Ghost (Dropped)

World: Ghost-1.0-1
Actual Age: 50+
Apparent Age: 16-20
Quote: "Hee hee, more stealth. <3"
Role: Playful cybercriminal
Species: Naka(Cyborg)


The muscle of Geeks and Ghost, a cybercriminal and mercenary group comprised of the incredible hacker Jacker, the roboticist Boogan and the cyborg Ghost. Having the unique ability to enter the body and control any robot, she once worked under the hand of a man called Viktor as one of his agents. However, since bringing him and the Nakamura corporation down, she has joined with her friends in order to find all kinds of work across the universe. Incredibly peppy and excited in almost everything she does, you can almost forget the fact she is likely to steal all your important data and anything else shes hired to take.


Ghost< Edge >: Ghost can become a 'ghost' to become invisible and move through objects
Ghost can become a, well, ghost. This allows her to float as an invisible spirit, leaving her chassis behind. While like this she can float through the air. She cannot fight or affect the physical world while in this form. While this body can't be seen normally it CAN be blocked and any defenses against spirits or energy or the like, will block her out. Things that would affect spirits can affect and even endanger her. It is also possible, for those with the proper skills, to even trap her ghost form. As her world lacks ways to trap spirits, this is something she is severely weak to from worlds that do.
Agent training: Ghost has training in infiltration and tampering with electronics
Ghost was brainwashed for one job, to become an agent that dealt in a wide variety of different missions. A job she was exceedingly talented in. Shes been trained in a number of different security systems and tools on how to bypass them. This is primarily training in measuring line of sight(which she rarely uses) and how to attach electronic devices to computers to allow her support access to closed systems or, in some cases, where to hit electronic systems to disable them.
Chassis: Ghost's robotic 'body', agile, durable and with a number of combat systems
Not having a real physical body can hurt, so instead Ghost operates a chassis(created by Boogan using a decommissioned Naka) on her missions and often uses it as her designated home point. This body is incredibly agile and durable, able to take quite a bit of abuse, as well as able to access a large variety of weapons and abilities, allowing it to jump and move with incredible(if graceless) power. Alternate frames, weapons systems and cloak ONLY apply in this body. While there are ways for her to repair her body in the field, they are limited use and do not fully restore her power.
Alternate Frames< Edge >: Bodies to resist extremes, self repair, use drones or boost abilities
Ghosts chassis has a number of different alternatives that alter its appearance and add a small, minor benefit when used for specialized missions. These are plant, which slowly repairs itself if not critically damaged, magma which makes her resistant to heat as well as releases burning magma and experimental, which can destroy robots and use them to create small roaming bands of drones that run around and bite ankles. Her most powerful frame is Dragoon, however, which dramatically over clocks her system(requires edge). These cannot be changed mid fight without access to a rebuilding system. For obvious reasons, most universes dont have sufficiently advanced printing technology.
Weapons system: An array of electrical weapons including guns, bombs, drones and shields
Ghost carries a large variety of different weapon systems, ranging from drones, guns and shields. Unfortunately, they are far from perfect. All of her weapons are electronically powered and will replenish their ammo after a few moments to recharge. Unfortunately, they can also run out of power quickly. Finally, despite their large appearance of different varieties and types, They all come back to a simple basis of energy blasts and energy shields, with the weapons more affecting the shape, spread and drain on her systems. As such, they are all vulnerable to anything that would damage electronic systems.
Cloak: Ghost's cloak that turns her invisible for a few seconds
The closest thing Ghost has to a defensive ability, the cloak allows her chassis to turn invisible for a few seconds. This isnt very useful for hiding, however, and is more often than not used to give her a few seconds to get to cover, or launch a sneak attack.
Robotic control< Edge >: While a ghost, Ghost can take over and possess robots
While in ghost mode, she may enter any machine bodies of suitable abilities(namely, it needs to be a biped, as well as have some simple AI. No controlling the tin man for her!). If the body she is in is damaged or destroyed, it can cause a feedback and hurt her. If excessively destroyed before she can escape, it can even kill her, resulting in brain death. This ability also requires consent and edge to control important machines of PCs.
Combat training: Ghost has been trained in basic hand to hand as well as weapon use
Ghost has a small amount of training in hand to hand fighting as well as a heavy focus on guns and the weapon systems of her chassis, allowing her to precisely measure and aim her shots. This also extends to most gun based weapons of robots she possesses, though more foreign weapons can confuse her or become useless in her hands.


Boogan: The robotocist who built and maintains Ghost's body
A brilliant roboticist, he is the one who created Ghosts body using a discarded Naka and developing its weapon systems. He maintains her weapons and is in many ways the brains of Geeks and Ghost. He tends to over exaggerate things and can be a bit of a coward, but likes to believe the best in everyone and has a strong, trusting heart. He met Jacker in a dnd game the hacker ran where he played an archer. Hes a big fan of tabletop games and loves to build his own little models, something Ghost teases him about but often joins him with.
Jacker: The hacker who supports her on her missions and acts as her dispatcher
A brilliant hacker who was able to break into even systems as well guarded as the Nakamura satellite, he has plenty of ties to the underworld and is incredibly cynical. However, he is also incredibly honest and serious when necessary. Despite his more nerdy tastes, he actually has a taste for classical music and even the opera. He also is a connoiseur of fine wines. Despite living and dressing like a slob, he actually comes from a rather rich and influential family... most of which he ignores.


Hee hee, more stealth: Ghost isn't subtle. At all.
Ghosts idea of stealth is Blow everything up so nothing knows we were there, so she tends to run head first into danger. The fact her real body isnt getting damaged, and she cant feel the pain administered tends to make her all the more reckless. The fact she lacks so many human senses also tends to make her more focused on trying any and all things she can get her hands on.
Require additional minerals: Ghost needs money and resources to keep her 'core' alive
Ghost needs money and resources to keep her 'core' alive. While her friends can watch over it, her core body is a brain in a jar, it requires special tools, materials, chemicals, all of that kept monitored and safe in order to not die from either starvation or even something as simple as infection(brains aren't meant to just be left out in the open. Who knew?) That means she requires money. This forces her to try and gather money and resources, possibly friends, who can keep her well funded and functioning properly, primarily in the form of doing missions. During missions, if new options for riches become apparent and she doesn't suspect they'll cause her problems(she is a hired criminal, after all, and can't steal from her bosses... But hey, taking a little risk to swipe something shiny, that's fine.)
Ohhh shiny!: Ghost is very easily distracted
Ghost is very easily distracted, especially by things she finds fun or exciting. This can cause her a lot of problems as she will often draw out 'fun' encounters, get lost in using a body for too long and forget what she is supposed to be doing, or even end up drawing attention to herself by pushing ALL THE BUTTONS THAT JACKER TELLS HER A MILLION TIMES NOT TO PUSH!

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
415 Of Geeks, Ghost, Tenno, and Moa Jan 31 2019
387 Decondamination Dec 19 2018
373 Just another job Dec 09 2018
345 Just a small job... Nov 19 2018
343 Fifteen minutes of your time can... Nov 18 2018
336 Just a little violent Nov 13 2018
332 This was a bad idea all along... Nov 10 2018
322 Precious Cargo Nov 04 2018
318 Eyes on the Prize Nov 02 2018
See All 9 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.