Rou-ri Arrowpaw (Dropped)

Rou-ri Arrowpaw
World: World of Warcraft - 2
Actual Age: 117
Apparent Age: Thirties
Quote: Just because our World is at War, doesn't mean you can't look good while doing it!
Role: Fury(Furry) Warrior
Species: Pandaren
Voice Actor: Nobuyuki Hiyama


Rou-ri "Ruri" Arrowpaw is a Pandaren - a race of Panda-like humanoids - from Azeroth, a world that seems to know only war as of the last many years. A veteran warrior who has survived the constant bloodshed, Rou-ri lost their positive outlook after two massive atrocities of war carried out by separate leaders of the Horde - one of the two main warring factions on Azeroth. Now this Pandaren is on a specific warpath against the Horde, and anyone else who does not submit to peace, until they are somehow able to return to Azeroth - be it voluntarily or not. Despite being free of their war-torn world, Rou-ri still feels some duty to find a way to quickly return and help deal with the chaos there. Though, in the meantime, with a large arsenal of weaponry, and their battlefield experience to put them to best use, the Pandaren warrior seeks to conquer the problems of this new land


Veteran Warrior: A master of armed combat with melee, bow, and simple firearms.
At over a hundred years old, Rou-ri has spent many, many years perfecting their craft. Even eventually recognized by the Valarjar, where only the best warriors go after death as an honor, while still alive. Surviving thirty plus years of war has left them a master in dual wielding one-handed weapons, while still maintaining a working familiarity with most common medieval-style melee(Axes, swords, maces, polearms), and ranged(bows, primitive firearms, and thrown) weapons a warrior of his world might use.
Professional Panda: Use and repair of steampunk-style mechanical devices and explosives.
Having lived as long as they have has led Rou-ri to develop a great respect for both the Gnomes and the Goblins of his homeworld. He has studied their various kinds of engineering for as long as he has been wandering Azeroth and come upon them, and as a result has learned how to repair/modify his own Engineering devices, and use most any other Engineered device he can get his hands on. While he might not be able to make them from scratch without a heavy time investment, having a set of knowledge that is a mile wide and a few inches deep does have benefits. This typically involves various kinds of steampunk explosives and utility devices(equipment mods), as well as vehicles and machines. More 'modern' engineering with super fine wiring and components would elude him however.
Backpack(s) of Holding: Several large satchels that can hold most things.
Rou-ri has with them several bags enchanted both by Kirin-Tor Mages, and Goblin Engineering, to allow for some hijinks with storage capacity. As a result they are able to carry most any non-living items in their satchels.Typically it stores their various weapons, armor and equipment/items that aren't being normally carried out. Though the deeper in the satchels they are, the longer it takes anyone(himself included) to fish them out, so the items he tends to withdraw the most are within easy reach while the rest are buried much deeper to make room for that. Putting items that are too heavy in could risk tearing the fabrics and the enchantments, so normally nothing heavier than his heaviest weapon(two-handed mace) goes inside.
Thunderfuries< Edge >: A pair of legendary blades blessed of wind and lightning.
Held deep within Rou-ri's satchels are a pair of weapons known as the Thunderfuries, Blessed Blades of the Windseeker. Originally one weapon, Thunderfury was split in two after the Burning Legion invaded Azeroth and reforged into a pair. Their power is something Rou-ri does not take lightly, and cannot even wield for extend periods without heavy exhaustion. As a result they keep them locked away unless there is a pressing need to use them. The blades are blessed by the Windlord, allowing the wielder to attack with both the wind and lightning, in addition to simply being an amazing set of blades.
Pandaren: Large, strong, hardy race of Panda-like non-humans.
Pandaren are a race of Panda-like beings, who are typically much longer-lived than humans. They tend to put on a lot of weight, though as a result their bodies are typically much stronger than humans, capable of displays of endurance and stamina that would surprise many given their rotund stature. They also tend to absorb food faster and better than other races, pairing with their weight issues.
Equipment: Mundane weapons, armor, explosives, and engineer's tools.
At all times, Rou-ri typically has with them a set of Gnomish-make Mageblades(Sword hilts that produce a blade of arcane energy), and a set of custom armor made up of varying materials from their own world, a mix of plate, mail, and leather. In addition to this, they have a rather large collection of different kinds of weapons, both melee and ranged, as well as a collection of engineering-made gadgets and tools, ranging from explosives to jumper cables to mechanical chickens.
Flying Disc: Metal plate that produces a magic cloud to ride on.
Picked up over the years of wandering, Rou-ri keeps a Flying Disc with them at all times. Usually held collapsed into a wedge-shaped hunk of metal stuck in a pouch on his utility belt, when pulled out and activated, the magi-tech device creates a magical cloud which it sits atop, allowing the wielder and up to one other(with very cozy seating arrangements) to ride on it and even fly through the air. Though with any more weight than that, the disc can at best float along the ground at a reduced speed. Typically it moves about five times as fast as a normal horse running at full gallop, in the air.


Vain: Appearance insecurities and a surly attitude for those who criticize it
Unlike a lot of Pandaren, Rou-ri is unable to maintain a 'healthy' amount of weight(at least in the view of Pandaren). As a result, they have become rather insecure about their appearance and terribly vain, spending a good portion of each day on their appearance and making sure in their mind everything about them is pristine(physical, and equipment-wise). Their coat is always oiled and as a result, they are more susceptible to fire-based attacks. In addition they tend to be short-tempered with those who remark about their weight or that they're 'abnormal' in some way.
Habitual: At risk of having to complete their dailies.
Victim of being on long campaigns and missions, there are always those daily tasks that need to be taken care of. As a result, Rou-ri tends to find themselves easily falling into a routine, a habit, that needs to be taken care of every day and this will continue ad nauseum until something actually breaks them out of this, even something like an outside observation. Those who recognize this might be able to manipulate Rou-ri in various ways.
Off With Their Head: Tends to dive straight in to finish a conflict.
War has drained on the Pandaren to the point Rou-ri really is tired of dealing with it. Strategy and pacing are great, and in most situations are needed, but given the opportunity Rou-ri /will/ go straight for the throat of any situation to try and end it as quickly as possible, with little to no concern about their own safety. Be it dueling a commander of an enemy force, even if they know they're walking into a trap, or a preemptive strike on where a commander should be even if it diverts resources away from shoring up defenses, they no longer see any benefit in being slow and steady.
Questing: Trained-in urge to accept and complete missions both large and small.
As one who tends to stay in one area for quite some time to correct the problems there, a habit of going about day to day life both assisting others to curry favor, and generally desiring to solve problems and learn more about the area, has been ingrained into Rou-ri. They /will/ go out of their way to seek out mercenary and quest-like activities wherever they go, no matter how small or grand, regardless of the reward.
Cold Aversion: Hinders himself in cold environments just to stay warm.
Having served in a campaign in Northrend, a place with wind so cold it can chill your bones inside of you, Rou-ri has no desire to ever deal with such coldness again. As a result, whenever they go anywhere even remotely cold, they pack layers of fur and hide between the layers of cloth and mail of their armor, hampering their movements, but also making them much warmer. A surly attitude and demeanor is to be expected in such environments until they are free of them.
The Good Things In Life: Seeks escape in creature comforts
While not one to let their vices lead their pursuits in life, when the opportunity presents itself, Rou-ri does tend to imbibe in such tastes. Expensive foods, pleasant company, pampering themselves - tying into their own vanity - really, it's just an escape for his own work-driven stresses. Often times this can combine into him shamelessly making passes at or flirting with pretty much anyone he thinks may be interested, offering to wine and dine(despite his lack of a taste for alcohol) others while hoping to get something out of it, be it simple company or otherwise. Though in such cases there's rarely if ever a desire for more than the immediate. Works well when trying to get on others good sides, though can easily lead to an odd reputation among those who are more prude.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
574 By the Seaside Sep 19 2019
573 Don't Look It In The Eyes! Sep 18 2019
482 A casual stroll through the forest. May 19 2019
474 Don't Worry, It's Not Mushroom Cake May 01 2019
454 Just Like You Like It Mar 28 2019
412 City Ruins Exploration Jan 25 2019
405 The Abandoned Factory Jan 19 2019
401 Balfonheim Meetings Jan 15 2019
400 Talking after the fact Jan 13 2019
398 A Behemoths Tail Jan 12 2019
See All 11 Scenes


Title Date
A roar in the night Jan 07 2019
Ooooh! Apr 30 2019
See All 2 Cutcenes