World Tree MUSH

And now who are YOU?

Character Pose
So there's a lot going on in this new world! And Luigi's come back to submit a report about it! And also to find out if anything weird's happened here. Now, it being incredibly late when he gets to the castle proper, he's not going to be able to just wake up the Princess to tell her about it NOW. So he's going to give his report in the morning.

That's what leads Luigi to be in one of the castle's halls this evening. He's comfortable here, since he doesn't expect danger here. Though with as many times as Bowser's popped up unexpected, one would think he'd know better! Though no, the mustachio'd man isn't expecting danger.

Passing servants wave -- they know him -- and he greets them in return. And so down the hall wanders a fellow with a mustache and blue eyes, wearing a green shirt and hat, blue overalls, with oversized brown shoes on his feet, and white gloves on his hands. He seems totally at ease, and hums quietly, his steps echoing in the hall.
Raven had found a rather interesting tome and was actually quite pleased about it. Yes, it was late, but it wasn't TOO late, so she was sure she could avoid another scolding from Peach. All she had to do was--

She saw the green garbed person as he entered a room and... Her eyes narrowed.

He wasn't a toad! And, well... He was KIND of human... A bit.... Off looking. BUT HE WAS GREEN! That was koopa colors! She was sure. Her eyes narrowed. Of course. She'd heard of this 'bowser' launching assaults all the time. Armies of green koopas and goombas and... Okay, she didn't know all of the things he was.

But she knew it was GREEN! Well... It mgiht NOT be part of them... So she'd find out. Subtly. Only scare the perso na little bit...

As he made his way to the next door... Suddenly, the lights in the room, all but one, flickered out. Then darkness formed near the opening in the door... Spreading slowly. Spreading out over the walls... the windows... Until everything was covered in a black darkness, the only light the single torch.

Trapping him. Isolating him.

And then, she rose from the floor in front of him, a book still held in her arms(with a big skull on the cover). Her hood was down and her eyes glowed a dark, evil red. The only thing that could be seen under her cloaked form.

"Who are you? Are you one of the subjects of Bowser? What business do you have in Peach's home?" she asked, glowing eyes staring at him, her dark, shadowy cloak flowing in the air as she hovered over him.

Scare him a 'little'.
And Luigi's first thought?

. o O (Oh no, not again -- not HERE! Did King Boo follow me?!)

His eyes dart around, looking for an escape, but the moment he finds one and makes for it, the shadows block him. He tries again, with the same result, this time running face-first into a nearby wall in his haste to escape. "Ow!" He falls onto his back, rubbing his abused nose.

And then he catches sight of Raven, hovering in the air like a... really scary... SOMETHING! He scoots back on the ground, emitting a whimper, his teeth chattering. But he DOES have the presence of mind to realize he's been asked a question. One that he seems taken aback by at first. "Wha? N-n-n-n-n-no, I'm-a no subject of Bowser's," he stutters. "I'm-a L-L-L-L-Luigi..."
Raven blinked a few times and then... Her eyes stopped glowing. "Oh. Luigi? That's okay then." and now, the booming, deathly voice? It's... well... A small, teenage girl. "Please, allow me." She lowered to the ground and held out her right hand. The darkness was absorbed back into her hand, as the lights all came on again. Her hood lowered and...

Oh my gosh. It was a GOTH! But really, that was all she seemed like, now. "I've heard of you. You're one of the protectors of this realm, correct?" she asked.

"My name is Raven, I am a guest of Princess Peach's, currently studying in her halls. Are you looking for her right now? I think she's already gone to sleep. If you'd like, I could help you with anything you need?" she offered.

This was FAR less scary.
Honestly, Luigi should have expected as much. That seems to be his history with spooky, scary things -- they scare the dickens out of him but turn out to be more or less harmless (at least in intention, if not in power).

Either way, now that scary dark lady isn't looming over him, Luigi stands up again, with a kind of practice that seems to point to the possibility that getting to his feet after falling over is a common thing for him. Luigi doesn't really have a concept of what a 'goth' is, not like a person from an Earth world would have, but he definitely notes the dark color scheme of everything.

He also nods to that question. "I thought she might be asleep, yeah. I got in really late, so I didn't want to wake her up and disturb her sleep. I was gonna report in tomorrow morning."
Raven blinked a few times, staring at him. "Report... it?" she asked. "Is there danger?" and then her eyes narrowed. "If there is something amashing an assault force or perhaps a swarm of cultists preparing to summon a..." She then went silent. "Wait. No. Mushroom kingdom."

She sighed. "Is some town out of sugar?" she said, sounding put out that it WASN'T some horrible, life ending destructive force. That there wasn't some monstrous, cursed foe to fight.

"I may not look it, but I am a skilled sorceress, so if there is anything I can do to help with whatever the issue is, let me know. I owe the princess as it is."
"Well, no..." Luigi replies, to all the mentions of possible dangers. "To tell the truth, I've been looking around the worlds outside this world, just to see what all is around us. Scouting for possible threats, you know? It's nothing major, no big problems that I've seen so far. Just a routine report. It'll give me time to get my thoughts together properly anyway."

As for Raven not looking the part of a sorceress? "Oh, I think you do!" he offers, meaning it as a compliment. "That was really effective... and really scary." It's worthy to note that there's no note of accusation in his voice. In fact, he almost sounds like he's encouraging her!

Though he does have a question. "You say you owe the Princess? Do you mind if I ask why?"
Raven stared at him for a few moments and then... "She is allowing me to stay here while I study their library. She's been feeding me and been an incredibly generous host, so... I owe her a lot..." Especially as she has nowhere else to go. Before she was eating nothing but... well, the fruits she found. An then the alcohol from the lylat system... Her diet has improved considerably.

"Yeah. I um, am sorry about that. I thought you were a member of bowser's forces. And frankly I don't care if she plays golf with the guy. If he tries to kidnap her around me I am going to destroy him," she snapped angrily, her eyes glowing red for a second... And one of the armor statues exploding out and making her cringe. "Sorry."
Luigi nods. "The Princess is really nice like that," he confirms. "I'm glad to see she's still helping people." He seems to have mostly gotten over his earlier fright, but the explosion of the statue prompts him to duck and cover! Though he does come out of hiding pretty quick. "Eh... it's OK! It can be cleaned up!" The servants will probably some to do that soon.
Raven nodded. "R-right. Yes. I'm... sorry. I am... Protective of her. Sometimes. It is.... She has been extremely kind to me. I'm not..." She trailed off, holding her book a little tighter. She then held out her hand to the pieces and regathered them slowly.

She was silent for a long moment and... "I am... Happy to have met you, Luigi. I have heard much of your exploits. And I am happy to know that the champions of this realm still return to the castle. I... will allow you to return to your report. Thank you for speaking with me," she said before bowing politely.
Luigi tilts his head. "Not?" he prompts curiously. "What are you not?" he asks. The way she trails off, though... that almost seems familiar. A bit of self-doubt, perhaps? Yeah, Luigi definitely knows self-doubt. Oh BOY, does he know self-doubt.

Though as for his exploits? The mention of them seems to embarrass him, and the floor is suddenly fascinating. He scuffs the ground with one foot. "Aw... I just did what I had to. Mario's the real hero," he insists.
Raven shook her head. "It is nothing. A slip of the tongue. I... misspoke..." she said softly, her eyes lowered. "I am just often surprised by her kindness and generocity. No one has... ever... shown me such before. And genuinely seemed to want me there. Actually enjoy my presence." She cringed. "I'm sorry. I don't... mean to complain. She's kind. Very... kind."

She then glanced back and shook her head. "Really? That's not what I heard. Apparently it would have been impossible if not for you as well. At least, judging by what I read about you in my books. Trust me. You are in MANY of my books. And while your brother does get top billing, your exploits aren't ignored."
Luigi doesn't press the issue when Raven seems unwilling to talk about her slip of the tongue. But he does confirm, with a smile, "She's known for being very generous like that, yeah." As for complaining? He blinks. "I didn't think you were. You must have had a very hard life, and I think it's good that you found a place where you can feel valued."

Though yes, Luigi does get a sheepish look. "Well... I mean... I've... helped," he admits. "Though there was a time when Bowser didn't even remember my name. I think he remembers now. I think." He's honestly not really sure.
Raven cringed. "W-what? No! I've had an... excellent life. I've been very fortunate. The monks of Azarath took good care of me, even though they wanted nothing to do with me. They would have still taken care of me if I hadn't left..." she mumbled softly. "She... reminds me of Azar. Except... She actually likes me," she said with a smile.

She then blinked and shrugged. "If he doesn't, then he is a fool," she said firmly. "And you should not worry what he says. Because Peach knows your name, the tomes of the library know your name and... I know your name. So you need not fret over some overgrown reptile and his feeble brain cells trying to put together the necessary mental capacity to remember the name of one of the heroes who stomp on his ugly, putrid face," she said coldly.
Luigi frowns a little. "I don't know... I don't think I'd like being around people who didn't want anything to do with me..." he remarks quietly. Though he's quick to note, "B-but that's just me! I'm, er -- it's not really for me to say. I'm glad that you're here, though!"

Now, see, Luigi does have a few bad cells in his body. That tiny little part of him that will laugh at someone else's misfortune. The place where the rare DEATHGLARE comes from. Of course he's not doing that now.

What he IS doing now... is snickering at the description of Bowser. Oh, he's covering his mouth to make it look like he isn't. But his eyes are narrowed with mirth, and his shoulders shake. Once he can, he notes, "He's... well, I guess that's what all his people look like, and he really is a magnificent example of his species."

A pause, and then he all but whispers conspiratorially, cupping a hand near his mouth, "...But... he really IS a big ugly lizard, isn't he...?" Then he looks around, as if making certain no one but Raven heard him.
Raven sighed. "It's not like I had much choice. I'm a danger to those around me. I mean..." She motioned to the statue she wrecked. "Yeah... If I lose control... bad things happen..." she mumbled.

She blinked a few times and... "You are a magnificent example of your species. After all, you're one of the two heroes of this land, are you not?" she asked flatly. "I have read literal BOOKS about your exploits."

She smiled though. A small, subtle one. "Indeed. I have not met him in person. But... I believe he is what you would consider one who has a... how do they put it? 'A face made for radio'," she offered. ".... My home did not have radios."
Weirdly... Luigi gets an odd, pained look when Raven mentions losing control and bad things happening. It's not a look of fear. He's not suddenly afraid of her again now. That was the look of someone who knows ALL TOO WELL about the words that were just spoken. In this case, he must know more about losing control and bad things happening than he seems...

"Well... 'great' doesn't always mean 'good'," Luigi notes. "It can be 'great and terrible'. And I'm sure Bowser is a hero to... someone. I'm... not sure WHO, but... there's probably SOMEONE." He doesn't really seem to like speaking ill of others, no matter how bad they seem.

Though yes, he is totally passing over the comment of his own exploits. He wouldn't really know what to say about them. He never FELT heroic. He always felt nervous, and anxious, and panicky, and and and... SCARED!

So he picks up the next topic! "No radios? Did you have better things? Like those, those..." A bit of a stall, since he's forgotten the word. He wiggles his fingers, because they seem like magic to him. "The holographic displays," he finishes, as he recalls the word he wants.
Raven stared at him for the longest time, and then... finally... "I'm sorry. I should have told you. I am an empath. I can pick up on the feelings of others. So..." she trailed off. "I'm guessing you can... understand." Sort of. She doubted his father was a demon who was going to use him as a gateway to destroy her worlds...

She was quiet, but didn't push it. "There's nothing wrong with being scared," she said softly. "Lots of people are scared when they have to do things," she said.

Then shook her head. "No. Azarath was a place filled with simple things. They came from a world with things like radios and cars, but I never saw them. I lived in Azarath for most of my life. It... was my home..." she mumbled. And there was a bit of sadness in her eyes when she said that. "It was part of the reason I believe the princess offered to let me stay here... No... I know it was...." she mumbled.
Luigi is initially confused at Raven's stare, and tilts his head quizzically at her. And after a moment, he 'flinches' first -- he looks away, raising a hand to scratch at his temple with a finger. Still confused, but also a bit nervous now. And wondering if he did or said something wrong.

Then however, Raven confesses to being an empath. Luigi emits a startled sound. And now he IS scared. Though not of her. Moreso of himself. How much does she know? The more understanding words, though, get him to relax a little. He does look at the floor, though, as if he just can't meet her gaze. "It's... not really something I'm proud of, but... Well... yeah. Maybe a little," he confesses. He doesn't go into detail about it, though.

And then Raven touches on the crux of Luigi's problems -- the courage issue. "Well... maybe, but... if Mario's afraid, he never shows it. He just... runs, and jumps, and fights. You should see him... he's amazing! And then when he wins, he just goes home, and eats and sleeps like it was nothing."

Oh, but he definitely quiets when Raven speaks of her home. And as for why Peach let Raven stay? "Because you hadn't seen a car or a radio?" he asks, tilting his head again, as if confused.
Raven shrugs. "Other people just hide it better," she mumbled. "But Azar used to tell me all the time. Courage isn't not being afraid. Courage is doing what needs to be done, even if you are afraid. So... There's nothing wrong with being afraid. Well. Considering your opponents seem to mostly be turtles and mushrooms maybe there's something a LITTLE wrong with being afraid," she said, with just the smallest hint of a smile.

And then he said that. And she went silent for a moment... before nodding. "Yes. Because I had... never seen a car or radio," she said. IT was easier than... saying because she had nowhere else to go. Nowhere else she COULD go...
"Well... I guess do that," Luigi admits. "When Mario went missing in that scary mansion, I had to find him. I was incredibly scared, and there were ghosts everywhere, but I had to find him." He's STILL scared, remembering it. But the firmness of a decision one doesn't regret is there too. Luigi's kind of an open book as far as his emotions are concerned. Either he doesn't know or he doesn't care to hide them.

As for 'turtles and mushrooms'? Maybe Luigi knows she's teasing a little, since there is a teasing note in his own voice as he counters, "You say that now, but wait until you come across a bunch of turtles who can throw sledgehammers and boomerangs, or who can knock you over and shock you with electricity, or can make the piece of floor you're standing on disappear over a bottomless pit, or turn debris into more minions." Well, he's... partially teasing. From the way things seem, both in the sound of his voice and what Raven can sense from him, he's not lying about these kinds of enemies.

Unfortunately, Luigi doesn't have the benefit of empathy, so he... can't really tell that she means something else. It seems odd to him... but he's not going to press. But, speaking of cars, "Have you seen any of the races?"
Raven blinked a few times and... "Did... you say scary mansion?" she asked, her interest piqued. "What kind of scary mansion? Like... A mansion that's painted a 'scary color', or a mansion that like... Looks like it's haunted?" she asked, smiling now. It was obvious where HER tastes lied.

She blinked and then smiled none the less. "Well then. You must be awfully brave if you're willing to face such dangers," she said with a small laugh. "And here you gave yourself such a short stick. You know, it's quite rude to lie to pretty ladies like that."

Then froze. Wait. Did she just call HERSELF pretty? Ugh. Ash and Peach had to be rubbing off on her.

"The... races? I'm afraid I haven't seen much past the library and dining hall. The princess has agreed to teach me to bake cheese cake, though."
Luigi shakes his head. "It's a giant Boo house, so it was haunted. Still is, actually," he replies. "There's a bunch of ghosts that live there now. Er, un... live?" However that works. "King Boo was trying to trap Mario and me; he got Mario, so Professor Gadd helped me find him. It's in the Boo Woods in Evershade Valley -- a pretty long way from here."

...'Boo Woods'? /'Evershade Valley'/?

he gives a sheepish look when she suggests he may have been selling himself short. And he actually blushes at the mention of 'pretty girls'. Because yes, he does think Raven is pretty! "I-I'm sorry. Just... I'm sure I must have looked ridiculous. The ghosts kept creeping up behind me and scaring me. I... I guess I'm actually glad I was alone, even if it was scary to be, because I probably looked like a real coward, jumping at shadows like that."

Races! Yes! Luigi nods. "Come to think of it, I haven't been in one for a while. When everything joined the World Tree, we were just all scrambling around trying to figure out what happened, so I guess those have been put on the back burner. But there are kart races." Though he also observes, "Ooh, if the Princess offered to teach you to bake, you'll be taught by the best!"
Raven blinked a few times and then... "Err... couuuld... you take me there?" she asked, her cheeks a little red. "I have always found the magic of haunted places fascinating. And seeing the spirits of this realm would be fascinating." AND SHE REALLY LIKED HAUNTED PLACES! Heck, if it was unoccupied now, maybe she could move in. It'd be nicer than mooching off PEach...

"There's an old saying. If it looks stupid, but works, it's not stupid. You succeeded, so it doesn't matter how you looked. Better to look the fool and win... than look perfect, and fail," she said.

Then she shrugged. "I... do not think such a thing would be my... forte. I am not quite..." How to put it. "..." ... She'd never driven before. "I'm not sure it'd be my tastes. But perhaps once I will watch or... something. I really should head to bed, however. It has been absolutely fascinating and a delight meeting with you, Luigi. I do hope we can meet again," she said, giving him a small wave.
Luigi seems a little surprised by the request, but nods. "I don't see why not," he agrees. "Everything's back to normal and King Boo is sealed up again, so all the ghosts are friendly again. It shouldn't be too dangerous. Just, er... be careful of the Polterpup. He can be... mischievous, and he likes to steal small shiny things. Like keys."

As for the words of success being more important than how things look? Luigi has to agree, "You do have a point. It worked, and everything's back to normal, so I guess it couldn't have been too bad." Though the mention of baking not being Raven's forte gets a little, "Aww... I understand though. It's not everybody's thing. But you never know until you try." Just a little light encouragement, not pushing her at all.

He nods as Raven mentions going to bed. "That actually sounds like a good idea for me too -- I'm tired. I've been walking a lot today." Luigi smiles, and offers a wave in return. "Sleep well, Raven!" he bids brightly. "And it was good to have met you too!"