World Tree MUSH

Island adventures.

Character Pose
Luke Gray
    The Alola region! a group of tropical islands, filled with mysteries and pokemon, of old traditions and legends!. Luke was enjoying this place more nad more, what began as a visit, turned into a desire to stay for a long time, perhaps do the so called 'island trials' to prove how good a pokemon trainer he was!. 
    At the moment, the boy is in Akala island, camping near the entrance to a small wilderness spot, and training his pokemon. Two of them were out, a tiny... kitten, and a short panda thing wearing some kind of chinese vampire costume. They seem busy playing around.
Covro Saltclaw
  Saltwater, sun, and sand. Alola offers all three in the perfect measure to the weary traveller. Or, to the nostalgic traveller, it might seem like a bit of home. It's a place that invites the offworlder to come relax and play, and shed their worries.

Today, it's none of those things for the chief officer aboard the Terrible Omen. Nope. Today it's just boredom. Covro Saltclaw has left his glorious ship and struck out landward in search of something to ease the boredom of being between ventures.

So it is that the old salty fox has found Alola completely at random. He's a pirate, but he's not a man; instead being more a fox on two legs. His fur is stark white and utterly without colour, and his eyes, nose, and the insides of his ears are a bright pink; not a species from the ice and snow, then, but an albino. His clothing makes up for all the colour he doesn't have, a dashing ensemble of silk shirt with ruffled collar, sturdy leather leggings, rolled-cuff sea boots, a belt with a shiny jewel at its clasp, and a heavy chain around his neck set with a big yellow topaz. His hat is a tricorne with three points and striped feathers. He doesn't wear gloves, but he does have a few expensive rings here and there on his fingers, which end in pink pads and blunt claws.

A weird sight in Alola, that's for sure. He'll probably be lucky if nobody tries to throw pokeballs at him...

Crunch, crunch, crunch go Covro's boots in the sand. "Ahoy, lad!" The pirate's voice is booming and loud; the voice of a man (fox?) who expects to be immediately paid attention to and obeyed. He sounds older. If he were a man he might be in his fifties, maybe, but it's hard to tell by looking at him. That fluffy white tail switches once, restless. He frowns, looking down at the Pokemon. "...An' what be /those/?"