Escanor (Dropped)

World: Seven Deadly Sins-1
Actual Age: Technically 32
Apparent Age: 22
Quote: "Acting calm and composed is the privilege of the mighty".
Role: Lion's Sin of Pride
Species: Human(?)
Theme Song: Brave Shine - Aimer
Voice Actor: Kyle Hebert (English)/Tomokazu Sugita (Japanese)


Escanor is the Lion's Sin of Pride, and often hailed as the strongest member of the Seven Deadly Sins, the strongest group of Holy Knights in the Kingdom of Liones. Not much is known about his history or his past, only his freakish power. In the night, Escanor is meek, short, and rather amiable to almost everything. He's the definition of a geek. But as the sun rises? Escanor slowly becomes stronger and stronger until his strength peaks at noon. During the day, Escanor is prideful, arrogant, and overconfident, hence his title. But, since the Seven Deadly Sins have become scattered over the years, Escanor has found himself as a wandering traveler and the owner of a bar. Adventure is out there!


Praise the Sun: As the sun rises, Escanor will become stronger.
Escanor is a creature of duality in the sense that he suffers from a curse (or in some cases, a blessing). He is the weakest amongst all holy knights and all fighters at midnight..but starting from dawn (C-Tier) until it peaks around noon (the four hours around noon, 10, 11, 1, 2-> B-Tier) As the day comes, he'll grow from his short, meek stature at 5'5 to as tall as 6'7", filled with muscle and massive physical strength. In the daytime, he's strong enough to suffer extreme damage unharmed, has enough strength to fight the strongest of beings, and he emits intense heat from his body naturally at all times (so much that sometimes, his enemies might start to melt just by being in his presence if they are minions). He can easily survive landscape shattering impacts, and move quick enough to cover short distances in an extremely short time.
Sunshine: Escanor uses attacks of solar heat.
Escanor's powerful magic. It utilizes the extreme heat of the sun itself to fire powerful blasts, beams, and massive explosions of solar energy, and lastly, enhance his attacks with a solar charge. It plays a significant role in the solar cycle, and he can use Sunshine to enhance his physical abilities even further, bolstering his already monsterous strength, speed, and durability.
Divine Sword Escanor< Edge >: At noon, Escanor can unleash a single strike of ultimate might!
The strongest attack in Escanor's possession. At Noon, for one full minute, it's said that he becomes invincible (this is false, but he becomes impossibly strong). His greatest attack? Is the Divine Sword Escanor. By lifting his pointer finger straight up, and making a downward slash motion, it's said to be a strike capable of felling even the mightiest of demons and is enough to shatter a landscape with just that one strike. He can only attack /once/ during the noon cycle, and this is his only attack...but it's truly awe-inspiring. He only uses it in case of the most dire of straights, however.
Master Combatant: Escanor is a well-trained physical combatant, preferring the Battle Axe.
Escanor is a master of unarmed and melee combat. Even without use of his great physical might, he's able to fight through hordes of enemies without suffering an injury (or at the very least, surviving). While he's masterful with all weapons, he prefers his battle axe.
Divine Axe Rhitta: The holy axe of Escanor. It can be used to fire long-ranged solar attacks.
This massive Battle-Axe is Escanor's weapon of choice in any aspect of the word. It's through this weapon that Escanor's magic is the most effective and his dangerous threat is made real. The Weapon appears to be two-handed, with the actual blade of the axe holding the most weight, making it appear uneven. but rather, it's intended to be a one-handed Axe that's meant to be wielded solely by Escanor. It's unique. If wielded by Escanor, it appears light as a feather in his grasp. The weapon is a holy object, and is extremely lethal when used against demons or creatures of darkness. The weapon has two unique abilities that seperates it from being a normal holy weapona. Firstly, The weapon does have an ability called Charge and Fire. It's a mechanism in the weapon that absorbs the remnants of the extreme heat that Escanor exerts during the day and allows him to release that heat in the form of actual precise strikes, instead of unleashing it everywhere at once. The second is that no matter where the Axe is, Escanor can summon it to him by extending his hand and calling it's name. Distance does not matter, it moves swiftly and will return to it's owner's grasp with extreme haste. If it were miles away, it will arrive in a few seconds.


Pride: He's Proud. He's the Lion's Sin of Pride. Of course he's proud.
Escanor is called the Lion's Sin of Pride for a reason. During the night, he's meek, respectful, and shy. During the day, he's the exact opposite. He's arrogant, overconfident, and wastes no time in verbally declaring that he is superior to all before him. Because of this, he's often disliked and considered untrustworthy because he, in many cases, comes off as rude.
Curse the Night: Once the sun starts to lower, Escanor will become weaker and weaker.
As the Sun starts to decline on it's path beneath the horizon, Escanor will start to weaken and weaken. He will lose his size and intense musculature until he is a 5'5", small, meager fellow who appears to show more of his inner feelings, like compassion. But, at night, Escanor's fighting ability is virtually zero. He's quick on his feet and uses his intelligence rather than brute strength, but it's a critical flaw that can leave him extremely vulnerable to be killed without much difficulty in a one on one fight.
Compassion: If he ever had a fatal flaw, it's his willingness to help everyone.
Despite his Prideful and arrogant nature during the day and his meek, almost too shy for his own good during the night, Escanor actually has a heart of gold. On the inside. If someone is in danger, he's more than happy to give them a helping hand. From the strongest of beings to the weakest. He seems to have a soft spot for women and children right off the bat, however. If they are in danger, it's very possible that Escanor will surrender or subject himself to harm if it means seeing individuals safe.
Brute: Escanor loves to fight, especially during the day.
Escanor LOVES to fight. Even in his night form. While in the day, it cna cause him to rush headfirst into fights in which he has no idea what his opponent could be capable of. It's gotten him into trouble on many occasions and it will continue to do so in the future.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
382 The Mysterious Silence Dec 16 2018
379 What Just Happened? Dec 15 2018
373 Just another job Dec 09 2018
359 The Events of the San Jose Town Hall Meeting Dec 06 2018
354 The Young Seamstress Nov 24 2018
347 The Night Meets the Sun Nov 19 2018
See All 6 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.