World Tree MUSH

Just a little violent

Character Pose
Holly Winn
An improv wrestling ring has been set up at a YMCA in Belgium. It's not like Holly has a ton of money and Lavaux had to quickly stage a match while he was still in control of her. Still, the ghost had to start a comeback somewhere. A few posters badly made in Photoshop have been hung up with "The Return of The Great Lavaux! written on them. It doesn't seem like there's much of a turn out but there's a few spectators.

"The Great Lavaux? I thought he died years ago? What's up with the witch girl?"

"Maybe she's his daughter or something? Is she really going to fight dressed like that?" The crowd sounds a bit confused as Holly stands alone in the ring. It seems like her opponent is running late.
Ghost was up in the rafters of the YMCA. Why? Waiting for the heat to die down.

Well, okay. Her CHASSIS was. Ghost, herself? she was in her spirit form, floating up above the masses and watching.

Looking for something, anything to do. People couldn't see her... or at least... Those who couldn't see spirits couldn't. She hummed a bit, walking amongst the crowds, literally through them at part... Before making her way to the ring. She grinned mischieviously, eying one of the nearby robots. It would be sooooo easy. Take it over... and then jump into the ring, pretend to fight. Bwa ha ha ha ha!
Holly Winn
Holly can see ghosts but she's not in control of her body and Lavaux's too busy trying to keep the crowd engaged. "Not even death could stop The Great Lavaux from being here this evening!" The girl speaks out in oddly masculine voice and the crowd seems to be even more confused.

Servis on the other hand facetails since he doesn't have arms.

"You idiot, it's bad enough you dragged Holly here. Now you're losing the audience, have her do the speaking."

"Don't worry I have under control!" The other ghost speaks through the witch once again before whispering, "Hey Servis, I don't think the other guy is going to show, could you possess the exercise robot in the corner or something?"
Ghost stared at the ring. This was getting boring. this was... Ah heck. She then jumped into one of the large robots! A guard one and... With a mighty leap, she leaped into the ring! Well. Okay. More she lumbered over and then climbed in. BUT THE IDEA WAS THE SAME!

"Listen here, brother!" Wait. What? What... when was this robot... this isn't even...

"You think you're so good, you think you're so strong? You think you've wrestled death himself and won?! Well, that don't mean a thing to THIS robot!" She could already feel Jacker and Boogan groaning.

"Because I'm the ripper of worlds! Crusher of planets! BREAKER OF MOUNTAINS BETWEEN MY THIGHS OF THUUUUUNDER! I AM THE STEALTHINATOR! AND I'M GONNA WRECK YOU!" And then... dramatic pose.

...Wrong... kind... of wrestling...
Holly Winn
"Ha, I pump more iron in my morning workout then that!" A security robot isn't quite what Lavaux was expecting for an opponent but he has to keep the crowd hyped. Holly grapples with the Ghost-possesed robot before lifting it over her head and starts doing squats with it. It seems like the witch is stronger than she looks. The audience starts cheering, it seems like this going to be more entertaing than they expected.
Ghost wasn't intending to take this too seriously herself, she was more planning to have fun with it. After all.. She was a robot, this was a little girl.

And then she was lifted over the girl's head and let out a squeak that was DEFINITELY off, consdiering the robot it was coming from. How did she-- Oh my gosh. This was magic, wasn't it? Ack! Wait, no, don't--

She flailed about, the large bulky robot flailing a bit before managing to escape the grapple and hit the ground. She rolled to her feet, before pushing back against the ropes.

"Ayes, maybe if you could do more than pump it you'd actually be a threat!" she called back, before bouncing off the ropes and running in for a clothes line.

But, as she came closer.... Holly could tell. Its speed stopped a bit. And... Pulled the punch. Even if it connected, it wasn't nearly as strong as it could have been, mostly just for show.
Holly Winn
Holly takes the punch and gets knocked back a bit, the witch is tough but not invicible. "Your steel body is no match for mine!" She climbs onto the ropes before leaping forward as she does an elbow drop. The advantage of fighting a robot is that she doesn't have to hold back after all it's repairable right?
Ghost would turn in time to see the blow and... BAM! The blow hit it STRAIGHT in the chest. The robot stumbled backwards, sparks flying off. Driving it down to one knee. "It seems there's a BIT of fight left in that tiny body!" she yelled.

Then ran in, intending to catch her around the waist and try and drive her into the corners. Again, though, it was held back. Not going nearly ful lforce.
Holly Winn
"I am not tiny!" Well there's a statement both Holly and Lavaux could both agree on but getting grabbed by the waist has larger and driven into the corner has a larger impact than Ghost likely expected. Lavaux goes flying out of the girl's body leaving her on own. She looks a bit startled as she looks up at the security robot she's apprently fighting.

"Ouch, what's going on? I didn't take anything!" The witch is back to speaking in her normal voice. Well, it's true she didn't steal anything today at least.
Ghost lifted a hand and... froze. Then looked down and cocked her head. "Err... We were... wrestling? Did I hit you worse than I thought?" Well, um. Okay. Now she actually felt bad. "Are... are you okay?" she asked, suddenly feeling worried.

".... Did you hit your head?" Oh dear.
Holly Winn
Holly shakes her head, "It wasn't that hard. Lavaux asked me to look up his old fights on Footube at the library and the next thing I know I'm here. That's kind of strange." It doesn't seem like she realize she was possessed again. "Are you going to arrest me?" Holly's not the most perceptive person but she knows pick a fight with a security robot isn't the best idea. The crowd seems to be just as confused about what's going on as Holly is.
Ghost blinked and... Deep breath. She reached out. "You're in the middle of a wrestling match. You're about to lose. Do you want this over fast? If so, don't fight. Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

And then reached out and would... Grab her, if she didn't fight, and would 'slam' her into the ground. It looked painful... But most the weight was kept AWAY from her, so it'd likely, at most, knock the air out of her. And then move to pin her.

She was experienced, she knew how to throw people without hurting them. I mean, only normal people got that. Robots? Not so much. That's what a gun was for.
Holly Winn
"Oh! Like Lavaux did when he was alive." Holly's strong but she isn't a great hand to hand fighter when Lavaux isn't in control. She waves to the crowd and goes along with it after all it takes a lot to hurt her physically. She's grabbed by Ghost and slammed into the ground, it does daze her a bit but she lets the robot pin her.

"No, my comeback!" Lavaux clearly wasn't happy about Holly losing the fight. Nobody could hear him except Holly, Servis and maybe Ghost though so it wouldn't draw too much attention.
Ghost would chuckle and then reach out and pat her head.... Before standing up and lifting both arms into the air... Then disappearing. The blue lights went red.

And the robot was confused. What. In. The world?!

Ghost phased out of the body and moved to the side, humming and stretching. "That was fun! i should do that again!" She stretched and then... Poofed, into her chassis in a second.

"Heat should be dead now. Huh?"

"Ghost, where in the world were you?!" Jacker asked.

"... Hee hee. I went for a walk~"