Holly Winn

Holly Winn
World: Earthcadia-1
Actual Age: 21
Apparent Age: 21
Quote: The undead are just like us except not living!
Role: Whimsical Witch
Species: Human
Theme Song: Rave in the Grave-Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOp6SPS4HxA
Voice Actor: Michelle Ruff


Holly is a witch from a powerful magical family in Belgium. Due to being born during a Black Moon on her namesake she lacks her family's talent with sorcery. Still she's capable of conjuring, making potions and flight to some existent. She is quite knowledgeable about sorcery though and due to a magical accident, fairly strong and durable to boot. This tends to lead to trouble since she has a tendency to be easily distracted and not fully pay attention to her surroundings. It doesn't help she's haunted by two ghosts who try to take control of her body. Her blissfully unawareness tends to keep her from getting too down and she believes that someday she'll become a great mage.


A+ Student: Holly knows quite a bit about magical theory from years of study.
Holly's spent years of studying to learn how to use her magic properly. Even though she's had limited success in doing so one benefit she's gained is learning about many different types of magic. This includes identifying and explaining how spells that she wouldn't be able to cast herself work. She's also capable of reading magical tomes in different languages.
Witchcraft Kind of Works< Edge Edge-E >: Holly's magic conjures mostly harmless holiday-themed items and creatures.
Holly is a witch at least in theory and knows how to cast many different Halloween-themed spells. The problem is due to being born on a black moon she has problems using it properly and builds up inside her. What she conjures is mundane and flimsy normal-sized decorations, candy, clothing, creatures and the like.

This rarely ends up actually being actually Halloween themed due to her lack of magical talent. She usually ends up conjures items and beings from other holidays instead. Anything she does summon isn't very threatening. Once in while she discharges this magic and spends <Edge> to cast the correct spell but much more powerful and dangerous than normal.
Sturdy Sorceress: Despite her appearance, Holly isn't a squishy mage.
Thanks to the cauldron explosion, Holly is pretty resistant from being hurt by any kind of physical force. While she's not invincible, swords and bullets tend to leave bruises instead of lasting wounds for her. Even against larger objects she's more likely be to sent flying or knocked unconscious than seriously harmed. This doesn't provide any protection against other forms of attack and weapons. Weapons such as a magically enchanted sword would still cut her but less severely than normal.
Surprisingly Strong: What she lacks in magic Holly makes up for in strength.
Holly also gained serious boost in strength from the cauldron explosion and is able to hit much harder than her frame would suggest. She's been known to crash into brick walls and smash right through them especially when riding her broom. She can lift vending machines without much trouble and even cars if she puts some effort into it.
Cauldron Concoction< Edge >: Holly can make potions that alter the appearance and abilities of the drinker.
Through her many attempts at making a strength potion, Holly came up with many other mixtures. Most of these tend to alter the physical appearance of the taker in some minor way for about a week or so. These tend to only be cosmetic and don't largely have any major positive or negative effects. By spending <Edge> she can create potions that either increase the strength or speed of the drinker for a short period of time. These take more time to make and she's unable to personally use them since she's already permanently under the effect of the strength one."
Ruin in the Night Sky: Holly's magic allows her to fly a broomstick. Controlling it though...
Like many witches, Holly is capable and knows how to fly through the air on a broomstick. As much she tries she has trouble steering far as steering it and can't always seem it to go into the direction that she wants. Landing it isn't easier for her either. As a result, she often ends up crashing into objects and people instead of ending up safely on the ground.
Monster Mash< Edge >: With a lot of effort, Holly can take control of Hallowen-themed creatures.
As an extension of her Halloween magic and by spending <Edge>, Holly can temporary take control of existing beings that fit the holiday. This is quite difficult for her and rarely successful. She only tends to do it as an act of desperation. She considers the supernatural her friends for the most part and doesn't want to take away their free will. Even when she's sucessful she's unable to give commands that would end their existence or severely endanger them.


Servis and Lavaux< D-Tier Named >: Holly's stuck with two ghosts she can't seem to get rid of.
Holly is a beacon to the undead due to her lack of magic talent and inability to banish them. As a result she often has them following her around. There's two ghosts in particular that tend to hang around her often. Servis is the ghost of a stage magician who lacks the ability to use actual magic and tries to use Holly's to perform magic tricks.<br/><br/>Lavaux on the other hand is the ghost of a jobber wrestler who never got a shot at the title and is trying to take advantage of Holly's super strength to become famous. When under his control Holly becomes capable of basic hand to hand combat but loses the ability to use magic. They possess her from time to time but are never able to stay in her body very long. They are both quite protective of Holly since they need her to further their goals.


I Cast Magic Misfire: Holly doesn't easily accept her limits as a witch.
Holly insists on using magic when there are better options available. She also refuses to give up on her dream of become a great mage. She's quite stubborn and isn't fully aware of her limits. Despite her effort having been born at the wrong time tends to limit any improvement she makes at casting spells.
Kleptomagia: Holly has a bad habit of resulting to less than legal means to amp her magic.
Holly believes she can become a great mage if she just can find the right artifacts. She'll go through all kinds of danger to get her hands on them. This is even truer if they're not currently being used by anyone. She has some standards though; she won't steal from anywhere haunted because she considers the undead her friends. Places inhabited by the living are fair game though.
Magically Delicious: Holly's full of magic even if she's not that talented at using it.
Holly's full of magic since the cauldron explosion even if she can't use it properly. As a result anti-magic weapons will hurt her a great deal and are an effective way to get around her defenses. She's also a potential target for anyone who drains or devours magic since her presence is easy to detect.
Unaware: Asking Holly for directions might not be the best idea.
Holly isn't the most alert person. She doesn't realize the two ghosts following her are trying to possess her, that sleeping in a mausoleum to begin with might not be the best idea to begin and even of her own surroundings sometimes. Even when she's paying attention she often thinks things are the result of magic even when they're not. She also tends to forget how strong she is.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1234 Echoes in the Fragmentum Jul 03 2024
1154 Frontier Unknown Apr 18 2023
1151 The Fight Against Furred Fruit Apr 07 2023
1145 Fathoms Below Mar 22 2023
1144 Hoist the Colours Mar 15 2023
1141 My Jolly Sailor Bold Mar 10 2023
1136 The Midnight Sun: Soul's Might Feb 24 2023
1135 The Midnight Sun: Soul's Grace Feb 17 2023
1134 Uninvited Guests Feb 06 2023
1122 Gilt-y Transmission Jan 03 2023
See All 71 Scenes


Title Date
Higher Witch Academia Apr 13 2019
Witchcraft 101 Jun 12 2019
Witchcraft 102 Aug 20 2019
The Witch and the Horrible Night Sep 14 2019
The Mummy's Curse Oct 30 2019
Friends with Regrets Apr 21 2020
Holly, The Other Reindeer Dec 21 2020
Some Wounds Run Deep Mar 14 2021
Dispirited May 07 2021
See All 9 Cutcenes