Balthier (Dropped)

World: Final Fantasy XII-1


This sky pirate leads the life many folk from his homeworld of Ivalice dream of. Made of equal parts danger and excitement, Balthier's acts of notoriety have baffled authorities and gained him quite a reputation throughout Ivalice. Admired and emulated by fellow sky pirates, wanted by Archadian Imperial authorities, and known to half the population with knowledge of the sky, Balthier lives on the wrong side of the law... and he wouldn't have it any other way. Classy, and by turns affable and cunning, he can seem easy to deal with, though difficult to fool. At the end of the day, though, he is a sky pirate: His loyalties are his own, and he will always follow the freedom of the skies.


Hoverbike: Like a motorcycle, but better! It flies. Kinda.
This small two-person vehicle is the fast, magitech-powered Ivalician answer to the common motorcycle. It has the same general agility and speed as a motorcycle, but it has limited flight capabilities, and it can ascend high enough to be dangerous... or useful, depending on who you ask. When he needs a vehicle but the Strahl is overdoing it, Balthier will have Fran drive the "hover" while he rides shotgun. Literally.
Armed & Dangerous: Balthier carries a magitech rifle, and he's a crack shot with it.
Piracy is not a gentle vocation, and Balthier keeps himself both well-armed and well-practised as a result. His go-to weapon is a rifle-like firearm dubbed Altair, both a piece of elegant workmanship and a very functional, accurate weapon. It doesn't hurt that Balthier happens to be a crack shot with it, practising often to keep his aim sharp. He prefers to keep his distance, and to talk his way out of trouble in most cases. That's not always possible, though, and a good bluff or threat is often just as useful as an actual assault.
The Strahl: Balthier's magitech airship. Fast, carries lots, cloaks while at anchor.
Balthier stole this airship on his way out of the Archadian Empire, and over the course of the years he's made of it the perfect marriage of form and function. Though its armaments and defenses are markedly thin, the Strahl's high-performance engines lend it blistering agility and speed, built to outrun its foes. Its cargo hold is expanded to accommodate all manner of goods and supplies, able to carry up to eight or nine passengers plus cargo. Lastly, the Strahl can hide in plain sight with optical camouflage, though its anchor and tether are still visible.
Ill-Gotten Gains: Balthier very rarely wants for money in any given world.
He's in it for the challenge, but Balthier is still undeniably very good at wholesale thievery. He knows what he can abscond with that will fetch him the highest price when unloaded on the black market; he tends to have more than enough liquid assets in any given world to keep his ship in good repair, his crew happy, and himself living well. If he needs money to cover some kind of sudden, unexpected expense, he can usually get it quickly.
Consummate Professional: Balthier is cunning, adaptable, cool under fire, and dedicated to his craft.
Charming and suave, at least to some, Balthier is a model sky pirate. He is adaptable, well able to think on his feet when fate ruins his plans. Cool in the face of adversity, his decisiveness may come across as arrogance, but Balthier's faith in himself is a matter of survival. At the end of the day he's a consummate professional with absolute confidence in his skills. He takes pride in his work: If he's going to be a thieving outlaw, by the gods, he's going to do it right!
Five-Fingered Discount: Balthier is good at taking other people's stuff.
Sky pirates are known for many feats of derring-do, but the thing they almost all have in common is thievery. Taking other people's stuff in some form or another is a sky pirate's livelihood, and Balthier is among Ivalice's best. Being clever, determined, and good at improvisation, he and Fran both are masters at the basic skills of pickpocketing and sleight of hand. (He'll never take a PC or NPC's stuff without his player asking first, though. He's a considerate fellow like that.)


Fran< D-Tier Named >: Balthier's partner, a viera archer with keen hearing, smell, and magick senses.
A warrior of the hare-like viera people, Fran is a consummate professional like her partner Balthier. She is a woman of few words, oft letting her hume partner handle social interactions, but her observations tend to be astute and thoughtful. Possessing the incredibly tuned senses of smell and hearing common to the viera, her sensitive ears can hear a heartbeat across a room and she can follow scent trails. Fran is also able to sense Mist, or concentrated magic, following it with a sense not unlike scent. Aboard the Strahl, she serves as Balthier's backup, driver, mechanic, and equal partner. The two share an unshakeable bond of trust and understanding. She also happens to have a scary good poker face.
Nono< E-Tier Named >: The Strahl's peppy, tiny, can-do chief mechanic.
Nono is the Strahl's chief mechanic. Being a small Moogle, he and his crew fit into places the average hume can't. He has unparalleled knowledge of magitech engineering, and he knows the Strahl inside and out. He can modify the ship, make repairs. With his team, he's also in charge of loading and unloading cargo. Moogles aren't much for combat, and he'll usually run or hide if things get dangerous.


Freedom of the Skies: Balthier is used to doing things his way, by himself, without "help."
Sky pirates are an independent breed. They do things their own way with very little regard for outside sensibilities. Balthier is no exception to this rule, doing things his way and blowing off what consequences don't directly involve him. This may make him seem unreliable and untrustworthy, and that wouldn't really be wrong! This can be a problem when he's expected to work with other parties, as he only tends to be invested as long as it's beneficial to or otherwise convenient for him. Actually being responsible for others is an exasperating study in frustration, for Balthier, and he's not afraid to nope right out of a confrontation if it means saving his ship or his skin. This gives him something of a reputation of unreliability.
The Leading Man: Balthier can come off arrogant, sometimes inappropriately so.
Although he's an experienced and clever sky pirate, Balthier's natural confidence and charm can sometimes come off as overweening confidence that borders on arrogance. This might not win him many allies or friends; no one likes that one guy who never loses his cool or panics. It can also mean butting heads with similarly strong personalities at the most inopportune of moments.
'Ware the Jagd: The Strahl can't fly over magically turbulent or energy-volatile areas.
Magitech is usually very reliable, except for key natural phenomena in Ivalice called "jagd." These are areas where magitech fails due to the high concentration of Mist, or ambient magic, in the atmosphere and in ores in the ground. In the World Tree, that can include local equivalents to such phenomena. Jagds can be temporary or they can be permanent; even a single person wielding magic-nullifying abilities could represent a dangerous threat to the Strahl's or the hoverbike's engines.
Mist Sensitivity: Fran's sensitive to concentrated magic. It sends her into a berserk rage.
Fran, Balthier's co-pilot, is highly sensitive to Mist, a form of concentrated magic in Ivalice. Other equivalents of places saturated in energy, magic, or what-have-you may also have the same effect on her. When affected by Mist, it can sicken and weaken her, but at its worst, it can drive her into a berserk rage, savagely attacking foes bare-handed. It's not always a problem, but it tends to be incredibly inconvenient for Balthier when it is.
Finely Honed Senses: Fran has very sensitive hearing and smell, easily used against her.
Although Fran can track a man by scent and pick out the heartbeat of a specific individual across a room, there are dangers inherent to such finely tuned senses. Too much stimuli can not only disorient, but can actively cause damage and pain. If her senses are muddled by too many strong scents, Fran can't isolate one to track; likewise, if there's too much of a cacophony, she won't be able to hear what she's listening for. Strong substances like pepper can actually hurt her nose.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
958 The Feeders Jan 10 2022
931 The Thing That Should Not Be Nov 29 2021
890 All That Glitters Oct 14 2021
888 Troll Invasion Oct 09 2021
419 That Which is Plain to See Feb 12 2019
401 Balfonheim Meetings Jan 15 2019
397 Minor Turbulance Jan 10 2019
362 The Port at Balfonheim Nov 30 2018
359 The Events of the San Jose Town Hall Meeting Dec 06 2018
357 Treasure of the Dead City Nov 27 2018
See All 24 Scenes


Title Date
On Your Mark Oct 15 2018
The Burden of Freedom Oct 24 2018
All in Good Time Nov 16 2018
Red Herring Nov 26 2018
See All 4 Cutcenes