World Tree MUSH

Exploring worlds

Character Pose
Out and about David has been picking worlds at random to explore and somehow he has ended up in a place called the Mushroom kingdoms. With Tales of the Super Mario brothers out and about in all corners. David is exploring some of the more forested areas like Dinosaur Island. Yoshi are about, and of course in a rich oxygen environment of course bugs will grow on the large size.

The fact that his armor is insectoid in appearance he is able to use it to keep any of the more unpleasant ones off him as he is looking in the entire area in all ways, Thermal, UV, normal light, and a host of other areas.

Looking around the area he does stand out being bipedal.
A large boy in glasses and a suit...yet oddly in spite of that he has a MESS of hair and no currently drawing some of the odder looking parts of the environment. Well, the parts that look odd for someone from remrotely nearl normal Earth, that is. He peers upward as he notes movement and sees what looks like a bipedal bug. His eyes seem to light up. Is this some sort of totally different bug species to this world? The large boy just stands and stares, seeming afraid to move at the pace his enthusiasm requests of him. Don't want to scare away this possible new bug friend.
The issue with the Guyver is it does generate heat inside and that heat needs to be vented. One through the head laser, which is much more effective, but the currentway he expels the heat is he purges the head through his mask. Two bursts of steam come through the side of his head. Gonta when he makes himself known instantly, one of the silver orbs on his head swival in his direction.

It will have homed in on the thermal difference. David has his back to Gonta as he says, "I don't bite. It's just a suit of Armor." he says. Calling out in general. He's got know idea that the guy has a serious love of bugs. A large dragonfly lands on the horn on his head and he shakes his head to get it off.
Gonta very visibly pouts and relaxes at the information that it's just armor. He does hold out a finger for the shaken off dragonfly though. "It's a really /cool/ looking armor though," Gonta note, "Hello Mr. Dragonfly..." His attention is obviously on the dragonfly as he says that before he turns toward David again. "Um...Gonta is Gonta did you get such cool looking armor?"
Turning to look when he holds out a finger for the Dragonfly to land. Gonta can't see him lift an eyebrow thankfully. But he turns around carefully as he doesn't want to appear hostile. "Etomologist?" he asks of the man before him. 

"I found it in a dying alien ship on my world. David Jackson." he introduces himself.
Gonta blinks and tilts his head a little. "Wow, how'd you know," he wonders honestly, "Gonta didn't even say...yes, Gonta is an Entomologist. ...Gonta doesn't think he should go looking for dying alien ships just to get some cool looking armor though. That seems...not quite gentlemanly..."
David looking over Gonta as he says, "the way you held out your hand, spoke to the dragonfly, and the very dissapointed look when I told you it was a suit of armor." he says. He has a somewhat plesant voice despite the modulation. "I took an educated guess on your profression. WEll it was not by choice I found the armor..."
Gonta nods energetically in reply. "Gonta didn't mean to say YOU'D done something like that, just that it would be bad on Gonta's part to do something like that to try and find something for himself." As the dragonfly leaves Gonta waves after it. " all Entomologists have the ability to speak to bugs," he wonders, "Gonta's actually never met with other Entomologists before..."
As he looks tilting his head and says, "Uh at least not where I am from they can't talk to bugs. Maybe other worlds." The talk of being able to speak to insects makes him shake his head a bit. "I am sure that some would love to meet you if you can speak to insects."

As he takes a step approaching Gonta he says, "I'm a new to the World Tree so I am picking worlds at Random to explore."
Gonta smiles and gives a calmer nod now. "Gonta's been exploring the other worlds to try and help the school he is in better understand the situation of having become part of the tree."
David gives a sigh out as he thinks of his world. The idea of trying to undo what was done, the ideas of conquest, he honestly knows not who he is any more. "Well I just came out here to find what, I don't know just searching seeing what comes my way and what I come upon."
"This place is strange," Gonta admits, "Lots of things Gonta hasn't seen before...lots of pipes too... Umm, if you run into it, Gonta goes to Hope's Peak Academy. Lots of people around Gonta's age are there and they all have some kind of ability they are very good with."
With a not he says, "No I haven't been there. But I will keep it in mind if I do."

So out here seeking out new insects to study and befriend?"
Gonta smiles and nods. "Well, aside from the researching for school," he answers, "Gonta's met lots of pokemon. It's fun, but deffinetly not ALL people."
David nods, "Yes Plenty of bug pokemon from what I heard. I think you would do well as a bug pokemon trainer. I been thinking of them as well. More as pets than combatants." Looking around as he spots the warp pipe he was searching. "Sadly I need to go. It was nice meeting you Gonta. I hope you make lots of friends here."
Gonta waves after David. "Good to meet you, thank you for speaking to Gonta," he says with a bow.
David nods and he returns the bow to Gonta and then heads over to the Warp Pipe and jumps up and into it as it makes that electronic chugging sound.