World Tree MUSH

Gabbing with Gabu

Raven meets a digimon, gets fed... and makes her first friend. Bewul. The lizard dog.
Character Pose
Raven was sitting with her back against a rock, hugging her knees to her chest. Why?

She felt like she was dying. Her face was a little green, and her stomach was in knots. All she'd had, aside from one bowl of oatmeal, was fruits and vegetables. She'd been going across hyrule, taking fruits and vegetables from different trees.

Then she went drinking. Not much, but well... She'd ended up losing her lunch and now... She knew, technically, she required protein, amongst other nutrients. She just had no idea how to get them. Especially since now shs didn't want to even move. It didn't help that she couldn't identify half of what she ate now and her body did not approve of much of it. While ot wouldn't kill her, well, it could certainly make her wish she was dead. Or... Consider... Goinf back... Maybe she could ask ash to--Nope. Nope nope. She would solve this. Just as soon as her stomach stopped.... Rebelling.
    Bewul had been roaming a little while now, simply exploring the odd, (primitive?) location the vine took him. He was mostly wandering, trying to explore more of what the tree seemed to offer, confident he was able to find his way back home with ease, like he did in the past. The small, fox pelt wearing critter was eating what looks like cooked meat still on the bone, taking small bites of it, and simply glancing around the seemingly calm locations, hoping he didn't freak out the residents... aware there were monster issues!.

    It is hten when he spots what seems like a teen in distress, wearing...well, nothing locals seem to wear, based on his tiny experience here. He barely hesitates, simply moving closer and waving his free handpaw in greeting, "Hey." he says softly, moving slowly, "Are you ok?"
Raven glanced up ans tightened her knees to her chest. A... Dog? Shw glared for a moment. "I am fine." A friend of wolf's? He looked like it. "I'm guessing you're not from around--" 

And then the smell of the meat hit her nose. And she froze for a moment and... Nope. Nope nope nope. Control. She was NOT controlled by her hunger. She controlled her emotions. It was a bodily need. That. Was all. She could... She WOULD control it. She was a child of azarath. Her hunger was just... A thing. She eas above it. Beyond. Something as petty as hunger.

Her stomach rumbled and she had to hide the fact she was drooling a little, behind her knees. Yup. Totally above it.

"Please go away. I'm fine," she snapped, an edge to her voice.
Bewul is really rather foxlike (like his image hints) at least, the fur he was wearing was!. He holds the meat in one 'hand', "Are you sure?" he asks politely, tilting his head to one side and slowly moving closer, "Nope, not from around here, just visiting." he begins. While he is not an empath, he can tell that Raven is reacting to the smell of the meat, moving closer, "Do you need food?" he says, ignoring the demand to move away. "Want the meat?" he asks, offering Raven the large hunk of seemingly normal meat.
Raven snapped at him. "I know if I'm fine or not!" She growled, her eyes glowing red. "And i DON'T need your pity. I do not need food!" 

In response to her objection, her stomach rumbled even louder and... Her cheeks turned scarlet. Oh my gosh this was so humiliating. But... It didn't do any good to starve herself. It wouldn't stop trigon any. Finally.... Quiet as a mouse, her voice filled with shame, she mumbled softly.

"Yes please if you don't mind..." She mumbled. And if he offered it to her, she'd take it and... Judging by what she bit out of it... It'd been a while since she had actual proper meat. Eesh.
Bewul flinches a bit at the loud response to his question, and the red eyes. He almost started pulling back the meat, "I was just trying to help." he mumbles. He seems relieved to hear the soft mumble, "Please, go ahead, I have more at home, giving away one of those to a hungry person is not really going to hurt me." he chuckles, patting at his decidedly large looking stomach. "Been in here for a while?" he asks curiously, "Lost?"
Raven ate in silence, listening to his questions, but jot speaking. She... Ate it all, then sighed. "Thank you. And no. Not lost. Well... No more lost than i meant to be..." She mumbled.

"Foolish, namely. Thought I'd be fine surviving on scavenging. Not experienced in it, though. Don't have the first idea how any od this is supposed to work..." She muttered. Sure, she was sure she could catch one of those... Cuckoos, or maybe a boar. But ahe had no idea how to prepare it. What was safe to eat, what wasn't. And a lot of animals were poisonous and just... It was dangerous. She needed to get... Real work. And find a way tk get herself sorted. And she had no idea how.

"My... Name is Raven. Thank you..." If he came close enough... She'd gently reache out and scritch his ears. Only for a moment.

"You're a dog... Right? A talking dog?" Like wolf...
    The gabumon is patient, watchign her eat, and reaching into the odd fox cloak to get what seems to be a couple of bacon strips in a paper bag, eating them, and simply letting the apparently famished girl eat all she needed. "Ah, so just traveilng." he says softly, nodding. He is certainly moving closer, sitting down on the same rock, if it was big enough. "Yeah... I am not very good at hunting either, I know how to grow stuff, but... yeah." he says, "I'd likely be in a ismilar situation."

    He nods, "You can call me Bewul.". He presses into the scritch contently, from up close, it becomes apparent the 'fox' pelt is just a cloak of sorts, covering what seems like a reptile with... fur? it is just a confusing critter, "I'm a Gabumon, a kind of Digimon." he says casually. He wags his fuzzy tail.
Raven didn't accept anything past the meat he'd given her. While she was still hungry, her bride refused to le her accept more help than she absolutely needed.

He was intelligent. But it was only a light touch, so her shields were able to keep herself from feeling too much what he felt. "Well, you seem a good enough hunter, considering you were able to make and prepare that," she said softly. Completely unaware whst digimon 'grew'.

"So tell me, what is a digimon? Where do you hail from? Lysat?" She asked, still certain he was one of wolf's... People.
    Bewul eats some of the bacon strips, apparently pleased from the touches, he certainly enjoyed such things. The comment about hunting seems to give him a moment of pause, before he blinks and shakes his head, "Oh!, oh, no, you see, I grew that meat in my farm." he explains, "I... am not sure how to explain it better but... back in the digital world we grow meat like other crops." he seems a bit hesitant on the term, trying to remember the proper words.

    The other questions get answers as well, "A creature made of computer data." he says, "I come from another world, not related to that one you mentioned it." he continues, "I mean my... reality? has a human side, and then the digital world, connected to their computers and data."
Raven was about to object. To sll of that. Digital world. Growing meat on a farm. Crestures of... All of that.

She stared ahead, her mind processing all that... And finally just shrugged. "Whatever." She was gonna let this one go. There was just... Way too much wrong with that, so much not like her home, that she was going to do the mature, adult thing... And just plug her hands in her ears and go 'lalalalala'.

"Neat. What brings you here, then? Are you hoping to fight the twilight as well?" She asked, glancing down to him.
Bewul tilts his head, "I guess it is a bit hard to believe, should invite you over sometime." he replies, just smiling and twitching his tail in a lazy wag. He also decides not to push it, instead shaking his head, "I was just exploring... I am trying to learn more of this... tree, and the other worlds." he explains, "I heard about the twilight from people in this world but haven't met one of those yet, I admit to be considering that, if only to get more experience... I need to become stronger."
Raven nodded and then... "There is a lot of that here. Fighters. People who... Fight. If that is what you desire to do, you have come to the right place," she mumbled. 

"There's a... Figure here. Sheik. They... May be useful, if you can help them. They are incredibly good, you can trust them." He wasn't evil. A demon. A monster. He'd likely be accepted. Even welcomed. As one of them.

"Does your world... Require anything? I... Work for a guy. Who supplies things to groups that need them. Your world seems odd enough, you two might be able to help each other."
Bewul considers reaching one hand and gently patting her shoulder in a friendly way, "I... my world is dangerous, there is a thing... deep in there, threatening it... I want to get stronger to help keep everythign safe." he explains, "I mean, I enjoy training and spars... but not very happy iwth the idea of actually killing or hurting others for the sake of doing so, unless there is no option." he tries to say. The mention of Sheik gets his attention, taking out what seem slike some kind of handheld device and typing in it, it uses some weird language that chances are, Raven might not know. "I'll keep that in mind, thank you." he begins. 

    The offer for assistance of that sort gets his attention, "Well, digimon seem fond of human food and technology, oddly... there is not that much technology around. It's not htat we don't have that but... it tends to be concentrated in some spots."
Raven nodded and took some mental notes if her own... And she couldn't read it. Which was impressive in its own right. She could read a LOT of different languages. "What language is that?" She asked.

And then he glsnced to him. "Something... Awful in your world trying to get out... Heh. That's... Vaguely familiar. My... World had something similar." Not her world... Her. "I can understand your desire to stop it." If only she could do the same.

".... How does one get to your world? Can you give me some of the connections?"
Bewul nods and points to his D-Arc, "Oh, that's DigiCode." he explains, "I think it is mostly just a different set of symbols, I am trying to learn japanese and they seem to be similar." he explains, nodding.

    The talk about the 'awful' gets a not, "It's called the D-reaper... it wants to delete everything... erase things." he mumbles, shuddering a bit. "I can give you the coordinates for the vine travel, or guide someone there." he says.
Raven nodded, listening. "The coordinates are fine. I'll find it from there. Thank you." She leaned back against the rock and the scritching stopped. 

"Delete... Everything? Heh... That's... Pretty nasty. Where I'm from, the great evil is..." She paused. "Don't tell anyone, okay? His name is Trigon. He's a demon worshipped by cultists with enough power to wipe out and turn a world into his own personal hellscape with a snap of his fingers. He... Has nothing but evil and cruelty in his heart and even touching him is enough to... Taint you. The Azarathians keep him contained, locked away in limbo. But he's been searching for a way out." And she was destined to be that way.

"... He's the thing that i am fleeing from... " she whispered.
    The Gabumon shudders a bit, "Yes, the sovereign... erm, the strongest digimon that we kinda consider deities are able to contain it, for the time being." he mumbles. The explanation of the other big bad gets a shudder of his own, "That sounds quite awful as well...", "The reaper can... connect to people and use them... use the information in their minds." he says, "Sounds... similar." he says, "I hope that Trigon gets locked down there forever." he says. 

     The final revelation gets simply a nod, "I... can't blame you, it sounds just terrible and frightening... part of the reason I am exploring is to get stronger... perhaps find allies to help against it..." he says, "But, I also keep that a bit quiet... at least the details... don't worry, I will keep your secret."
Raven nodded. "Thank you..." She mumbled. She felt a little guilty. As he told her his story... But she had left key points out.

That he wouldn't be trapped forever. That no one could stop him. That SHE was the way he'd escape... That she... Was his daughter. That she was the conduit from which he would destroy the world.

That she wasn't running to learn to fight him. She was running to, maybe, dampen the destruction he would create. The suffering.

"I wish i coukd help you but... I'm a pacifist. I... Am not someone who can fight. My own powers are... Dangerous to everyone if i let them loose. So i keep them contained."
    To be fair, he kept away similar details... except the 'son of the critter' bit, that thign is unique to Raven!. Still, he simply nods slowly, "It's fine." he says, "Some people might be just scared just because you come from there, or some people might want to charge and confront that... person without thinking and just make it worse." he adds, "Better to wait and see if you can trust someone before discussing such things.". The mention of being a pacifist gets a nod, "I understand... perhaps if you practice those powers, with time, you might learn how to control them, but certainly not going to insist you do anything you are not able to do."
Raven nodded. "Confronting trigon would be stupid," she said flatly. "Unless you were a... Perfect beacon of light, his power cannot be challenged. I doubt the gods themselves could oppose him." Well. She wouldn't know.

"Anf yes. I... Can't. I mean. I do control my powers. But if i used them to hurt, to fight... I run the risk of losing control over them. And that's far too dangerous. It's best i keep them locked down and contained." That she be locked down and contained.
Bewul nods, "I know some people that would... consider that a challenge I think." he says, shaking his head a bit, "But, yeah, you are smart at not saying it lightly." he says. "Fair enough, I am sure you will, slowly, learn how to use them, or not." he says softly, "I figure just time will tell.". There is a small pause before he smiles, "Would you like to visit my home, get something else to eat perhaps?, I promise it is just a friendly visit, not going to ask for anything or nothing... I just like making friends."
Raven almost said no.

Almost decided then to fly off.

And then he said a word that shocked him. She turned and... Jist stared at him. Finally, shs spoke up. "We're.... Friends?" She asked, sounding... Well... Shocked at the notion. That he would wsnt to BE her friend. At all. He seemed... Genuine.

"But... Why?" She asked, her voice low ans hushed. "Don't... You think I'm.... Weird... Or freaky?" She asked softly.
Bewul seems honestly confused by her hesitation, before glancing down at himself, "I... don't think so... I mean, I guess I am weirder than you, and so are many digimon, yet you don't seem to mind." he says softly, smiling, "You don't seem freaky at all, and don't seem to be dangerous or bad." he says softly, "I mean, I'd like to be your friend, but only if you are comfortable with that." he says softly.
Raven seemed absolutely baffled by this entire... Notion. He wanted to be her friend. No. He eas scared SHE wouldn't esnt to be HIS friend! That was... She nodded, giving him her hand.

"Okay. That... That sounds... Nice." She eyed him as they started to walk. "F-friend."