World Tree MUSH

Chance encounters

Wandering the Vines David ends up in a spot of trouble with Samurai and a ninja to help him.
Character Pose
Having been moving through the Various vines. Sometimes in Armor, some times out of Armor. David or Guyver 4 has traveled to this world and with it is japan. That he can tell from the fact he has samurai around him. Standing there in his emerald armor. He stands his ground, having appeared the insectoid had caught the samurai off guard and of course being noble assholes believed him to be a monster.

The First few sword slashes were blocked, and soon he was loosing his patients. Grabbing a blade out of their hand when one slashes him across the back and breaks it over his knee. He speaks in Japanese, at first he had been trying to stop them with diplomacy. Now... after five minutes he's lost his temper.... And with it strikes one of them in the chest knocking him back and down with broken Ribs. There are plenty of slash marks on his armor, as their blades are magical... and he is finding them pretty damn annoying.
Sasuke Uchiha
Well, at least David wouldn't be alone. 

Sasuke Uchiha. Wandering Ninja. Sage of the Six Paths (of the Moon cycle). With a sigh touching his features, the black-cloaked swordsman watches on for just a moment. No Sharingan or Rinnegan has been activated. Though, when there is clearly an advantage from these apparent insectoid ninjas over David, Sasuke moves in the blink of an eye, appearing directly behind David, guarding him from a strike with his own sword. "Keep focused. Don't get annoyed." is all Sasuke says.

THe eternally cool under pressure Sasuke Uchiha. Though, David might be concerned if he looked close enough. After all, the Uchiha Nin only had one arm.
That Blink of an eye is enough to make David React as he had expected that sudden appearance to be an attack. It makes him duck and roll. "What the hell is it with these guys? I tried to tell..." And of course David gets a sword stabbed through the back and out the chest. The magical blade shimmers as David screams, blood spurts out his mouth guards. It's penetrated his right lung as he coughs out blood.

Grabbing hold of the Blade to turn around and then he has chosen to bring out his own blades. A pair of swords blades project from his forearm, and with a slash and a flash of light he cleaves the blade off near his chest and with a punch to that cut blade forces it out his back..."What the..." he coughs as blood escapes from his lungs out his mask vents....
>> SUMMARY[David] >> David has his first experiance with magic being used against him.
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke Notices David roll away from him, only to see him get stabbed straight through his body. From back to chest. Though the ninja isn't sure what punching the sword out will do, but it's clear Sasuke is in defensive mode. His Mangekyou Sharingan (an eye ability) activates, and suddenly he can foresee attacks coming. He dodges effortlessly out of the way of multiple blows, only to swing his sword once and multiple enemies suddenly go down from having their weak points absolutely destroyed. 

Eventually, Sasuke manages to catty-corner the enemy in front of him, with David behind him. "I take it you have no ability to heal yourself?" Sasuke performs strange hand signals with just one hand...before he lets out a catacomb of flames from his mouth as if he was his own flamethrower. See if he can convince hte enemy to retreat.
And at this point As one sword comes in to try and take his head off, David has stopped pulling puches. His sonic sword vibrates as he uses it to slice from the left hip of the samurai, up the torso to the right shoulder and then that part of him actually slices off severed in half as David is surprised. "No I should be healing..." And with it With the death of the samurai comes a charge several of them lunge at him, as he will turn and roll with the blades that come from behind moving someout with incredible grace, but also a clumsy roll at the same time.

He's not professionally trained, he's a street fighter. And bringing his arm up slices the arms of the Samurai as they scream, before he twirls and a gree light issues from his forehead as it lances across their necks and their screams stop... Their heads fall from their shoulders with a cauterized wound.

"Something about their blades, the energy they have must hinder my regeneration and healing..."
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke glances to David, taking note of his willingness at the moment. "If you hesitate, you will die. Their blades hum with some kind of energy. 'Magic' I think some worlds call it. The chakra (energy) in such a blade has certain qualities. Namely, it likely disrupts your superhuman ability to heal. Don't take risks." Sasuke twirls his blade and without looking, turns an enemy into a shish-kabob. 

"Where did they come from? Do you know?" Sasuke is mainly concerned with keeping this horde of enemies at bay to see if this david fellow can heal...or if he needs to take David and run.
As David has chosen to hold nothing back as several of the samurai have been killed as David yells. "Pressure Cannon!" And as he forms a black ball in his hand and then unleashes the spinning black orb as it will fly through the air and impact the chest of one samurai and burries through his armor into his chest leaving a perfect hole that explodes with blood as his heard is missing from where it should be. He dropps to his knees and topples.

"No idea, I traveled through a vine, they ordered me to surrender as their prisonier and then when I hesitated fucking attacked me!" he says. He ses his sonic swords to deflect several strokes of their blades as the claning of metal on metal is heard. And of course two more of the twenty orginal are dead when the slight curve of the plade slashes across their throats...
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke looks to David as he lets loose an attack, before he explains his story. "I see." He sighs very softly. "That's what happens when people want you dead." always the smartass, Sasuke then seems to reveal his other eye, which is permanently a Rinnegan. In one fell move, he unleashes his gravity powers, extending a hand and crushing multiple enemies straight into a oblivion. His sword is thrown, striking against his enemy hard into his skull, killing him instantly. 

Sasuke hasn't moved from his place in front of David.
Of course between the Shinobi and the Guyver. The pair of them will be able to slash and smash. David may be ruthless when it comes to killing but he is merciful. He kills quickly and a cleanly and painlessly as possible. "I didn't want to kill them in the first place!" And before long he has delivered several punches and kicks. His woundhas closed and his lung has reinflated he's mostly back on par. The samerai are nothing if not fast. He's been tagged bu those blades several times as one in the distance fires an arrow at the head of Sasuke.

David manages to snatch it out of the air, turn it around and throw it back with more force that the bow fired it impaling the samurai to a tree.

"You have moves similar to A Guyver!"
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke isn't even ruthless. He's quick and clean. Highly efficient. Though he doesn't react to the arrow that was coming for him, instead he was already leaning out of the way when David decided to snatch the thing out of thin air and toss it straight back at the unlucky soul who fired the arrow in the first place! Well, at least David has long proven he is not a poor fighter. 

"I don't know what that is." Sasuke says in a monotone voice with almost no reaction to it. Instead, he notices that his wounds have regenerated. "You look better."
before long the twenty Samurai are dead as David inhales and exhales. As he says, "Yes. My armor is called a Guyver. One of the properties is to heal..." he says. He's seen Agito move in his unit and he was more highly trained than David was. The wound is god as his mask issues some steam from the sides of it.

With the group dead David looks down at one of the intact Katanas and snatches it up along with a scabbard. "Magic... lookings I I have a new weakness." he says Bitterly.

The sound of dogs could be heard in the distance as David turns to look in the direction, "I thank you for the assistance but I suggest we vamoose from here before we end up with more on our tail.
Sasuke Uchiha
20 Samurai lay dead on the field, before Sasuke and David are in the clear. sighing, Sasuke sheathes his kusunagi sword and he turns to look upon David. "For once, we finally agree. I suggest you move quickly from here. I plan on investigating." Sasuke then seems to move so fast that it's just a blur. If David looked up, there Sasuke would be. Seems he's going to help escort him to safety before he comes back to check things out. 

"Magic tends to be everyone's weakness. or so I'm told. I've rarely seen it in action. If you're upset you have a new weakness, try to find a way to overcome it in a way that it's just a hindrance to you. not a weakness."
David nods as he lifts into the air with the Katana. "Yes. Annoyance more than upset." and with it David holds the blade and before he heads off. "David Jackson. Pleasure to meet you."
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha looks to David, nodding softly. "Sasuke Uchiha. Stay out of trouble, David." and just like that, Sasuke is gone.