World Tree MUSH

Pokemon education

Character Pose
Luke Gray
    It is just another normal day in the Kansai region, Luke deciding to stick closer to home for a bit after an expedition he had with a friend!. That did not mean he was just being lazy at his home tho. He was still in the open, taking place in a small wooded area not too far from his hometown, a small campfire prepared, while he was focusing on some kind of training!. Several of his pokemon were out, the round Dynamo, a small white kitten, a black cat, and a pink and white teddy bear plush...

    The focus of the training seems to be the later, giving simple commands, while the plush bear tried to hit either a target, or keep up with Dynamo, who gracefully jumped and moved around the small clearing.
Raven had, by some coincidence or another, found someone she knew. Maybe she sensed someone familiar. Maybe she was just lucky. Either way, he'd see a weird.... Shadow from the side. And then a black raven. Oh my gosh, a new pokemon! It was a... Wait, no, it landed and a girl...? WAIT! That was Raven! The cloaked figure walked out, staring down at him... And then... "Ummm.... Hello Luke. I... ummmm. I hope this isn't a bad time? If it is, I could go?" she offered. She did NOT mention that she really wanted to hug many of his pokemon...
Luke Gray
    This time, seems Luke is the one to notice the dark raven first, given the kitten and black cat are focused on the small plush bear and tiger!. The plush bear seems intent on catching up to the slippery round cat, who seems amused at just keeping out of range of the waddling pokemon!. It all just means Luke approaches the arrival on his own, surprised at the person emerging from the dark energy figure, and relaxing visibly. "Raven?" he asks curiously, tilting his head for a moment, before he smiles, "Not at all, just training my pokemon!" he says happily, "You are welcome to stay.". 

    It is at this point that his pokemon notice the arrival, both kitten and the black cat approach Raven, intrigued. Now that the black cat is near, Raven can see details!, the yellow/golden crescent moon on it's forehead, the 'bands' on each leg, and the... bell, that seems attached to the tailtip.
Raven would hunch down and gently pet it. "I'm... actually happy I'm seeing you. I wanted to discuss something with you. About pokemon, actually. Ummmm. Feel free to keep training around me. I'm not... planning to interfere," she said slightly sheepishly, before looking to him.

Then.... "How.... intelligent are pokemon? Compared to humans? I mean, they're.... Are they.... Can they.... Errrr... It... just..." Oh gosh she felt dirty asking this. "Can... Do people DATE pokemon normally? Is that normal?"
Luke Gray
    The black cat perks one ear as the stranger reaches to pet it, and presses into the touch with a deep, resounding purr, tail swishing around slowly, emiting musical chimes as it flicks back and forth, certainly pleased by the attentions. Luke smiles and nods a bit as she says that, "Sure, let's sit down." he offers. 

    The young trainer steals a glance at the Stufful (plush bear) and Dynamo, the tiger finally noticing Raven and meowing a greeting, while the small pink guy tries to take advantage of the distraction to tag the big ball of cat. Just as the stubby limb reaches around for Dynamo's side, it casually jumps aside, while Luke chuckles. The question about pokemon intelligence gets his full attention, "Oh, they are very intelligent, they can understand language and speak with eachother and... if you ask me, I think they are as smart as people, and some are likely far smarter... like Alakazam and Kadabra." he says softly.

    There is a moment as he is abotu to say something else, when he hears what Raven says. Luke blinks a few times, tilting his head, "Dating pokemon?... I don't think I heard of something like that... by date you mean... going out and... eating and such?" he mumbles, "I mean, I read in a book that in the past there were human and pokemon weddings... but that was a long while ago."
Raven nodded, sitting besides him. And... Her face was red. "Y-yeah. I mean... dating. You know. Hugging. Holding hands. Getting emotions for each other that, as an empath let me tell you ,are NOT at all fun to have to feel from others about others," she said with a shudder. Puberty must have sucked.

"But... yeah. That. So... it's... not... like. With animals... then? They are that intelligent? Just... they look different?" she asked, relaxing a little. "That's... good then. I don't have to worry. Not about me!" she added quickly. "It's about... a friend." Oh yes. A 'friend'. Well. A tenno. Okay, it was a friend. "I just worry he doesn't... Really what he's.... doing. But it's his choice so I have to respect it, don't I? I mean, I do," she said firmly. "... Is that normal in these... worlds? I didn't think people would like... Want to hold hands outside of their species... But they definitely felt quite loving towards each other." Well. The whole thing obviously had her confused somewhat.
Luke Gray
    Luke was starting to get embarassed as well, for some reason, perhaps just discussing the idea of dating, especially a pokemon, made him a bit nervous as well. The black cat being petted seems to grow curious about the conversation, ears perked and swiveling between the two, even as it tries to pretend he is just bored.

    The young trainer nods, "They are intelligent, even if most can't speak our language, at least normally." he muses, "I met one pokemon that would speak, and heard of another one." he says softly. The talk about it being normal just gets a shrug from the teen, "I honestly don't really know much of that... I mean, I guess people like... odd stuff, but if they do like eachother... guess that is ok?"
Raven nodded, letting out a sigh of relief. "Well... That's... a load of my chest. Now let's talk about something else. Please. I see you are training your pokemon, right? If you don't mind me asking, what are you training them for? Are there like... gymnastic games or... Shows?" she offered, giving him a small smile

"I imagine pokemon shows must be quite popular in your universe, correct? I... know they had dog shows and the like in my universe," she added. "Or... Rather. My... The azarathian's home universe. I never saw it...." she mumbled gently.
Luke Gray
    Luke seems VERY glad for the change of topic, even if the cat seems to be quite curious for more info on teh situation, purring loudly and settling on Raven's lap, the kitten moving closer as well, wanting some attention. The question about the purpose of the training gives him a moment of pause, noticing she seems rather fond of the black cat, and that she seemed a bit... against fighting. Still, he is honest, "Well, there are pokemon contests, where most of the competition revolves in putting out a show for the judges, and or trying to outdo your rivals." he begins, before he glances at Dynamo, "But in my case, as well as many trainers, we train for pokemon battles... basically, we fight with other pokemon, to get money and get known as trainers." he says. 

    Before Raven might protest, he raises his hands, "They want to fight, the join trainers because they want to get stronger, and like being with humans, and we take care of them and have rules and healing devices adn medicine just for them." he tries.
Raven began to gently scratch the pokemon's head. She nodded. "I figured. Contests make sense," she said with a nod. "That sounds--"

And then he continued on. He could see the anger flash in her eyes. The darkness form in her hand that had stopped coating her hand. Then he kept going, and the magic disipated. "I... see. I'll admit, at first I thought you meant something akin to making animals train. But..." She glanced to them. "I imagine it is like those other monsters in that other world. And as long as they are intelligent enough to make the decision... Well... If they like it, I don't see any reason it would be bad," she mumbled.

"So basically it is like any other sport, but with your pokemon fighting and training instead of you." Then....

"Would you like to practice against me?"
Luke Gray
    The two cats try to get Raven's attention, purring and trying to look cute. They go still as there is an odd feeling on the hand petting them, and Dynamo perked one ear, glancing back at Raven at that, clearly sensing something. Still, Luke lets out a sigh as he seems to be able to explain, nodding, "Pretty much, pokemon help us in many things, not just battling, like house keeping or even doing chores and deliveries." he says. The discussion about 'liking it' get an enthusiastic growl from the electric tiger waiting near them, who was amused at keeping the small bear at bay.

    The mention of 'another world' gets a tilt of his head, "Oh, you been to that world with the ranchs and stuff?" he says with a smile, "I figure it is quite similar to that, yes..." he rubs his chin, "Wonder if training my pokemon like that might make them better.". He is brought back from contemplating that when Raven mentions the idea of practice, "Really?, sure, I thought you were abit... uneasy about that kind of stuff."
Raven blinked a few times. "You are familiar with it? And yes. I had to fight the.... Scythe wielding creature. I thought it was a demon."

"... I threw a rock at it." Pause.

"Okay... more a boulder the size of a truck," she mumbled. "I.... healed it as best I could. But I didn't know." She was now petting both cats with both hands because y ou know what? Raven was a cat person.

"I am. But I need to learn to harness my power. If I don't.... I may hurt people when i use it, without meaning to. So... I've been getting training from others for assistance...." she mumbled softly.
Luke Gray
    Luke blinks a few times at the mention of throwing a rock of that size, and the kind of monster, "Wait, you mean you met Lyona?" he asks softly, "I saw that one... it does look very scary... I certainly can't blame you for feeling that way." he says, rubbing the back of his head. There is a broad grin as the two cats seem to purr in synch, with the bigger cat swishing that bell in a casual, steady rythm, like the beat of a slow song.

    The explanation of why she wants to practice gets a nod, "Yeah... it's always better to learn how to control it... otherwise, if you end up needing to use it... it might just make things worse." he says softly, glancing back at the big cat. The poor plush was being held away by a heavy tiger paw pressed on it's head, making the bear growl and flail those stubby limbs in the air.

     "Sure, they can help you train... my strongest pokemon are Dynamo there." he says, pointing at the round tiger, "who is fast and good at handling energy and fighting from a distance." he begins, "And Agni, who is more of a close range or mid range guy, kind of slow but tough.". He leans a bit to say something softly, "The pink bear will likely end up as the strongest, physically, with some training, but don't let him know i think he might be the strongest or he might get cocky."
Raven nodded. "Yeah. And then it came at me. And the little metal one hit me in the stomach and well... It wasn't... pleasant." Her hands hugged her stomach for a moment. "Not pleasant at all."

She nodded, smiling. "Thank you. I will... Go easy on them." As they were so tiny. And cute. She got up, leaving the cats behind. "How about you send two at once? "Dynamo and Agni. I think I can take a bear and cat," she said firmly.

She had no idea....
Luke Gray
Luke Gray rubs his chin, "Ok, I figure it depends on how hard the fight you want to do, or if you want to actually attack them with all your strength or just do something like, hitting targets or multi tasking." he says. He sounds kind of experienced, clearly training is something that he has some actual knowledge on, then again, he is a seasoned pokemon trainer. "That's a good idea, they will be able to handle most things you throw at them I think." he muses. 

    He motions Dynamo to get closer, and reached for one of his pokeballs, hitting a button on it. There is a bright flash of red light, and a sizable silhouette appears in the beam, growing bigger and bigger... when it fades, there is a huge red, cream and black creature on all fours, yawning cutely, before it decides to 'stand up'. At this point, Raven might regret picking him, the 'bear' towering over everyone else, and stretching. It spots Raven and waves one hand with what seems like a grin, "Ok you two, Raven wants to practice her abilities with you... so I need you two to be careful, she is very strong." he warns.
Raven blinked and just stared at the creature. Oh my gosh it was... It was huge. It was INCREDIBLY huge. Maybe she had over estimated--

NO! she had to get her powers under control. She floated up into the air, darkness forming around her hands. "For now... Defensive. Try to hit me, and I will try to counter. Please do not hold back. I may not look it, but I am incredibly durable due to my..." She almost said demon half. "Abilities. Please, come at me as soon as you're ready."
Luke Gray
    Luke seemed still a bit hesitant, even as the two pokemon slowly walked around, taking a better position, two sets of eyes fixed on Raven. "any particular kind of attack?... physical... elemental?" he asks, "Just trying to avoid overdoing it." he says softly. As Luke mentions the kinds of attacks, Dynamo sparks brightly, displaying it's clear electric nature, and Agni punches the ground, Raven might see the ground under the bear shift slightly, something certainly was off there.
Raven shook her head. "Come at me with all you have. Worse comes to worse... You burn me a bit and I have to nurse some wounds. I heal fast, I'm more durable than I look, and it's not as if I don't deserve it. Now come. I'm ready," she said fiormly, the darkness swirling around her....
Luke Gray
    Luke nods, "If you want to try to fight back, go ahead, for reference, Dynamo is good at handling energy, Agni is more for physical.". He smiles and waits a bit more, before he points at Raven, "Ok!, Agni, Shadow claw!" he calls.

    It's barely out of Luke's mouth and the bear is already charging towards the dark teen, dark (almost like raven's!) energy converging in one of his forelegs and paw, wrapping tightly and taking the shape of an even larger claw as the bear raises the limb and brings it down in an attempt to 'slash' the girl... even if the attack seems aimed more at the cloak than the firl proper.
Raven nodded and, as the attack came... She lefted her left hand. The dark energy in ehr hand glowed.... And it seemed to almost paint the world. As she drew it across the air, it left a black streak, which the claw hit, and bounced off of.

"Metrion... Azerath... Zinthos!" she called and... Would shove the bear back, with a blast of dark energy. Or rather, would try to. The words did help her react, at least.
Luke Gray
    The pokemon clearly were taking it easy on her, the bear surprised as the dark energy claw seems to bounce on the barrier, hitting it again with the gathered energy before it fades away. The blast hits the bear and sends it back without much issue, even if the distance does not seem to be as far as Raven expected, the bear grunting and shaking as it recovers.

     "Dynamo, charge beam!" The cat seems to be building up energy, even before the command, electricity archign from it's fur, which was standing on end. The round tiger opens it's maw, most of the energy gathering there in a bright orb in front of it's open muzzle, before it is unleashed in a yellow beam aimed straight at Raven!.
Raven turned towards Dynamo. As the beam came...

The ground under her appeared darker for a moment. And then she just flowed THROUGH it.

Wait, she could do that? Was she a ghost?! She popped out behind Dynamo.... "Metrion azarath ZINTHOS!" And... she tried to pick up the cat and THROW it at the bear. Lightly. Because she didn't want to actually hurt it. More of a light toss, really. "I was not aware your pets could perform magic," she said flatly. "Interesting, though. What other things can they do?"
Luke Gray
    Raven might notice something odd as she dodged the beam and turned to approach the electric feline, "Light screen!" calls Luke even as Raven prepares another spell, perhaps fearing an attack similar to the one she used on Agni. There is another buildup of power, and Raven can tell that the feline is doing something, the dark energy having trouble 'grasping' Dynamo at first, as if there was some kind of translucent barrier around it for a moment, dark energy meeting an energy barrier from the feline, cushioning the 'grasp' and causing the cat to be harder to hold, so the throw is a bit off target!. Still, she successfully takes the round feline out of the way and towards Agni's direction!. It just ends up, amusingly, almost smackign the bear in the head, rather than the more 'gentle' throw. 

    Agni manages to catch the thrown feline, and the two seem to compare notes, while Luke answers. "I am not sure if that's magic, but most pokemon are associated with an element, and can do many elemental attacks." he explains, "Agni does mostly fire and physical attacks, and one rock type attack." he says. "I didn't know you would do all that sort of stuff yourself, that's amazing."
Raven nodded as she focused on the attack. "Yeah, it's my demon half," she said, her focus split on the two. They were together, now, so... "Azeroth metrion ZINTHOS!" She didn't try to attack them this time.

Instead, a dome of dark magic formed around them, trapping the two within. Ohhhh, clever. It wouldn't take much for them to break out, though. She mostly just wanted to know she could. She was keeping her cool, though. Not allowing herself to fail, or miss. Calm. Collected... she hovered above the ground a bit now, readying for their next assault, and her counter...
Luke Gray
    Luke nods as Raven explains, trying to focus on this as a proper fight, out of respect of Raven. He barely wastes time as the dome forms and the two pokemon seem 'trapped' inside. "Agni! brick break!" comes from the teen, followed by "Shockwave!". 

     It's hard to see what happens within the dark energy dome, before a large, glowing bear paw seems to 'karate chop' through the energy wall, shatering the construct, just as a still poofed out tiger releases a jagged bolt of blue energy towards the floating Raven, the attack seemed to be aimed precisely at her, even as she drifted over the ground.
Raven smiled, watching her barrier get avoided. She dove to the right, avoiding the shockwave. "Metri--"

BAM! The shockwave hit her from behind and she shrieked, her eyes going wide as she stumbled over and then fell face first, smoking a bit. She looked... Hurt.

She wasn't, though. It had just been a shock to her system and she was trying to... process it. Accept the pain. Not let it control her. Slowly, she began to sit up. "That... is interesting. So shield. Do not... dodge. Ow," she said. "That was clever. Please, continue..." And then she raised her hand and little small arrows of dark energy rained down on the two.
Luke Gray
    Luke rushes towards Raven, holding his backpack and searching for some sort of medicine, but at least does not rush to grab Raven!, "Are you ok?" he asks with concern. The two pokemon seem a bit concerned as well, especially given the 'smoke'. 

    The small arrows cause the two pokemon to react, the tiger oddly moving in front of the bear, growling as the barrier Raven saw before seems to reappear, forming a dome around him and the large bear, "Rock tomb." he calls. The bear nods, and raises both paws, energy gathering in them before they are brought down in a 'hammer' strike to the ground, the energy sinking to the soil. There is a loud rumble, and the terrain under Raven begins shaking!.

    There is a small moment, before stones shoot up from the ground around the girl, grazing the figure standing on it, and landing in a circle around the evil magical girl, if it was most people, they might find themselves pinned in position, at least temporarily by the rocks.
Raven pulled her arms in tight, the rocks glancing off her body. "Ow. Ow ow. Ow," she said in a dead pan voice. Okay... She could do this... "Metrion... Azarath... XZINTHOS!" And then the rocks around her flew out... And rained down on the others, attemtping to... pin the cat in much the same way. She then held out her hand and a hand of dark energy formed besodes the bear and tried to yank and toss him away from the cat. Separating the two. Or at least trying to.

She was panting, though. And bruised, a bit cut off. It was... difficult. Her magic was easy. It was maintaining control. She HURT. And she couldn't act on it. Couldn't let it out, at all...
Luke Gray
    Luke certainly noticed Raven was starting to struggle, and had taken at least a couple of hits. "Dynamo, Detect!". He can't quite give an order to the bear as it starts to grapple with a black energy hand, biting at it and just trying to hold his ground. Raven might find the cat was suddenly extremely agile, dodging the rocks with extreme accuracy, ears perked, devoting all its focus on staying out of the way of the attack. 

    It's at this point that Luke decides to raise one hand, "Perhaps we should take a small break?, you seem a bit... hurt, and we are all getting a bit worn out, I think you are doing great at keeping under control."
Raven didn't even seem to hear him at first, sending the rocks as the fist was raised... And then the words hit her in the head. "Huh?" she asked, turning to face him. "I don't..." She then glanced to the two. Slowly, she nodded. "Yes. Perhaps... this is enough for today," she said, before bowing her head. "Thank you. For... this... experience. It will... hopefully be useful in the future."

she looked down at her cloak. Hum. It was a bit... Torn. And oh. She was bleeding. That would stop soon. She smiled to him and nodded. "This was... A good experience. I think."
Luke Gray
    Luke winces a bit as he gets closer and notices the damage. While he does not try to actually touch her, he does offer some bandages and first aid stuff he has in his backpack, "It was a good practice." he says softly, smiling, "I just felt that pushing forward might end with either you or my pokemon taking things too far, if neither backed out of the fight.". 

    The two pokemon seem to be in decent shape, since poor Raven was the one on the receiving end of the combat (by her choice), but seem worn out regardless, panting and moving back to Luke's camp spot to settle down. "Maybe we should eat a snack adn relax a bit." he says. "I think you did great today Raven, you are very welcome... it was great practice for me and my pokemon as well."
Raven nodded, but pushed the medicine away. "I will be fine. These wounds are superficial and I heal fast than most. Very little of will hurt for long," she said. "you are probably correct. This was... my first.... real fight..." she mumbled. "I am surprised I was able to maintain control so well... I was afraid I would... but i did..." she whispered.

She smiled. "Perhaps... I am ready then. And I am happy I was able to help, and you were able to answer my questions. I... think I should go though. You have fun with your training.... okay? I should return to the castle." She bowed politely. "It has been a pleasure, however."
Luke Gray
    Luke simply nods and smiles, "Fair enough, but if you need help, don't hesitate to ask." he says softly, nodding a few times and at least offering Raven something to drink, a fruit juice apparently. "You were doing nicely, I mean, it was clear you were taking it easy but... you didn't seem to have any troubles at all during the spar." he says, before sitting down and petting the black belll cat who returned to their side, "Please take care, I hope to see you again, perhaps for more training, or just to be social." he offers, "The pleasure was mine."