World Tree MUSH

Beta test

Iota meets her older sister Beta. Stuff happens and not much of it is good
Character Pose
Iota Assistant
After a bit of asking around and tracking Iota has figured out where the chimera that was trying to kill here came from. Now she stand about a block away looking at a non descrit wearhouse building in a industral area. It late a night as she doesn't want to get noticed and is trying to figure out how she going to get into the bulding. Should she just go up and knock? Sneak in a like ninja? She ponders this looking over at the building.
If one wanted to find a Chimera--well, ask one, apparently! That's not to say Leo would not have been a little paranoid at someone wanting help in finding a 'Chimera', because he is partially one. After some explaination, however--Leo would have obliged to go along. He still wasn't sure what Iota /was/, though--hob, maybe? He could understand if she was a bio-construct of some kind, they did have those creatures where he was from, sort of--or at least he'd hard of such things. The Created.

"So uh, what're we doing here? You think a creature like this is going to hang out in a place like this? Is someone keeping it here, like an illegal pet?" Leo might ask--in a hushed tone of voice, peering over at Iota. He reached up and brushed his long black hair back from his bat-like ears, sighing a bit harshly. Damn this hot(ish) weather.
Iota Assistant
"Umm I don't know.", Iota says looking back at Leo. "I just know that it the chimera came from. I really don't know what inside. It could be a lab or just a place to store them.. Or mabye it just got loose.". she rubs her head looking a bit frustrated. "Oh I really don't know!", she starts to walk towards the building. "I'm just going to go in!"
"Creepy, well I guess I can help you look inside--but I hope there aren't security or anything around here--I didn't signup to have to shoot people--" Leo unfurls the wolf-fur cloak around him and fastens it tight--taking out a long rifle from the inside of it and cocking it before moving to check on the doors.

"I take it you don't have any keys? Do I have to climb through a window?" he winces a little and looks down at his legs and boots. "I just bought these tights, too," he actually seemed to pout at that.
Iota Assistant
Iota Assistant shake her head. "Nope! I was thinking of knocking. But if you want to try climbing through a window..", she hmms looking around for a window big enough for Leo to climbe through.
Leo grumbles a bit as he searches for a window--hiking himself up around to one--likely several feet off the ground. Despite how they're dressed it doesn't seem like they're any less nimble--and in fact supernaturally so.

"Only helping you because you're so dang cute, hon--" Leo mutters (mostly to himself) as he finds a window and begins prising it open with a switchblade they had handy--yes performers carry those, legal or not--and pulls themselves through into what is likely a very dark and mysterious warehouse.

"Just where I wanted to spend my Friday night," he gripes, brushing a bit of dust out of his hair.
Iota Assistant
Iota Assistant oohs and ahhs as Leo climbs up. It's very dark in the warehouse. Hard to see anything right now. "I'll walk over to the door..", Iota yells up towards the open window.
"I should have found a club instead of graduating to second story man--sounds so gauche," Leo patted himself off before moving to let Iota inside the place, unlocking the door for her.

"Right, so... do you think there is a Chimera in here? Maybe a Manticore, eh?" he teases Iota a little bit.

"All I smell is dust and mold," the changeling brings a hand up to cover their nose and mouth a little bit, at once wishing for one of those white dust masks that painters wear. Or people that are afraid of the flu!

"But I digress--I've heard of people having big cats as pets, like tigers, and such, but..."
Iota Assistant
"Lions tigers and bears! oh my!", Iota says giggling. "Sorry." 

"Man, about time you made it here!", a female voice calls out in the darkness. "I was figuring you never find this place and I have to find you!", the lights turn on illuminating the warehouse. At the other then stands a woman looking about in her 20's she wearing a mask on one side of her face, wearing a green cloak around her body, a beret on her head with a star on top of it. Iota looks at her. "Do I know you. You look familar..", Iota questions, and there a bit of simlarty between this mysterious woman and Iota.. She starts to walk towards Iota and Leo, she flanked by two guards. The wearhouse itself it quite empathy other than a desk and a few boxes scattered around. "Hello Iota. I'm Beta."
"Uh oh," Leo is quick to get his AK-style rifle up and out, having slung it over one shoulder as he crawled through the window--now it was half-hidden by his cloak, but gripped in both hands.

"Are these folks organized crime, or what?" he frowns--and it dawns on him that perhaps it really /was/ illegal animal smugglers, of some kind.

"Whew--well, look at the time, don't mind us--pest control and all, someone saw a cockroach--we'll just go and get our equipment..." he sidles up to Iota and begins trying to guide the girl out of the place--when the woman speaks again.

"So... where's Alpha?" he stops, tilting his head, curiously. If he's making a joke there--which is likely--it's ambiguous! like the rest of him.
Iota Assistant
"wowww. I have a sister!", Iota says while getting dragged by Leo. Beta laughs at Leo's joke. "The Professor never made an Alpha.. As far I know anyway.", she looks over Iota. "So your Iota. I saw your plans long ago. I did leave the Professor long ago so I guess he had to make you as a replacement. 
"I didn't know I had a sister.. Did you send that Chimera out for me?"
"That one got a bit anyway oh me. Sorry about that..", Beta looks over Leo. "Why are you in such a hurry I don't bite.."
"So... what's going on here then?" Leo brightens up and drops the pretenses of his shifty ruse there--and stops dead in his tracks.

"Did you just want to talk to her? You could have just called her, maybe--does she have a cellphone?" Leo looks between Iota and Beta now, not sure. He knew he did--but then again Iota was a girl wearing a pumpkin hat and bandages, maybe she wasn't that 'hip'.

"I don't either, usually--what's the deal then? You sent some kind of critter after her?" he replies, looking confused.
Iota Assistant
"well I did want to meet my little sister and see what she was like. It was test! Yes a test!", Beta says. "I wanted to see what she could do..",she walks around sighing. "I really didn't get to see anything you know. Mabye this time you can do a bit better okay my little Iota?", she pulls back her cloak revealing her arm, if you can call it a arm, from the shoulder it 3 large looking leatherlike tentacles.. She looks at one of her guards. "You service was great! I'll send off a bouns to you next of kin.", she reaches out with her tentale arm, a large spear comes out from one and it plunges into the guard. She pulls it out smiling.. "hmm I wonder what will happen this time", she takes a few steps back as the guard body start to morph and change geting larger and turning to this monturous thing. "oh! by the way my designation was creator. Thought I can't really control them..", she sighs. "Pity. Have fun!"
"She seems pretty normal for a young girl, to me--maybe a bit of a walking ad for hot topic, but hey, who isn't, right?" Leo lowered his guard a little to gesture at himself. The yellow cat-like eyes, bat ears--long spaded tail. Well, if Hot Topic was also into furries, perhaps!

Then... Beta unveils her leather strap tentacle arm--and kills one of her guards.

"Woah woah woah--that's not really necessary, you know??" Leo is immediately put back on guard like this, as anyone would be--ducking down a little and instinctively positioning his rifle so that he can bring it up to fire if it's needed.

"Wait what do you mean have fun--ahhh what the hell is that?!" Leo cringes as the other guard begins morphing, the changeling beginning to back up against the wall.
Iota Assistant
"Well you wanted to see at chimera.. well there is one!", the other guard looks and starts shooting at it with it gun. It just roars and knocks the guard away. It turns towards Iota and Leo. "How could you do such an thing Beta?", Iota says, looking a bit upset. She steps infront on Leo she suddenly just bigger just a bit bigger than the chimera. "I'll protect you Leo!", she says.
Iota Assistant
>> GAME >> Iota Assistant spends an Edge for: Iota got huge!
Leo, also opens up with his rifle--the large calibur rifle bullets littering the area around the grotesque horror!

"Iota honey--get back--I--woah!" and then Iota does her best impression of Jack and the Beanstalk and begins to grow supernaturally large--covering him completely.

"I knew she was a growing girl but this is a bit much--" he sidles around the giant girl's side and aims his rifle, still shooting the morphing horror--with a little luck maybe the other bodyguard can get away!
Iota Assistant
"oh that what she can do. Intersting.", Beta says watching. "I'll leave you kids to play.. I'll see you later!", Beta start to skip heading toward the exit at the other end of the wearhouse. "H-hey! I got..", Iota says watching Beta leave as she grapple with the monster. "Please stop with the puns Leo!", the other bodyguard just picks himself and runs towards the close exit. "They don't pay me enough anyway to deal with this!", he says as he makes his way out.
"Hey, humor is my strength, okay--also my fabulousness," Leo cringes a little bit as the tries to circle around Iota and the monster--trying not to shoot Iota in the process. This means he has to stop firing in the rapid way he was just now. He definitely doesn't want to hit Iota. Leo seems minorly relieved when the remaining guard is able to make it out at least--he stands back and tries to aim for the monstrosities head, or maybe it has a nucleus somewhere he can shoot to exploit it's weakness!
Iota Assistant
The monster roars as it hit in the head, it doesn't seem to affected by it much.. It turns looking at where the shots came from look at Leo. "Iota punches in the chest. "Pay attention to me not him!", it looks back at Iota trying to grap her. She just holds in place. "I'm really not much of a fighter..."
"Crap crap crap--" Leo is quick to make a bit of a retreat from the creature, then calls out to Iota. "Try to step on it--maybe you can squish it?" Leo had gotten the idea from watching it--it seemed like it might not have standard physiology--as in organs which could be hurt like a regular living thing.

"Try to crush it--I'll look for something to help!" Leo slings his gun over his shoulder again, looking around--think, damnit--think, he might be muttering to himself--then his eyes stop on a dusty, old fire extinguisher. Maybe it can slow it down...?

This is when the bat-eared performer comes back wielding the fire extinguisher, trying to hose the creature down!
Iota Assistant
"I can't get that big!", Iota says "Even if I could it be hard to move in here!", the foam from the fire extinguisher distracts the creature as it tires to remove the foam. Iota uses the distraction to punch the creature in the head! It staggers back looking dazed..
"Careful now--step back a little, and..." Leo takes the opportunity to make a running jump at the creature and send the heel of his boot into the creature's neck with a flying jump kick! Yes, he could move that fast when he wanted to--now here was hoping the thing actually had a neck to break!

"Phew, are you okay there, big girl?"
Iota Assistant
Iota nods. "y-yes.", she says looking down at Leo. The creatures staggers a bit moving erratically on it's legs then falls to the ground the floor vibrating from the impact when it landed. It's body starts to smoke and the starts to melt. "..just like the last one..", Iota comments..
"Last one? Do they all melt like that?" Leo shakes himself off a bit, having stumbled (embarrassingly) and fallen after delivering that jump kick. The changeling brushes himself down and looks over at Iota, tilting his head. "Are you uh... gonna turn to normal size, by the way? I don't think you'll fit through the doorway now..." he looks around quickly--finding a loading dock door, pressing the controls on it and causing the sheetmetal door to begin to rise.
Iota Assistant
Iota nods. "The two I dealt with anyway.", she ohs and shrinks back to normal. "Sometimes I forget what my normal size is..", she sighs. "well I met my sister and she is just a bit crazy.."
"That's putting it lightly.. are uh, you hurt? We should go get you looked at maybe--or I can do it, if you want, I have some first-aid skills," Leo offers, walking with Iota. He'd be trying to guide her to the exit anyway--not wanting to stay there now that he's made a racket with his gun.
Iota Assistant
"I'm fine..", she looks herself over to make sure. "No physical injures anyway..", she following Leo to the exit. It proably for the best they get out of here. what happend here would be to hard to explain and they would get blamed for it!
"Phew, well, that's why I hate family reunions," Leo checks his gun before putting it away, taking his cloak off and rolling it around the large rifle--before slinging that with the gun inside it over his shoulder.

"So... maybe we should grab dinner? My treat?" he grins a little, trying to look gentle despite the fangs he has.
Iota Assistant
Iota Assistant smiles. "That sounds great! I worked up a big appetite!",she pauses. "Did I just make a funny?"