World Tree MUSH

Cleanup Duty

    Titanic battles between SUPERVILLAINS and POWERFUL HEROES rock the city! Or, well, they did. A brief but intense struggle has left a small section of the city wrecked, both buildings and streets, and as a sign of goodwill for the Hero Exchange Program, a few worlds have organized a volunteer force to help the cleanup effort.

    Mostly a quick social scene this time, with maybe some minor PvE if people are feeling punchy.
Character Pose
Justine Lawson
    Musutafu, Japan has quite a lot of heroes and villains, and that means it gets the occasional quick battle between destructive Quirk-users... which sometimes causes a lot of damage! The heroes were on top of things this time, so no casualties, but several buildings were pretty badly damaged or destroyed.

    While the city has its own cleanup crews, there's always room for volunteers to come in and help. Maybe not always with heavy lifting, but with anything else. And with the recent troubles, a little safer of a field trip has happened, though with far fewer participants. Cleanup is going fine even so, and there's a little refreshment available too. Lemonade and all.

    Justine's here, supposedly to help... and she will do that. Has done that. Right now, the girl with the clockwork arms is settling in to get some lemonade to rehydrate though.
Luke Gray
    Luke is always glad to offer his (and his pokemon's) help where is needed, especially for things that might not be quite as dangerous as previous outings he had. Plus he likes seeing new worlds, and introducing pokemon to others!. Still, there is something interesting about being in aworld that is kinda similar to his own, yet so different at the same time!. The teen tries not to stare at the many super powered people too much, wondering how it might be to have powers like those. 

    Eventually, after watching some of the others work, he reaches for one of his pokeballs, releasing a large, orange and black creature, the easiest comparison might be a bear, a large one, with a fiery motif for it's fur, including what seems a small tuft on it's forehead that looks like burning flames. He does his best helping clear up rubble with the assistance of his pokemon, who is surprisingly strong. He makes sure to introduce himself to the others and reassure them Agni (the 'bear') is friendly.
Tsuyu Asui
    Musutafu city is Tsuyu Asui's home. That means, occasionally, UA has students go on clean up trips like these. To help teach them the lasting effects of destructive Quirk battles and how to handle the aftermath.
    It's usually mostly tending to the injured and repairs to damaged structures. Standard disaster relief.
    But here she is, the UA student is in her frogsuit (haha get it), showing that she's one of the local students rather than one of the off world classes. She HAD been helping direct some of her heavier lifting classmates with the work, and organizing things, but even frogs need a drink, and that brings her in the directio of lemonade to cure the ails of a parched throat.
    And then she spots Justine.
    "I remember you." She says, tone flat and eyes staring vacantly.
    It's not winter - it's barely autumn - so the unseasonally chill wind blowing from the east may be somewhat surprising. But, given all the hard work people are doing, it's probably not totally unwelcome. Maybe someone with an ice quirk is doing something big and impressive elsewhere right now?

    Also approaching from the east is a girl. A girl whose quirk appears to be some sort of wolf-themed mutation, judging by the ears and tail. Her costume is a little odd, given for some reason she has wooden antlers, but it could just be some eccentricity of hers.

    She's licking something red off of her fingers. It's... probably ketchup. Probably.


    Is she here to help out...?
Justine Lawson
    Watching Agni go at it is kind of interesting to see, and Justine sips her lemonade. That's pretty cool, she has to admit. Or hot, because flames. But she isn't here to clean rubble so it isn't her thing, she's more to clean up other stuff. When she isn't on break.

    Tirsiak wandering in is a little weird though. The ears and such. "Huh..." Those arms must have fine control for her to sip lemonade like that though, and she only sits up when the spirit is wandering closer...

    But Tsuyu is saying hello. A hero, great. "Oh. The frog girl from the bus thing." Kind of a flat, unenthusiastic greeting for a girl Froppy saved, isn't it?
Tsuyu Asui
    The amphibian girl has thus far displayed no wonder at the sight of pokemon. ... Then again that vacant stare can't really CONVEY a sense of wonder-- but it's secretly there as she had seen Agni work.
    Tsuyu was about to say something.
    Then a chill wind blows in. Mouth half open to speak, she's paused immediately by a shudder thanks to that cold gust. Now she's eyeing Tirsiak in silence for a moment before her attention returns.
    "Yep." That's to Justine. "You and your friends get out of that alright? I know some people were hurt but I heard it wasn't anything major. Still, kinda sucks to happen on a field trip, right?"
    Enthusiasm? What's that?
Luke Gray
    Luke is... not quite that skilled, of course he offers helping with first aid, and asking Agni to help move heavy stuff (or burn things!) is a given!. He also offers to send his ghost type pokemon to check inside rubble, or broken doors. In any case, he helps Agni whoever he can and offers directions to the large pokemon, the air around the bear getting warmer when it handles heavier things. "He can also cause explosions around itself, but not very often." he explains as he moves to another spot. Eventually, he and Agni do go for a break, and the pair begin to approach the drink area.

    It's the pokemon the first of the two to notice the arrival, the odd cold win, glancing towards Tirsiak and tilting it's head, sniffing the air, thinking about how weird humans seem to be in this place. Luke finally ends up getting a drink and a larger cup of sort for the bear to enjoy. He waves to Tsuyu and Justine, and of course, to the wolf girl.
    The wolf-eared and -tailed girl doesn't seem to be in a hurry to get anywhere in particular. Until, that is, her ears twitch, and suddenly her head snaps around to regard... not one of the humans, not even the curious girl with the prosthetic arm, but instead she just stares at that fire-bear.

    She approaches the rest area, her ears perked almost upright. "I have never seen a bear of such colouration that gives off such heat," she says, in a soft voice - directed at Agni, rather than any of the humans. Her voice has an odd, reverberating quality, like an echo. "What are you?" she asks, as if expecting Agni to give a response.

    Regardless of whatever verbal response he gives, she frowns slightly. Her eyes then SNAP over towards Luke.
Justine Lawson
    Justine shrugs, making a strange mechanical whrr. Most of her shoulders are cybernetic, too. "It worked out fine didn't it?" She's pretty curt with Froppy, but maybe that's because of the distraction incoming.

    "Explosions?" Huh. "Hm... hey, you!" She motions to Tirsiak. "This area's a little dangerous, are you here to help clean up?"
Tsuyu Asui
    With her eyes as WIDE as they are it can be a little hard to tell where Tsuyu is looking.
    In truth she's actually looking at the red stains on Tirsiak's hands. The fact that she had been licking them a mere moment ago is silently filed away.
    "Yep. It worked out." She replies to Justine- who proves to be kind of hard to hold a conversation with, especially while she's distracted with Luke's explanations about his pokemon's volatile nature.
    "I think there was a crumbled section of building not too far from here that could use his help. The workers there were having trouble clearing the rubble." She points out to the trainer before a thought strikes her.
    "Hey. Your classmate said something about that bear looking like one they used to have as a kid right?" She pries at Justine lazily.
Luke Gray
     The bear pauses from it's attempt to lap some cold drink from well... a small bucket really, to glance back at the curious 'girl'. It sniffs the air and tilt his head curious, actually answering the question! well... it tries, 'Dyna' it growls, such a weird noise for a creature. There is a chance the spirit might get some kind of garbled response, but certainly does not seem to be a 'wild' creature.

    Luke nods when Justine says that, "Yeah it's kind of something unique to his species." he explains before nodding to Tsusu's comment, "That does sound like a good idea... maybe we should go...", before noticing someone was glaring at him. There is a pause from the teen, who seems to be getting a bit uncomfortable from that frown, "What... what is wrong?". Agni meanwhile walks closer to Luke, while looking curiously at Tirsiak and back at Luke, unsure what is going on between the two.
    Tirsiak's upper lip lifts up slightly almost in a snarl before her attention is snatched by Justine. "Dangerous?" she asks, her voice still having that odd reverb quality to it. "Help? With what?" She makes an obvious show of looking around herself. "I do not see anything out of the ordinary." That sounds like it COULD be an insult... although to whom is uncertain.

    There's a very long pause while Tirsiak evaluates things. "I have already exerted myself today. For now I will rest." She then promptly crosses her legs and sits.

    After a few more long moments, she looks up at the teenagers. "Why are you not afraid? Do you not know me?"
Justine Lawson
    "I remember hearing something about that. Miss Snuggems or something. But I didn't actually see the bear or the thing it was in," Justine answers Tsuyu. "I usually don't stick around when things attack. I was too busy looking at the automobiles anyway. They were much more interesting than what my world has."

    The tension between Tirsiak and Luke is pretty... weird. She looks at Agni, and back to Luke and Tirsiak. Standing up she wanders closer, "Know you? Not at all." Luke gets a funny look now. "What's your problem with the kid here?"
Luke Gray
    The boy just seems confused when Tirsiak snarls and speaks, "I can't say I...know who you are, i am not even from around here." he muses, before glancing back at Justine, "I don't think I saw her before..." he mumbles. Finally, he starts to walk towards the spot Tsuyu mentioned, motioning the fire bear to follow suit. The pokemon carefully places down the cointainer it was drinking from and begins to follow up the trainer. The pair focus on clearing up a bit of that rubble, just pulling heavy chunks of different materials, and placing itself close to the pile. "Ok Agni, try explosion.". The pokemon nods as Luke steps away, the bear seeming to gather energy, glowing brightly before seemingly detonating!. As the smoke clear, the bear is still standing there, panting and looking certainly worse than before, but not too badly.
Tsuyu Asui
    "When things attack?" Tsuyu asks. "Is that normal where you're from? And I thought we had it rough here with villains." She murmurs in a drawl. But then she motions at the wreckage when Tirsiak asks 'help with what?'
    "There was a fight between some Pro Heroes and a villain here. There was a bunch of property damage and some people were hurt. We're working on relief efforts.
    Curious. What is this strange land Tiri has found herself in? Certainly not her home. Her humans wouldn't forget her so easily.


    "...It is nothing," she responds to Justine after a moment. "A prejudice. An alien way of thinking. The bear seems content with its lot. If it were not, it would strike the boy down." She shakes her head a little bit, while listening to Tsuyu.

    "...A battle occured, and humans are gathering to repair the damage? Hm. I understand now. That is a thing that humans do. Cooperation." She hmms to herself. "This is not the help humans usually ask of me. Usually they ask for my blessing on the hunt, not the... the recovery. I would not know how to begin." She's not really trying to keep the whole 'I'm an inhuman monster or something' thing a secret.
Justine Lawson
    Justine shakes her head, "Not normal, but I fly the spacelanes often, and many strange creatures wander there." She answers Tsuyu first. "But our technology is not nearly as impressive as what seems common here..."

    Back to Agni doing that, Justine leans forward... but then frowns for some reason. She can't copy an ability that wasn't used with emotion, so Agni is now... Boring. So she shrugs at Tirsiak, mechanical shoulders clicking this time. "Is that it? A blessing of the hunt? Hmm... could I have your name? I sometimes... hunt. I am Justine."
    "Wild things have no need of names," Tirsiak says with a somewhat defensive tone. "...However, the humans of my homeland refer to me as 'Tirsiak'. It is a title, not a name, but it... suffices, if you require a word to sum up my whole being. Heavens know humans think and notice so much that to perfectly describe everything they want to speak of would take days..."

    Hmm. "...Humans who do not fear me are interesting. I will need to spend more time investigating you."
Luke Gray
    After the explosion, and makign sure to clear up the debris caused for it, both trainer and pokemon return to the drinking area for a pause, if only for Agni's benefit, the large fiery bear seeming a bit worn from the display. They get close in time to catch the final bits of the conversation, waving a hand towards Justine and Tir, even if he seems a bit uneasy around the later. He makes sure to give the bear something else to drink and some food. "I'm Luke." he offers to Tir.
Justine Lawson
    "My mother was the expert on spirits," Justine admits. "I just dabble, and you're from a different world anyway." She grins, looking pleased with herself for some reason, and nods. "Mm... well, if you are not going to help, then you can watch if you want. I'm curious about you, too."

    To Luke she is strangely more friendly than Tsuyu. "You're a good kid," she says without prompting.