World Tree MUSH


Character Pose
Raven was relaxing and lounging against the car, waiting for Temulin to get back. It'd been... A day or two since those events. Now school was out and she was...

Actually she was doing worse. She kept having nightmares. Horrible, awful nightmares. Nightmares where she had horrible powers and was hurting people. Hurting everyone. Nightmares where she was evil. And bad. And awful. And they scared her. And then that image of the... four eyed... man. Suffice to say, the blackness around her eyes wasn't entirely makeup.

On the up side, her parents had barely noticed her being gone. Her parents seemed to have a hands off approach to raising her. She'd gotten a bit of a scolding for not letting them know she was gonna be out but... Yeah. No way she was going to tell THEM about her freak out.

Which meant only her friends knew. On the other side, Hey, Temulin would learn more about Raven! Namely, she'd be invited over after school and all(since driving her home). And she'd find out...

Raven had SO MUCH GOTH stuff. She had an anatomy model, skulls, gothic music, gargoyles... The girl lived like she dressed.

Of course, that was less important. She was smoking a cigarrette and waiting for Temulin at her car, a look of frustration on her face as she waited for the other girl.

She'd been called into the school councilor's today. It had been a total drag.
Temulin Dotharl
Temulin is on the phone. She's sounding a bit displeased with whoever she's talking to. "I'm not required to talk to you for another two weeks. Leave me alone already." She aggressively whispers into her phone before hanging up without waiting for a response. "Hey Raven." She eliminates the frustration from her face and smiles, "Ready for a journey to a magical pl--your home?"
Raven nodded, and held out her pack of cigarettes. "Want one?" she offered. "So, who was on the phone?" she asked, eying the other girl. "Nothing major, I hope. Or at least nothing too bad..." she mumbled. Then glanced out towards the school again and shuddered. she swore she saw a.... No, she didn't see anything. It's cool.
Temulin Dotharl
One smoke is taken and lit. "That guy the court tells me I need to meet once a month." Temulin answers with clear annoyance at the very idea. "Waste of time." She shrugs and follows Raven's gaze, then reaches out to gently squeeze a shoulder. "How are you doing?"
Raven shrugged. "Fine, I guess. guidance councelor dragged me into his office again," she grumbled, before tossing down her spent cigarette. "Talking about my dad, of course. 'Oh, try and talk with him about things!' yeah, right. He's never around and when he does show his cheesy face he won't listen to a word I say. It's always him him him," she grumbled, stomping on the bud before glancing over.

"How about you? Been holding up since the... Well... fair? Have any nightmares or anything?" she mumbled softly.
Temulin Dotharl
"At least the guidance councelor has given up on fixing me." Temulin responds with a shrug, throwing the butt of her cigarette aside and getting in her car. "I've been doing fine." She's been worried, but it's worry about Raven so no need to bring it up. "That was weird, though." She smiles. "C'mon, let's go and do something fun."
Raven nodded, sighing as she sat in the chair. The car was always nice. "Yeah. Wish he'd give me a break. Always talking about boundaries. Dad doesn't do that. He likes to just ignore me, then blow in like a hurricane, as if I don't have my own things going, and take over and boss me around. He needs a life of his own."

She then glanced over. "Yeah, was weird. I swear I still...." she then shrugged. "Something fun, huh? What you got in mind?" she asked with a smile. "Cause a bit of trouble?"
Temulin Dotharl
"My folks just treat me like I'm cursed." Temulin answers cheerfully, she isn't really concerned about it. "They're probably not wrong to do so, but screw them anyway." She shrugs and stops the car at a red stoplight, then turns towards Raven and winks, "Let's make out in front of the boys." She pauses and then, "But seriously. Nothing in particular."
Raven nodded. "Ugh, I know. At least my parents never do that," she grumbled.

And then Temulin said THAT! Raven turned completely scarlet. She hadn't really mentioned... what happened that night. And now her cheeks were burning and the girl FLAT OUT SAID IT! She squeaked and then, nervously poking her fingers together, she nodded. "I-I... ummm.... I mean.... i-if you want to, I-I don't... ummmm,... m-mind...." she said sheepisly. "OH! Wait, I mean, err, you were joking, o-of course you were! I-I was too! Err, fun! Right! Err, w-we could.... go to um, a, ummm, w-wanna sneak into a bar or a club o-or something?"
Temulin Dotharl
Temulin wasn't blushing when she said it, but she is blushing at the response. "The joke was the in front of boys thing." She mutters softly, not confident saying that part with pride. Light goes green and she gets the car going again, she sighs a bit at the suggestion. "I'd love to, but if they catch me I'll be sent back."
Raven nodded. "Y-yeah. Right. I guess... y-yeah. so. Um. Right. Let's... err... Wanna.... go back to my place and play games?" she offered. "Mom won't be home for a few hours and dad is... well. Dad." she gave a soft sigh.

"Or.... whatever you wanna do.... Hey. Ummmm.... Do you still got that sword?" she asked with a small smile. "In case.... anything... you know... happens?"
Temulin Dotharl
"That was Ash's. I gave it back." Temulin responds to the question of swords, but she smiles, "Don't worry. I have my knives." She considers the other question and nods. "Your place is fine. Doesn't really matter to me where we go, or what we do, as long as you're having fun and I don't get in too much trouble."
Raven nodded and nervously poked her fingers together as they traveled and...

"... I've been having... awful... nightmares lately..." she mumbled. "I was all like... dressed up like some kind of witch and I was... hurting people. You, ash, Miwa... Like... I was attacking everyone. Was... freaky. Have.... you have any nightmares like that?" she asked softly, staring out the window. "Ever since the fair...."
Temulin Dotharl
"Not really, but don't worry. I'll make sure that won't happen." Temulin promises one more thing she can't actually make true, but it's the thought that counts, right? "I'll protect you. From others and from you doing anything you'd regret. That's a promise, okay?"