World Tree MUSH

Pokemon: Close up investigation

Character Pose
     Despite all his roaming around, his research into magic. The rules of Conquest, hiding, and general roaming. David has also discovered that yes he can safely store pokeballs, with pokemon inside them when bio-boosted. He'd gotton hold test pokeball that held a simulation of a pokemon in it. And it was perfectly fine. So long as he is not utterly vaporized which is unlikely while wearing the Guyver, his pokemon would survive him bio-boosting.

Right now having gotten to some of the pokemon Lands David has been watching pokemon battlers, and of course investigating breeders. He's already got a general type in mind, some of the small cute fuzzy ones. Still he's not interested in battles dispite the clear enjoyment that the pokemon seem to get out of their battles. He's only bio-boosted for a professor to explain his concerns, so for now no one else knows what he has. The idea of roaming some of the forests and pretending to be a new undiscovered legnedary had struck him as funny... more so if he could draw out criminal groups like say Team Rocket...
Luke Gray
     Luke is always happy to offer help to people interested in pokemon, and David certainly seemed eager to learn more about the handling and caring of such. Even if his focus was more on the training to battle area of things, he was still content to help any way he can, and even offered to let David try his hand at battling, he even offered some 'rental' pokemon from a local battle stadium. It is a fun pastime for people that want to try a battle, or a good way to get a regulation fight or even hold events!.

    Still, he was near the professor, helping reasure him, and David, about doubts, and letting his pokemon idle around in the lab, "And I offered to help him catch one, in case there is a need of that, I know that normally the only pokemon avaiable here are starters, like Agni." he says softly. The idea of pretending to be a pokemon certainly amused him as well, chuckling a bit as he considers David doing such, or wearing a costume. "Just be careful, pokemon can be quite strong... I am almost tempted to offer a battle against you, just to see how strong you actually are."
"Never know if some criminal group might consider it a legendary to capture." he winks at the Professor. "Sadly that... would not be a good idea. Not for a while Luke. I had to learn how to reflexively kill in my universe without hesitation suited up. I am trying to break that reflex."

"Sure let's head to the Stadium. I can get a good look at them." he will of course scratch the heads and chins of the starters. He's not interested in being a trainer, just for companions. Something he can care for, pets.
Luke Gray
    "Well, I think battling with something likely able to handle your attempts to attack might help, at least to try to control those impulses, easier to do that when you won't accidentally kill something if you don't stop the reaction to attack." he muses, before shaking his head, "But, that is just an offer." he says, "I like pokemon battles and hope to get to try a fight against some of worlder, at least, one just for the sport of it, not a life death thing." he says with a grin. 

    The starters are a small grass type dinosaur, a small bear, and what looks like a tiny sea dinosaur, with fins for legs, all are adorable and try to push eachother for the attention. The only fuzzy one being the bear. "Sure, I think they won't mind just to check on them, then we can also check daycares, but none of those pokemon are for adoption, I mean, unless we talk with the owners of the pokemon of course." he replies. "What kind of pokemon were you wanting to get?" he asks curiously as they head to the stadium and check on the entry desk.
Making sure each of the Starters get a good scritching and loving in equal portions. and after they depart he thinks on what Luke is saying and is not sure really. He's got no idea how powerful they are, or how rare those pokemon can be. He knows what he can do. He's seen some of the strongest attacks a pokemon can unleash such as Hyper beam seem to be the equivilant of his mega smasher. He has to wonder how Luke would reach to seeing him fire that thing. "Possible." 

"Hmmm Old mentor of mine once said, if your need is great... that which you need will find you as you search for it."

"To be honest, I have seen some of the more fuzzy ones. Eevee, Vuplix in particular."
Luke Gray
    Luke smiles, "Remember I am one of the strongest trainers in the region, and my pokemon are plenty strong, and they are far tougher than they look." he says softly, but does not push it, he just thinks it was a good offer.

     The mention of that quote gets a smile, "That is quite true." he says, "Sounds like a wise person." the kid adds, moving to check on the list, "Well, there are several fuzzy pokemon avaiable for sure, and we have a couple eevees and some vulpixes you can check, they even got an Alola one it seems!, that is new." he says with a grin. He pays for a small fee and moves to one of the 'arenas', "So, we are allowed to spend half an hour and check any pokemon that is not busy, sounds good!".
"Yes he was very wise." Lost in the memory for a moment he has a tear run down his cheek. "I understand and believe you. I have seen some of your battle records. I would rather not risk an accident. even I am not entirely sure of my absolute limits." And as they walk to the Stadium David does asking about the Type match up. Commenting on a sorta Rock paper siccors type of system. With Fire trumping gras, which trumps water, which trumps fire. But also the types that line up with bug. Inside he will actually start looking up the pokemon to rent. With Luke's help, David will go over the pokemon types, their moves, and how they line up with others. He does make some line ups incorrectly such as asking if Ic ewould be strong against water types and fire types. Which to him make perfect sense.
Luke Gray
    Luke makes sure to get the pokemon David mentioned, just so he can get his friend to pet and interact with them a bit, while explaining more about pokemon battling, "Yes, it is a bit complex at times, especially when pokemon can have multiple types." he says, doing his best to explain the 'chart' and even brings up info on his pokedex and the computer at their stadium to help make sense of the situation. They review the types quickly, "Sometimes they don't seem to make much sense, true." he says with a chuckle, as they discuss about ice types, and he pets the Alola vulpix a bit.
Of course the Eevee he has chosen will spring right up davids arm slide behind his neck and perch on his right shoulder sitting there like he belongs there. "VEE!" he says proudly. The Vuplix of course bing the Ice type here he scratches the ears and chin as he needs to pet the other one on his shoulder.

As David goes over the Cross types he very quickly gets a good idea of cross types, including some that would have types that would eleminate most weaknesses. The dragon types he is thoughly impressed by, but not his style.

"Well if you are up for it I might be willing to try a battle or two.
Luke Gray
There are two vulpixes, the normal and the alola one,the pair look similar of course, except one is light blue and white, while the other has more normal colors, and all the foxes seem content to perch and circle around David while attention is being given!. He chuckles a bit at the eevee. "Guess you might want to get yourself an Eevee?" he asks, watching the adorable situation. The offer to accept the fight gets a nod, "Sure, any time you feel like it!" he says with a grin, "For now, want to focus on checking other pokemon you might like?, then we can see where to get you one of them."
David nods and smiles. As he scritches the Foxes he notes the difference both in looks but also body temprature and says, "Yeah something small. As beautiful as their evolved forms are." he looks to the Eevee on his shoulder he rubs his head into David's face makoing him sneaze almost dislodging the Eevee. "I feel something smaller and would stay small if they evolved would be best. But like i said I am sure they will find me." he says and petting and rubbing the Vulpix. "I am assuming that some opposing types can have personality type clashes right?"
Luke Gray
    Luke sits down and spends a moment petting one of his own pokemon, a small kitten with a round coin seemingly attached to its forehead, "Well, that is true, some species tend to have a particular personality, but that changes a lot between pokemon really. I don't think you can say all fire types are like this, or whatnot. Usually pokemon get along well, regardless of types, unless they are kind of rivals in nature too, like Zangoose and Seviper, those two tend to have trouble getting along."
David calling up an image of those two he looks at the snake and mongoose types. "Yes I could easilly see those two being rivals. The mongoose is, was a natural enemy and predator of snakes on my world." he explains. Of course checking out the Pokemon that Luka has he smiles at it. Even tossing down a couple of Silver coins for the Kitty to scamper off after.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray lets out a chuckle as the kitten's ears perk up and tries to grab the coins as they are tossed his way, "Yeah, the entire Meowth line likes coins, even babies." he replies, while the kitten hoards the coins and seem sto inspect them for a moment, as if appraising. "But even those two can get along, with some patience from their trainer, and just time to get used to eachother." he says. After a few moments of inspecting the coins, the kitten glances back at David and meows, nodding happily. "Just be careful, now that he knows you have shiny coins he might try to get more any chance he has.".

    Just as Luke says that, the Konya blinks and acts as if he was shocked, shaking his head and mewling. All that is missing from the scene is a halo appearing on it's head. "Yeah, then tell me, what happened to those festival coins I was keeping in my bag?" he asks, to which the kitten gulps and tries to play deaf out of the sudden. "I figured as much."
David watching the Meowth and with a look at Konya he watches the innocent act, but then when the Kitten plays deaf he bursts out Laughing. As he says, "Oh you are not fooling anyone." and with a smile comes over to scratch those ears. "Well You had mentioned daycares, and such. I am almost surprised there are no pokemon breeders." he says. Still he hasn't gotten into the indepth of the various people who handle pokemon. He's been focusing on mostly the types and what not.
Luke Gray
    "Well, there are, just that it can be expensive for rarer pokemon, seems breeding like that is usually done for competition, but, I am sure we can find a breeder to help us get an Eevee for instance, they are a bit rare in the wild, but not since they are so cute, they are very popular." he replies, chuckling, "So they became more common.". The small kitten purrs happily when petted, pressing into the hand, ears twitching gently as it 'huffs' when Luke speaks, cue big, wet eyes as he meows again trying to keep the 'innocent' act. He stops when David admits it was not working, chuckling and casually pushing into the hand, before curling on the coins.
David smiles and he pulls out one more coin and places it ring on his head. Careful not to touch the shiney coin that is part of the pokemon it's self. "Good to know." he says and the Eevee on his shoulder gives him one more nuzzle before hoping off to suddenly tackle the fire Vulpix in a playful way. Then bouncing off onto the Aloha Vulpix to play a Catch me if you can game with them.
Luke Gray
The cat goes still, ears slowly splaying as it balances the coin, trying to look at it, playing along the 'trick', and mewling at David. The kitten slowly sits up, trying to reach with one paw for it!.

    The normal vulpix yips a few times and tries to join the game after a moment, chasing after the others while wagging those multiple tails at once. "Eevees are unique in that they can evolve into many things." he explains, "Also why they are so popular." he replies with a grin.
David nods. "Yes. I have to admit the versitility is part of the interest. Although with A fire and ice Vulpix pair I could have a warm campfire, and cold drinks all the time." he admits with a half joke. right now he is watching the Meowth balance the coin and as the kitten holds still fore a moment before reaching for the coin. "Good kitten. Go ahead it's yours." he says. He'll need to remember to have some loose pocket change for the kitten when they meet in the future.
Luke Gray
The kitten is not a Meowth, so can't quite stand on it's hindpaws, still, once given permission, it shifts it's head and lets the coin slide down, catching it between both paws!, another for the hoard!. He purrs happily and flicks that tail of his, moving to brush against David's legs. The comment gets a grin, "Indeed you can, pokemon certainly can do all those things, my own pokemon help me with camping and tasks beyond fighting!" he says with a grin, "Might need to train your vulpix how cold you want to keep the drinks, or it might freeze things too much." he says with a chuckle. "I had a friend who lost a bunch of soda bottles because of that."
Wiping his hands together he will nods. "good point. Still a fire type to light camp fires sounds nice. Plenty of times I failed that trick. I still do occationally." and as he looks around. "So I suppose my next question is, are they a good type to start off with?"
Luke Gray
    Luke grins, "Well, they give fire pokemon to kids wanting to start pokemon training, so I think so!" he says softly, "I mean, I figure the safest to keep likely might be water type, since mostly you get wet, if they get annoyed, but if you treat them well, there should be no trouble with them." he explains.
David nods and says, "Where I am from, that would be considered dangerous." and shaking his head. "So different a world. I guess when you are raised in a world with such... wonders. Children tend to be and act more mature and responsible."