Wolf O'Donnell

Wolf O'Donnell
World: Star Fox-2
Actual Age: 38
Apparent Age: Early to Mid-Fourties
Quote: "Don't hesitate. When the time comes, just act!"
Role: Space Pirate Big Boss
Species: Anthropomorphic Wolf
Theme Song: https://youtu.be/VvSPCW_pWKo
Voice Actor: Matthew Gafford


Wolf O'Donnell is the leader of Star Wolf and is a hardened criminal mastermind with experience as a space pirate, a mercenary, and as a star system defender. He is an anthropomorphic wolf of imposing size and physical strength and has a wide-spread bad reputation. He carries a massive bounty on his head with charges of Murder, Larceny, Kidnapping, Smuggling, and Treason. Trained by a legendary pilot and soldier, his combat skills in the air, in space, and on the ground are rarely matched. He has built up his criminal organization over the years which sells contracts for various illegal services, yet has at times stepped out of that role to help his rival's mercenary group for the greater good. Wolf is unpredictable and dangerous, but when you have a reputation for being an amoral and ruthless sellout to the largest paycheck is it possible to break the stereotype and show the world who you really are or is it easier to just be the monster people think you should be?


Masterful Pilot: He's mastered how to pilot and fly air and spacecraft.
Mentored and taught by James McCloud, his understanding and comprehension of intra- and extra-atmospheric flight is well-above even skilled military fighters and his flying style is heavily influenced by those personal lessons. The introduction of craft that use G-Diffusers has only pushed his ability even higher. At the upper levels of possible skill compared to his World's peers, very few are able to handle a dogfight with him and fewer still are able to do better. Furthermore, he tries to approach each battle fully planned and prefers to surprise and overwhelm his opponents before they have time to organize a defense or counter.
Eye See You: Wolf's left eye was injured and replaced with extrasensory cybernetics.
The grand clash between Wolf and his Space Pirates against James McCloud and Cornerian forces in Sector Z left Wolf with an injured left eye. It eventually needed replacing with a cybernetic ocular implant. It can display not only visible radiation, but also infrared; the lower portion of that spectrum allows for what most know as night vision while the upper portion allows for thermal imaging. Concealable with a simple eyepatch, such cloth does not hamper the extrasensory ability. Additionally, his monocular HMD (head-mounted display) synchronizes with the implant to provide a HUD and offer other benefits such as motion tracking.
Up Your Arsenal: Small arms, light weapons, and extensive hand-to-hand combat training.
He has training for the operation, care, and firing of small arms and light weapons and can extend this knowledge to figure out how to use unknown forms of weaponry. His personal laser pistol is the equivalent of a hand cannon with a dagger bayonet: it fires and recharges slowly, but packs a heavy punch. His exercise and mix of cardio and weight training grants increased stamina and higher natural strength while his fighting style is similar to Krav Maga. He overwhelms with power on the offense but defensively responds to melee and bare-handed strikes with stunning counterattacks.

     The energy shield he uses cannot reflect fire, only absorb energy or halt physical projectiles. Due to its lack of reflective capability, it is extra sturdy and could protect somebody else if they are close enough, but if the supercharged capacitor is exhausted due to heavy abuse it could take some time before it charges up enough to be usable again.
Star Wolf: Star Wolf is a criminal organization that provides info, supply, and reputation.
While O'Donnell's face is the one people think of when they hear the name Star Wolf, that name encompasses more than just Wolf and his immediate wingmen Panther Caluroso and Leon Powalski. In fact, the group consists of all manner of scum: the remnants of Wolf's first pirate gang, remnants of Andross' monkey soldiers, Venomian lizards, military traitors, mercenaries, informants, and smugglers. He even has insiders working for various other organizations, including the Cornerian military and government.

     He makes it his business to have his fingers in as many pies as possible as the organization is his main source of income and supply. This not only allows for insider information, resource and supply smuggling and bartering, and economic provision, but also reputation. That reputation will likely extend to other worlds as the organization itself may over time. It may present a threat to other policing agencies as well as other underworld activities, but may also find volunteers or those willing to hire services from a group so high profile and serves as the source of his many underlings.
Wolfen< Edge >: This is his fighter jet of choice. It operates in space and in atmospheres.
The Wolfen is a small personal fighter craft with retractable wings. It is equipped with Plasma Engines and Quad G-Diffusers, Dual Laser Cannons, a Smart Bomb launcher, and a multi-lock Targeting System. Additionally, the shielding is able to lose enemy lock-ons and confuse smart weaponry when a projectile-deflecting aileron roll is used. The shielding also provides thermal protection up to around 9000 Kelvin. Designed for long flights without a mothership, the Wolfen has compact storage, extended life support, and can travel at extremely high speeds in space. Within an atmosphere, top speeds are lowered to around Mach 4.2.

     Vertical takeoff and landing ability allows it to function as quick transport to and from locations for ground combat engagement or exfiltration. Because of the nature of being a jet fighter, the Wolfen is a poor tool for combat in prolonged ground warfare. It can be used for air strikes, however.

<EDGE>: Wolf is able to call on the help from his auto-piloted Wolfen to rain terror upon his foes with volleys of Laser Cannon fire and Smart Bomb carpet bombing. The on-board computer is able to use predictive algorithms to help avoid physical hazards and anti-air defenses and its shielding offers moderate protection from return fire. Without a pilot to properly fly it, however, its presence for air strikes is limited to only two passes per use in such a way.
Iron Will: Otherwise known as being extremely stubborn.
Willfulness. Fortitude. Concentration. Wolf has a sharp mind and a very high pain tolerance. He is very resistant to torture and fatigue and is able to keep pushing on even after most of his comrades have given up. His strength of will also provides resistance to psychic powers. His surface thoughts will be there, of course, but there is a thick shell to break through to get deeper into his head. The successful psychics may be surprised - some even overwhelmed - by the emotion they find. This perk is a double-edged sword. (See Complication: Emotionally Driven)
Critical Thinking: The ability to apply logic and reasoning to unfamiliar ideas and situations.
In encounters of conflict, O'Donnell is able to learn from and predict the actions of others and use information provided by his peers to mastermind actions taken on the battlefield to swing things further in his favor. This is a bonus to combat ability and initiative that applies to himself due to strategy, but has a greater effect whenever he is present as overwatch over the actions of his underlings. In simpler terms: the longer the encounter, the harder things will become for his foes. From a non-combative premeditated angle, this is the heart of his ability to use the information gained from his organization, use it to command his minions to use the supplies and firepower available, to maintain such a strong hold over his underworld ties and activities. (See Complication: Stick to the Script)
Sargasso Space Zone: Home base for repairs, barracks, medical treatment, trading and storing loot.
Serving as the center of operations for Star Wolf, this section of the Meteo asteroid belt houses a space station of Venomian design turned into the heart of Star Wolf's organized crime. As such, the station itself has seen modifications and upgrades to fortify it against outside attack. With the use of radar satellites, shielding, and the strong magnetic interference from Meteo planetoids the station is not only a fortress but is also difficult to track lending an edge of secrecy. The station is designed for a full self-sustaining colony and was originally established as a resupply station. It contains hangars for entry and the rooms required for residents and guests to refuel, repair, be healed, sleep, eat, and trade. Residents have all rooms required to run and upkeep the station. Life support includes air scrubbing, humidity control, temperature control, and water reclamation. It has artificial gravity and full internal plumbing for water usage.

     Anyone is able to approach the station in relative safety but will be immediately contacted for identification. While the station itself has few armaments, limited to turret emplacements on nearby asteroids and anti-personnel turrets within, most of those residing on the ship can pilot and will be scrambled to intercept and escort or eliminate threats. Large threats will warrant a call for reinforcements. Independent traders and travelers are allowed to dock for trading and resupply, but they do so at their own peril.


Panther Caluroso< Named C-Tier >: A real ladies' man, a sniper, a pilot, and one of the system's Most Wanted.
Panther Caluroso is an anthropomorphic panther whom has been wanted by Cornerian authorities for decades. Assassination, grand larceny; the list goes on and on. His signature item is a single red rose and is used as a mark of death for his personal targets. Panther's custom Wolfen is called the Black Rose and his ship's main weapon is nicknamed 'the Zapper'. It consists of a slow-firing high-powered stream of excited particles that strike with amazing precision and piercing power while his shielding is reduced in order to provide more power to the engines for faster speed. On the ground, Panther prefers to keep his distance and use his expert marksmanship to eliminate or subdue targets from a distance while spying for intel. While he won't shy from a fist fight, he'd rather not risk damaging his pretty face if he can help it. The characteristic scar on his right cheek is already burden enough. With a silver tongue, he's able to talk his way out of or through many situations involving the dim or mundane.
Leon Powalski< Named C-Tier >: An overly-flamboyant psychopathic knife-murderer, smuggler, and pilot.
Leon Powalski is an anthropomorphic chameleon whom has remained faithfully by Wolf's side since he was first recruited in a bar on Venom before the Lylat Wars. He's rather flamingly queer and isn't afraid to show it and those who have a problem with it tend to become targets. His history is speckled with various murders and a decided rivalry with Falco Lombardi and his Hot Rodders (including Katt Monroe). He was psychologically shattered in his youth due to bullying and hazing because of his personal gender interests. He eventually snapped. <br/><br/>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; Leon's Wolfen is called the Rainbow Delta and its main weapon uses Wave-Beam functionality resulting in a continuous stream of charged laser cannon shots. Power from the G-Diffusers are set to enhance the shields at the cost of lower combat speed. On the ground, Leon is extremely agile, flexible, can become nearly invisible to the naked eye when still or very slowly moving, can see in two directions at once, and is a whirling dervish in hand-to-hand with his knives. Despite his flowery mannerisms and speech, he is a sadist and should not be taken lightly.
Star Wolf Minions< Basic D-Tier >: Unshakably loyal, combative or non, these crooks are useful but expendable.
This grouping consists of all manner of scum: the remnants of Wolf's first pirate gang, remnants of Andross' monkey soldiers from the Lylat Wars, Venomian lizards, Papetoonian foxes, Cornerian dogs, military traitors, mercenaries, informants, smugglers, and politicians. Non-combatants pose no real threat aside from the goods and services they provide, but the majority of those encountered can be quite dangerous to the average person and some may be a cause of concern for policing forces' safety. If not a matter of training, the danger comes from equipment, weaponry, and sheer numbers. <br/><br/>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; They are expendable forces and fiercely loyal to their Lord. They are uncompromising, but vulnerable to special abilities and skill. Some may flee if enough of their numbers are subdued and morale drops too low. Others will refuse to flee, however, knowing that to do so would invoke O'Donnell's wrath later.


Different Priorities: Wolf avoids unrelated side quests until the current main goal is complete.
Wolf, when he has a plan of action, will stubbornly avoid distractions and unnecessary secondary objectives (or 'side quests') until his primary objective is complete. This may come at the possible loss of side mission opportunities or even the loss of innocent life (if, for example, somebody needs saving) and he expects all under his command to prioritize the same way. Those more altruistic may find this incredibly upsetting; it only adds to Wolf's cold-hearted reputation. Anybody wanting to argue a case with him in favor of responding to such a non-priority should expect to explain how it benefits completing the current main objective.
Emotionally Driven: Beneath it all, Emotion powers his motivations instead of his surface Apathy.
He is protected by a thick mental shell of seeming coldness and powerful will. Yet, underneath it all, emotions roil. He's simply bottled everything up over the years. Anybody able to frustrate or anger him to the point of a flared temper will be treated the same as his rival as he inadvertently projects his problems and emotions onto them. This can cause mistakes in judgement and an increase in reaction time as he rages at the expense of his self-control and mercy. It's not always anger that drives him, however. He may relent, give up information, or allow others to go free if he feels an opponent is deserving enough that day. It may also result in him leaving a mission altogether if it turns out his client lied to him.

     It isn't easy for psychics to get into his head. Those that manage to do so may not be able to handle what they find as the flood of intense emotion could be overwhelming. Be careful: As they say, you can't put the genie back into the bottle. (See Perk: Iron Will)
Stick to the Script: Going off-script with surprise or unpredictability can be a problem.
Wolf is an individual who has become very skilled at planning most things out before they are done. He likes things to go according to plan and he hates unexpected interference. While he can think on his feet well enough, he is certainly the most weak against surprise and unpredictability. Those that think on their feet faster and act without repetition in a smart way will have an easier time of dealing with him as well as those who are able to catch him off-guard. In addition, he prefers encounters to be on 'his turf' with his territory being places of which he's most familiar. Take away familiar ground and there are more unknown variables to take into account. These make for strategic flaws. Just don't expect to use the same tricks twice.

(See Perk: Critical Thinker)
The Bounty: How much is that Wolfy in the window?
This is the crux of it all. If it weren't for this, perhaps things would have turned out differently. Wolf's current bounty is set at 30,000.00 Standard Credits, Cornerian. Conversion rates vary from world to world, but it should be understood that this is a LOT of money. Because of this, Wolf attracts the attention of others wanting to turn him in for the cash. He doesn't always have to be running a new heist to wind up in trouble.

     However, more importantly, Wolf hopes to pay this off someday himself, but it can only be done with clean money. Clean money can only be gained by trackable financing free of laundering and normally for services for reputable and upstanding companies or organizations. As a mercenary, this is not beyond possibility, but such jobs cannot be supplied with goods and troop support gained criminally. These jobs may include help from his most trusted, but cannot have backing from the Star Wolf organization as a whole.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1159 When the Past is a Slippery Slope May 15 2023
1147 Poachers and Space Pirates Mar 27 2023
905 Little Challenges at the Beach Oct 26 2021
890 All That Glitters Oct 14 2021
717 (not) Pocket monster rampage Aug 10 2020
601 Angels Fall First Nov 25 2019
557 Sky High Company Sep 20 2019
554 A night out in Lylat Sep 08 2019
530 Raven's first Thanksgiving Jun 25 2019
521 Shadows Never Die Jun 17 2019
See All 47 Scenes


Title Date
A Toast Oct 24 2018
They are Legion Dec 06 2018
See All 2 Cutcenes