World Tree MUSH

Arcane hijinks

Character Pose
Raven had made a poor decision. A horrible, horrible, awful decision. All in all, coming through the portal? Okay. Investigating the graveyard? Cool. Accidentally triggering the summoning of a bunch of stone defenders? Less good. having summoned them by grabbing and stealing the ancient arcane tomb covered in runes and flowing with ancient magic that she had to study? Yeah. Unfortunately, her powers had been proving less than effective against the arcane golems.

So now, she was running through the ancient runes of some civilization or another. Maybe it wasn't even ancient, maybe abandoned. Either way, she was running for her life as those arcane golems chased after her, penning her in and trying to trap her.

"Azarath metrion ZINTHOS!" she cried, as one moved to block her way. She sent a burst of dark magic out, exploding into the golem and sending waves of dark energy flying into the sky...

It only had a few cracks in it. Oh, this was bad...
Weiss Schnee
    Finding herself In Another World was less fun than the various fictional young adult books on her scroll had implied. Weiss Schnee, (former) heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, was finding that her explorations in this new realm were not just having a hard time finding her way to Haven, but finding her way to anywhere that was familiar at all.

    She'd left the pilot with a local doctor while she moved on, but now she was wishing for the man's company, just to have someone who knew something about home around to talk to. Then again, withotu someone to chat with, she heard the noises much more quickly.

    Raven's presence was obviously one that was under attack by... what were those? Grimm? Robots? It reminded her of a Grimm, and Weiss was quick to judge them as such even when the other girl was sending out a strange bolt. New worlds, new powers. What could she do?

    A shimmering glyph appears between Raven and the nearest golem... then a second and third. Rising from each, a shining armored being stands, each one six or seven feet tall and bearing a large sword. The summoned Knights immediately move into a defensive position, silently running interference.

    "Hey!" Weiss calls. "Are you okay?"
Raven held the book tighter. It was arcane knowledge. Abandoned. who knew what wonders of the universe resided within? Hours, nay, DAYS of study. Motnhs. YEARS! She wouldn't give it up. The wonders of the world she could learn.

And the golems advanced on her... And then more runes. Glyphs? Arcane. Oh crud, she triggered more defenses. She raised her right hand and...

'Are you okay?'

Raven's eyes widened and she looked around. Her eyes fell on Weiss, finally... And she then, in a fit of confusion... Pointed at herself. "Me? I--"

There was a crash as the golems descended pn the other golems! They... were tough. Dangerous. But armored knights were probably better at endiuring their assaults than small goth in a cloak. She scrunched back a bit, hiding in her hood. "I... am. Y-yes. Thank you..." She held up a hand and a orb of darkness formed. Blades of dark energy flew out, striking into the cracked golem, drawing some out. But... it's... still not easy.
Weiss Schnee
    The golems attacking the Knights cause a crumpling crash against armor. None have fallen yet, but Weiss winces when she sees that. She does a quick mental calculation... with the energy she put into them, and how they're faring, she directs them to concentrate on the damaged one and gestures to Raven.

    "Come on, this way! They won't last long against those things, we need to find a place we can escape or fight them one at a time!" She doesn't know why they're after Raven, but the girl's in trouble, obviously. "What are those things?"
Raven nodded. Darkness enveloped her and she ran past the guardian knights to the girl. "Yes. Let's go," she said firmly. "Thank you for the distraction. They appear to be arcane animated automitons with--" There was a boom behind them and she cringed. "They're golems, very powerful, very dangerous golems. They're guarding this area, I believe. Be careful, there's no telling--

As they tried to run... more of the golems appeared out from a building behind them, making raven gulp. "How... many of those things can you summon? They shouldn't traverse far past the boundaries of the city. If we can get to it."
Weiss Schnee
    Weiss narrows her eyes grimly as more of the golems appear. "More than three, but not enough. The more I summon the weaker they are," she explains. "Fine. We'll just have to either beat them... or get out of here!"

    Weiss winces again, this time when one of the knights crumples and goes down, vanishing into flecks of light. That makes her decision easy. "Let's try getting away if they won't follow us." She summons a different glyph, this one black, trying to halt the closest one in place to serve as an obstacle to the others by increasing gravity for it. "Come on!"

    The pale girl's left hand keeps ahold of her strange rapier, and the right holds out to Raven, offering it before she runs down a crumbling alleyway.
Raven reached out to the hand, but then pulled back, gripping her book in both hands. "I-I can't touch you. I can explain later, but we cannot touch. Go. I'll follow," she said, following after the girl.

She glanced down at the book, it was fine. The running didn't seem to be hurting it. As long as she kept careful, it would be fine, she hoped. Maybe.

"My name is Raven. Thank you for the assistance!" she called out. As more golems rose behind them, she lifted her left hand and.... "Hold on!" She turned as they left the alley. "Azarath metrion ZINTHOS!" Darkness enveloped the building on the left(it wasn't too big.) and slammed it against the other building, on the golems. She let out a sigh of releif. Whew, that had to--

The golems could be heard breaking out. "Come on!"
Weiss Schnee
    An irritated look passes over Weiss! She doesn't argue about the touching thing, there are more important things to worry about. "Fine, let's just get out of here!" Moving the building is a little more of a surprise, but Glynda could do it, so she isn't going to be shocked by that alone.

    Now that her own entrapment was gone, Weiss could summon different glyphs. A series of shimmering white patterns appear tracing down the path. "Follow the glyphs!" Stepping on one, she darts forward faster, 'skating' along the symbols and glancing back to see if Raven is following safely. "Weiss! That's my name!" More can wait until they're out of trouble!
Raven ran after the girl. She could do this, she was--

Weiss would, moments later, hear the *Thump* as Raven ran into a wall. Ow. Owwwwww. She was... not.... actually very well coordinated.

She fell down on her back a moment later. "O-okay... I can--"

She tried it again. And again. It took about eight times of her slamming into the wall, but, eventually, with Weiss help, they'd manage to get away... Ow...

Raven would, once they were outside the city... Collapse. "S-speed enhancing magic. That... that's impressive. Just... just going to lay here a second..."

... She was not coordinated.
Weiss Schnee
    Weiss is panting too. She is used to this, but skating right out of the city after summoning those knights took a lot out of her. Myrtenaster, her blade, is whipped into its scabbard before she drops to her knees to catch her breath.

    "It's fine," she finally says. "I didn't know you would have trouble with it. I'm used to working with my team," she admits. Even the clumsy Ruby could use the glyphs in battle!

    "It's not magic," she finally manages to say. "I had to use some Dust. I should be more careful, I'm not sure when I'll get more of it." She looks at Myrtenaster and tries to figure out how much she has left. "Everyone talks about magic in this place... is that what you were using?"
Raven nodded, laying there. "Y-yeah. I'm a... sorcerer," she mumbled, before sitting up and... Falling back down. "O-ow... I'm gonna just... lay here for a second." She just said that... How hard did she hit that wall?

"I'm from... a world with... there is magic." Though, now that she thought about it, they didn't have magic like here. She laid there and just stared at the roof. "This place had magic as well. That is what animated the golems. I am a... I study magic, often. That's why I was here." She motioned to the book in her arms. "This book is ancient and... I've longed to study it." She sat up and groaned, holding her head. "And it's fine. I've never been the best with.... physical activity," she mumbled, before smiling up at her. "It is very kind of you to step in there to save me..." She lowered her hood. "And I am sorry about before. But..."

Her gaze shifted to the side. "I am an empath. I can feel the emotions and feelings of those around me. Touching someone... amplifies that feeling. Dramatically. So I try not to touch others."
Weiss Schnee
    The explanation of empathy makes more sense. Weiss ohs, then thinks about her own mixed emotions. "... maybe that's for the best," she admits. She rises to her feet and dusts off her dress. "I wasn't sure what was going on, but you did look like you needed help, and those things looked a little like the Grimm in my world. It's my duty to help people in trouble like that..."

    Maybe not stealing a book, but the city looked pretty abandoned, so ruins being raided isn't something she is going to worry too much about.

    "I really just want to get back to my world though... my friends need me," she says with worry.
Raven nodded, as she held the book. "Do you know where your world is, or... are you lost, as well?" she asked softly, as she moved to her knees. She put the book down and put her hand over it, as dark magic flowed from it and enveloped the book. "And... I apprec iate your aid. I am not sure the book would have survived had I used my magic to its limits to escape. And I am not sure I could have fought them off alone."

She then glanced up at her. "The grimm? That sounds... less than pleasant. Is there anything I can help with?" She was looking a lot better. IT seems she healed quickly, at least.
Weiss Schnee
    Weiss shakes her head, "I don't know. It isn't anywhere near where we crashed, the whole area was... different. I've never been to Mistral, but the people there should still know what Dust and Huntresses are... I think I went through one of those Vine things by accident."

    Satisfied Raven is moving again, Weiss tries to get her bearings. "The Grimm? I think we got all the ones that came with me. They're... monsters I guess you'd call them? Attracted to negative emotions. But what I really need is to get back to Remnant. I don't suppose you...?"
Raven shook her head. "I'm afraid not. Or at least... No place I know as remnant. I've seen many worlds with monsters. But not many that fall under creatures like that. And trust me, I'd know." She paused. Silent for a moment but... No. She shook her head. She was a terrible person, yes. But... She did NOT feed off the pain and suffering of others. She was just being over dramatic. She had to knock that off.

"If you require food or anything like that, I could get you supplies, however. I am... Currently unable to go home as well, and have been residing within a place called the mushroom kingdom. The princess there is quite generous and would likely be more than willing to offer you the aid she could."
Weiss Schnee
    Shoulders droop when Weiss hears that news of no sign of her world. "I guess it was too much to hope for." But the offer of some kind of support is better. She looks a little more hopeful at that.

    "I... maybe. I'll have to think about it," she says. Weiss fingers the hilt of her sword. "We need to find the next town over anyway, so I can think about it on the way."
Raven shook her head. "That's not.... quite what I meant. Once I finish guarding this book, I can use my magic to its full potential. I can teleport us to the castle," she said.

Then turned a bit red. "Just... Err... the mushroom kingdom is... odd. They are all quite nice and it is... Calming. But it can be a bit... odd. It is likely the exact opposite from the 'grim' of your world. And color. So, so much color..." she mumbled. Finally, satisfied, she moved the book into her cloak. It disappeared. "However, if you'd prefer, I will walk with you to the next town. A.... thank you, for your help. And I am sorry about your home. I do hope you find it one day."
Weiss Schnee
    "I... don't know if I trust that," Weiss says bluntly. "No offense, I'm not ready to trust powers that are impossible in my world." She pats her rapier for security, but she isn't unaware of Raven's blush.

    "Color, huh? Maybe I'll look around to see what you mean. It's not like I have any better idea of where to go." Sigh. "Thanks for walking with me, Raven. The company I've seen so far has been pretty weird."

    Must be, if Raven is normal.