Luigi (Dropped)

World: Super Mario-1
Actual Age: 31
Apparent Age: 30s-ish
Quote: "Whew! Made it!"
Role: Not Green Mario!
Species: Star Child (Human)


Having spent much of his life in the shadow of his brother Mario, hero of the Mushroom Kingdom and rescuer of Princess Peach (and sometimes Princess Daisy too), ultimately Luigi just wants to have a safe and happy life. Of course, the Mushroom Kingdom's almost constant state of being under threat rather makes that impossible. He's not unwilling to help -- quite the opposite -- he just doesn't see himself as close to the hero his brother is. For all his seeming cowardice, he tends to throw himself into battle recklessly, with little regard for his own safety. His contradictory nature shapes his Star Magic too, giving him both fire AND ice magics. His maneuverability in the air is considerable, and he tends to be more technically-minded than strictly of the "run out and save the princesses" sort (though he's done his share of that too). Luigi might not present the image of a tough, brave hero that can be trusted to fend off threats to the Mushroom Kingdom. But when it comes down to it, he's just as willing to place himself in danger to save people. Just... maybe not without some panicked flailing.


Star Child: Full of Starpower, Luigi has physical abilities beyond human capbility.
While he's not really sure of the hows and whys of it all, what he does know is that he's incredibly tough compared to a normal human. He can survive falls that would kill a normal human, run so fast that small gaps in the ground are no threat (and can actually run on water for short periods of time), leap an average of five meters in a single jump (as well as chain up to three of these jumps together), punch hard enough to shatter brick easily with a typical straight-arm punch, and spin at high speeds for long periods of time without getting dizzy.
Star Magic: Fire and ice magics, rocket-like jump.
As perhaps a reflection of his own contradictory nature of both heroism and cowardice, Luigi is able to employ both fire and ice in combat. Additionally his ice may totally freeze weaker enemies temporarily. He is also able to somehow generate propulsion enough to launch himself a short distance through the air after but a short period of charging his power.
Sports: He's pretty good at golf, tennis, soccer, and kart-racing.
Due partially to his greater-than-human physical condition, Luigi is quite the sportsman, and has competed in many sports tournaments with other residents of the Mushroom Kingdom. His experience lies in golf, tennis, soccer, and kart-racing.
Brawling: Extremely reckless hand-to-hand fighting style.
Luigi's preferred method of fighting is to throw himself at the enemies, literally -- rocketing across the distance between himself and enemies, sometimes quite literally using his head to batter enemies and obstacles from his path, or charging straight at enemies while blindly windmill punching at them. It relies heavily on his greater-than-human physical condition to remain unhurt while quite literally throwing himself into battle.
Aerial Ace: Luigi's aerial agility is top-notch; this almost lets him glide.
While he struggles to maintain traction on the ground, Luigi's mastery of his aerial maneuvers can be surprising. He can pinpoint strike a small enemy from above with a stomp attack precise enough to leave the ground on either side of the enemy untouched. Additionally, once in the air, he can "scuttle" his feet to slow his descent, allowing him to cover more horizontal distance and making his landing easier to pinpoint control.
Tinkering: Build, repair, and maintain machinery.
While it's not the main focus of his skills, he does have a good deal of technical knowhow, and can generally be relied on for a number of mechanical tasks. Some of these include maintenance on existing functional machinery, repair of broken machinery, and building of machines needed to perform a singular function. His skill is generally limited to mechanical devices with moving parts (analogue watches, clocks, water pumps, steam engines, etc.) rather than electronic devices with circuitboards (no computers, teleporters, super-communicators, or other high-tech/sci-fi devices). He has experience in robotics as well, though he's not going to be building a robot every other day.
Negative Zone< Edge >: Luigi can create a highly damaging void zone around him.
Maybe it's because he doesn't think that highly of himself. Or maybe it's some corruption he suffered in the past. But whatever the reason, when he's overcome with pain or remorse, Luigi is able to tap into this and unleash it in a spherical "zone" around him that reverses the colors in the area. It's also highly damaging to whoever might be in the zone, and doesn't differentiate between friend or foe...
Luigi's Mansion: A house full of ghostly servants where Luigi can relax.
Originally a "Ghost House" (houses in the Mushroom Kingdom inhabited by malicious ghosts called "Boos") conjured up in Evershade Valley by King Boo and the Boolossus, two powerful Boos, in an effort to trap Mario and Luigi and eliminate the threat the Brothers represented to their rule. Mario was trapped but later rescued by Luigi and Professor Elvin Gadd, when King Boo was defeated. After this, Luigi decided to keep the mansion... and its gaggle of ghosts (except for the Boos)! He can rest and relax in the mansion, there are ghostly servants that take care of the place while he isn't there as well as feed him when he is, and there are a few stronger ghosts that will attempt to defend the place and its inhabitants if it's attacked. With the exception of the red-collared Polterpup (a ghost dog) however, none of these ghosts can or will leave.
Gaddgets: Inventions of Professor Elvin Gadd
At present, Professor Gadd has created the following items that Luigi has used:
* Super Poltergust 5000, a device similar to a back-mounted vaccuum cleaner that can draw in and store spirits and spiritual energy. Professor Gadd continues to fine-tune it, as he considers it his magnum opus. Currently it possesses the following abilities: it can draw away a spirit's energy until they are able to be stored in the specially-made compartment, it can draw in/expel massive gusts of air easily enough to fling heavy stone objects across a room, it possesses a flashlight attachment (which he can use to temporarily blind or stun opponents), and finally it possesses a "Dark-Light" device that can shine a light that has the possibility of seeing invisible things and/or seeing through illusions as well as removing minor curses.
* Poltergust 4000, a four-wheeled kart with a design similar to the Super Poltergust 5000; while it looks like the Poltergust however, it has no similar functions. It has a hang-glider attachment to make longer jumps.


Professor Elvin Gadd< F-Tier Named >: A scientific/technological genius specializing in anti-spirit devices.
Professor Elvin Gadd is a scientist, inventor, and all around crazy mad scientist-type who creates many useful gadgets, mostly related somehow to the paranormal, though not strictly so. He's able to come up with a variety of gadgets that can act as tools to solve problems -- however since he isn't a fighter, these gadgets are generally meaningless unless he can find someone else to use the gadgets to tackle the problem FOR him. Additionally, if he is targeted personally, short of using his inventions to escape, he is powerless. Luigi may have access to these gadgets, but as they remain at Gadd's lab in the Boo Woods in Evershade Valley, Luigi will need to to to Professor Gadd and ask to use them first. Most of Professor Gadd's inventions involve and/or affect the supernatural in some way -- devices to see, track, and/or capture spirits or spiritual energy, interact with magical phenomena, or similar devices to bridge the gap between science and the supernatural. It generally takes Gadd between a week to a month to invent a prototype to address a supernatural problem, with more complicated ones requiring even more time -- for example, it may take him a week to create a device that can pick up the magical trail of a particular artifact, but it could take a year or more to create a device to seal away a particularly nasty demon. This is alone, of course -- PCs with similar magical or technological talents could always assist and decrease this time. And Gadd can always be relied upon to assist other PCs in the building of devices that work to his specialties.
Obaken< F-Tier Named >: A ghostly pup who can phase, turn invisible, and assist unconscious folk.
"Obaken" is the name Luigi gave to a particular Polterpup -- a doglike ghost -- that decided to become Luigi's pet at the mansion. While the ghost puppy is... well, a ghost, and thus able to phase through solid surfaces, float, and make itself invisible, its actual battle strength is near nil. It's only saved from normal physical attacks by virtue of being a ghost and being ethereal. It has a tendency to steal shiny things, particularly keys, gems, and small important hand-held objects. The Polterpup's not completely useless though; as it's a ghost, it's made of ionized plasma, and this can prove invaluable in waking up an unconscious person. However, it rarely leaves the mansion unless under Luigi's express order, and Luigi doesn't chance bringing it out often -- it's not like he can keep an ethereal dog on a leash, so it might run off!


Inferiority Complex: Luigi's just "Green Mario", right? He tends to doubt himself for this.
Mario's the one with the fame, particularly in the Mushroom Kingdom. There have been periods where the Mushroom Kingdom's residents -- even Bowser! -- have forgotten Luigi's name, particularly early on. This can often make him think that his contributions don't matter, and between this and his overall anxiety, sometimes leads him to just follow along with others where striking off on his own might be a better idea. Or it could make him hesitate at a crucial moment, costing him an important victory.
Negative Zone: Luigi's "Negative Zone" damages friend or foe equally.
Luigi is filled with a surprising amount of negative energy. Unfortunately, when releasing this, it doesn't distinguish between allies and enemies. So if it gets released unwillingly, it can cause a lot of problems. Particularly if he's in a crowd of people when it happens...
Scaredy Cat: Luigi isn't afraid... to show he's afraid.
Luigi is not the big superstar that Mario is, and he knows it. This doesn't mean he's any less willing to help those in need, he'd just ideally rather have a safety net. While it can be said that true courage is acting despite one's fears, it's also not very encouraging if one's rescuer is literally shaking in his boots until his teeth are clattering together, is it? He's particularly afraid of ghosts and death-related paranormal phenomena.
Floaty: Lighter, so easier to knock off balance.
Whether he's just light or it has something to do with his particular brand of magic, Luigi is so light that he even falls slower than a normal human. Unfortunately this means he has trouble stopping when he gets at a full run, and he's more easily knocked off balance, either by high winds or attack force.
Clumsy: Luigi falls a lot.
Between his reckless fighting style -- one that has him quite literally launching himself at enemies head-first sometimes -- and how he shakes when he's afraid, Luigi falls over a lot. It's not that it hurts him to do or anything, since he's pretty tough. It's just that it really doesn't look great for his image. Besides that, in the time that Luigi's extracting his head from a wall thanks to a misfired rocket launch, just about anything can happen, and he wouldn't even see it.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
584 Red Sky, Take Warning Oct 19 2019
569 Smashy Smashy Ghosts! Sep 20 2019
560 On Wings of Light Aug 28 2019
537 Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Jul 11 2019
531 Welcome Home to the Multiverse Jun 26 2019
528 The Desert Ruins Jun 22 2019
520 Hero(?) in Green Jun 14 2019
506 Lethal Protector: Unusual Underground. May 30 2019
389 Ghosts and pokemon. Dec 28 2018
313 Mr. Luigi Meets Two Sky Pirates Oct 29 2018
See All 14 Scenes


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