World Tree MUSH

Goth meets Emo

Character Pose
Raven was... relaxed. Fairly relaxed. Unaware of what Temulin would be doing to her in the future and the pain the dark mage owuld unleash on her. Instead, she was just relaxed, balancing her power as she sat in a small, empty grove. "Azarath metrion zinthos..." she repeatedly chanted. To someone who knew her, it was normal...

But to others? Maybe not so much. Since as she relaxed and chanted, dark magic radiated off her and swirled in the air. It didn't seem to hurt the plant life or anything, at least. But it looked... dangerous. She had her hood up as well, her mouth the only part of her that was revealed to the world, the rest of her hidden beneath the hood.
Sasuke Uchiha
As Raven entered her meditation, a bridge between worlds opened. Coming from what seems to be a branch of the World Tree is a man garbed in mostly a black cloak that covers most of his form. Long black hair covers one of his eyes. Sasuke Uchiha had arrived. Though as he walked through this strange world in investigation, he comes across a meditating Raven. Curious if she was using what was recently introduced to him as spellcraft, Sasuke's hand rested on the hilt of his sword. 

If Raven happened to be looking, it was very clear he only has one arm. Disadvantageous, perhaps, when in combat, especially with a woman of her power.

"What can you tell me of this world." Sasuke says in complete monotone. Serious and seemingly emotionless, much like herself.
Raven was torn from her meditation by a voice. She sighed and opened her eyes. "I was--" And then she saw who it was... Her eyes opened a little wider. "Are you okay? Are you wounded?" one arm, well, she didn't know how old it was. She didn't FEEL any pain coming from him. But... There was a little pity in her eyes. He was hurt. She slowly got to her feet.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you much. I just arrived here. And please do not draw your sword. I have no desire to fight anyone," she said firmly. "I don't want to hurt you." Had to throw in that last point, didn't she? She obviously thought he was some poor, wandering cripple. She seemed to mean well, at least.
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke looks at Raven curiously as she asks if he's wounded, before he sighs and releases his grip on his sword, parting his cloak to reveal the empty sleeve that flapped softly in the breeze. "No. This is a years old wound." Sasuke can see it in Raven's eyes that she thinks him helpless. 

Good. She'd be in for one helluva surprise if they fought.

Sasuke's fought gods before. But hey, he'll roll with the wandering cripple bit. "Then we're in agreement. I don't want to hurt you either." he looks around then. "Then you're also a new arrival." Sasuke doesn't //appear// disappointed. But he does tilt his head. "What was that chanting you were doing?"
Raven cocked her head to the side, eying him. There was a bit of suspicion there. That was... Not right. Was it? Her eyes glanced to his arm for a moment. There was... suspicion. There.

"It is a meditative chant I learned from the azarathian monks," she said. "It is to help me focus my mind and calm myself, as well as clear my mind so I can focus. If you like, I would be more than happy to teach it to you," she offered.
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke kept his eyes on Raven as she eyed him. He didn't even try to hide his wound, but as she tells him about Azarathian monks (which he assumes are like the monks in his world: skilled Ninjas who really became pacifists), He listens intently. 

"Strange. I've never quite heard anything like it before." At the offer to teach him, he seems to nod. "I wouldn't be against it. But why teach it to me?" He only received kindness from his Village, who gave without thought, but she's a total stranger.
Raven just stared at him in confusion. "Why... teach it to you? Why not teach it to you? It's a simple chant, and the Azarathian monks have never shyed away from offering aid and care to those who need it, even those who didn't deserve it..." she kind of mumbled that last part, as if she had someone in mind.

She went back into the clearing and sat, her legs crossed. "The chant itself doesn't matter. Those are just merely words that give me... happy memories of my childhood. So I find them easiest to focus on," she said as she closed her eyes.

"The important thing is to calm your mind. Grasp your anger, your hatred, your pain, your suffering... And accept it. Letting it go may be difficult. But accepting that it has happened. Understanding that it cannot be undone. The only thing that changes, is how you let it affect you. Do you let it hurt you, or use it to grow?" she asked softly, focusing on it as she lightly chanted. "Azarath metrion zinthos...."
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke just...looks at Raven as she moves to sit down back in the meadow where he had found her. Eventually moving next to the half-demon woman, and taking a seat, one hand coming out of his cloak to rest on his knee as he closes his eyes and starts centering his chakra in meditation. 

"Azarath, Matrion, Zinthos.." and he'll chant with Raven, before one eye opens, revealing his sharingan. THe three-tomoed crimson eye of the Uchiha Clan as he scans his horizons. Did he sense danger?
Raven stopped, glancing over. Then... she sighed. "You have a lot of pain in your heart, don't you?" she asked softly. "Even now you're scared. Wary of being attacked. Of danger incoming..." she mumbled.

"Don't bother denying it. I'm an empath. I can feel your suffering... I can... feel your pain," she said ever so softly. "If you desire, I can... help. My powers allow me to dampen the pain of others, to ease their suffering." Her eyes did flick to his eye, for a moment. She seemed... Honest. Though. Compassionate. Not exactly like the demon she was... Though...

if his eye could see her aura, her life essense(would it count as chakra?), he could definitely see... it wasn't natural. Was definitely not human.
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke's eye can sense Raven's demonic energies, and he turns his head just slightly to lock his eye on her. his left eye still covered by his hair, but he seems against her trying to dampen his pain. "No." is all Sasuke says to put an effective end to that entire notion. "From what I can tell, you're not human." 

But her compassion is not lost on him.

Instead, he simply blinks his eye and it returns to it's normal black color. looking ahead but saying nothing.
Raven nodded... And then he sadi THAT! That anger bubbled up within her. "I see. And me not being fully human makes me evil in your eyes, then?" she asked, curt. Cold. Seemed he struck a nerve with his addition.

"But you are right. I am not human. Not... fully at least. I am azarathian." She was still hiding something... Namely that azarathian was her human side. Also, judging by the edge of her voice, she wasn't quite as calm as she tried to be. To pretend to be.
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke didn't to have an opinion on that matter. "Just because you're different doesn't make you evil." His best friend could be considered a demon, since he had a demon fox sealed inside him. Instead, he turns his head once more to look at Raven. 

Seems they might fight after all.

He knows she's hiding something, but he doesn't question it. "Something about this world."
Raven blinked and then, slowly nodded. "I'm not evil..." she mumbled. But there was just.... the way she said it. Not like someone who believed in themselves.

But more like a teenager who'd spent her whole life trying to tell others that... And now believed that all those things they said about her were true. She could feel all her meditation crumbling. Her own pain rising to the surface. She got to her feet. "It was... pleasant... To meet you. My name is Raven. I'd best head back to the library..."
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke watches Raven stand and introduce herself. He noticed her pain, her doubt. He simply watched her as she made her attempt to leave. "Sasuke Uchiha." he introduces himself. "Pleasant to meet you as well." He stands back up to his feet, before he turns to look at Raven. 

"Stop doubting yourself. I sense no darkness in your heart. Be who you want to be." and if Raven turned around? Sasuke would be gone. A single leaf taking his place.