World Tree MUSH

Just another job

Character Pose
Ghost ran through the warehouse, the scent of smoke and broken metal lingering in the air. Now, all she had to do was find the location of the 'prototype' and, well.... Wreck it. She'd already gotten the files downloaded, but they had to destroy the prototype before the mission would be done.

Of course, the problem with that was, wellll... She didn't know WHERE the target was. Fortunately, she was finding one! Oddly, however, all of the robots that'd tried to stop her? Had gotten blown up. It. Was. Awesome.
Well...Ghost certainly knew how to make an entrance. She probably wasn't expecting opposition like this though. 

After she had destroyed all the robots sent to stop her, she'll find a Gargantuan of a man awaiting the next step of the way, with an even bigger battleaxe in his hand. "Hello there, little girl." Escanor says in his naturally deep voice. "I'm afraid I was tasked with stopping your advance...while I do enjoy a good display, I'd hate to see you destroy this entire facility and quite literally the surroundings iwth it." He smiles. "Kindly turn around, or I'll turn you to rubble. I'm a feminist at heart, so I'll give you the choice."
Ghost cocked her head to the side, the robotic features seemed well... Amused. for a robot, she looked down right life like as she smiled up at him. "Awwwww. You're just the sweetest, aren't you?" she asked with a giggle. "And destroy the facility? Oh my oh my. I don't know what lies they told you, but does a little girl like me look like she could do something like that?"

"I'm only here to blow up the... Well. I mean. It's not hard to know what that is. Come on, can't you just be a buddy, a pal, and stand aside?"

She then sighed. "No, I imagine not. But don't worry, sir!" she said with a light, happy giggle. "I have no intentions of letting anyone turn me to 'rubble' as it were. So your feminist image will remain unsoiled," she teased.
Escanor looks upon her, tilting his head. "I have faced Dragons your size that have had deceptively strong destructive power. I do not take size or stature to be an indication of strength. Unless of course, you're me." aaaand there's the Pride. 

"A large part of me doesn't care about this facility, and would normally stand aside. However....I am equally interested."

A grin comes on his face.

"After all, you seem like you pack quite a punch in your small frame." The Lion's Sin of Pride seems open to fighting her.
Ghost blinked. And then... "Oh my gosh! Did you HEAR that?! He called me a DRAGON! That is like, the coolest nickname ever! Okay, that's it. Houstan, from now on, call me the Dragon!" she said, before doing a dramatic pose, legs spread, left arm back and in a fist, right arm out in open hand.

Followed by... "What? Why not? It's an AWESOME name. And it means I'm AWESOME! I could totally be a drag-- HEY! You better be thankful I'm not a REAL dragon or I'd LIGHT BOTH OF YOU ON FIRE WITH MY MEGA COOL FIRE BREATH!" she yelled, flailing about in anger.

"Urk, right! Well then... Ummm.... Mustache guy! I will take you down! And I will... err..." She trailed off. "Wait. Are... you human? Like... I meet a LOT of people in these lands. Some are like... Living. And don't look it. Some are looking like it, but not it. Which... catagory do you fall under? Like... I don't want to ACTUALLY hurt you so like... What strength are we talking here?"
Escanor smiles to her. "Well of course. I stand above all humans and every clan under the sun." her question regarding to strength level makes him laugh boisterously! "Why, of all your strength of course! I would hate to hurt a butterfly who didn't truly try to defend itself from being thrown from the sky."
Ghost nodded and... "Well... Yeah. But I'm an android. Ish. So like... IT really depends on what kind of human limits you have? Listen. I jsut don't want to actually hurt you. You know? I have a strict not actually hurting PEOPLE policy. But hey, if you're like... Super magic durable and stuff? I'll happily kick your butt and all that," she said with a smile.

"Though, I'm not sure you'll wanna admit to getting your butt kicked by a little girl," she teased.
"Android? I've yet to know what that actually is. I'm almost bursting at the seems to discover such a thing. So come, little one, strike me with all you have, if you have the courage." Escanor smiles almost deviously, but yet it's an air of superiority. 


Is it getting hotter?
Ghost nodded and then... Ran straight at him. "Well... If you insist!" she said, racing at him and then...

She disappeared?! Did she FLEE?! That COWARD! How could she run and try to escape, the--

Only to reappear behind him, gun in hand. And an electrical shock released at him. The power as lower, to fight a human. Not enough to kill. But enough to hopefully stun or even render him unconscious.
Escanor looks at Ghost as she sprints towards him with combative intent! but...he's not moving. WHY ISN'T HE MOVING?! Then, she makes her play. She turns invisible. She dodged...something. It almost made Escanor wonder if they weren't alone. 


She's behind him. the electrical shock she releases seems to strike him without any attempt from Escanor to dodge. Instead, he looks almost disappointed. Turning to look at her, with lightning coursing somewhat painfully through his veins, but too strong to even double over or show signs of pain itself, he looks her in the eyes.

"Is taht all you have?" He then sighs, and swings his left hand like a backfist, attempting to strike her hard enough to send her reeling.
Ghost yelped and ducked under, letting the fist fly over him. She skidded back along the ground, rolling and tumbling away as she narrowed her eyes on him. He was good. He was verrrry good. She let out a sigh of relief. "Okay then! So I can't, I mean, if that didn't hurt you, then this probably won't hurt much!" she said with an almsot giddy delight.

And then she drew out a big gun and... Shot at him.

Grenades. Lots. And lots. And LOTS of grenades. So. Many. Grenades. They'd explode around him, pelting him with far, far, farrrrr more damaging assaults than the ones she'd used on him before. Massively more.
Escanor watched the grenade-gun fire at him and he tilts his head. Woah...those little ball-things look dangerous. He briefly wondered what they were, before he hears the rapid ticking, and assumes they will explode. So, he moves out of the way. 

This time?

HE was the one behind HER. He's FAST for a big man. He lifted that axe of his over his head and swing it, aiming for Ghost's back. It wasn't enough to be a lethal hit, but...a 'love tap' of sorts. If a love tap is a concussive shot to the spine, if it hits.
Ghost giggled as the bombs exploded into electrical clouds of, well, eelctricity. Ha, now he was probably going to be--

Huh? He was-- She moved to the right and... Aboided it.

But not entirely. The blade caught her left arm and tore it off at the elbow. Slicing through it, pieces of metal fragments going in all directions and making her crumble to her knees. The look on her face, however...

Despite being a robot, the appearance, the look was obvious. Pain. She was in real, honest pain. It felt like her arm had been torn away and made her want to scream. The look on her face a mix of agony and surprise.
Escanor watched as he managed to cleave off one of Ghost's arms. He noticed that ther arm was...sparking? what should have been blood is metal and wires. He looks upon this machine, and he seems to tilt his head. "how...strange. Tell me, were you born? or were you created? This technological thing is rather...interesting." 

Escanor is compassionate, and seems to understand her pain, but he sighs. "I recommend not attempting to progress further."
Ghost whimpered, holding the arm. Blue sparks were flying out from her arm. "E-extraction. I-I need e-ext... extr..." She shuddered. She couldn't take it. It hurt so much. It was all she could do to... Well. If she COULD, she'd likely have thrown up. She whimpered and... The pain died down. Okay. Okay. Had to be her imagination...

It had to be. See? It was already gone. She let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't. Real. Damage wasnt real. "Ehhhhh. Depends who you ask, honestly," she said. She gave a simple smile, though it was... fake. She got to her feet, grabbing the arm. "You're right, you win. Heh. Guess job will just be half done," she said before... Running. Away.
Escanor watches her run off into the at how she managed to find some kind of joy through that smile she gave to him. "Of course I win." the Pride still invariably evident as by his actions, but...he smiles back to her, happy he didn't kill her. or even have to kill her. He doesn't pursue...but he does assume that whatever was lost could be fixed, repaired. 

He only slightly hoped he'd meet Ghost again.