will just kinda turn around and run off after licking Sasuke's face or whatever. 

Either way, Sasuke looks up at Leo. "Are you an assassin?" he asks as the half-fae who wears a mask asks for help and a deal, which Sasuke appears to nod in acceptance of. "I accept." hopefully the dog is already gone by this time.

"Tell me your name. and maybe we'll find out if the dog had the right idea."
"No, I am not," Leo shakes his head, reaching up to brush black hair back from his forehead and large, bat-like ears. "I'm too delicate to do that kind of work--not that I can't handle a gun," the changeling peers down as Sasuke is able to more or less pacify the dog, tilting his head at the display.

"Phew, thanks--I guess you have a way with animals--be still my heart," he loosens his grip a bit on the tree branch, about to let his lower body drop down--but relents for the moment.

"Name is Leo, first name basis here hon--also known as Ruby Rose, that's my stage name, I do vaudeville and cabaret sorta shows--maybe you've heard of me?" he grinned a bit sheepishly and looked down at the one-armed man, displaying his fangs in the process.
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke still watches as Leo simply states how delicate he is. "Many people claim they are delicate. They are most always wrong." he says to Leo, eyes locked onto his with a serious expression on his face. No amusement, no joy, no nothing. So serious...ALL THE TIME. Well, nevertheless, he looks at Leo as he thanks him for pacifying the dog. If only hearts could be still without the person dying first. that'd be great. 

Either way, he doesn't appear amused. But when Leo starts to speak confidently about who he is, Sasuke simply watches. "I haven't." Sasuke informs the performer, before he shrugs lightly. But once fangs are flashed? Sasuke is cautious, as if ready for battle.

"Something also tells me that your not quite average. Not a cat, not a human. ears of a bat. A shapeshifter?" Sasuke deduces rather quickly...
"Honey, I /know/ I am, okay," Leo says with a tone of irreverance in his voice, like 'girl, you did /not/ just say that to me', but far more muted.

Sasuke locks eyes with the half-fae, which even Leo has get a bit intimidated by. It's like the one-armed man was trying to bore into his head with those eyes.

"Oh, well that's okay! hey mind telling the pupper to take a hike--I'm ruining my tights--" Leo fidgets in the tree. Sure, he could climb trees with the speed of a big cat or monkey--but he kind of wasn't dressed for such.

"Changeling, I'm half-fae, darling--half-human, you know, fairy?" Leo gestures to himself with a glance down. "As if that wasn't obvious already," he grins again.

"So, what is it gonna take for you to make the dog go away? Do you want a verbal agreement with me? They are binding contracts to my kind, you know," he settles back into the tree a little, more laying on the branch on his knees and elbows now.

"It's kind of like 'I will never tell a lie, lest a stone hit me'--except for us it actually happens," he nods.
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke doesn't seem amused to be called 'honey' or 'darling', but for the sake of his curiosity, he lets it slide. Regardless, the Uchiha watches Leo like a hawk, one of his eyes turning into the Sharingan. A crimson eye, with three 'tomoe' around the pupil. clearly he seems to be scanning Leo for anything possibly out of the ordinary about the changeling. Seeing his energy flow, seeing how strong he is....and to see if he was charging anything for a possible subtle attack. 

Once it becomes clear that Leo isn't presently doing anytihng but trying to talk his way to peace. Regardless, Sasuke's eyes never waver. But he nods. "i don't need your word. Do you know anything about this world? I don't recognize it. It's too reliant on technology to be a world where anything actually gets finished." he states then, eyes locked onto Leo like a laser sight.