
World: Digimon: Digital World-1
Quote: "Are you going to finish eating that?"
Species: Bancho Leomon
Theme Song: Otokodama:
Voice Actor: Eiji Takemoto


This Digimon is a being of digital data and computer code able to manifest physically and is able to metamorphose into more powerful forms with each resembling a lion. These forms are all mostly designed around various aspects of close-combat: from the speed and ferocity of scrapping to the strength and defense of sword-fighting and brawling. He faces many internal complications due to his traumatizing history and the programming abuse undergone. Never shying away from a challenge, whether fun or serious, this ever-hungry Beast Digimon has a warm heart and an unwavering sense of justice.


Digimon: A digital construct with resistance to wounding and sickness, can metamorphose.
A Digimon is a creature made of computer code that is able to manifest physically outside of the Digital World. Because of this design, Rez is able to withstand damage that would normally be very severe to most creatures (he cannot be wounded or crippled as he has no organs to be injured) and is otherwise immune to normal sicknesses and diseases. Digimon collect data rather than 'age and grow'. Damage he receives causes a loss of this data which requires time and energy to restore/recreate/rewrite (and excessive damage can cause Degeneration). As such, minor to moderate attacks dealt to him have a lessened overall effect despite damage taken. With access to a steady supply of data and energy, he can heal from damage at a faster rate than other creatures. He is also able to expend energy in order to become stronger by changing forms with altered appearance and ability, called Digivolution.
Liollmon: Rookie form: A Holy quadrupedal lion cub that focuses on agility and ferocity.
This lion cub-looking and sized Rookie Digivolution uses speed and ferocity over power for its attacks much like a young lion would actually fight. It wears a Holy Ring around its neck denoting it being a Holy-species which, in this form alone, grants Rez an increase in power and ability and standing situationally ONLY where having Holy/Celestial nature would apply. His attacks are limited to the use of claws and teeth. His sharp fangy teeth, when biting, are also renown for occasionally striking foe weak spots for massive damage. He's about as strong as an average human in this form, despite his smaller size, but is able to move and leap much like the quadrupedal cat he seems to be. The smaller size also allows access navigating places he otherwise couldn't and, in combat, is a harder target to strike.
BanchoLeomon: Mega form: A lion-man brawler/swordsman with melee and ranged special attacks.
Wearing an empowered gakuran coat over his shoulders (See Perk), this Beast Man Mega Digivolution is his usual form unless otherwise de-powered or Degenerated (See Complication). This humanoid form affords hands for basic manipulation of items and a general shape that allows emulation of human gesture and expression. The form is built to be a brawler with emphasis on punching and grappling. As such, he has super strength: full force punches are able to shatter stone. That strength can be used for great leaping ability, also. He wields a tanto (shortsword) with swordsmanship knowledge intimately known through his digital programming.

     This form also grants special attacks:

Lion King Slash: An unleashed power attack using his sword that hits harder and has extended melee range, but is slower and might be easier to dodge. Useful in breaking enemy lines and attacking those unaware or vulnerable.
Chivalry: A special punch to the ground that releases a burning shockwave toward an opponent. It can potentially upset footing and disorient foes.
Flash Bancho Punch: a powerful focused directional strike that either impacts a target directly on contact or by 'punching the air in their direction'; suitable for hand-to-hand and ranged distances.
GAKU-RAN<BanchoLeomon>: The empowered coat he wears grants immense physical protection.
Styled after a high school boy's uniform, the coat offers Rez's BanchoLeomon form immense protection against physical attacks. While he is by no means invulnerable to physical attacks, even the most powerful of blows or environmental hazards that fall under such a category can be heavily reduced despite the damage that IS done. IT OFFERS NO ADDITIONAL NON-PHYSICAL PROTECTION. Other forms of attack must be dealt with normally.
Burst Mode<BanchoLeomon>< Edge >: This Mode Change powers him up more and offers a new attack.
While in BanchoLeomon form, he can use Mode Change -- an ability that some Digimon can use to power up a Mega Form beyond natural capabilities as an extension to the existing form -- to turn into BanchoLeomon Burst Mode. While intensely draining, this not only increases his strength, power, and defense, but he gains a new ultimate attack:

Burning Bancho Punch: Igniting his fists with the power of his burning soul, he can unleash his ultimate attack to punch with great force and speed to burn away injustice. Used to display great feats of strength in dire situations, it consists of Physical, Fire, and Energy damage types. Can possibly ignite targets.
Meditation: Clarity of mind can grant increased perception and reaction speed.
So much time alone has given Rez time to perfect the art of meditation and that ability was key in reducing the accompanying negative effects of his capture. Regular meditation helps him cope with events around him, but it has a more direct effect and practical use: Given enough time beforehand (and preferably after eating plenty) his meditation allows him greater clarity and focus which may help him in any foreknown battles or conflicts, no matter how mundane or serious they may be, by increasing his general perception and reaction speed.


Degeneration: Loss of strength or data can cause reversion to a previous form.
Degeneration, or De-Digivolution, is the opposite of Digivolution. In this process, a Digimon reverts to a lower form; this usually occurs when they lose enough of their data which can result from taking too much damage or sometimes from losing a fight. The amount of reversion depends on how bad the damage or defeat is; because of Rez's Tampered Code, his Degeneration tends to be more severe when it actually happens.
Tampered Code: Problems with Digivolution and behavioral glitching, worsened by hunger.
Due to the experimentation and editing done to his data, a lot of changes have been made that are not easily or quickly fixed by the natural data rewriting process that Digimon undergo to better themselves. There is a lot of junk data floating around that may occasionally be read instead of what should be; as such, he deals with many random issues. The lower his overall energy, such as from not eating, the more frequently the junk data causes quirks and glitches.

     One major problem is his seeming impossibility to Digivolve into his Champion and Ultimate forms for any significant amount of time. He usually Warp Digivolves directly from Rookie to Mega. The other way around, Degeneration usually seems to bypass GrapLeomon and Liamon forms to land square on Liollmon. This is heavily due to the code injected to stabilize and prevent him from degenerating out of BanchoLeomon form. It doesn't fully work as intended. Furthermore, he has little control over when this Warp Digivolution happens as Liollmon. Absolute necessity counts for a lot, but otherwise it happens when it happens, sometimes at the most inopportune time.

     Because of the inability to properly regulate Digivolution, his overall combat ability in his Mega form is reduced compared to where it should otherwise be.
Fear of Captivity: Fear of places or situations that may cause entrapment, digitally or physically.
Being isolated and imprisoned in a computer similar to a rudimentary Digivice as a subject for experimentation for fifteen years has instilled a sense of digital claustrophobia that may make it near impossible to work properly with a human partner should he find one. Entering an actual Digivice, a hand-held drive used by a partner human for training and editing of code, is integral to such training, but is far too traumatizing an idea to repeat treatment in the past. Also, the thought of being imprisoned at all, digitally or physically, deeply disturbs him. The actual threat or act of entrapment would send him into a blind panic.
Hollow Leg: Always hungry. Always.
By definition, a 'hollow leg' indicates an individual's capacity to eat large amounts of food without signs of being full and the ability to consume large amounts of alcohol without apparent drunkenness. Because of the nature of his constant need for more energy, due to his Tampered Code combined with just being a Digimon, he's always hungry. There's no better way to get on his good side than to offer food or drink. There's no easier way to get on his bad side than to mess with or steal his food. Despite having great respect for those that share their consumables with him, he's not as likely to share in return.
Sense of Justice: He can be sensitive about seemingly trivial details over etiquette and honor.
It may make him appear to be self-righteous, and in some ways he may be, but his sense of what is fair and what is just heavily dictates how he handles various situations. From the mundane to the grievous, injustices he witnesses will be acted upon in order to right them. This is not a measure of good and evil; even 'good' people can get on his bad side and become a target if they somehow offend his personal code. That code consists of some very obvious things, such as matters of honor or manners or fairness, but it can also deal with very skewed perspectives due to his eccentric nature, lack of understanding in customs, and quirky programming. For example of comparison: Somebody tossing trash onto the ground with a trash bin nearby is going to attract negative attention, but so will somebody interrupting a conversation for the sake of sharing important news.

     Obvious carelessness or stupidity is one thing, but even somewhat rude things done in an instance where they are perfectly excusable are not overlooked by him as he has a hard time distinguishing from some of these subtleties in custom and thus all such acts can be fair game to being called out. How others react to this helps determine the level of slight and the appropriate severity in reaction. A nod and accepted apology or a stern talking to make up the low end of that scale while the higher end may warrant an issued challenge to duel or even an immediate punch.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1150 Fishing For a New Friend Apr 02 2023
1003 Suiren vs Rez Apr 13 2022
1001 Rest and Reflection Apr 10 2022
995 Tournament Arc! Mar 25 2022
947 More Than a Job Dec 27 2021
935 Trouble on the Beach Dec 04 2021
891 Fighting for Answers Oct 17 2021
883 Justice Itself Sep 30 2021
701 Be Not Defeated by the Rain Jul 28 2020
597 When Artists Meet Nov 26 2019
See All 18 Scenes


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