World Tree MUSH

About Town

Character Pose
Emily Nyx
The cities closest to the Cradle are relatively high-tech, bustling, and have more commerce. It hasn't even been a full twenty-four hours by Emily's personal reckoning, but she was drawn to a relatively clean and bright city on a nice and sunny day like a moth to a candle.

In the middle of a medium-sized plaza, Emily hops out of a staticky-looking portal, looking like a generic teenage scofflaw except in her twenties. In a glittery silver light, she transforms into a taller silver-haired woman in her forties, dressed in a navy-blue business dress. In one hand, there's a pamphlet describing the ins and outs of the World Tree; in her other, there's a large oatmeal raisin cookie. "Hmm ..." She plops herself down on a park bench, and starts reading over the former while munching on the latter.
Emily is not the only one appearing out of thin air. A young man (David) dressed in jeans falls out of a flash of light, ending up some ten feet from the ground as he is not in for the smoothest of landings. He has appeared on his back in air and starts falling. Hitting the ground on his backpack with a resounding THUD, "OMPH!" he cries out as he groans in some discomfort. "Son of a!" he starts to say clearly annoyed, as he struggles to get his barings. Making sure he is not about to get hit by a car or something.
    "Minus three points for not sticking the landing." calls out a black-haired girl from somewhere off to the side when David appears and lands heavily. "You alright there?" she follows up, stepping out to offer a hand. "I'm Uni, and I'm going to guess that wasn't intentional, though I wouldn't discount it, knowing a certain someone from my own world."
Emily Nyx
Emily regards David with interest, but makes no move to help him until Uni speaks up. She gets to her feet, materializes a small metal lunchbox around the cookie, then saunters over, although she does hang back a ways. "Sounds like you must come from a very interesting world, then!" she remarks to Uni. Up close, it's obvious that her blue eyes look robotic, sort of like camera lenses.
David With a heavy groan he takes him of that hand Uni offered to help himself stand up. "Thanks, was intentional teleportation. I just get my X,Yand Z axis screwed up. Been trying to master it for a long time. Not sure I will ever get it right." he says and once he is on his feet he says, "Thank you." Looking to Emily he does focus on the eyes and then when he sees them he shakes his head a touch. The talk of home seems to turn him dark in his features for a moment. "Interesting is putting it... lightly and plesantly."
    Uni is a lot stronger than she looks! She helps haul the man up, then dusts herself down a bit as she turns to look at Emily. "You could say that, Gamindustri's kind of unique in a lot of ways, but there's plenty of weirder places that I've heard about." she replies, clasping her hands behind her back and rocking back and forth on her feet a little.
Emily Nyx
Emily raises her eyebrows, and a grin appears. "I may be the wrong person to say this, but why don't you just take a vine?" she says. "They seem to know where they're going, at the very least." She peers at him for a moment at his reaction, but she shrugs and doesn't press the matter.

She smiles at Uni. "I'm still at the point where literally everywhere is 'weird'," she says. "There's people here, the buildings are well-maintained instead of overgrown ruins, no shapeshifting techno-magical robotic servants ..." She puts on a cheeky grin. "Why, I'm beginning to feel like I'm the weird one!"

Transferring the pamphlet into the hand holding the lunch box, she extends her other hand. "Nyx-model Eudaemon, serial prefix MLE0," she says. "But these days, by which I mean the past twenty-three hours since I hopped through my first vine, I'm going by Emily Nyx."
As he listens to Emily he Shrugs and seems a bit fatigued from it. "Well I am hoping now that I am in the World Tree I can actually use it more that an emergancy escape."

David actually doesn't know what to say when Emily introduces herself, the Pamphlet is taken and he says, "David Jackson. Over grown ruins?" he asks. It's a retorical question really. But seems interested. "Nice to meet you Uni, Emily."
    Uni watches the interaction between the other two, then nods a bit at the introduction. "That's the thing about this place, it's got a bit of everything. I mean, I went to help some village in a low-tech area with something, ended up rescuing a couple of people from some weird black and white wasp monsters that shot down their airship." she says, "I was heading over to another zone to see if I couldn't get some Share Energy out of the locals by helping them out too."
Emily Nyx
Emily nods to David. "Six and a half centuries ago, there was a disaster which wiped out all the Masters, the cyborg humans who ruled our world," she says. "Now there's just a few functioning relics, and us Eudaemons. We call our world the halcyon remnant."

She smiles at Uni. The vaguely video-game-esque terms don't seem to give her the slightest bit of pause. "Sounds like you've already gotten the hang of things here," she says. "I'm still finding my feet, I suppose. There's so much that's taken for common sense here, but which never existed in my world, or vice versa, or which simply hasn't survived in the remnant."
"Still kinda new here myself. I just been exploring vines Randomly. Gotten into some interesting places and situation." The talk about disaster seems to be understood with him. But he brushes it off. He makes a mental note on the name. "How hostile is the environment to humans now there?" he needs to know that if he ends up there if he should stay in his armor or not.
    "When you come from a world that's already had run-ins with several different versions of /itself/, expanding out to different versions of /other places/ isn't much of a stretch." replies Uni haughtily, puffing herself up a little as she takes some pride at the semi-compliment. "That, and I'm a fast study, I have to be at my best to support my big sister, after all."
Emily Nyx
Emily nods. "I've been doing the expeditionary thing myself," she says. "And the Halcyon remnant is perfectly safe. There was some ... trouble towards the beginning, but it's been six centuries. The dust has settled from the dust settling through a dozen iterations, and now it just looks abandoned and covered in plant-life."

She smiles and nods to Uni. "Pretty impressive," she says. "Of course, I was just saying I haven't had time to get used to anything." She looks between the two. "How long have you been exploring, anyway?"
David lifts a hand up and does a couple rapid finger counts. "I think, a little less than thirty days. Some of my enemies arrived with me. I been on the move alot. And yes... they are that bad. I want to avoid fighting them unless in a very isolated area."

He knows sooner or later they will rawl out of the woodworks to crawl under his skin.
    "Not to brag or anything, but I'm a bit of a prodigy." replies Uni, stretching a little. "Though I do still have a lot to learn about how this place works, I've only been here for a few days myself" she adds. She looks at David, "I've been here less than a week, literally fell in and landed on someone else from my world."
Wolf O'Donnell
     Certainly, one can meet all manner of beings of various sizes and shapes in the conglomeration and fusion of so many cultures and worlds whose details mingle and provide additional flavor to the Tree itself. So, then, some might find some others both an oddity and perfect normal at the same time. 

     For example: some people might find this one tall figure nearby to have physically-imposing size. While height means something, visible muscularity shows bodily training for strength. This one person wears a leather jacket studded with metal detailing, open, with a thin cloth black tank underneath. Leather pants are also worn and, for those with such experience, the image this presents is nothing shy of a tough biker look. In fact, the entirety of worn accouterments and accessories, from the thick black boots to metal spikes and hanging chains, all follow that vein. Yet, despite the bold style of dress, it is not the clothing that catches the eye of most first. The figure, after all, is covered in fur and scars and bears an eye patch on the left half of the face.

     This masculine lupine figure holds what passes for a bread-covered backed meat snack in one hand with a bite taken out of a corner. He is also not alone. Two other figures flank him: one is a black feline wearing a suit without a tie. The other is a reptile wearing clothing more suited for a flashy night out on the town club-hopping.

     "Yeah, I didn't think so," comments the wolf to the other two while pointing out a few buildings. "But they have another one over there somewhere. Wanted to stop by a watering hole afterwards, but I'd settle for a place that serves something close to a steak. These little snack things aren't bad, but I'm getting hungry after all of this walking around." Their footsteps approach David, Uni, and Emily's position, although only one of those three knows one of these three.
Emily Nyx
Emily nods. "So, you both come from buds, huh?" she says. "The fact that you were pulled from your respective worlds, and haven't made reference to a means of returning, seems to suggest that to me." She glances over at Wolf, but he and his crew are just more 'interesting people'; she's too busy focusing on the 'interesting people' in front of her to drop everything for something else.
Taking not of what Emily says on her world. At least he won't need his armor. "I think so, yes. Not much left of my world I think. Long story, very dark." When David notices Wolf he will actually get his eyes on the Reptile beside him, it takes a brief moment for him to process it is not a Zoanoid. There were plenty of reptile Zoanoids in that battle. Calling out to Wolf he says, "Hey Wolf!" and his eye roam to the Panther now, "Friends of yours?" Not exactly surprised by the biker look either.

David clearly approves. He's been doing some research into the Star Wolves. About what he expected, seems like a group with a shady level of operation. Then again what Merc group did not have a Shady past?
    Uni follows Emily's gaze, taking in the trio of anthropomorphic creatures. They're not exactly odd, or common for her but like Emily, she doesn't break off from her current engagement to go speak to the others... though David does speak up, and this causes the young CPU Candidate to lift a hand to wave politely.
Wolf O'Donnell
     "You've got to be careful, Wolf," voices the feline in a smooth voice that could probably make a ton of money doing ASMR broadcasts. "The last time you blindly had a drink from one of these places you blacked-out the next two days." This fellow has a notable scar over his right cheek that contrasts sharply with his pristine features and perfectly groomed pelt. 

     "Heheh heh," laughs the reptile, some sort of lizardman, that resembles a chameleon. "Now now, don't let him put you off of your fun, Cap'n. You might not remember that brawl, but I do, and it was simply smashing." The emphasis given to the last word makes wordplay obvious even without contextual detail. "Though I wouldn't argue with a proper meal. That gets my vote."

     "Agreed," adds the cat.

     "Well, that settles that, then," speaks the one of the front with a drawl. The lupine chews a mouthful of the bread and meat while his two friends chatter on, so his response is less than graceful or polite. "We'll keep an eye open for-" Somebody calls out his name and the scarred 'tough guy' looks over in that direction and his stroll slows to a stop. His hand holds that meat-snack just before and below his muzzle, still chewing, while looking over faces for somebody familiar.

     That mouthful is swallowed as David is focused on monocularly. "Hellmouth Guy." A single-eyed glance is given to his company, during which a nod is given in response to the wave. "Making friends I see. And getting around, too." The one speaking, apparently 'Wolf', is certainly a mercenary of ill-repute. Aside from fighting on the losing side of a star system-wide civil war, he and his two companions are Most Wanted in their World and they run a business that does more than just 'shady' things. Then again, records show they also do things that are surprisingly noble.

     Most people won't know this without searching. While the organization stretches into other Worlds now, it remains mostly hidden like all successful underworld activity. This 'Wolf' points to David and address his present company, "Careful, he's a handful." There's a playful warning if ever there was one, complete with smiles from wolf and leopard and a grin from the lizard.
Emily Nyx
Emily smiles cheerfully and waves to Wolf. She's just plain oblivious to the lengthier history, and she doesn't even know enough to see that they're Bad Sorts Of People(tm), but she does glance back at David. "A handful, hmm?" she says playfully.
"Ask the Pirates in the Fight pit on Darklight Isle in the world of Verdigris if you want details on that." he says "If you are looking for a Brawl, place is surprisingly fun. Make sure you smoke cigars to cover the stench up. Only rule of the Pit is don't kill unless forced." David says he was tore all to hell when he left, but walked out. "If you are looking for a place to unload a lot of aggression. That's a good place."

Still be doesn't play an attitude. And David doesn't look like he has been in any fight.

To Wolf he says, "More just wandering an exploring Randomly Dogbreath." He replys in jest to being called Hellmouth. "And not really friends, just met them when I popped out here."
    "Aren't we all in one way or another?" asks Uni in return to Wolf, her red eyes flashing mischievously as she offers a smile to the trio. She does seem to note a 'bad person' aura, having encountered groups like the Seven Sages and ASIC.
Wolf O'Donnell
     There follows some hesitation to take another bite, no matter how hungry Wolf might be, and he nips a corner off and barely chews before swallowing. "Heh, I'll say," comes a response to Emily and Uni. "But, I wouldn't want to rob the chance to tell the tale from him," he adds just before David presents some context...and then insults the merc, apparently. His right eye, graced with a vibrant natural purple color, widens first before narrowing. "What did you just-" 

     It's at this point that the feline steps forward while placing a hand on Wolf's shoulder. "I'm Panther Caluroso, the Rose of Lylat, dear ladies. Wonderful to make your acquaintance. Over there is Leon Powalski, also a delicate flower, but with far sharper thorns." Leon, the chameleon, finds that silly good fun. "And this is our boss, Lord Wolf O'Donnell. He runs a business entrepreneurship that takes a lot of high risks working with multiple business partners. If you need something or need something done, he's the one to turn to, mm?"

     The two-directional gaze of Leon is able to scope out both Emily and Uni at the same time. "I believe the Cap'n was discussing the time you were spit from a Mouth of Hell on that backwater planet, but feel free to flatter him more. It gets you everywhere."
Emily Nyx
Emily raises her eyebrow at David. "I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, but it sounds fairly impressive!" she says. She grins and nods at Uni's comment, and just takes in the frayed attitudes towards each other.

But for some reason, she bristles at Panther's comments. "'Dear ladies'?" she says, giving him a pointed look. She's still ... smiling, though.
As David looks to Wolf when he seems to be insulted, David rolls his eyes some. "Hey I thought you meant the Sonic buster I used... Oh... wait. You weren't there for that. Sorry, thought you were making a jab at me." David's memory of that is a little fuzzy on exactly who was there on the ground. He does seem honest about the Dogbreath comment.

"You don't want to know the Details and I'm not one to toot my own horn, too much."

He smiles to Uni and likes that logic. "Good logic."
Wolf O'Donnell
     This Caluroso fellow may address present company in such a manner, David excluded, but he does not stare. Rather, he seems to be the most refined one of the bunch and the one willing to step in and prevent obvious miscommunication from causing a scene. It's really not the time or place for it. His 'dear ladies' is used as an honorific-style address; the leopard has not fully had a strong look over either. His attention seems partially drawn away regarding the city and memory of certain locations they plan to stop by for shopping. The echo of those words draws Panther's attention to Emily. Any clues or oddities, such as the structure of eyes, does not discourage the assumption had. After all, prosthetic eyes aren't all that uncommon where he comes from. "Mm, pardon?" 

     Wolf seems fine enough with Leon's glee over additional antagonism, but that's just how the lizard is. "It's not important. So, are you all new to this, then? You, too?" Another comment directed to Emily, this one from the lupine, but not before O'Donnell interrupts Panther's polite mannerisms by reaching over and all but shoving the remains of that snack into his hands. The feline looks dejected over this gesture, but doesn't exactly complain, either. If anything, it's more fodder to feed the lizard's derision. Leon snickers at Panther.
Emily Nyx
Emily grins back at Panther. "Just seemed a little bit forward, I suppose," she says. "Pay me no mind."

And then, surrounded by glittering light, she transforms into a female version of Panther, but with white fur and still in her business dress, with more catlike versions of her eyes to boot

"Oh, yeah," she says to Wolf. "My world just blossomed, six hundred years after the dominant species went extinct, leaving us techno-magical shapeshifters behind as the only survivors ..." She glances down at herself, then shakes her head. "Nah," she says, transforming back into the human form she had a moment ago. She leaves the cat-eyes, though.
David's not worried about Wolf. If there is an issue they can hash it out later. "Shapeshifters?" he asks of Emily, most shapeshifters he knows trry to kill him. David bristled a touch but forces himself down. He takes note of the Feline's Swave attitude, and the Lizard. Very Diverse crew something he rather likes.

"So were you looking for anything or just exploring in General Emily? I was debating heading to get some lunch myself when I showed up here."
Wolf O'Donnell
     Caluroso's attention is once again jerked around as Emily makes a rather blatant visual change. In fact, he seems somewhat taken aback at first, but his cool-headed demeanor finally rolls back around into place. "Oh-" he interjects, but doesn't seem to be fully able to say anything more at the moment. 

     Wolf shows little outward change visually as to his thoughts on the transformation, but he's a hard nut to crack. He instead listens to what is offered and spoken, witnesses the change back, only to have Leon shrug a bit. "The dress almost works, but it's all in the materials more than the colors. Tsk, I could do better on the look, but Panther won't go anywhere near a dress after the Babylon Heist."

     "It's for the best anyway, Panther," comments Wolf with a very casual crossing of his arms. "It would just be awkward otherwise."

     Panther objects with a thoughtful frown. "I thought we agreed not to bring that up again, lizard." A very pointed statement, but not as wickedly jagged as the grin it gets in return amongst a rather effeminate posture. Wolf ignores it. He has a lot of practice with that.

     "Shapeshifters," confirms O'Donnell of David's assessment. The lupine thumbs at the man while speaking to Emily. "This fella is gonna just love being around you. If he tells you his story, be sure to record it for me. Still, welcome to the multiverse of the multiverse and, when you meet yourself, don't panic."
Emily Nyx
Emily smiles at David; she doesn't seem the least bit perturbed by is . "Like I said, we were created to serve the Masters," she says. "I take it shapeshifters are more of a ... problem for you?"

She nods to Wolf. "Yeah, I'm getting the general impression," she says. "I'm already plenty impressed. I'm almost running out of impressitude, really. Take someone's breath away enough, and they end up suffocated." The lunchbox she's holding dematerializes, leaving the cookie she got earlier, and she starts munching on it again.
David says, "They have a human form and a battle form, I never saw their human forms to Identify them. But putting it mildly yes, very bad. Doing my best to move on, but some of them came with me so... I am on edge. I'm actually a lot more comfortible around non humans. The forms are fairly monstress One type was a Chameleon type, Sorta like You." he points to Leon, "Compared to him, you are down right pretty. I'm sure Wolf has images of them recorded. He might share them.""
Wolf O'Donnell
     While the biker-dressed wolf may not be the most personable individual (often a strong opposite to Panther), he does at least step forward in order to extend a hand to David to offer a strong-gripped rough-fingered handshake. Leon fans his face with a hand. 

     "The Great Leon so complimented; compliments given and accepted. Be still my beating heart, I think I might swoon." The chameleon absolutely speaks about himself in the third person. Overreacting, clearly, there is still a bit less venom to his spoken word. That's playing with fire.

     Wolf, independent of the shake offered to David, also offers one to Emily and, while he does not seek to -squeeze- hands in a painful way, he does not go about it soft-handed, either. Everybody gets the same handshake from him. Usually. "We're just about to go find a place to eat, so don't let us interfere with your day. If you need supplies, or your Dimension is willing to supply and needs a seller, look us up. We're called Star Wolf. Shouldn't be hard."
Emily Nyx
Emily nods to David. "Eudaemons tend to be fairly different from that," she says. "But I'll keep it in mind."

Her response to the overly-firm handshake from Wolf is to turn her hand into metal. "I very much doubt the halcyon remnant is going to be doing anything interesting like that any time soon," she says, "but I'll certainly keep that in mind." She smiles to each of them in turn, including David. "T'was a pleasure meeting you all."
David nods and smiles to Wolf accepting the Handshake. His handshake is firm, in return. He domimance of the Wolf's style is not lost on him either. "Nice seeing you again Wolf. Nice meeting you two as well. Take care of yourselves. I should head on myself. Grab something to eat. Take care." And David will inclide his head to Emily. "Take care and yes, welcome to the Worldtree as it's called." And as he starts to head off in his own direction, David thinks back to what wolf said about him being a handful to Panther and Leon. And tries to see if he had noticed Wolf in the pirate crowd...