World Tree MUSH

The Night Meets the Sun

Character Pose
It was REALLY early in the morning. Just before the sun rises, in fact. Specifically, it's about what this world would call 4am. Almost 5. But, the birds are chirping, nature is active, and is one particular member of the Seven Deadly Sins. 

He was short, a well-trimmed Mustache on his face, and...for reasons unknown, his shirt seems to be missing and his pants look REALLY baggy on him. But..what's even weirder? He's trying in vain to drag a massive ornate battle axe. The Divine Axe Rhitta.

To those that know it? THat's the weapon of the Lion's Sin of Pride, Lord Escanor. Well, the red tattoo of a lion on his back certainly makes him look like some wannabe bandit, but he looks like he's trying REALLY hard to make this damn thing move.

"C-C-C-C-C-C-Come on! Why won't you move?" eventually, he sighs, and seems to lean against it. Poor fellow.
Raven had been flying around, looking for magic, exploring the realms, eating cake. Okay, just a little cake but it was VERY good cake. Anyway, she was flying over the lands, doing her normal 'Dark goth traveling mage thing'.

And then her eyes fell on the struggling old man. She cocked her head to the side and lowered herself to the ground. "Ummm... do you require assistance, sir?" she asked. As polite as possible. Afdter all, he was her elder.
Escanor shivers and he looks up to the dark goth edge-lord lady flying about. Though he does look to the horizon. Well...he has some time before the Sun rises and she meets his more rude, arrogant side. So, no problem here, right? Right. 

"O-o-oh! u=um, I'm not s-sure if you could help me...this w-weapon is really heavy." he just sits there, shivering, small, and looking like a frail fellow.

But eventually he stands ups traight, smiling to Raven. "M-my name is Escanor. W-what's your name, kind lady?"

The sun was slowly gonna rise over that horizon. So Escanor is kinda hoping he can get himself and Raven out of there at some point. but for now? Shouldn't be a problem.
Raven nodded and looked to the axe. "I see. I am, unfortunately, not very strong. But, I am very powerful at magic. Don't worry, it'll be fine."

Her dark magic reached out from her, enveloping the weapon. And then erupted back on her. She screamed, blasting back and topping back as she shrieked. after a few minutes, she was curled in the fetal position and whimpered. "T-that's... that's a h-h-h-holy... t-thing.... isn't it?"
The release of energy from the Divine Axe Rhitta is enough to make even Escanor shriek and get knocked over as well! The axe remains unmoved. Unshaken. Without a scratch. No effect at all. Though Escanor manages to get back to his feet and scramble towards Raven, trying to check on her. 

"O-o-oh my! a-a-are you okay?!" he'll kneel down and try to help her up. At the comment, he turns his head to look back to Rhitta. "Yes. It's a Holy Weapon, reminiscent of a maiden beloved by the sun." Not even a stutter exited Escanor's mouth. A glance once again given to that horizon.

"The sun is starting to rise." he looks to Raven. "P-please don't use black magic like that on it..."
Raven groaned and laid there, refusing his help. "Please... don't. I am just going to lay here until things stop... hurting..." she whispered. "Oh sweet stars that gaze down upon me, that hurt." It didn't hurt now, but the force echoed through her. "A-and yeah. I won't touch the axe again. Gonna go ahead and give it a ten foot breadth of space when things like... move right," she said, closing her eyes.

"My name is Raven. A pleasure. And please don't touch me. I'm an Empath. I can feel people's emotions. And physical contact makes it worse. And I am not in any state to put up massive barriers... ow..."
Escanor seemed to sigh, standing up to allow Raven to lie down without any kind of assistance from the one beloved by the sun. Either way, Escanor looks to the rising sun, and as soon as that golden light shines upon him? He undergoes quite the change. 

For instance, he grows taller, and muscles seem to grow rapidly on his body. Soon enough, he's over 6 feet tall and he stands ups traight, looking down on Raven as he swipes Rhitta and holds it like it was as light as a feather in his hand. Clearly it was intended to be a one-handed Axe.

"You struck my holy weapon with your dark magics. Do you not know that it is not meant to be touched by creatures who bathe in the night?" Escanor's face is serious, and considerably deeper.
Raven glanced up at him. "Well I bloody know now, if you'd said something before hand I wouldn't be laying here now in incredible pain," she mumbled. She tried to sit up and then looked up... and up and... "Holy crud you're huge... what in the blazes happened?" she asked, staring up at him. "Where's the old man?" she asked.

"Ah crud... I'm not gonna have to fight you, am I? Because I'm really not in the mood to fight you. Or your over sized stupid bloody explody axe..." she grumbled darkly. "Why couldn't you tell me the bloody thing was holy?"
Escanor TOWERED over Raven. though, she'd also realize the area just got SIGNIFICANTLY HOTTER. Not just because Escanor literally just went from a little wimp to an absolute beast of a man in the span of a few seconds, but because it was like he was literally leaking off solar heat. 

"The answer is simple: The property of revealing one's secrets is a privilege of the mighty. It is not something for the weak to know." His blue eyes were almost like death itself as it locked onto Raven.

"Fight you? Now THAT would be something I could be convinced of. However, I am a feminist at heart. I'll give you the choice as a reward for braving my very presence."
Raven groaned and slowly sat up. Ow ow. Inch by inch she crawled to her feet, woblbing a bit. She'd have used her magic to fly up but after THAT? She felt a bit burned on the idea. Also, it was getting realllllly hot. She stared up at him. He.... was rather dangerous. She could feel it. There was magic at work here. She stumbled a bit away, then stared up at him.

"so... when you're small you don't know?" she asked in confusion. "Either way. I'll... ummm.... as my reward.... not fight?" she offered. "You can... errrr.... just continue on your way. I don't want any trouble. I just wanted to help you since you were struggling."
Shouldering Rhitta as if it were nothing, Escanor just looked at Raven for a moment, before he sighs. "How insignificantly boring. Oh well." though Escanor's eyes look upon her. "Stay here and recover. That's an order. Next time, do not do something so foolish as to touch Rhitta with that speck of darkness you call upon." another soft pause. "But you have the rarity of my gratitude for your assistance. Not many look upon me and seek aid." 

and without a word, he starts to walk, unless someone attempts to stop him or get in his way.
Raven sighed and shook her head. 'Speck of darkness'. Oh, if he only knew. Though that axe was an issue. It could hurt her in a way different weapons couldn't. "Have a good time..." she mumbled and then stretched out. Ow ow ow ow....

IT was like she was burned on the inside. Her magic sizzling... She did not wanna repeat that.