World Tree MUSH

Pokemon hunting.

Character Pose
Luke Gray
IT has been an eventful time for Luke ever since learning of the world tree, meeting many interesting things, and some interesting challenges!. But, deep down, he is still a trainer, and he felt his team might enjoy an aditional member!. Right now, he was in a trip to Akala Outskirts, in Akala island, searching for a very special pokemon that caught his attention ever since he heard of it!. He offers some pastries to the mermaid seal pokemon, "So you know where to find it?"
Miwa nods and smiles at Luke, happily munching on the offered pastries. "Well, I have overheard many a conversation of some of the trainers that hang out at the beach near my grotto, and also when I come visit Akala sometimes, so I've picked up on some of what they've shared with each other as far as where to find some of the less common Pokemon in Alola, particularly ones that aren't found on Ula'Ula Island. Of course, even if I don't know, I probably can find out by asking the other Pokemon too. But Stufful is easy, it's just on the outskirts of the city. We can take a short ferry down to the southern part of the island and there in the forests, I'm sure we'll find one if we look hard enough. Which of your Pokemon are you going to battle with to catch it?"
Luke Gray
Luke Gray reaches to pat Miwa's side if allowed, smiling brightly and reaching into his bag to check his supplies, "I see, I admit that is quite handy, I am sure we an ask other pokemon for help finding one of those." he says with a smile. He blinks at the mention of those being common and chuckles, "Really?, good, maybe I'll find a good one." he says, "Well, I know it is a fighting type and normal!, ghost types are good against those, unless it knows any dark or psychic moves... maybe I can get Pangshi to distract it until it tires... otherwise, I guess Agni is the best for fighting up close in my team."
Miwa smiles as Luke pats her on the side, and after the patting she boops her nose against his hand playfully as they both head toward the docks to catch the next boat. "Well, if I'm not mistaken, they do learn some dark moves, and while ghost will be immune to normal and fighting attacks, Stufful is likewise immune to ghost attacks. If you need any backup, just let me know, I can resist most of it's moves, and Stufful is weak to fairy type, giving me quite the advantage." Soon they arrive at the docks, and a boat is waiting. It's a somewhat small boat, but is more than enough room for Luke, his Pokemon, and Miwa. Miwa boards the ship and pays her share of the fare for the trip. "This is so exciting though, I've never gone out with a trainer to find wild Pokemon before." She says with a smile as she looks back at Luke.
Luke Gray
    Luke chuckles at the boop, petting the round nose and casually moving to the ferry, producing some snacks and nodding to her explanation, "That's true, I simply figure Pangshi might use the experience, still, I don't think it really might be a problem for Agni, unless it somehow ends up being really high level and knows earthquake or something." he says, "But! if you want to take a shot at it, be my guest! as long as I am the one catching it." he teases.
Miwa giggles and munches on the snacks a bit. "Hmm, it might actually be fun to battle it, but it's up to you if you want to use me or one of your other Pokemon, and of course you'll be the one catching it! If I caught it, I'd be a Pokemon, who's a Pokemon Trainer, now that would be crazy!" She laughs and moves to the edge of the boat as they head off, gazing out at the ocean.
Luke Gray
    Luke just laughs and sits down, leaning lightly, "LEt's see what we find and we can decide then." he says with a grin, eating a masalada himself and stretching his arms. He tilts his head as he says that, "You say that like it is impossible, I mean, you are a singer already, only risk you might get is making sure the other trainer does not try to attack you." he says with a grin.
"Well, some trainers do try to attack me sometimes, when they think they got super lucky and just stumbled on a wild Primarina. Usually when they hear me talk they realize who I am, or at least that I'm not just you're average Pokemon if they aren't familiar with my performances. A few though have kept going, determined to try and capture me, only to be confused when their Pokeballs don't work, because I'm already bound to one." Miwa explains as she looks back at Luke. While they talk the boat speeds along and soon is coming up to the dock of a small area with a Pokemon Center and a few other buildings, and beyond that, the forests where, if Luke is lucky, he'll find a Stufful. "Anyways, I don't know if would want to be a regular Pokemon Trainer, though it might be fun to try sometime for a little. For quite a while I've also wanted to compete in a Pokemon Contest."
Luke Gray
    Luke nods a few times, "Well, to be honest... a talking pokemon sounds... like something valuable and rare." he muses, "I mean, having a talking, friendly pokemon as a companion to try to help you understand other pokemon or help you understand them better sounds quite good." he says. He does sigh a bit at how... insistent some other trainers seemed, "I am just glad that you are indeed bound to a pokeball." he says, glancing at the dock. "That does sound like fun... I plan on trying the island challenge, see if I can get a Z stone, even if I have to do that little dance to use it." he says with a grin.
Miwa nods. "Sometimes it's just a little kid, so I almost feel sorry for them. I mean, they're just starting out and want to have stronger Pokemon, but for example, one little girl on the beach tried send her Pichu at me. It took some serious effort to fend her off without seriously hurting the poor little electric mouse and it's over ambitious trainer." She says with a shake of her head. "Thankfully though, most of these sorts of encounters have happened less and less often the longer I've lived out by that beach. Pretty much everyone around there knows me now." The mention of Z stones perks her interest though as she moves to get off the boat now that they've arrived. "Z-moves do sound pretty amazing, scary, but amazing."
Luke Gray
    Luke winces a bit as he hears that story, "Ouch... I am glad you managed to solve that situation... poor girl." he mumbles, rubbing the back of his head and nodding, carefully climbing out of the docks and making his way to the spot Miwa mentioned, one pokeball held in his hand, "Well, let's see what we find adn we can figure who goes first." he replies. The mention of the moves being scary gets his attention for a moment, "True... guess they might be odd for the pokemon..."
"Well, they are very powerful, so scary to be on the receiving end. Though for the Pokemon doing the move, I hear they need to have great inner strength, and a strong bond with their trainer. I've heard and read about the Z moves that I could potentially do, but I've never actually performed one." Miwa explains as she looks around while they make their way further into the forest. There are lots of Pokemon around, but so far the Stufful they are searching for seems elusive. Perhaps they will have to keep searching a bit more.
Luke Gray
Luke rubs his chin again, "I'd love to try one, assuming I manage to get that bracelet, and beat a trial, and do the dance properly." he says with a chuckle. He does listen to the explanation from the water fairy, and quickly follows into the forest, glancing around and even waving at the wild pokemon, reaching to his pokeballs and releasing the small ghost panda, "Just stick with us, might get you a bit of practice." he explains, looking around adn slowly moving ahead.
"I'd be happy to train with you once you start working on that. Should be good fun and help me get stronger too." Miwa offers with a smile, looking over at Pangshi as Luke lets the ghost panda pokemon out to join them. "Hmm, where could the stufful be? I wish I had some sort of special means of tracking down a pokemon, but sadly, I don't."
Luke Gray
    Luke considers that question, "Hmm, we need to be careful, heard they can hit quite hard if they feel like it." he says, looking around and moving away from the group, "I guess we will never find one!" he says outloud, and casually walks and pushes through some bush, "Aha!... wait, no that's not a Stufful." he mumbles, as a startled Wingull takes off. "Was worth a shot, it works in tv." he muses. Meanwhile, the small ghost panda grins at the offer of practice, and quickly waddles forward, peeking through another piece of greenery. Literaly through it, ghosts!.
Miwa grins at Pangshi's enthusiasm, but joins in on the searching, heading deeper into the forest. "Well, I guess they aren't terribly common sights, maybe they're shy." Miwa muses as she looks back at Luke. "Shall we take a break for lunch?" She asks as she takes a moment to look around a bit more.
Luke Gray
    There is a bit longer of searching, during which Pangshi manages to scare a Raticate half to death, by popping through a tree, and right into that chubby rat's face. But otherwise, it is not much luck!. Finally, Luke relents and chuckles, "We might as well." he says, calling the happy ghost panda back. "I have some Masaladas and sandwiches." he offers, searching for a good spot to sit down.
Miwa finds a nice shady spot under a tree and curls her tail up in the grass while she leans against the trunk of the tree. "Don't give up hope Luke, I'm sure we'll find one, we just need to keep looking, but better to do so on a full stomach. Who knows, maybe a stufful will find us?" Miwa offers as she helps herself to a sandwich and a masalada.
Luke Gray
     Luke makes sure to give Miwa some water, or berry juice! better keep her hydrated!. Pangshi reaches into the bag, trying to pull out some snacks on it's own, but... while the panda is intangible (when it remembers it can do that), the things it picks up, are not, so cute some frustrated noises from the small guy. Luke just laughs and gives it a big Masalada, before eating his own snack. 

    Of course, a trainer eating in the forest catches some attention, and several sets of eyes peek at them from almost every angle, a white snout poking out from nearby greenery and sniffing at them, chirping.
Miwa makes quick work of her sandwich and masalada and is feeling quite content as she sips at a pouch of berry juice. She can't help but giggle a little at Pangshi trying in vain to pull snacks through the bag. Miwa does notice they are drawing the attention of many wild pokemon, but she doesn't notice the white snout peeking out through the bushes, that is, until it makes a bee line to Luke's pack and grabs it, before darting off into the forest like a pink blur. Miwa blinks and looks at Luke. "Was that what I think it was?"
Luke Gray
    Luke seems quite content really, petting the ghost panda and helping it open a pouch of juice, when his backpack is stolen!. He barely has time to see the same thing Miwa did, a pink and black(dark brown?) blur, the tiny creature easily dragging his things. He blinks a few times, before glancing back at Miwa, "I guess... how many things as little as that can drag a backpack so fast?" he asks in return, quickly getting up, picking his ghost panda, and rushing after it, "Hey!, that's my stuff!"
Miwa quickly fashions herself a bubble and takes to the air, as that way she has a much better chance of keeping up, not to mention seeing where the pokemon backpack thief went. She follows along from just above the treetops, and soon spots the Stufful with the backpack. "It is a Stufful, it's running north, toward a cave!" Miwa calls down to Luke as she does her best to give chase.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray takes a moment to watch Miwa do the bubble trick and whistles, "That's really handy." he muses, almost forgetting he was actually in hot pursuit of a fluffy bear thief!. He snaps back to the task at hand as Miwa speaks, "Right, right!" he replies, starting to run faster, carrying a flailing, cheering panda under one arm.
It was a handy ability indeed. Luke would probably still beat her to the cave, but once she gets close, Miwa would guide her bubble down for a landing near the cave and turn to look at the trainer and his ghost panda. "Well, I guess if we want to get your pack back, we'll have to go inside, but let's be careful. No telling what else is in there." Miwa offers in warning as she begins entering the cave.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray finally reaches teh edge of the cave and thankfully, he pauses, panting for breath, and waiting for his friend to arrive, no point risking running ahead on their own!. He even reaches for his pokeballs and releases a large pokemon of his own, it is quite bearlike, black, cream and orange fur, the fire motif is quite clear by the small flame on it's forehead. "Ok, let's get Agni here just in case." he calls, "We are chasing a pokemon that stole my backpack... and perhaps try to capture it." he explains, the big pokemon nodding. Finally, the trio begin to walk inside... well, the four of them, but Pangshi remains firmly trapped under Luke's arm.
Miwa follows Luke through the cave, watching his back, with an ear out for anything out of the ordinary. Though with his Pokemon at his side, she guessed Luke probably didn't really need her protection. "Glad to see your Pokeballs weren't in that pack." She offers with a smile. "There isn't too much of an echo, so I don't think this cave goes on too far, shouldn't be long before we find our thief."
Luke Gray
    Luke appreciates Miwa's protection, you can't be too safe!. He keeps right next to Miwa, while Agni sniffs and slowly walks further in, tracking random things in the air. He chuckles a bit at Miwa's concern, "Yeah, I always keep them near me" he replies, pointing to his belt. "It's not the first time something might have taken my backpack.". He tells some stories from hungry raticates and such back when he was a brand new trainer. Agni seems to get a bit further ahead than the others
On further thought, another pair of eyes and ears never hurts, for sure, and Miwa also provided additional type coverage to what Luke had on his team, so perhaps she could offer something if things went bad. Miwa hopes there isn't anything dangerous in this cave, but no sooner does that thought enter her mind that she thought she heard a growl, and she shudders a bit. Fortunately, before long Stufful's pink form can be made out further in the cave. Luke's pack is opened, and any food he had packed along with some other supplies are scattered around it, and Stufful appears to have eaten what it likes best already. "It appears we found our thief." Miwa says with a grin.
Luke Gray
    Luke pause as he hears that noise, and slowly inches further, trying to avoid causing a lot of noise, only to see his things carelessly thrown about, and the pink plush bear standing next to his backpack. He motions Agni to try to approach it quietly, while reaching for an empty pokeball. "Ok, ready?" he says softly, getting a nod from his pokemon. "Ok, let's catch it!" he calls outloud, the bear suddenly padding towards the pink guy.
"You can do it Luke!" Miwa cheers her friend on while hanging back a bit and making sure she guards the exit so that the Stufful can't escape, since as far as she's aware, there is only one way out of this cave. If Luke needed her, she was here, but she figured he would want to use his own Pokemon in the battle to catch this new one.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray grins at the encouragement, poor Pangshi seems quite hyped up, struggling to get out of Luke's grasp and chase at the thief!. Bewul considers for a moment what to do, he does not want to squish the small pokemon with his quite overleveled fire bear. "Ok, Agni, tackle that Stufful!" he begins. As soon as he says that, his own 'bear' begins to dash towards the plush one, trying to well... basically smash it with it's superior mass.
Miwa now just quietly watches. This is the first time she's seen a wild pokemon battle, let alone been right there to witness it first hand. Being bread rather than captured herself, and raised as a pampered performer, this was a side of the pokemon world she had only heard rumor about. To see it first hand, was both exciting and frightening.
Luke Gray
    Luke focuses on the small pokemon, he realizes this might not be a lot of a fight, but that does not mean he should be careless!. Agni rushes ahead, and finally launches itself towards the poor pink thing, it was an easy move to read, but it was a whole lot of bear, and it was going to hurt.
Miwa shudders as Agni rushes in to tackle the poor little pink fluffball that was Stufful. She felt bad for the little bear pokemon, it was just trying to find food and survive, but at the same time, Miwa couldn't look away, she was transfixed on the battle unfolding before her.
Luke Gray
Luke is not too happy about the squishing either, but he had not many choices, "Just try not to knock it out!" comes the warning as the bear just crashes into the pink thing, he tries to avoid landing all the weight on the plush pokemon, but given strength difference, it is painful. Agni ends up on the ground, trying to stop the smaller pokemon from flying away from the impact, even as Luke tosses a special pokeball towards the poor, dazed pink thing. 

    It barely has time to get up before the ball lands on it's head. Normally, Luke might consider dragging the battle a bit more before trying to capture, but after seeing the result of that one hit, he just hopes it was enough, watching the pink pokeball twitch and wobble on the ground.
Miwa tries not to think about how much it probably hurts for such a small, untrained pokemon to get tackled by a pokemon like Agni, but she as the attack lands and the pokeball is thrown, there isn't much to distract her thoughts from it. Not being an expert on the process of catching pokemon however, the color of the pokeball is lost on her and she just assumes Luke is using a pink ball because he's catching a pink pokemon. "Is it over?" She questions in a hopeful tone.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray is as worried as Miwa, but he got a bit caught in the excitement at first, and was too late to stop poor Agni!. He watches the pokeball twitch several times, and just as Miwa asks him that, it 'clicks' loudly and goes still, "Yep, it is." he says softly, letting out a sigh of relief. He quickly rushes to the pink pokeball to pick it up, and to praise Agni for a good job. "So, I guess that means I might have to prepare and train a new friend here." he says with a grin, "If you want ot help Miwa, that would be nice."
Miwa shares Luke's relief that it was over, and is glad he didn't ask her to fight the Stufful in place of his own Pokemon. She nods as Luke asks her about helping to train the newest addition to his team. "Sure, I'd be happy to help in any way I can. For now though, should we head to a Pokemon Center to make sure that Stufful is ok?"
Luke Gray
Luke Gray smiles and raises the pink pokeball in his hand, "Actually, I used a healball." he explains, "I felt a bit bad about Agni crashing into it..." he replies, "So it should be feeling ok, since it is supposed to heal the pokemon after catching it!" he says, even as he recalls Agni to his own pokeball. "But, still, checking at a pokemon center sounds like a smart idea, just to be sure."
Miwa grins a bit at Luke's explanation. "Ah! So that's why the Pokeball looked different. That is pretty nice actually. Makes me wonder why all Pokeballs don't do that, maybe it would just make them too much more expensive." She ponders a moment. "Anyway, there was a Pokemon Center back near the dock we arrived at, so we can head there. Shall we?" She asks as she moves up beside Luke, looking at the Pokeball and wondering what Stufful will be like.
Luke Gray
    Luke chuckles, "They are a bit tricky to find, more expensive, and the healing power only works once." he begins to explain, patting Miwa's side, "So they aer not used too much most of the time, it's a bit like a gimmick." He rubs his chin and grins, "I hope he won't be mad at me once we get him out." he chuckles. He quickly gets out of the cave, with Miwa and Pangshi in tow, and make their way to the closest pokemon center.