World Tree MUSH

Ghosts and pokemon.

Character Pose

A voice echoes through the woods as a slightly rotund man in overalls and a green shirt and hat hurries down the path at a dead run. Though after a bit he stops, realizing that... he has no idea where he is. He winces a bit, hoping this isn't one of those worlds where wild animals pull travelers into battles at random intervals.

Regardless, he's not here on a lark. There's a REASON he's here. Cupping his white-gloved hands around his mouth, he calls out, "Obakeeeeeen! Obaken, where are yooooou?"
Luke Gray
     At this point, Luke was really used to seeing random people walk around, it was just... something to almost expect in the multiverse!. He was camping in the forest, near the path, taking a break and playing with one of his pokemon, an adorable little panda!... with red eyes, and fangs poking from it's upper lips, and... if Luigi knew about oriental mythology, wearing a chinese vampire outfit... the fact the small panda seemed to hover a couple inches from the ground was also a thing to notice. 

     Luigi's call is heard by Pangshi, the small panda flicking his ears and trying to get Luke's attention over it, pointing in the direction of the approaching man. Of course, it was not just Luke's pokemon that heard that distressed call, a couple wild pokemon get curious about the whole screaming and come to check what is going on!. A small purple rat... a similarly purple... creature with long ears and a tiny horn, nothing too scary... and then you get a group of small worms that is accompanied by a large, buzzing bee, at least, it kinda resembles one!, if bees had spears for arms.
Luigi has turned about, walking backwards to see if the mischievous ghost pup has managed to get behind him. It does do that at times. Of course, when he turns around... there are beasties there. The rat and the whatever the other purple thing is aren't too bad, but seeing a bee the size of a man with spears on its front legs, not to mention the GIANT WORMS.... now THAT'S something that is definitely going to not bode well.

"Gah!" Luigi yelps, jumping back from the strange group of creatures. "D-don't a-come any closer!" he warns. He kind of... honestly he's probably trying to look threatening, but it isn't exactly what he was hoping for. He kind of half looks like he's trying some weird kungfu stance that he has barely any familiarity with, and half like he's trying to hunker down and disappear!
Luke Gray
    Luigi's attempt at intimidation seems to have some sort of effect, with the large bee tilting it's head, "Drill?", looking at the scared man curiously, while oen of the large yellow worms inches closer, making some noises as well. Thankfully, the one pokemon that gets curious enough to actually approach close is... the purple rat, who just sniffs at the scared Luigi and makes a long series of chittery noises, both at Luigi, and at the scary bee, who seems to nod and back down very slowly, arms down, as if worried it might cause Luigi to get a heart attack. 

    While the Rattata saved Luigi from said heart affliction, a curious ghost panda and Luke begin to walk closer to the green clad person, Luke trying a simple, "Hi!." from Luigi's back, "Are you doing ok?". That is fine, what might be a bit spooky is the floating panda that seems to appear from Luke's side, as if it phased through the trainer to get there.
The purple rat isn't so bad. It's incredibly big for a rat, but overall it isn't TOO big. So Luigi relaxes a bit. He smells a little like machine oil, metal, a bit of electricity... and ghost! He's been in contact with ghosts recently!

Luigi is still in a slightly agitated state, so Luke's call of his name startles him, and Luigi jumps. He jumps INCREDIBLY FAR, by the way, and that might startle one of the other Pokemon. Though as he turns in the air with surprising quickness and grace, landing so he's facing Luke. As soon as he sees who it is, he breathes a sigh of relief. "O-oh, hello," he greets.
Luke Gray
     That magnificent jump gets Pangshi's attention, the panda ghost phasing through Luke and floating as it jumps towards Luigi, letting out happy, friendly noises, waving paws and acting as if that jump was the most amazing thing ever. Luke chuckles a bit, "Pangshi, don't scare that person." he says, trying to reach for the eager, floating pokemon, who seems to sniff Luigi and notice the smell of ghost somehow, "Pangshi?" it babbles at Luigi. 

     The other pokemon disperse as Luke arrives, not wanting trouble for the time being, well, most of them, the purple rat remains relatively close, just out of curiosity!. Luke grins, "Are you ok? you seem very nervous, are you lost?".
"W-well..." Luigi looks around. "I think so, actually..." he admits. "I was following Obaken, since he got out again, but I lost him here..." Though he pauses, to look at the tiny panda in Asian clothes. He doesn't seem familiar with the asthetic, no. But he tilts his head at the little bear, as if there's something familiar about it...
Luke Gray
     Luke nods a few times, looking calm and collected, clearly the kid is a native. He listens to the story, "Obaken? is he a friend of yours?" he asks softly. Meanwhile, the small panda continues to give signs of being... supernatural somehow, given the fact it is floating in midair, wobbling slightly. It seems to think of something and rushes back at Luke's camp... somehow phasing through the trainer's chest, "Hey, Pangshi, what are you doing?." he calls out after his pokemon.
"Well, er..." Luigi seems to hesitate. "Obaken is... well, that's my... dog." It's definitely not a lie. Just he's not any dog breed that exists among the living! He does look like he's not telling the full story, though.

Though when the panda thing runs off -- distraction! He's taken aback for a moment at the thing phases through Luke, but... well, Obaken can do that too... maybe the tiny panda is a kind of ghost too? Then he realizes it's apparently running away? "Oh! We better go make sure he doesn't get lost," he suggests. He really wouldn't have any way of knowing where the Pangshi is going, really. So to him it's a legitimate fear.
Luke Gray
    Luke seems mortified when poor Luigi gets to see his ghost pokemon do... ghost things, "I... this is hard to explain but that is a ghost type pokemon... I promise you that he is good, he just forgets he can startle people." he says, hoping that Luigi won't be more freaked out than normal, and glad to take the topic of the lost dog, "Do you have anything with the dog's smell?, maybe my pokemon can track it down." he says, smiling a bit as he glances at the runaway panda. "He is goign to the camp, not sure what it is looking for." he mumbles, returning in time to see the pokemon rooting into a backpack and producing a bag of snacks from it.
Luigi blinks. "Ghost... type?" His eyes are a bit wide as this registers. But weirdly enough, it doesn't seem like it's because he's scared. He's not shaking now. "Hm... well, maybe Obaken wouldn't be so strange around here, then..." he muses quietly.

Though as the bag of snacks is produced, he tilts his head. "Oh, that might work. Obaken likes snacks. I really don't know how he's eating them, though." He pauses then, realizing how weird that sounded. "Um... well, what I mean is... Obaken, see... he's a...

And before he can finish the sentence? Ther eis the faint smell of ozone... just before a white streak comes out of the underbrush! It's making for the Pangshi and the snacks!
Luke Gray
     Luke nods when Luigi struggles with the concept, "Yeah... they are ghosts!.. well, ghost like?... it's hard to tell." he muses, before he seems to understand what Luigi says, "Oh!, it's your ghost dog?, that's cool." he says with a broad grin, moving closer to Luigi, "I'm sure Pangshi can help you find...". 

    There is a pause as Luke speaks, because Pangshi perks it's round ears and opens the snack bag, placing it down and quickly dodging away of the white streak, as if it knew where it was coming from, chirping happily and reaching to pet at it when it dives for the offered food. Luke does notice the ozone scent, but might be just... his familiarity with electric pokemon. "Is that him?" he asks.
Luigi gives a sheepish look when Luke figures out that Obaken's not exactly... normal. "That's right," he confirms. "I just didn't want to scare anybody -- oh!" It's about then that he notices the white streak going for the snacks, and hurries over!

The ghost dog in question is rather... well, 'stylized' would be the best way to put it. It doesn't have any ears, its eyes are empty pools of pure white, and its whole body is just rounded far beyond what a dog should be. It does however, have a tail, though it's a lightning-bolt shaped. And it also has a collar.
Luke Gray
    Luke seems fairly calm, at least given how Luigi seems to consider this 'dog' to be safe. He follows Luigi, despite likely not being even remotely as fast as the green lighting, letting out a happy chuckle and a smile as he spots Obaken, "That's adorable!" he calls outloud, before he goes quiet, hoping he didn't startle the eager dog. Meanwhile, the ghost/vampire panda seems happy to let the 'polterpup' enjoy the snacks, reaching to pet on it a few times, might be an interesting experience for said pup, a ghost petting a ghost.
The Polterpup is, thankfully, solid enough to pet, so there's not much danger there. It sits in Luigi's lap all the time, after all. It just wags its tail as Pangshi pets at it, face buried in the bag of snacks.

On the other hand, Luigi looks mortified. "He gets out all the time, and he's... kind of a troublemaker. I'm so sorry. I'll replace the bag he ate." And to the ghostly doggo? "Obaken, don't eat all his food!" The Polterpup looks up from the bag, as if confused. "Come on, I know you can understand me. Don't eat up all his food."
Luke Gray
    The panda seems fine with the ghost eating the snacks, content to pet the fellow ghost lightly, assumign i tallows it, and reaches to snag some of the food with one paw while at it, a good excuse to steal snacks!.

    Luke is quick to catch up with Luigi, "It's fine!, I had the snacks for my pokemon, I have more, and can always just buy more in the town nearby, as long as it doesn't eat everything in my backpack it should be fine." he says with a grin. "I mean, I don't think Pangshi minds sharing the food at least."
Obaken seems fine with being petted. In fact, once it looks up, it'll lean over and try to lick the Pangshi's face! Eeeeew, ectoplasm dog slobber! "I could buy you another bag," Luigi offers, in the meantime. "Sometimes when he eats from the package, the rest of the stuff isn't edible because... well..." He trails off. But it's a reason the Pangshi might get a first-hand knowledge of, since Obaken's trying to lick the Pokemon's face.
Luke Gray
    Luke grins, "I think so as well, but, like I said, I can spare a bag." he says softly. The ghost seems thrilled about the licks, petting the polterpup some more and chuckling loudly, leaning to lick back, even if it ends up all slobbered. It certainly realizes sharing snacks might be trickier than expected, but it solves the issue by somehow reaching through the bag to grab some of the remaining bits of food still clean. "Well, we can do that, if it makes you feel better, I mean get me another bag of that." he says, smiling.
Once the ghost pup has eaten, it yips in a way that sounds like it's echoing from the Other Side (which it probably is) and starts to run around the Pangshi. Now that it's not hungry, it's curious about the Pokemon. And it also wants to play, from the looks of things! It sniffs at the Pangshi, snorts, and then leans up and pants happily, front legs down in that 'let's play!' pose dogs do.

Luigi nods to the mention of buying Luke another bag of food. "It would make me feel better," he confirms. "Even if it's just Pokemon food, that's still less of a resource you have, right?" He sighs a little. "I should try to keep him under better control, but even when Professor Gadd puts him in containment, he always manages to get out. I'm not sure what to do next."
Luke Gray
    The ghost panda seems happy to play along, wagging that tiny tail it has and starting what seems like a game of tag, booping the dog's nose and starting to run around Luigi and Luke for the dog to chase!. Meanwhile, Luke smiles and nods to Luigi, "Fair enough, let's head to the town, we can talk a bit more on teh way." he begins, "Well, maybe you can train it?, it looks like a dog, is there anything it really likes a treat? did you try rewarding it for behaving?" he offers as he begins to walk towards the town.