Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee
World: RWBY-1
Actual Age: 18
Apparent Age: Late Teens
Species: Human
Theme Song: Mirror Mirror: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0Ttv_kN7DQ


A young heiress of a powerful aristocratic merchant family, Weiss Schnee is a rebellious youth wanting to prove herself to the world. Protective of her family name, she resents her father's controlling nature and lack of ethics, and enrolled in Beacon, a school to train monster hunters, against his wishes. She has made herself into a skilled fencer, leveraging her ability to make platform-like glyphs and to summon copies of defeated monsters to attack. While elegant and wishing to help others, Weiss is a little bit stuck up and vain, and very impulsive when she feels there is a wrong to right.


Fencing: Very skilled with a rapier, knows basic unarmed.
Weiss is an excellent fencer, able to use light blades very well, especially the rapier. As part of her training as a Huntress, she has also learned basic unarmed combat, but this is only enough to get her by until she can find some other means of fighting, and she is not adept at it. Weiss is very good at leveraging her environment and her other skills to fence, often rebounding off glyphs she has summoned or higher ground to attack from a different, unexpected angle.
Aura: Internal energies make Weiss stronger, more durable, and heal faster.
The life force inside Weiss can be extended into a skin-tight field that protects her and her clothes from damage, and also lends greater physical aptitude in jumping, speed, and strength. All boosts from this except for the damage reduction are mild, but it allows her to take dangerous hits with minimal damage, at the cost of tiring her out more quickly. Aura can also help Weiss heal at a greatly accelerated rate, mending broken bones in days or even hours, for example. It cannot replace lost limbs, and this rate of healing is too slow to be of use during combat unless some outside source of energy is available.
Glyphs: Summon glyphs to make platforms, speed actions, and act as barriers.
All people in Weiss's world have a Semblance, or special power, although many never awaken theirs. Weiss has one that allows her to summon glowing glyphs anywhere within line of sight, allowing her to make temporary platforms for herself or others. She can further empower these with elemental effects to use them as barriers to block damage for herself or others, but only one at a time, or also to make the platforms hold those that touch them regardless of orientation by creating localized gravity, or speed their actions briefly. Weiss can summon multiple glyphs, but all glyphs summoned must be of the same type. She cannot mix and match glyph abilities.
Myrtenaster: Elegant heirloom rapier that can channel magic.
A family heirloom, Myrtenaster is a high-quality rapier with a cartridge at the base of the blade, allowing it to store the Dust that Weiss uses for her more impressive attacks. It is specifically built to channel these energies as well.
Elemental Dust: Using fire and ice to make blasts, barriers, or sheets.
Using the reserves of mystical-like Dust native to her own world, Weiss can make bursts of fire erupt from her sword, sending fireballs toward her opponents. She can also form barriers of flame or ice, make the ground slippery with ice, or fling ice crystals at others. She also uses this Dust to enhance her other abilities, but these effects are covered in the individual Perk descriptions.
Summoning< Edge-E Edge-E >: Copies of defeated creatures that attack for Weiss.
After defeating a supernatural monster of some kind, Weiss can then summon a copy of that monster, or multiple copies, to attack for her. Summoning these takes some of her Aura energy, but it lets her avoid fighting directly. The summons are very short-lived, and do not duplicate any abilities of the creature that Weiss herself cannot do, meaning they attack with ranged or melee physical attacks and at best have flight. They do her bidding, but are not especially intelligent and cannot be used for performing complex tasks. Defeating these does not physically harm Weiss, but she does feel a backlash from it and it can stun her briefly, leaving her more vulnerable. Summoning takes a small amount of time and can be interrupted. Larger and tougher creatures, normally thought of as 'boss' types, require spending an Edge.
Singing: Weiss is a wonderful singer.
Weiss has a lovely voice and very good rhythm and harmony. She is an excellent singer.
Protocol: Skilled in high society etiquette. Just doesn't care.
Raised in an aristocratic family, Weiss is aware of typical manners and expectations of high society, particularly in her own world. Outside of her own world she can adapt quickly to any similar cultures, and stay silent long enough to pick up on any details that may be different. Her impulsive nature makes this talent less useful.


Do It My Way: Does what she thinks is right... even if it isn't the right time.
Weiss has a strong sense of right and wrong, and a strong sense of personal honor, and a strong sense of... all sorts of things. This leads her into making some very rash decisions, socially. She is not afraid to tell someone what she feels in public, consequences be damned, and she is willing to run off and rescue someone even if told it is too dangerous. When Weiss decides to do something, she's going to do it, and it takes extreme measures or very lengthy convincing from people she trusts to get her to back down... temporarily.
Proud: Proud of her abilities, doesn't like to be shown up.
As a noble and a skilled Huntress, Weiss is very proud of her abilities. She knows others have other talents, but in her specific areas of skill, fencing and glyphs, she is very proud of her achievements. She dislikes people dismissing her skills, putting her on the defensive and giving her a need to prove herself.
Vanity: Just a little uptight about her appearance.
Weiss understands that to fight monsters, you have to get dirty. That doesn't mean she attempts to avoid messing with her appearance whenever possible. If it is completely necessary her compulsion isn't strong enough to prevent her from doing what needs done... but expect her to complain the entire way until she can fix herself up.
How Adorable!: Has a weakness for cute fluffy things.
It's not taken to the point of distraction, but Weiss will fawn over cute puppies and kittens and similar things, often to the point of annoyance to her companions... or any animal who happens to be intelligent enough to take offense to this.
Sheltered Socialite: Still has a lack of understanding how the lower class lives.
Living in the upper crust has given Weiss a lot of knowledge of upper class life... but she's had a lot of things given to her that she takes for granted. She knows that those in more rural or poor areas are not as well-off as she is, but she has trouble understanding just how big the gulf is, and often unintentionally insults others or makes assumptions she shouldn't about what is available.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1122 Gilt-y Transmission Jan 03 2023
1081 The Warden: Invaders Sep 19 2022
961 OuterSite Station Jan 14 2022
844 Tomb Rescue Jul 14 2021
843 Bastille Brawl Jul 13 2021
784 Monster Pox Jan 21 2021
639 Prepare for trouble... Apr 02 2020
624 All New World of Machinings Feb 25 2020
620 Oh No, More Machinings! Feb 18 2020
612 Machinings! Feb 04 2020
See All 22 Scenes


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