World Tree MUSH

Balfonheim Meetings

Character Pose
    The Port at Balfonheim is built on the southernmost tip of the Valendian continent, a well-known trade port. Things are mostly civilised for the odd traveller -- although the city is without a governor, troublemakers are bad for business, and aren't well tolerated.
    Despite being a well-known haven of pirates of sky and sea, Balfonheim is relatively peaceful, and does a booming business in the fish trade. It has a number of ports, warehouses, a market district, and numerous shipyards that cater to wooden sailing vessels, as well as an aerodrome that caters to skyships powered by magicite, which seem to be the norm among the reasonably wealthy of this world.
    There aren't too many people here who get the attention of the locals. Even the faces of famous sky pirates garner a sort of practised indifference; a well-known ritual always adhered to.
    Which explains why, in an open-air market, a rare sort like a viera does not actually attract too much attention. There are a few here and there, including a brunette example selling healing ointment and other medical goods.
    This one, however, is different.
    Despite the revealing nature of her filigreed armour, or how startlingly tall she is, people do not stare at this dark-skinned woman with long limbs and the tall ears of a hare.
    She has a bow slung over her back, a quiver slung at her waist. She has a rucksack thrown carelessly over a shoulder; red-brown eyes searching the market stalls and dismissing the things she isn't looking for just as quickly.
    Despite the studied indifference of the crowd, it's possible to catch a few blunders here and there -- a group of pirates staring at the viera here, or a young woman staring just a second too long there. They're looking, but not because she's a viera; there are enough of those in Balfonheim that they aren't completely unknown.
    The viera in the black filigreed armour ignores them all, pausing at a stall selling fruit, scan over its offerings with feline disinterest and flared nostrils. Not fresh. There's a flicker of annoyance through those red-brown eyes before she moves on, brisk and focused.
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    Meanwhile, at a nearby stall, there was a rather different sight. Certainly, an off-worlder at that. Because there were no bear-like beings native to Ivalice. The tall, 7'8 male wearing plate armor and looking very much like a warrior or fighter of some kind was attempting to sell some various items to a stall. A collection of fruit and meat that were wrapped up and looked fresh enough, Rou-ri seemed just a bit confused. "I get that you might not have seen these, but to be honest I'm not really from this land either. So I'd much rather just sell or trade some stuff to get some local currency to begin with so I can at least start doing some stuff while I'm here, yes?"

    The vendor was looking at the Pandaren as if he had a second head, "Look, I'll buy it, but the chance of me selling all this is slim so you'll have to take a reduced price."

    "That entirely depends on how much 'reduced' you're trying to offer. Sure, the fruits and such might not be the most expensive, but the meat I know would fetch a decent price anywhere. Already butchered and packaged, comes from a bigass monster known as a Behemoth from another world that I was in not long ago. Got a good ten steaks just like this, don't try to rip me off on them - I'll just head to another vendor."

    Of course, this was all taking place without much intention of causing a problem - even if Rou-ri was unaware of local sentiments about keeping the peace, he wasn't dumb. He could sniff out a pirate port well enough, he was familiar with his own. But haggling? You can't deal with Goblins without being aware of the process. "We have no way to verify your claims that this is what it is, could just be a steak from any monster you came across." there was a slight grumble in the Pandarens throat. He really couldn't deny that either, he had no proof at all. Even as he considered how to counter that, those with good noses might be able to smell a coffee and cherry scent about the warrior - possibly some kind of oil or scented something. Pleasant, at least if one was into those scents, though judging by the slightly Fopish nature of his hair and coat looking well taken care of, it wasn't hard to assume the source was him.
    One of the viera's ears swivels backward to listen to the commotion a stall or three over. The way it points unerringly at the sound of Rou-ri's and the merchant's voices suggests that she does indeed hear the conversation. Not every detail, but enough to make an approximation.
    Casually, she leans to one side, even as she skims over the fruit. Most of this stuff is from the Cerobi Steppes, or even the Tchita Uplands: Tough, spiny friuts that are a pain to process but rewardingly sweet and filling when their rind can be cracked open. Long fingers search over one of them, probing for any signs of rot at about the same time Rou-ri threatens to go to another merchant.
    She glances to the side away from Rou-ri. As the merchant complains that there's no way to verify the goods, there is suddenly someone there beside her. He's a hume, six feet tall, and the casual ease with which he stands so close within the viera's personal space suggests he knows her, and knows her well.
    For a few seconds, they speak a language of silence.
    The hume's eyes flick toward Rou-ri, a brow quirked. What's his deal?
    She closes her own eyes slowly, giving a slight, sideways tilt of her head, almost imperceptible. I have no idea what's going on over there.
    His brows furrow. Surely you know something.
    With great deliberation, the viera chooses an obnoxiously spiny cactus fruit and inspects it closely. I have things to do and I'm ignoring you now.
    Balthier whistles a breath through his teeth, equal parts amusement and annoyance, and turns to Rou-ri. "If you've a mind to do business in this town, friend, allow me to offer you a choice piece of advice: The merchants here can hardly be expected to buy unproven goods. No more than you'd be expected to buy them, sight unseen." He plucks a cactus fruit, deftly avoiding the spines, and tosses it up to catch it again. All the while, he manages not to prick himself on those formidable thorns. He eyes the Pandaren appraisingly. "...That, or you've a need for a much better story, friend."
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    Judging by how Rou-ri was looking rather thoughtful, it did seem he at least recognized he might need a better story. Or that he was out of luck. "Indeed, while I am unfamiliar with this town, I thought perhaps the name would spark some recogition. Where I came from, the hunters who followed up on bills to hunt down beasts seemed at least familiar with the creatures name. I took part in a mark there to deal with such a beast and in the process came into a sizable amount of meat, but now that I am here, I came to realize I probably need coin more than food, as I can always go hunt something if I get hungry." There was a certain resigned tone as he started to pack the meats back again,

    Seems he decided against trying to sell anything after all, looking a bit annoyed but not complaining. Fully aware of his own situation. Though now he came to look towards the human, not having realized at first he was there with anyone else. "While I am hardly green to adventuring, or wandering - this place entirely I am unfamiliar with. Since nothing comes free, mind telling me a bit about the area and where I might be able to make some coin? I am not from this land, though you can probably tell that just by looking at me."

    Before Rou-ri put the last steak away, he offered it up - still wrapped and lightly cool, as if it had been kept in a temperature-even environment. "Trade for your knowledge, unless you want something else of me."
    "A certain level of assumption is unwise, especially when dealing with multiple realms and worlds," Balthier warns, reaching into a pocket with his free hand, and tossing what looks like a piece of silver to the merchant, who catches it, bites it, and slips it into an apron pocket in one unbroken movement. "What flies in one world may well sink like a stone, in another."
    He starts fastidiously plucking spines out of the fruit, tossing them aside with a flick of his finger for each one removed. "The leading man ought be generous, from time to time, so consider your introduction to Balfonheim on the house."
    "Your best bet for coin is mark hunting. There are bills posted in yon tavern," A gesture toward the establishment, "looking for adventurers to do their dirty work. Oft it's extermination, of a sort. Monsters. Bandits. That kind of fare." Balthier gestures dismissively, taking another bite of cactus fruit. "You, however, look as though you can look after yourself well enough."
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    The tall fellow listened, then nodded, before asking, "And with this being a... town that makes me think it is a bit lax on laws..." A pirate town, "...I do wonder, how much of a place is there for entertainment sports, such as combat matches or fighting kind of things? At least where I am from, there were various arenas and always lots of betting in more 'free spirited' areas such as this seems to be, so to me it seems the perfect spot for it." Reaching up and stretching slightly, he lightly adjusted his neck, causing a rather solid pop to be heard only to look back towards Balthier after having taken a moment to look around.
    If the Sky Pirate was paying attention, the Pandaren fellow had one arm resting over his satchels, mostly preventing any invading hands in the area from slipping inside to try and take something. Maybe he was used to the idea of pickpockets. Though an airship flew overhead towards the Aerodome and Rou-ri found himself briefly staring at it as it passed, looking a bit amazed. "So many airships in this world. ...I really need to butter up the owner of one who may let me look at the inside of such." He laughed slightly at that, "I have always loved engineering, so the idea of being able to see such work is rather a fine chance."
    Having to look up to his audience is nothing new for Balthier; the wild discrepancy in heights doesn't seem to bother him overmuch. He studies the Pandaren and manages a snort when the issue of piracy is delicately tiptoed around with what is probably way more diplomacy than it needs.
    "Man always has a thirst for blood to slake, it seems. I suppose it's no different when we're talking about people who aren't hume, too... I wonder." He glances briefly at the viera, who ignores him like a champ. He loses interest in trying to rattle her composure. "In any case, you're like to find something like that somewhere near Sea Breeze Way. Off the avenue, mind. Balfonheim may be free-spirited, but there are limits to that tolerance that ought not be tested."
    He flicks his free hand in the direction of the street in question. "I expect you'll have a difficult time finding an opponent. They're not like to start you off on aught more than monsters." The sky pirate twists the fruit, pausing and grimacing as he plucks a thorn out of his palm, and flicking the offending spine away before taking another bite. "The only thing I'd suppose would have a chance against a fellow as strapping as you."
    He finishes the fruit in short order, pausing to flick the empty rind towards an empty barrel; the rim catches it, and it rolls gently on in. Retrieving a handkerchief from a pocket, he wipes the juice from his hands and dabs fastidiously at his mouth before folding it back into a pocket.
    "Oh? Then you'd best be off to the aerodrome, for that. Though... you're like to have better luck purchasing a ship of your own than cozening up to the nearest sky pirate or privateer to study what is, in effect, their livelihood." He glances toward the direction of the aerodrome; even in Balfonheim's jumble of disparate architecture, its dome is distinctive, and a good landmark. "You'll find no dearth of airships there, if all you want to do is look."
    Red-brown eyes are now watching the Pandaren, although the viera has yet to actually say anything.
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    "Mm... I will keep such in mind. Sea Breeze Way. Still, good to know, I try to stick around any place I go for a bit and get to know things well enough, so I will hopefully understand things well enough." The Pandaren couldn't help but notice the somewhat neat manners of Balthier and find himself a bit amused, though at the 'strapping' remark, there was an equally amused expression on his face as he stepped back and leaned down a little, "Looking is only so good, a hands-on experience is much better." It might be hard to tell what was going through his mind until he added, "Though I suppose that might just be a difference between more slender types such as yourself, and strapping types such as me - as you put it. The desire to look, or get ones hands on." Wait, was that a very strangely veiled flirt? ...maybe. The tone was there, even if the wording was round-about. "Though I appreciate the kind words, I have always considered myself far too skinny for such a phrase. But back on topic, I doubt I would know what to do with such even if I did purchase one. While I already have means to fly - it seats one, two at best if sitting in a lap cozily sounds like a second seat. Not as luxurious as a personal flying ship mind, but it gets the job done."
    Rou-ri finally noticed the Viera was watching him and looked back, as if observing her. Though to his credit he didn't seem to eye her body at all, instead just looking right at her eyes - as if trying to figure out what she was looking at on him more than the other way around. "Are you together, by chance? I swear I have seen the fellow glance your way now and then out of habit. Though maybe I am imagining things, as his eyes seem more to be on me to consider me strapping." Okay, now he was just attempting to tease Balthiers word-choice at this point.
    "Sea Breeze Way," the sky pirate confirms, absently inspecting the colourful rings on his left hand. They look like either some kind of cheap plastic, which is unlikely by the rest of his manner of dress, or maybe semiprecious stone. The particular way the light glances off them suggests they may be the latter.
    At the strangely-worded flirt, the sky pirate goes on staring as though nothing had changed or happened out of the ordinary. In fact, he goes on for several seconds without responding, and then finally says, airily, "Right, then, it's time for my partner and I to be off. That's my partner, Fran," he adds, completely unnecessarily. "...Places to be. Important people to bother. You know how it goes."
    Turning, the sky pirate glances over to the viera as though he'd forgotten she was there. "Her? Oh. My partner, yes." He sounds distracted. "Fran. Did you get the--?"
    "Yes. I have them." Her voice is smoky; scratchy, bizarrely-inflected.
    "And Nono--?"
    "He is ready. As I hope you are, sky pirate."
    "Yes, yes." Balthier slips his hands into his pockets and looks after the viera. "High time I get to work, in any case." Balthier glances over his shoulder, even as he swerves into the avenue and lifts a hand in a wave. "Be seeing you, traveller."
    With that, the sky pirate does a fast fade into the crowd.