World Tree MUSH

Freedom from the Gilded Cage

Finally free of his decade and a half of imprisonment in the Physical World, Rez manages to return to the Digital World where he meets a Gabumon named Bewul.
Character Pose
    A quiet, pleasant day in Bewul's little bit of the digital world. Given his area tends to end with many off world visitors, he has taken the practice to walk around the nearby forest!. 
    It was a clear day, and unlike other times, he was actually alone in the forest, at least, without his friends. It was all nice and quiet, except floating orbs containing stray data moving around with the light breeze.
     From not that far away, however, comes a sound that carries. It is not an unpleasant sound, but it is loud. It is also brief. Laughter, deep and booming and filled with incredulity and relief. And then: silence from that direction. Alone, standing tall with a hand to his chin, ponders a Bancho Leomon. Where did he come from? Whoever he is, he seems a little torn between trying to stay calm, trying to enjoy a bit of genuine giddiness, and trying to figure out where he is. He's definitely lost.
     Bewul expected many things to happen down 'his' forest, but random laughter was not one of them. There was a rather loud, and perhaps a bit girlish squeak in surprise, before seemingly recovering his cool and slowly walking towards it's source, being more than a bit cautious. He refrains from evolving just yet, the small, fox like gabumon peeking at the towering creature that produced said noise. It only takes him a few moments before realizing the relief and... happyness from that laughter, and decides to present himself, waving one paw. "Hello."
     The tall lion-like fellow suddenly turns at the waist to face the direction of the greeting. His gakuran swirls in the motion behind him with a tinkle of chain and a rustle of cloth. "Eh?" Shadow-hidden eyes peer over at the Gabumon from beneath the brim of his cap. A studious gaze, hardened with unsurety of his surroundings, falls upon the other. For a moment, perhaps a moment that feels a lot longer than it really is, this stranger simply stares. The expression breaks with a large grin, posture melting into something more relaxed, and the Bancho Leomon's arms open wide. "Ha ha ha ha!" What an odd greeting!
Bewul needs another moment to recognize the figure before him, and as the figure glances back with... some severity, the gabumon whimpers and takes a step back, trying to act casual, about to mumble something about 'being strong', before the stranger relaxes and smiles, the small critter letting out his breath, "Are you ok?" he asks, taking a few steps closer.
     The tall figure takes a half step forward, then stops. While his arms remain open, they droop just a bit. "Apologies." He lowers his gaze to break any potential eye contact, yet his smile remains. His palms turn upward in gesture as he shakes his head. "I believe I may be lost." It's a matter of stating the obvious, but at least it's now out there. There's an edge of awkwardness in how this otherwise confident-looking Digimon speaks. It's like he's very much out of practice more than a sense of being shy or anything.
The small figure seems to relax as the bigger creature continues to prove to be friendly, tilting his head and smiling, "No need! I was just a bit startled... I don't recall even seeing someone like you before." he says softly, padding to the side of the fairly stronger digimon, wagging his tail happily. "I can help perhaps, at least we can go to my home." he says softly.
     While this stranger isn't exactly nervous about the close approach, he does seem to become a little tense at first. It's as if there's some kind of internal struggle being fought in his head; one side suddenly wins out over the other, though, and he speaks a phrase very softly under his breath -- 'watashi ga suru koto o watashi ni yurushitekudasai' -- as a small prayer of forgiveness for an action that has not yet been committed. It is a phrase that he has heard many times before and it sounds aptly appropriate for what he attempts to do directly after. 

     The lion'mon cannot stop himself from suddenly leaning over in order to scoop up this poor unknown and potentially helpful fellow Digimon for a sudden close hugging embrace; if so successful, his intent is merely to spin around in celebration and laughter. Any proof needed to show that he is free from his previous prison is all right here in somebody he can touch and talk to and that brings out an uncaged and untamed joyousness.
     Certainly, the gabumon is kind of cute, claws and all, so one can't blame for what happens!. Still, the apology gets his attention, tilting his head a bit, "What are you apologi..." the sentence is interrupted as he is suddenly lifted by the fairly bigger digimon, chuckling and not quite seeming to mind, wagging his fluffy tail slowly. "Well, glad you are a friendly digimon." he says with a grin. "Still, maybe we should get to my home, we can get you a bit of food or something to drink, seems like you were lost for a while." he says, not quite aware of how right said statement was, chuckling happily.
     The white-maned creature closes his eyes while spinning, then slows, stops, and is just about to lock eyes for a bit of explanation -- then there is the mention of food. What a dangerous offer! Eyes fully open, he looks to the other with a nod and 'mm' of acknowledgment before seeing about putting down the one so held, carefully. "I would greatly appreciate your hospitality," he says with a polite half bow...and then turns half away to grab something sticking up out of the ground behind him. The short sword is drawn, lifted, and rested on one shoulder. So distracted by his situation, this Bancho Leomon has been somewhat unaware of his hunger until such is pointed out. It's hard to tell if he's mostly formal or informal; it's a bit of a messy mix.
    The fox pelt wearing digimon hugs firmly for a bit more, before nodding back,a lmost seeming dissapointed the hug ended, shaking his head a bit, "Please, it's the least I can do, would use more friends around here." he replies, bowing clumsily and tilting his head to watch that short sword, ears flicking a bit. He was a bit intimidated, "It's this way." he says, pointing towards his left, and starting to walk. "I have a small meat farm and some fruit I got from the human world in my last visit, so I think it should be enough."
     "You've...been to the human world, too?" The big guy follows along rather casually. After the question is asked, he seems to resign to a bit of quiet contemplation while mouthing upon the stalk of grass sticking from his muzzle. His eyes move from the Gabumon to peer about the surroundings. Has it been so long? How long has it been? Even 'home' feels a bit alien in this introduction. His question hints at some negative opinion of the place in point, likely due to personal experience, even though he has seen very little beyond- Beyond where he was kept.
    "A couple times!." he says, "I met some nice humans there." he says softly, smiling an dwagging his tail still. The area is nothing special, trees, grass, the odd data orbs floating around, and the ocassional sight of another digimon in the distance. Still, he does notice the tone of hte question and shakes his head, "Don't worry about it." he replies, "You can call me Bewul, by the way." he adds, working his way further, the forest thinning out as they progress.
     "You must be very brave, Bewul," comments the sword-wielding Digimon. He even reaches out with his free hand, his right hand, to brush a finger or two against a tree while feeling the grasses beneath his feet. It's like rediscovering a place all over again. In fact, it's nearly dream-like. "I was named after Resu-" Whatever he was saying stops suddenly. His mouth twitches before speaking again. "Just Rez." Just like the mascot for the independently developed palmtop computer in the physical world. "Call me Rez," he says, partly in repeat, as he finds himself distracted even by mundane details of the digital environment. The more he walks along, the more and more lost he looks. "An honor to meet you, brave Bewul."
The Gabumon looks back at the lion man and smiles, "I try, even if it gets me in trouble sometimes, since I am not that strong yet, but I try." he says softly while rubbing the back of his head. "Pleased to meet you as well, Rez." he offers, pausing for a moment to let the other digimon explore the trees and vegetation.
    Still, it is another couple minutes before finally emerging to the edge of the forest, and the clearing. There was a small house visible, and what seems to be a small field with plants. "that's the place."
     Even something modest can be impressive. The big brawler is impressed, but it's a very solemn expression. "I'm not sure what to say. This is a very comfortable place you have." Then again, it's not like he has much of which to compare; so, for the time being, he's most certainly fascinated with the home in a positive way. "A place to live, to grow food..." He wonders aloud, "So where do you train?" It would seem the notion of having such a dedicated place goes without saying, but it doesn't mean it has to be where one lives. He's curious; it seems, to him, to be a necessity.
The house is not particularly impressive, dome shaped, with just a table, a couple chairs and sparce furniture. There is one magazine or two and a book!. And a bowl with some fruits. He even has a simple stove to cook and heat the place. He grins at the praise, "Thank you.", showing the small meat garden, quite full!.

    The question for the training area gets a flick of his tail, pointing to an area a bit further, just some crude targets, some of them looking more like scarecrows, and an area that seems to be used to run. "I am not that great at ranged fights, mostly have close range moves."
     The lion guy goes back to scratching at his chin as he takes in the details of the homestead and he's glad to see a spot for training. "Very nice!" It doesn't have to be fancy. Just having a spot for training, Rez thinks, is very important. However, of note, he spends quite a bit of time, upon notice, gazing over the crops. It isn't done so much in hunger -- although he could mostly certainly eat -- but in a sense of wonder and deep thought. "Perhaps...perhaps I can return your hospitality somehow. With chores? Training? It would only be right."
    Bewul's place was fairly modest for sure, and was glad the tall, imposing lion digimon approved of it, making his way to the front door and holding it open for his guest. "Let's get you a meal, then we can see, you are welcome to stay here for a little while." he says happily, "Training would be fun, better than those targets.". He comments that as he moves to get some pieces of meat on a plate.
     Slowly mouthing on the blade of grass in his mouth, the tall beast man turns his attention from the details of the dwelling to the actions of his current host. One arm crossed over his lower chest while the other bears his blade, the Bancho Leomon finds himself thinking over the awkward notion of eating etiquette. His eyes dart from side to side as he looks about in an attempt to puzzle just how this arrangement is going to go. 

     "You need a bigger target, do you?" jokes Rez on the subject of making a better stand-in for target dummies. He does look like he could take a beating, though, and barely feel it. Still, food is being offered and he's not going to turn down the generosity.
     The small, fluffy gabumon sits at the table, and motions the lion to do the same, there were cushions for him to kneel or sit, if he prefered that, the table done for more... sizable people than Bewul. There is some variety in the meal, a large piece of indetermined meat with a bone, multiple of those, some fruits, a lot of soda (must have gotten it back at the human side!) and even some bacon!. "Eat as much as you want, I have plenty, just get comfortable!" he yips happily, before taking a bite of a piece of meat. "I think you are strong enough to turn me to dust with a glare, even if I evolved, but I am sure you will take it easy."
     The offer to become seated at the table is welcome enough and serves as some guidance as to what might be expected of him. His blade is set aside and he, in turn, sits cross-legged in a seemingly well-practiced fashion. Hopefully the open offer to eat his fill won't become a mistake: Rez can most certainly eat a lot! Large fingers reach over to grab a little of this and a little of that. "I joke," he says before immediately nomfing on some natively grown meat with a bit of eagerness. Eating like this -- it's a welcome experience in light of past events. 

     The Bancho Leomon knows he shouldn't talk with his mouth full, but it kinda happens anyway, bone sticking out. "But, I do love training. It will be nice to train with a real partner for a change." That might be a bit of an odd thing to say, but he doesn't think about it. He just says as much.
    Bewul seems confident there was enough food at least!, eating clean one of the meat covered bones and wagging his tail rapidly, pleased for the company, chuckling a bit and nodding as he speaks, "I know what you mean, it's rare I get a partner." he replies, not seeming to find the 'eating with a full mouth' thing to be rude, given he did the same just now!.
     For a moment it might seem the big guy is going to eat bone and all! But, no, he pulls the bone free. Amazingly, that stalk of grass in his mouth remains in one piece. With a bit of a curious edge, Rez reaches for a fruit and picks it up to look it over carefully. He hasn't even been introduced to the soda yet and here he is trying to figure out which end is best to eat first. Well, maybe not, but it might look that way! "The best training you can get is actual fighting. Next best are real opponents for sparring or basics. I can at least offer one of those options."
    Bewul simply points to the other meat, "Again, eat what you want!" he says cheerfully, wagging his tail and reaching to pat the hungry lion's side with a free paw, smiling and reaching to take one bite of the apple. He points to the soda, "It's good!, it's sweet and a bit bubbly." he replies, explaining a bit. The discussion about training gets a nod from the foxlike thing, licking his nose. "That sounds quite good."
     Big, Tall, and Fuzzy watches Bewul eat and, while certainly no slouch at gobbling up food in a way that would put some human mother's to shame, he is a bit distracted by the soda. He's not that familiar with it at all. Resukato's daughter, Suki, once brought a bottle of milk tea into the computer laboratory and got in trouble for it. Still, Suki taught him better manners for eating, along with other basic etiquette, and this sudden realization has Rez go wide-eyed, stopping eating, and he takes a moment to bow his head and utter, "Itadakimasu." That's what you're supposed to say before you eat, Suki said. In all of his excitement, he completely forgot!
Bewul takes a small break to drink some soda, the dark liquid bubbling faintly as he gulps down a big glass, leaning lightly onto the big fuzzy one. He smiles and licks his lips once, "Don't worry, it is very good." he repeats, perhaps realizing the lion might be unfamiliar with it. He is a bit startled by the sudden pause and bow, "You are right, I kinda forgot in my rush to get a meal..." he says chuckling a bit, "I feel like I was a bit rude." he quickly mimics what his new friend does, "How are you enjoying the food so far?"
     "Well," begins the lion guy with a whole hunk of meat half-crammed into his maw and held bitten in place by sharp feline teeth. "I definitely enjoy it. I'm a little confused about the drink." Meat still in place, Rez leans in to perhaps get a better look. bubbles?! He should probably just try it and see; it's not like he's afraid of it or anything, but it is different.
    He nods a few times and grins, "Go ahead." he encourages, placing his glass aside and chewing a bit more meat, leaning onto the big lion and watchign him for a moment. "I have water too, if you prefer!." he offers after a moment, realizing he forgot to offer.
     The drinking glass is taken in Rez's left hand while that bone is pulled away from his mouth with his right; that's three meats easily eaten so far. He's not a total pig or anything with food, but he always has room for more. Swallowing his mouthful, he lifts the glass to his face and takes a sniff, but the popping bubbles tickle his nose. The corners of his mouth curl up into the briefest little giddy laugh -- blink and you might miss it. He takes a sip. Compared to what he's used to, this is very sweet and possibly a bit more acidic. Still, the fizzy nature of the drink gives it great appeal, so he next drinks a whole bunch at once! "Hey, that's pretty interesting stuff. Where did you say you found i-" He is entirely unprepared for the carbonation-fueled belch that follows. Thankfully, the table doesn't rattle. He looks shocked and confused and apologetic. Poor Rez, stunned by soda.
    The Gabumon can't help but watch Rez's reaction to the fizzy drink with a grin, taking another sip of his own and seeming rather pleased, doing his best not to chuckle as the big digimon is startled by that loud belch, shaking his head. "I got it from the human side." he explains, reaching to pat the lion's side a few times. "I am glad you enjoy it, that means I'll have to get some more soon." he says with a grin. "Don't worry... that happens, I guess it's whatever makes that drink fizzy."
     "Ah, yes. Your brave adventures. If you're strong enough to bring back such interesting things, are you sure you need my help training?" The Leomon is only partially teasing. He's still more than happy to get some hands-on fight training in. It's just... He seems to think of the humans' physical world as a particularly treacherous place. He reaches over to pick up an apple and, held between his hands, he splits it in two and easily chews up half of it in one go -- he just pops it into his mouth. "Maybe," he says, talking with food in his mouth again, "It is you that should be training me, hm?"
    Bewul blushes a little bit at the praise, "I am not that strong... I am mostly... cute?." he says softly, chuckling, "I mean I traded for things, and most humans think I am kinda harmless an cute." he explains, tail twitching slowly. "I am not sure I am even near your strength, if... you are as strong as you look." he says, "I can evolve, twice even!, but I think you would swat me away with one hit." he says, "I'd appreciate your training."
     Rez seems to falter a bit during the conversation. He stares at the apple half in his hand for a moment in thought, then turns to look at the Gabumon. "Strength isn't always about how much you can break." He pauses, goes quiet for a moment despite looking like he has more he'd like to say, but he turns back to the food before him instead. "I'm sure you are very careful, but: Just be careful with them," he says at length, but nothing more.
    Bewul tilts his head at the concern, but smiles kindly to the lion, "I promise you I am very careful, whenever I decide to go there." he says softly, before chuckling, "Well, then I'll say, combat power wise, I am sure you are stronger than me, so I am glad of your offer to help me improve."
     The big cat smiles faintly at that, at least, and reaches over to give the Gabumon a one-armed squeeze of a hug while lifting his other arm to flex his muscles. "We can get you there, I'm sure." Then, on a different matter entirely, "I may linger around this area at first, if that is fine with you. I could use the point of reference as I try to remember- Mm. As I try to learn the layout of the land." Otherwise, he's probably going to just wind up wandering anyway. Now that he's free from his cage, he's not entirely sure what to do.
    The small Gabumon squeaks cutely at the hug, trying to return it the best he can, nodding a few times and chuckling, "Please, you are welcome to stay here as long as you need." he says softly, "It is clear you need a place to rest until you get your bearings.". He is not aware of how right he might be at this point, but the offer is there!. "I can help you explore this area."
     The other half of the apple gets eaten as Bewul extends such help further. Now with a belly full of food, with a lot of unknowns before him, Rez finds himself growing quite tired. "Thank you, greatly, for your hospitality. I will try to honor your help with whatever I can offer in return. Perhaps we can explore these options further after..." He puts a hand to his face and, for a moment, feels a bit faint. He looks like he's a lot lower on energy than he should be, but he puts on a smile anyway and tries to play the whole thing off as eating too quickly. "Ha ha. I should probably enjoy such a feast a little bit slower." He could definitely use some rest and it's starting to show.
    The Gabumon smiles brightly, perking one ear as he sees his friend feeling tired, "Perhaps we should sleep a bit before moving on?" he offers with a grin, "I think you can fit on the bed, if you want to try." he adds after a moment, yawning once himself, "Recharge a bit?".
     "That's kind of you. Again. But..." The lion man pauses a bit before explaining further. Perhaps he's worried he'll sound silly. "I think I'd like to stretch out outside and enjoy how open everything is." Maybe as a means to diffuse the potential severity of this longing, he reaches out to grab one more meat by the bone. "Just, uh...maybe for later." He's planning on hauling one along for a snack, seems like!
    Bewul nods, "I'll prepare a bed for you while you do that then, will join you after I am done." he says happily, "Just don't get too far away." he teases playfully, "But honestly, don't worry, this is a safe area, so explore all you want."