World Tree MUSH

Supply Lines

Character Pose
  Dusk has already fallen over the desert village of Kaipo, in the same world from which Rydia of Mist and Cecil Harvey hail from. It isn't a place that the princess of Hyrule is terribly familiar with, but it's made for a convenient place to heal and rest.

The first stars are glimmering in the night sky, and the last vestiges of light still paint the horizon in stark contrast of silhouettes and golden light. Most of the villagers have returned to their homes, and are busy airing them out now that the day's heat is waning.

Behind the inn, the large oasis pool hosts a number of people going about their daily tasks; a freshwater pool in the desert is just too valuable a commodity for people to ignore. People fill water jugs, launder their clothing in buckets on the shore, and some swim in the oasis. Some just sit on the shore, admiring the sunset and the beginnings of cooler night breezes.

Princess Zelda had invited Tachibana Yumi to the desert town to discuss putting her to work. She had bade the girl to come visit any time that was convenient for her, over a span of days. Yet the princess is not in her room; asking around would eventually lead back to the oasis.

The princess is standing ankle-deep in the silty water, arms folded around her old harp. She's clothed simply in a white dress that falls to mid-shin, embroidered lightly about the collar. The garment was obviously purchased here in Kaipo, but the embroidery is Hyrulean, all the way -- it bears the outstretched wings and talons of Hyrule's royal crest, along with other symbols. The hem is just barely darkened by the water; her hair's been left long and loose, and the ends are damp, as though she had at some point bowed forward and brushed her hair along the surface of the water.

Currently, her eyes are half-closed as though listening to something. Or maybe she's just zoning out. It's hard to say. Zelda's slightly sleepy regard is not nearly as inattentive as it may look; her senses have practically been tuned into the paranoid register since Hyrule's collapse.

The occasional flick of her gaze here or there suggests she's very much paying attention to her surroundings, though.
Yumi Tachibana
    Once again, Yumi Tachibana finds herself sneaking out of her own world to go visit Kaipo. It's quickly becoming a familiar destination for her, which also has the side benefit of making the trip quicker and less of a hassle. It'll be her first time really getting a good look at the place under cover of night, though, and... well, the first look Zelda gets at Yumi probably says all it needs to say.

    Her eyes are firmly fixed on the gleaming stars beginning to appear in the sky. She's walking safely enough, though, careful about how she moves her feet so that there won't be any nasty surprises stepped on or stubbed against. As soon as she's within earshot, she speaks in a soft voice. "I think the one downside to living in a city, even if it's safer, there's just... so much light pollution. There's already more stars than you can see in Natsuto."
  On closer inspection, the princess is murmuring softly, although it can't be heard until the city girl gets a bit closer to her.

"This humble daughter of Hylia thanks You, Author of Law." Zelda clasps her hands around her harp and inclines forward in a formal bow, deep enough that the ends of her hair brush the surface of the water. She stands for a moment with her eyes half-closed once she's straightened.

After a moment she turns, and there is a preternatural calm even in that simple motion.

"Tachibana Yumi." She manages a half-smile on seeing the girl, and though restrained, the expression is no less genuine. "Thank you for coming. I like this place, for that reason. You can see so many stars... though they are not the same as Hyrule's stars, and the constellations are a little unsettling to me, sometimes."

She wades carefully back to shore, kicking off the last of the water and pulling her boots on. Her dark robe, carefully folded up on a dry patch of sand, is picked up and shaken out as she looks to the stars. Throwing it around her shoulders, she shrugs into it, rocking back on her heels for a moment to admire the star-studded breadth of the night sky.

Mention of the city being safer, though, earns a quiet chuckle from the Hylian. "Is that so? It seems dangerous, to me... but those machines on your roads, I suppose you are far more accustomed to them than I am." There's a short pause. "That was... my first bus ride."

The idea of public transit is an intriguing one, but it would take years to implement something like that in Hyrule. Besides, horses work pretty well, for the most part.

"Here." Zelda shrugs off her mourning cloak, shaking it out and settling down on top of it. There's a second towel nearby to where her belongings were, and a crate, which has a teapot and a few cups on it, as well as a few things to eat. "We will sit beneath the stars, if that is amenable to you. I had enjoyed just that in Hyrule, too... there are many places there where the sky is dark, like this."

She folds her legs beneath her, neatly. "You had offered, some time ago, that you were willing to help in any way which you could. The time is come soon for me to make a move. I must establish a foothold within Hyrule if I have any hope of overthrowing the usurper king." Zelda sets her harp down on her lap, absently running fingers along the strings. The soft notes are hushed, as though she were reluctant to disturb the serenity of the night sky. "I have found the place that I have in mind."

Reaching into the robe, she withdraws a folded and quartered map, opening it and setting it down on the ground, smoothing it open and pinning its corners with a few rocks. "This is the Kingdom of Hyrule," she murmurs, gesturing to indicate the landmass. Much of its heart is open field, at least by the drawing. "My castle is here." The centre of the map is tapped with a forefinger, and she slides it north and to the west. "The place I intend to go is here, up in Peak Province. Snowpeak is an abandoned manor built by the aristocracy generations ago. I am certain it's fallen into decline... but it is remote enough and of little enough value that I believe it will be overlooked by the Twilight King."
Yumi Tachibana
    "Oh, the cars and... well, they're about as dangerous as any carriage," Yumi says, considering it. "If you got one driven by a drunk, it'd be dangerous, but there's harsh laws against that. Most of the time, as long as you don't step out into the road, you're in no danger." She folds her hands together, moving to sit there with Zelda, and offering a smile. "I'd like that." Just sitting out underneath the stars, isn't something she's had the opportunity to do yet. At least, not outside the city.

    But while they sit and look, the princess has business to discuss. This, Yumi listens to attentively, nodding her head faintly once or twice. Eyes pass over the map, taking everything in not just with fascination, but focus, actively trying to fix at least the general outline in her head. "Hmm... Snowpeak, and it's way up there in the mountains... is the weather harsh? It'd be a little difficult on us, but it'd also help a lot in protecting the place from discovery."
  "I see. Yes, there are laws governing the use of horses and carriages in Castle Town. With so much trade, it would be chaos, otherwise." Zelda gestures loosely, as though to indicate a busy street. "There are always merchants coming and going, as well as stock being moved from one side of the city to the other. There are warehouse districts and commercial districts; centres of industry and then the residental quarters."

Her expression falters just a little. There's no way to know if Castle Town even stands, still. When she had left, the castle itself had been burned, though not to the ground. Hyrule Castle's thick stone walls to be defeated by fire. Hopefully that fire hadn't spread too far.

...It will be rebuilt later. She pushes the topic from her mind, returning to the here-and-now.

"Yes." Zelda looks down to the map. It's a crude effort by her standards, but it does illustrate the general geography and the provinces. Her fingers brush the mountains that lie northwest of Hyrule Castle and its outlying plains. "The Snowpeak Range is the highest chain of mountains in Hyrule, lording over the northwestern reaches. From the summit, you can look out and see the whole of the kingdom, from the stone pathways of Zora's Domain to distant Ordona Province." Her hand drifts back to brush the southernmost details. "That is where Link is from, in fact, though I have not yet visited Ordon Village."

Her hand withdraws, settling over the harp in her lap. "The weather is very harsh. Even through April, there are thick snows over the peaks. The manor that I have my eye on is high, though not so high as the summit, and tucked away out of sight." Summer-blue eyes are serious as the Hylian looks down at the map. "I will not lie, Tachibana Yumi; it is dangerous, and the mountain is as much my foe as the Twilight King."

"But I believe we can learn to work with the mountain, rather than against it. There are inroads that even the Twilight King will not know about; due to its extreme conditions, not all of Peak Province has been mapped. There are secret inroads that we might make use of to move supplies. I have mapped those, as well, although it will be necessary to scout them, as well."

Zelda taps the surface of the map, indicating a tangle of paths and trails. "Moving supplies will not be the problem. It will be in ordering them. I have funds; I was not so foolish as to flee my own castle with nothing, and I trust my royal father will forgive this instance of theft--" Her half-smile suggests it's a joke, "--but it is dangerous for me to attract too much attention to myself. If you are able to actually order such supplies as we need... that would be most helpful, Tachibana Yumi."

"From what I am able to discern, Snowpeak will be a comfortable estate from which to plan our next move. It is hidden, and its placement means it will be secure, with natural defenses." She smiles, faintly, no more than a bleak flicker. "But we will have need of warm clothing, food, fuel for its hearths, and to a lesser extent, materials to make repairs."
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi leans over the map a little, watching Zelda's finger thoughtfully. "Well, I'm probably not cut out for scouting, so that's definitely out. I think I could learn to handle mountain climbing that tough if you give me a few years, but I think the timetable's a little more limited than that." The orange-haired girl smiles playfully, then sits back. "Hmm... I don't have any experience making big orders for stuff like that, but I'm sure I could learn fast enough. As long as you've got purse strings to draw open, most people don't care who you are. Food and clothing should be easy. Fuel... I'll have to look around. There's a couple things I can think of. Materials..."

    She taps her chin, frowning faintly. "That might be tough. I don't really know anything about smithing, or carpentry, or masonry. But if you give me a list of the kind of stuff you need, I can at least look into it." A faint grin from Yumi. "One of the handy things about technology, easy access to just about anything anyone knows anywhere. If I don't know it, I can look it up."
  "Heh. Meaning no disrespect, but I do not think you would survive the mountain, Tachibana Yumi." Zelda inclines her head in what seems to be an apologetic gesture. The earrings she wears, simple blue steel rings with tassles of red silk, flutter faintly at the movement. "I am barely confident that I will survive the mountain, but I must needs take that risk."

It sure beats twiddling her thumbs, locked in her own tower, waiting for Zant to get bored enough with her to execute her and finish slaughtering her people.

The princess absently smooths out the map. "It would be better to stretch what royal funds I have left to me, but this is what is meant to happen. I have prayed to my goddesses for guidance on the matter. The portents are clear, so long as I have not misread them, and I am usually more careful than that." Summer-blue eyes settle on the tundras, mountain passes, and summits of Peak Province, all carefully and lightly scratched into the parchment.

"Wood will do, though I am unwilling to settle for pines or other soft woods; it is so cold that we will burn through them far too quickly. Oak or hardwood will be best." Zelda thins her lips, thoughtful, but glances up at Yumi when the orange-haired girl grins. The princess finds herself echoing the expression, a little hesitantly. "Certainly."

"I am no mason or smith, myself, and certainly not a carpenter... but I know a people who are. If the Gorons of Death Mountain have not been compromised, they are longtime allies of the royal family, and many are skilled metalsmiths, among other crafts. I may be able to ask of them or hire them outright the work that must be done." She makes a thoughtful sound. "I need only have materials for them to use... though scouting Death Mountain is a dangerous proposition as well."

Slowly, the princess raises a brow at mention of technology, and its information-gathering capabilities. The expression is pretty clear: 'Oh, really?'
Yumi Tachibana
    "Wood would work, and finding lumber is fairly easy," Yumi adds, glancing thoughtfully over at what trees there are to be found in a desert town like Kaipo. "But I was also thinking you could supplement that with kerosene. Lamp oil. We have kerosene-based lamps and heaters that work really well. You can't take a fireplace with you, after all." She doesn't miss the expression, and that draws a bright grin onto her face. "Well, we can't read the future or anything like that. But one of the first things people started doing when we started linking all our computers to be able to communicate, was we set up information storage. I mean, I won't be able to just learn to do things, but if I need to know where I can buy firewood or lots of canned food..."

    Here, Yumi decides to change her seating a bit, folding her hands in her lap. "Jeez, I feel like every time I'm here, all I do is gush about technology at you. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be annoying with it." There's a hint of chagrin on her face. "You guys really do have some amazing things here and in Hyrule, though. Your healing is way beyond anything our medicine can do."
  "We will have need of lamp oil, as well." Zelda inclines her head slightly in a gesture of concession. "And depending on the condition of what lanterns remain in Snowpeak, it may be necessary to order lanterns to use that oil in. I have no doubt that what few goods or equipment remain there are likely unsalvageable. It was built some generations ago, and is widely believed to have been abandoned."

They can't read the future, but they linked computers together to communicate, and information storage, and... most of that has absolutely no meaning to the Hylian. Zelda blinks owlishly; the expression is not very regal at all. In fact she looks downright confused.

Well played, city-girl; it's not easy to confuse the Hyrulean embodiment of wisdom!

"I'm afraid I don't understand much of that, but... if it helps you in your work, than it must be a good thing." Her smile is a little apologetic. "We do not have such things in Hyrule. I fear I do not know what a... 'computer...' is."

There's a short pause as Yumi mentions healing, and Zelda straightens, snapping her fingers in surprisingly loud gesture. "Ah. That's right. How are you feeling? Are there any other complaints troubling you? If you do, I can have a look, perhaps. There are few things I can do as I am now, but mending wounds..." She smiles, faintly. "I would be a most poor princess of Hyrule if I could not manage that simple task."
Yumi Tachibana
    How is she feeling? Yumi responds to that by rolling her left shoulder, beaming. "After you finished patching me up, I'm doing pretty good. I had a girl in gym class yesterday ask me about the mark it left behind." The smile gets cheeky. "I told her I got shot protecting someone from a bunch of zombies and a maniac with a futuristic gun. She told me if I didn't want to talk about it, I could have just said so." There's a certain advantage to truths so ridiculous no one will believe them. "I'd say I should figure out a way to contribute to situations like that /without/ being in so much danger, but..." She knows herself better than to promise anyone something like that. Even herself.
  Very slowly, the princess tilts her head to one side, studying Yumi somewhat dubiously as the girl beams and relates her story. She herself was a little foggy on the specifics of the situation, but it would seem a perfectly reasonable explanation to her; there are undead things that occasionally roam the fields by night... and she has first-hand experience with that futuristic weapon of Copen's.

"I see." Zelda manages a faint smile. Does she approve of Yumi's cheekiness? Yes, yes she does, just a little bit. Royal she may be, but this princess almost seems to have a spark of good-natured mischief at times. Levity has its uses, as has been pointed out to her recently. "So they did not believe you. Pity."

To the matter of dangerous situations, the princess spreads her hands in a gesture of entreaty, harp balanced in her lap. "Perhaps. I cannot, however, speak to that without including myself in such a statement. I am a princess, a priestess; not a soldier. I have some ability to defend myself, but much of my utility on the battlefield is in mending wounds, and that depends on others keeping the enemy busy and away from me." The Hylian allows herself a sheepish half-smile. "It sounds just a bit selfish, when I put it that way..."
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi shakes her head, closing her eyes. "I don't think it does. It's a tradeoff. We have to cover you, but in exchange, the front-line fighters don't have to worry as much about being wounded, and anyone who /does/ get hurt, could get back in the fight pretty quickly. In a fight, you'd make whichever side you were on a lot toughter to beat." She doesn't seem to notice her own choice of words there. "So just think of it as 'fighting in your own way', I guess." Her eyes pass over the harp briefly, but she doesn't comment on it. Instead, she turns to stand up, and pour herself some tea. "In my case, it's a little tougher. I... I don't have much to offer, other than knowing how to use computers. And if we run into a world that's way more advanced than mine, I might not even have that to offer."
  Those summer-blue eyes hood slightly, watching the girl closely when she explains things in terms of the plural pronoun. It could be that the princess hadn't thought about that, but as the embodiment of wisdom in her world, it's doubtful. Perhaps she's testing Yumi in her own subtle way... playing the broken-winged bird to coax the girl out of her shell, and whatever subconscious doubts about herself she might have.

Or maybe it's just a coincidence, and Zelda hadn't actually thought about that. From what she's described, Hyrule was a place of peace and prosperity before the Twilight King rolled up and punched Hyrule in the throat.

"Hmmm." It's a soft, thoughtful sound that the princess makes, and it's a long moment before she remembers to brush softly at the harp strings. "That is still more than could be reasonably expected of you, Tachibana Yumi. The ability to make use of those tools is invaluable to those who cannot. After all, without your assistance, it will be much more difficult to transfer supplies to a place as remote as Snowpeak." Zelda allows herself a faint smile. "Take heart. You aremore than you think you are."

She smooths out the map again, and her smile softens. "The people of Hyrule may thank you, in time, for such a humble offering of skill. As do I thank you in this moment. My only concern is to alleviate the suffering of my people... taking Snowpeak, and making of it a base of opeations, is an important first step."
Yumi Tachibana
    Sitting back down, Yumi nods her head faintly. "Yeah, I know. Being able to help from the sidelines... I know this stuff is just as important. No army fights on an empty stomach, honor won't keep you warm in the winter. I'm glad I can help make it possible, even if it's just like that." She takes a sip of her tea, looking thoughtful. "...I keep feeling like I should be able to contribute in a fight, though. Some part of me keeps wanting to get in there and help. Maybe it's whoever I was before, I don't know." A little shrug. "In a real fight with that insane gunman, I'm not sure what I'd even do. Everyone else would just have to..." Her face falls briefly, as she realizes she's just stumbled onto the exact issue Zelda was just worried about. " jeez."
  "It is." Zelda clasps her hands before herself around the harp and bows low, as formally as she can while still seated. It's a deeply respectful gesture; one that royalty would not make lightly. "Logistics are the backbone of a prosperous and peaceful kingdom. I cannot save my people if I have frozen to death in the effort... it is the only place in Hyrule I would presume safe from the Twilight, so it is vital that I not only liberate this stronghold, but keep hold of it for as long as I can."

She glances at the map again, frowning thoughtfully. "According to royal records, the aristocrat who had built Snowpeak obtained permission from the people of Zora's Domain... the Zora are fast allies of we Hylians. I wonder how they fare in all of this; and the Gorons, of Death Mountanin. So many things have been ruined by the usurper's doing. So much has been lost... it will be good to begin righting that wrong."

"Mm. Perhaps it was, and perhaps not." Zelda tilts her head again, studying Yumi through lidded eyes, summer-blue through chestnut lashes. She frowns thoughtfully. "You are courageous, that much is certain. Were you Hylian, you would perhaps claim Farore as your patron goddess... for she is the embodiment of courage, as much as Nayru, my own patron goddess, is the embodiment of wisdom."

Fingers dance briefly along the harp, and the Hylian smiles faintly. It's an unsettling expression, though, at once cold and hard. "I know what I would do, now, having faced him. I would not give him the chance to use his weapon. There is no reasoning with him, I am certain of that much... in that case, there is little to do but to disable him immediately..." Her voice trails off, and she sobers. "But if I were given a choice, I would not seek him out, and pray to my goddesses that I remain below his notice."
Yumi Tachibana
    "Goddess of courage, huh," Yumi murmurs thoughtfully, sipping her tea. "...I don't feel very religious, but I guess if I had to pick one, a goddess of courage would be nice." She sets her tea aside, then leans back to look up into the stars, enjoying the show the night sky is slowly unveiling as the last of the sun's glow fades. "Maybe we're not the ones to stand up to him, but... someone should. He's going to hurt people who don't deserve it. He probably already has." She blows out a sigh. Just another thing she can't do much about. "...I'm sure the Zora and the Gorons are fine, though. If your people have managed to survive this long, I think they have too. I'd like to meet them someday, too."
  "Many may claim the protection of Farore, for those born in her season... but the heroic-minded are among Farore's favoured." Zelda smiles, gently. "Farore loves a hero. She shows them her favour; grants them the courage to pick up the sword and stand fast to defend what they believe in and love."

The Hylian shifts her weight over her cloak, reaching up to tuck chestnut hair behind a pointed ear. "Mm. I agree, someone should. That he leaves ruined lives in his wake, I have no doubt. But I lack the strength. Nayru's purview is Wisdom, not Courage; I am not the stalwart soul that the Chosen Hero is." A fleeting half-smile, almost self-depreciating, flits across her features. "I have wisdom enough to know he is a foe well beyond my league. It would be suicidal for me to challenge him. Reckless. And in that case, my death would be absolutely meaningless."

"I mislike it, but I must rely on the strength of others, where he is concerned... he is too great a foe for me. My hands are tied -- I cannot fight a war on two fronts. Fighting back against the usurper king will demand all of my strength." Zelda's eyes are clear when she lifts them to Yumi, blue as a summer sky, the colour deceptively soft for someone with a will of iron. "I cannot afford to falter."

The princess reaches for a teacup, carefully pouring herself some; it smells fragrant and herbal. She cradles the cup delicately between her fingers as she listens to Yumi. She smiles faintly. And I should like to take you there." Zelda manages another smile. "Each is a wonder in its own right... though with no communication for so very long, I cannot know how they fare. I can only pray that they are holding their own."
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi meets those eyes - her own are steadfast, but appraising rather than determined. "I understand. That's one of the burdens of royalty, isn't it? Not being able to do the right thing, no matter how much you want to, if it would buck your responsibility to your people..." She uncrosses her legs, instead drawing them up; so that she can rest her arms on her knees, and her chin on her arms. "There's something I'd like to say, if you don't mind. I didn't before, because it was a little presumptuous, especially when we just met, but... can I speak my mind a bit?"
  "There are many burdens, but that is one of them, yes." Zelda sips at her tea, letting her eyes hood. It's a nice night, neither too cold nor too hot, and the tea is pleasant. She looks pretty relaxed, actually. "I serve my people," she agrees, serenely. "That is my responsibility, as a member of the royal family; alongside my responsibilities as the descendant of Her Grace."

She settles the cup in her hands, inhaling the fragrant steam with a pleased sigh, eyes drifting closed for a second. She doesn't see Yumi shift to rest her chin on her arms, and she seems to be waiting on whatever question Yumi is dancing around and towards. "Hm?" Blue eyes half-open, regarding Yumi thoughtfully. "Of course. Please; I implore you to speak your mind, with me. I much prefer truth to fiction."
Yumi Tachibana
    "I think... I think maybe you're a little too hard on yourself," Yumi says. She's not looking at Zelda directly; in truth, not really 'looking' at anything. Just letting her eyes point in a direction. "When we first met, you asked me not to call you 'Your Majesty' or 'Your Higness', because you don't really feel worthy of it. I don't think that's right, though. Most royals... I think maybe if it was a regular army occupying their kingdom, sure, yeah, they'd want to go back and free it. But the weaker ones would give up on that, and even the stronger ones..."

    The younger girl shakes her head. "Your kingdom is occupied by a strange... I'm still not clear if it's an actual race from another dimension, or some sort of monster infestation, or... I dunno. But something that powerful and dangerous, /most/ royals would just be content to find somewhere and live the rest of their life safely. But you... every time I meet you, your first and biggest concern is your country. Heck, you had to be told to relax and recover. Even in exile, even without a single servant to your name, you're thinking about how to get back in, how to free your people."

    Here she does finally look up at Zelda. "I think that makes you more worthy of 'your majesty' than most queens throughout any history. I'm not saying to relax or anything, just... don't trash yourself, alright? You do deserve that respect."
  As the girl explains herself, the princess tilts her head slightly, and regards Yumi somewhat owlishly. Her brows arch slowly throughout the explanation, but what she means by the gesture is hard to say. Her expression is guarded. Growing up in the courts of Hyrule has taught her, to a certain extent, how to sequester her true feelings from her work.

"The best way to describe the Twilight is 'a curse,'" Zelda supplies softly, but she allows the other to finish before she says anything more than that.

Those summer-blue eyes linger on the girl through the rest of the explanation, and just when it seems like she might react with royal indignation, the princess lets out a sigh and laughs, softly; the sound gentle.

"Tachibana Yumi. You need not fret yourself so. I will not throw my life away. There is too much riding on my survival, not the least of which that I will lead my people with the necessary wisdom." She holds up her right hand, where the Triforce of Wisdom glows, softly. "Only I am capable of saving Hyrule from itself in the fear and confusion to come with its restoration; my kingdom is in shock, and still reeling from this terrible violation." Zelda lifts her chin just a degree, tilting her head then to eye Yumi almost bird-like. "However..."

"I thank you most sincerely for your concern." Clasping a hand over her heart, she inclines her head and bows forward, as much as she can manage while sitting. "Truly. It is touching, and humbling."
Yumi Tachibana
    It's Yumi's turn for a lingering stare while she listens, and her own posture finally starts to relax a little more. She does stay seated in the same position, but the hunch of her shoulders and back... there's less tension. "...alright. I'm not demanding to call you 'your majesty' all the time or anything, even if..." Her cheeks heat a little. "...I mean I'm sorry if it slips out on occasion. Something about it feels... I dunno. Improper. Like a breach of etiquette or something." A soft snort. "Maybe my past life was a royal, or something. I already feel like I kinda think differently from the people around me. /Way/ different from the girls my own age."

    As she so often does, Yumi shakes her head faintly to dismiss that line of thought. "But nevermind. I guess... as long as you're taking care of yourself. And not selling yourself short. That part's important, too."
  Yumi promises not to regale her with titles at every turn. Zelda can't help but chuckle softly at the assurance. "It is of no concern. I would not hold you to such. You are not one of my subjects, so you are therefore not beholden to the same expectations and obligations. It would be arrogant of me to expect you to treat me as though I were your own ruler, not to mention distastefully presumptuous and inelegant, besides."

"Hmmmm." It's a soft, thoughtful noise that the princess makes, when the girl comments on her past. "Perhaps you were, or perhaps you served your royalty, and sought to ensure others knew their place... defending their honour, yes? I suppose we have no way to know unless your memories return to you." The princess dips her head in gracious but regal gesture. "I will offer my prayers to Nayru that it be so."

Yumi speaks of her differences, and the princess smiles, faintly; almost melancholy. "I understand. As a child, I knew I was different, as well." She flexes her right hand by way of demonstration. "We find our path in time, though. We are different, yes. But we are, perhaps, destined to do great things, and that capacity for difference is what makes that destiny possible."

"I wonder, then, what great things you will do, Tachibana Yumi. I wonder what secrets are locked away in your memory, that you act without knowing why, and follow the path of the hero, though you claim yourself ordinary..." She smiles, gently. "I suppose that we will have to wait and see... but whatever that path may be, know that you will have my full support."
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi listens to Zelda again, this time looking briefly bewildered... only for a soft smile to break out on her face. Giggle. "I think I'm explaining myself badly. It's not that I'm forcing myself to call you by proper titles when I'd rather not. It's actually the other way around. I keep having to hold myself back from doing it, it's like reflex or something." And it has, in fact, slipped out once or twice!

    One arm finally moves away from her knees, reaching over to grab her tea. She can sip at it while she listens to the Princess speak. "I'm glad to hear that much, at least. I know I talk about it a lot, but... it's always kind of nagging me. 'Who am I', I mean. I try not to let it interfere with my life, at least. But there's always the worry that... I don't know, maybe I wasn't a great person. Or maybe I'm not even from that world. But I /feel/ like I am. And I mean, I woke up at least knowing my name." Sigh. "But it's a name they can't find any record of, anywhere."
  "Ah... I see." The princess flushes, just a little; enough to see colour in the tips of her elongated ears. "W-well, do not feel obligated," she protests, a little lamely. "Perhaps its a holdover from your past life. A reminder of who you used to be. Instincts that have not been forgotten, no matter what you have suffered to have lost your memory so. Take heart. If that is the case, all is not lost -- the subconscious remembers, even when the mind has forgotten..."

Zelda tilts her head, slightly. "I would certainly expect that. If I were to lose my memories as you have, I would be distraught. I would know something is missing; perhaps something vital." The princess shifts the cup in her hand, wrapping delicate fingers around the warmth of the stoneware. "I am sure you have nothing to worry yourself over, though."

"You are a good person, I think. After all, that is how you behave, even with no memory of your own self." Gesturing loosely, she regards Yumi levelly, summer-blue eyes earnest. "And if on the off-chance you were not as good a person as you would hope... well, Farore knows that many things change, as life is wont to do. That you may have misbehaved in the past... well, it does not change the good that you do now, hm?"

Zelda raises her cup, sipping the slightly sweet, slightly spicy tea, watching Yumi through a little veil of steam. "That there is no record, however, strikes me as strange. Especially with how easily it seems to be to find information in your world."

"Hmm." It's a quiet, almost wistful sound. "I can scarcely wait to begin setting things to right. And if I am honest with myself... it will be good to return home."
Yumi Tachibana
    Such praise from a princess! Yumi can't help but fidget just a tad. "Well... I mean, even if the 'me' that wronged people was a different person, I'd still kind of... feel responsible, I guess." The orange-haired girl sips at her tea, and ponders. "Well, more important information like birth records, marriage certificates, stuff people could potentially use towards illegal ends if they got ahold of, that's tougher to just get ahold of. But the guy who took me in, he's a police officer, and they've got better access to that kind of thing." So the fact nothing has turned up about her yet... troubling. But there's not much she can do about that now.

    But the mention of home, that puts a soft smile on her face. "I... I actually know how you feel, there. For some reason, Natsuto feels 'right'. Like it's where I ought to be. So I guess it's my home." Her tea is set down once more, and a curious look turns up to Zelda. "Tell me about yours, though. Something like... oh, actually, tell me about the Gorons. You said they were expert smiths?"
  "It would be through no fault of your own," Zelda insists, shaking her head softly. "But I understand. I believe that I would feel the same, in your situation. But I am a bit too kind, at heart. I am unable to help but look for the best in others and trust that it is there."

Yumi's past life could have been a serial murderer and the princess would still try to think the best of her. After all, all Zelda has to work with is who Yumi is in the present moment.

And right now, the answer is someone who will be terribly useful to Hyrule.

"I wish you success in your pursuit of information. And while I do not think that there is anything I can do to help you, if ever there is, please inform me." The princess bobs her head respectfully. "I will assist you however I can."

She tilts her head thoughtfully on the mention of home, though, considering for a moment before she actually speaks. "That... may be so. But Hyrule is more than just the place that I call home. I am bound to the land, empowered by the goddesses who created it, and therefore intimately connected with it. It is more than that I am simply uncomfortable with being away from home. It is... difficult, for me. I feel its lack, like an itch that cannot quite be scratched, or a healing burn, one you can still feel the sting of."

"I know it is only temporary, though." She reaches up to rub at the back of her neck, almost awkwardly, as though embarrassed by her momentary slip of regal composure. The gesture is reassuringly... not-regal. "It will help, to return to Peak Province."

Tell me about Gorons, the girl says, and the princess can't help another slip of that composure; a smile very much genuinely warm. It lights up her face, like the sun coming out from behind a cloud. "Ah. Yes. I have fond memories of the Gorons of Death Mountain. They are an incredibly strong people, easily one and a half times the height of even the tallest Hylian."

She reaches high up over her own head to indicate a being of mighty stature. "They are made of stone, and they consume stone and ore. They live in the heat and fire of Death Mountain, and when the mountain thunders, they do not fear. They live close to Hyrule's molten blood, and have learned to use it to shape ore to their pleasing. Their work can be plain and strong as the mountains it was made in, or it can be a thing of such beauty and delicacy as to steal your breath away."

"My earliest memories of them involve accompanying my royal parents during a diplomatic visit to Death Mountain." Zelda half-smiles fondly. "I must have been only three or four. One of the elders, Gor Coron, would amaze me with the gems and beautiful things they had found near the fiery heart of the mountain."
Yumi Tachibana
    Stone men. Towering stone men, who work amazing feats of smithing and gemcraft, and thrive in the molten core of a volcano. And they have a kindly spirit, by the sound of it.

    Yumi's eyes are wide as saucers by the end.

    "They sound /amazing/," she declares. The description finally proves enough to get her to sit properly again, lowering her legs down and taking her tea properly into her lap. It's mostly gone, but it's the thought that counts. "If you make an expedition out there to check on them some time, let me know. I'd love to come along!" After a sip of her tea, she adds, "What about the Zora? Tell me about those too."
  "I suppose they are quite amazing," Zelda reflects. "They have created an entire city along and within Death Mountain, a place so inhospitable that no Hylian has ever dared to live there. And though they may seem incredibly gruff and even hostile towards outside influences, their hearts are wrought of gold."

Her eyes slide out of focus; for a brief instant as far away as Hyrule is. Banners and spears below a blood-coloured moon, the final confrontation with the Demon King Demise, and Hylia rallying the surface tribes of the land that would later become Hyrule. She feels the grit and ash in the wind; feels the carved stock of hte harp in her hand, and the whispering silk of her holy dress--

Abruptly, Zelda blinks several times, owlishly, as though trying to refocus on the world around her.

If it wouldn't be blasphemous, and if they had physical forms she could threaten, part of her wants to shake the goddesses until they tell her something concrete and stop plaguing her with these snatches of vision and prophecy.

"Ah. Yes. Of course. I may elect to do that, once we have secured Snowpeak," Zelda muses quietly. "Yes, and it would be wise to check in on Zora's Domain, as well. I worry for our Zora allies--hm?" She tilts her head a little. "The Zora? Oh. Well..."

Setting aside her tea, Zelda takes up the harp, clutching it to her chest. "They are tall, too, much as the Goron, but not nearly so imposing. They are an aquatic people and cannot bear to be separated from the water for too long. I suppose you could say that they resemble fish, or perhaps sharks." She gestures as though in imitation of something cutting through the water. "They call the waters of Zora's Domain home. There are no better swimmers in Hyrule, and they trade in exotic things like pearls, and colourful stones from the deep waters... they are also fine fishermen, as well, and stalwart warriors."
Yumi Tachibana
    The brief momet of vision goes unnoticed; Zelda's audience already has plenty to think about - not to mention the view in the sky above them. And for a second time, Yumi listens with rapt fascination. "'ve got people who live in the mountains, people who live in the sea... I guess that kind of makes Hylians the people who live between, doesn't it?" She chuckles softly. There's a quick sip to finish her tea, then it's set aside again. "Now I really want to help you free Hyrule. It sounds like it's such a beautiful place, it's like hearing about some sort of fantasy world. Except it's real."
  "In a manner of speaking," Zelda comments, shrugging faintly. "It is hypothesised there were once people who lived in the sky, but I have not seen conclusive evidence, myself. Who can know? The goddesses are mysterious in their workings... but it does rather tidily put us in between the two, doesn't it?"

She tilts her head slightly when Yumi describes it as a fantasy world, arching one fine chestnut brow in mild bemusement. "Oh, really? I have never thought of it as anything but normal, but... it is my home. And the home to many others, too. You know, your world is much the same, to me. I have more wisdom than to fear what I do not know, but that does not make it any less intimidating to me." The Hylian manages a faint half-smile, almost shy. "We do not have things like that. We cannot make our towers stretch out of sight, or host such machines that thunder down the roads... if I had not seen it, I would scarcely believe it, myself."
Yumi Tachibana
    That puts a thoughtful look on Yumi's face; and this time, she decides to just lie back on the ground, so that her eyes can linger on the sky. "I guess everyone's 'everyday' is someone else's 'strange and new', huh? Bet you one of these days, we find a world that makes both our jaws drop." Lacing her fingers over her stomach, the girl lets out a soft sigh. "I'd love to go out and explore the Tree some more. But there's as much danger out there as there is wonder. Maybe I should find some sort of adventure buddy. When things settle out for me, anyway. And you. I've got you and your world to focus on first, after all."
  "I suppose so. We have many things in common, but one will never truly feel at home beyond the bounds of their own realm." Zelda settles herself more comfortably, folding her legs beneath herself and balancing her cup of tea in her hands, harp leaned against her thigh. "There are many realms bound to Hyrule. I know of only one by firsthand experience, but that does not rule out the possiblity of others. So, the concept of the Tree is not so startling to me, though I do have more cause than most to deal with such matters."

She looks over as Yumi falls back to the blanket, sipping at her tea. It's tempting to sprawl on the sand like that, but the princess isn't nearly relaxed enough, and for her to drop her guard so far might require several bottles of wine.

Okay, maybe just one. She's a fairly small woman, all told.

"I would not mind exploring, either... it may be dangerous, but there are wonders untold out there. And, as the leader of my people, there are doubtless things to learn that would help me in my duties to guide and protect them... yes?" A fleeting smile, and the princess is all business again. "Unfortunately, I have other responsibilities... no adventures, not for the likes of me." Zant's little excursion into Hyrule has been more than enough adventure for her.

Zelda pauses to take a drink of her tea, though mid-sip, she fixes Yumi with an upraised brow and a skeptical look. Fortunately, she has the good graces to wait until she's done to speak. "Yes. Thank you. Though once we are established in Snowpeak... please, do not feel obligated. You will have done much already, by that point, if there have not been any unforeseen complications in my planning." She smiles, raising her steaming cup. "I look forward to showing you Hyrule's beauty and wonder, Tachibana Yumi."
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi seems to consider it, remaining silent. It takes a few moments for her to formulate her answer properly, but she does finally give it, in a slow, thoughtful tone. "...I... I do feel obligated, I have to admit, but... I feel obligated for /myself/, if that makes any sense. I feel like if I just leave off after helping you get Snowpeak done, I'm leaving a job half done. I'd like to help see it through to the end, or it'd always be in the back of my mind, bothering me. So if you'll have me, I'd like to help you right up to the end..." Pause. "...Your Highness."

    Is that a wry little grin there? It might be.

    "...but how about this. Once Hyrule is free, and things are settling down... we'll find a way to sneak you out safely, so people won't worry. And we can go explore somewhere."
  The princess smiles, faintly. It's hard to reconcile this surprisingly plain-looking and unadorned young woman with royalty -- until she straightens and lifts her chin just a hair. In that moment, the material world doesn't matter. All the dignity and glory of Hyrule's royal family shines through in that fleeting instant; all the elegance and grace of her forebears.

Those summer-blue eyes settle on Yumi, though the sudden intensity of her attention is not hostile. If anything, though her expression remains neutral, there's a glimmer of something that might be good-natured mirth in her eyes.

"Tachibana Yumi, I will gratefully accept any assistance that you choose to offer to the Kingdom of Hyrule." She curls a hand into a loose fist, clasping it to her heart. "In the name of the Goddess Hylia, I offer my sincerest thanks; both my own, and those of my people. Your kindness and generosity has touched me; when Hyrule is liberated from the glowing embers of Twilight, and my people are safe once again, know that you will always have a place in that fair land, should you ever choose to visit or linger."

"I thank you," she finishes, more gently; smile softer. "I would like that; to explore... once matters are settled, that is."
Yumi Tachibana
    Something about that tone leads Yumi to sit up - and for a moment, she really is looking at a princess, or perhaps a queen. And not one 'in exile', either. Almost reflexively, she inclines her head, and the formal show of praise and gratitude is just about perfect to leave her silent for a moment or two in sheer surprise... and perhaps just a bit starstruck besides. "...w-wow, you're really good at that," she says, moving to sit herself up more properly. "I'll, um. I'll be in touch. You can always get ahold of me when you need to." A thought occurs to her. "That telepathy, is it two-way? If you speak to me, can I hear you?"
  The Hylian is motionless for a moment after she speaks, and her solemn, regally composed egard holds for just a heartbeat longer... until the faintest hint of a smile curls the corner of her mouth.

"Do you think so? Good. Appearances are sometimes necessary." Zelda reaches up to tuck chestnut hair behind a pointed ear, and the gesture breaks the momentary impression; she's back to being a young woman adrift in the worlds, once more. She rubs at the back of her neck with a slightly apologetic half-smile. "I do not always prefer to stand on such formality, myself. But it does lend hope to the people; to have a strong and confident image to place their faith in..."

"Hm? I have never tried it in such a manner," the Hylian muses. "Most often I make use of it as a warning... I find it taxing to use, across worlds, but it is certainly possible. We will have to experiment later." She climbs to her feet, dusting herself off and gathering her things. "Mm. Of course. Fare well, Tachibana Yumi. May Nayru grant you wisdom to recall what was lost." With another abbreviated bow, Zelda starts for the inn, padding across now-cool sands.

Halfway there, she half-turns, with a smile. "Goddesses watch over you. Travel safely back to your citied realm."

And with that, the young queen is gone.