World Tree MUSH

Introducing the Natives

Character Pose
The beaches of Alola have gotten stranger since the different worlds have opened up haven't they? By and large though even those with less than wholesome desires for the islands have kept fiarly peacefully inclined. Turns out even crimelords and mercenaries want to keep the vaccation spots peaceful.

So a redhead wearing a pair of knee length shorts ad a tshirt with a large pokeball emblem on it talking to a seven foot tall woman decked out head to foot in power armor might not get the same eyebrow raises that it would have at one point.

"I totally get wanting to keep your swords ma'am, but considering this is your first time out and about I picked somewhere relatively safe, low threat...." Ash managed to cringe at the memory, "I'd rather you not make the same mistakes I did."

The lady grunted as she looked about the beach, her good eye narrowing at the people just going about their business. "And this is... what?"

"A vaccation spot mostly, a place people go as a change of scenery and to get away from work. THere are a lot of people that live here though and..."

He put an arm up to catch the large woman's hand, preventing her from drawing one of the swords she carried when a small child skateboarded past. "Easy... Baby steps."

The large woman watched as Ash spoke into his earpiece, "Ordis, please call Miwa." Miwa's phone would ring and, assuming her answer, "Hey Miwa... I... uh... Yea i'm sorry for being late for the holidays. The vine dumped me off at a beach..." He squinted, looking for landmarks and frowned. "Uh... Ther'es this giant inflatable snorlax floating a dozen meters over me, think I'm at the big island. Ordis can give better directions. I'm sowing someone from my home world around. Hard to miss... Kinda wanting you to meet them since they were part of why I've been unavalible."

the large woman looked unamused at Ash before mimicking several of the sunbathers and sitting in the shade created by the large floating snorlaxe balloon.
Of course, it certainly didn't hurt that this world was far from defenseless. In addition to the local police force, with each officer usually issued either a Growlithe or an Arcanine, each island also has a Kahuna, which is sort of like a cross between a mayor and a Pokemon Gym Leader, and also has a legendary guardian Pokemon. Still, the world indeed hasn't seen much in the way of outside threats. Miwa was doing a little singing practice today, always working to keep her voice in tip top shape. As her poketch rings, she raises her flipper to look, seeing Ash's name on the screen, she taps it with her nose to answer. 

"Hey Ash, brought some company hmm? Sure, I'm happy to meet them. If I remember right, that Snorlax balloon is at the beach by the Aether House, been there since the New Year's party for all the children. I'll be right there, it's just a bit south of my usual beach." She says before ending the call and diving into the water. Just a few short minutes later, she reaches the shore of the beach and climbs out of the water before starting to move toward Ash and the guest he brought. She is taken aback just a bit by how tall the woman is. "Ash, you didn't tell me you were from the Amazon." Miwa offers with a laugh, showing she's likely been indulging in some off world mythology.
THe large woman watched the crowds, "So people just.... sit here?" SHe sounded completely dumbfounded at the notion. 

"Well, It's mostly to break routine so when they get back to work they can better focus. Surely you've seen how putting units on the same task for too long degrade performance." Ash waited and was pleased at the affermitive nod, "Same thing.

The large armored woman quirked an eyebrow at the animal that washed up before walking towards them. She has never seen such, but it looked like an interesting compromise design geared mostly for the water without totally sacraficing land mobility. THen it spoke and her mouth opened. Closed. Opened again. Miwa would see the woman's left eye had a white orb covering it, like a pingpong ball sliced in half. Her right eye narrowed. "You are a pokemon." her voice flat, declaritive as she looked miwa over. "I am T'lok, the Tenno here had thought it useful to take me away from directing reconditioning of the space station my people," then in a far lower and more bitter tone, "And the corpus," before resuming its normal flatness, "are in the process of."

Ash picked up a large box wrapped in green foil paper he had hidden behind T'lok before setting in front of miwa, "It's late, but merry christmas."

Inside would be a set of flipper covers, a vest, and a wrap for her tail, all made of rubbery material not too diffrent than what wetsuits are made out of. If Miwa bothered looking she'd see these were patterned after her own colors, albeit more muted darker tones.

Packed below that was a hologram emitter the size of a man's fist, that would likely start up as soon as the clothes were removed showcasing a large towering structure made of curves and swirls. Colors would be impossible to tell with the blue holo-light, but around it were smaller shapes circling between it and to either a large ship made of curves and struts angled out below it, or another ship made of all blocks and geometric shapes.

"That is what I've been busy with. Trying to get the commander here and her opposite number on the other ship to play nice enough to try seeing what the tree of worlds has to offer.... And that?" He pointed to the large spire-like structure, "Is a space station I, at least for the moment, have custody of."
Miwa nods to T'lok and smiles. "Yes, a Primarina to be specific, and my name is Miwa. Though I feel like I've seen you before... Hmm." She ponders before being distracted by Ash's gift. After working to get the wrapping paper off, she contains it inside a water balloon and shoots it over to the nearest trash can. She finally manages to open the box itself and grins at what was basically a modified, and very beautifully styled, wet-suit for her. She starts working at putting it on when the hologram of the space station appears and Ash explains why he's been busy. Finally it occurs to her. 

"Oh that. I was part of the initial party that went to attempt negotiation there, remember? I'm pretty sure I saw T'lok then, but we didn't really get properly introduced and it's been so long that she seemed familiar somehow but I couldn't remember why until now. Anyway, thanks Ash, I love it. I got you something too, but I don't have it with me."
T'lok watched Miwa's casual aquakenisis and nodded, "It has been some time but i am glad we didn't have to fight." What, a Grineer being glad to not have to fight? What herasy is this? She smiled at the Primarina as the wetsuit was put on. "You manage quite well without proper fingers."

Then a look to Ash who shrugged. He reached over to help Miwa with the tail wrap. "S'alright there are other days. I mostly just wanted you to not feel like I'd just written the whole holiday thing off." He brushed her hair back, attempting to adjust it after the vest had been put on. "I figure it'd bea good idea for you to have something in case you have to go into cold waters. I've got a few pictures to hang in your home, but that'll have t owait til after remodeling."

That caused T'lok to show minor interest before Ash clarified. "Apologies commander but given the peculiarities with local geology and Miwa's desire to try working with the local enviroment rather than clearcut she's going with local construction firms."

Welp, T'lok was bored again and pulled a datapad out.

"Anything interesting happen while I wasaway?"
Miwa chuckles a bit and nods to T'lok's comment. "I'm glad too. I prefer not to fight visitors if it can be avoided. As for the lack of fingers, well, I do still struggle sometimes, but I've had to get by in a world made mostly for humans for quite a while, practice certainly helps." She explains, though does indeed appreciate Ash helping her with the rest of the outfit. "Should help some with cold even out of the water. Though, I have an idea that might help too. I can attack with scalding hot water, but I wonder if I prepared for such an attack, but just held it in, if that might help keep me warm in cold weather. Maybe we can take a trip to the summit of Mount Lanakila. It may be nice and warm down here, but it actually gets cold enough to snow up there. As for your gift, we can swing by the Pokemon Center near my beach later and pick it up. I've been having Nurse Joy keep it safe, as it'd probably be ruined if I tried to keep it in my grotto, let alone trying to get it in there before we manage to build an entrance that doesn't require swimming." She says with a grin.
Ash grinned at Miwa's suggestion and squeezed her shoulder lightly, "A mountain hike sounds nice." Then to T'lok, "We're an item." A pause as that nugget of info sunk in, "It's a long story."

A nod from the large woman before she addressed Miwa carefully. "So These Gifts... it is not just a Tenno tradition then?" There were traces of curiosity to her voice. "I had been led to believe the solstice celebrations were just another sign of Orokin decadence the Tenno refused to let go of."
Miwa wonders how T'lok will react to being told that she and Ash were shall we say, more than friends. She's a bit surprised actually when the woman only nods as if this is totally normal. At the question about giving gifts though, she actually giggles as she shakes her head. "Far from it. Humans here give each other, and often Pokemon also, gifts during several holidays through the year, and also birthdays. From what I have learned about other worlds, this seems to be pretty common actually. It's just a nice thing to do for those you care about."
FOr the cloned woman this... well itwasn't entirely new, but Grineer life was one of utility. "....why?" FOr that one moment the mask slipped. Then it was firmly reestablished, possibly hinting her calm was only skin deep. "If my men are to interact with these cultures... peacefully... We will have to adapt it seems."

Ash chuckled softly before punching a beachball back wence it came, "Well I guess the corpus will have it slightly better, but culture shock for everyone." A sot chuckle, "If you plan on returning to your queens I suggest not absorbing too much while you compile reports." Then he added, "On the other hand, worlds without number. Plenty to go around, maybe they can be talked into mellowing out."

Then another moment for T'lok where her features relaxed, "Maybe." She sounded... Hopeful?

Then when Ash turned to Miwa he picked up a small shell, "Do Pokemon really come this small?" He poked at the shell with a finger.
Miwa idly wonders what the world Ash is from is really like with all this talk of culture shock. She makes a not to ask Ash about it later when he wasn't entertaining a guest. "Stay as long as you like miss T'lok. If you need anything I can probably find someone to help, and can probably answer most questions you may have about this world." She offers before turning to Ash as he picks up a shell and asks about Pokemon. 

"Some do, though most that size are bug types, with the notable exception of Flabebe, a tiny fairy type from the Kalos region which, even if you count the flower which is a symbiotic part of it, is just four inches tall and weighs just a fifth of a pound. There are also more mundane animals that are not considered to be Pokemon as they lack typing and the ability to learn type based attacks. I think they are not studied much these days because humans find Pokemon more interesting, and maybe have learned most of what there is to know about these animals."
Ash set the shelled creature down as he looked from Miwa to T'lok, "Well... Questions?" 

T'lok frowned, studying the beach. "Many," She stated bluntly before looking to Miwa. "However right now I wonder what food here is like." A soft chuckle before adding, "I daresday whatever it is will likely be better than the protine slurry on ship."

Ash added, probably unnessicarily, "Grineer tend towards a utilitarian culture. So things like flavor and variety get sacraficed for what's essentially something the consistency of runny oatmeal they eat while on shift." He then looked to T'lok who nodded, giving confirmation of this. "If their leadership werne't hyperexpansionist to the point of stomping evrything flat I'd commend them on making what they have work given it's often 'find what exists and bash it with a brick until it cooperates."

This... somehow... got T'lok to laugh, "Only the officers get bricks. Soldiers have to use rocks they find." Is... she joking?
Miwa blinks for a moment, trying not to think too hard about the description of what the grineer eat and make herself sick in the process. "Yes, I think you are right that pretty much anything we can find to eat will be better than what Ash just described..." She answers, wondering how they can even call that drek food. "In any case, I hope you can refrain from trying to expand into my world in that manner. That would certainly be one of the fastest ways to make Ash and I your enemy. Anyway, since I live here and can have food from the island pretty much whenever I want, and T'lok doesn't know what is available, why don't you choose the sort of food we'll have tonight Ash?"
T'lok made a small hmming noise as she considered what Miwa said, "Even if I were inclined to leadthe Queens on a crusade across whole universes through unstable ever-shifting gateways we have no hope of controlling, I would advise gathering far more information than what a single half-strength salvage ship can provide." She then looked to Ash, "Well, Tenno, it seems the local here trusts your stomach. What can it hurt?"

For a moment Ash was tempted to take the pair somewhere spicey. However memory of his own early experimentation with korean barbeque after close to a year of growing accustomed to normal food pushed that thought aside.

Instead He pulled out a small bundle of poke dollars, "Amazing how many folk are willing to pay for a courier," Not the whole trueth since he wasn't going to explain WHAT or WHO hired him but he hurt nobody in the actual jobs so he considered himself about as clean as he couldget on the matter.

"I think I saw the guy that sellsfish tacos roll by on my way through." A look to T'lok, "Tacos, flatbread either baked hard or left soft wrapped around fillings. Easy to eat while walking. I figure best to go on a walking tour. Sound good?"

T'lok nodded before looking to Miwa, "This sounds agreeable." Truthfully this whole place reminded her of a series of islands she helped clear out after the infestation started spreading through the system. Granted there were no tourist friendly towns... or any habitation at all, but the weather was similar and garrison duty there had been what counted as pleasant to her memory. "What of your own experiance in dealing with other worlds and people? I assume many are not so blindlywelcoming as here?"
Miwa nods to Ash with a big smile and replies to his idea brightly. "Fish tacos? Count me in!" She then starts heading toward the boardwalk at the edge of the beach which is where the nearby Pokemon Center is, and also where a few street vendors tend to set up in order to sell food as well as other things that beach goers might need, be they pokemon trainer or otherwise. She is glad to hear that T'lok is in agreement to try the tacos, but turns to look at her fully as she asks about other worlds and people, specifically how welcoming they are. 

"Well no, they're not. One in particular comes to mind where you're likely to be attacked shortly after you arrive by the soldiers of the local royalty. I'm sure there are others where the resident beings are more militant. Here though, things are pretty peaceful. I have read there used to be wars a long time ago, some of them pretty terrible, but outside of criminals and competitive Pokemon League activity, most around here don't do any serious fighting."
T'lok didn't speak, but instead lookedabout as she followed along.

Ash gestured towards the food truck they were headed towards and stepped at the back of the short line. "I had been meaning to ask after that miwa, but I doubt your education included a lot of history lessons, and I'd feel like i'm taking time out of the localkahua's day for things that most gradeschoolers here are taught."

To which T'lok chimed in, "Then why not ask these school goers? Information is information regardless so long as it's accurate right?"

"Maybe," Ash conceeded, "But that moves the whole awquard convrosation to a child that might not fully understand. Which is part of why I want an easy cross-world place that common knowledge can be exchanged."
Miwa can't help but giggle a little at the idea of Ash asking some poor kid to recount what they learned in history class, that wouldn't be awkward at all, no. But none the less, she does join in the discussion as she joins them in line. "Well, calling it an education is being a little generous I think. After I started learning to talk, my cast-mates decided to teach me to read. From there they didn't really actively teach me much, beyond suggesting that I study musical history, songwriting, and theater. While I followed their advise and would often hit up the library in towns when we stopped on tour and I had any free time, but eventually I branched out and just started looking at anything that seemed interesting." She explains, and with that said they are now at the front of the line and the guy manning the truck recognizes Miwa as the local celebrity that she is. 

"Oh hey Miwa! I see you brought friends with you this time. What can I get for you all?" He greets the primarina and her guests warmly. Miwa smiles back at him and nods. "I'll have four fish tacos with the spicy sauce, and a large nomelade." She places her order, then lets Ash and T'lok do the same.
T'lok motioned for Ash who then ordered for the both of them; something peppery for himself and somethign plain for T'lok 'She's new so let's try not crashing her digestive system ya?'

This got a snort from T'lok. "I am no child. I will endure."

The guy looked from Ash to T'lok before his head shook, "Your funeral lady."

Food was eschanged for money and Ash lead Miwa and T'lok to a sitting area. "Grineer protine slurry is actually a good bulking additive." He then looked to Miwa. "Still, glad i managed to graduate from that to well," He held up a taco and took a bite.
Truth be told it took Miwa a bit to get used to spicier foods too, as for much of her life she had a pretty strict diet because they were worried she might get fat and that could hurt her popularity as a performer. In fact she probably has put on a few pounds since she went solo, but still retains a pretty healthy figure as she gets plenty of exercise swimming around in the ocean. 

Miwa blinks as T'lok forgoes Ash's play it safe attitude with her order and asks for spicy tacos not unlike what she and Ash were ordering. She tried to imagine what it would be like going from something as bland as this 'protein slurry' as she called it, to what they were about to eat, and remembers her first time, and feeling like her mouth was literally on fire.

"Just take it easy, and keep something to drink nearby, maybe order some milk just in case Ash." The guy in the food truck was way ahead, and brings out a glass of milk, putting it on a nearby picnic table shaded by one of those giant umbrellas along with the rest of all their orders. "Enjoy!" He offers with a smile and waves at Miwa as she makes her way over and hops up onto one of the bench seats.
T'lok's first bite caused her to pause, chew. Swallow. Then she looked from Miwa to Ash, "Huh... Nice." She smiled before eating more.

Ash shrugged, "Going to see if I can findwhere mirage has bee nhiding. I figure see if she's alright," Beat. "Then again knowing her? Probably up to something she didn't want either of us involved in."
Miwa is both surprised and relived to see that T'lok seems thus far unfazed by the spicy tacos. Meanwhile she is happily eating her own food, taking small bites to savor the food but also trying not to make a mess of either herself or the table. When Ash speaks of Mirage, Miwa looks up with interest showing clearly in her expression. 

"You know, I haven't seen Mirage in ages, was beginning to wonder if she's alright. I mean, I know she can usually fend for herself, but maybe we should check on her? Knowing the sorts of things she does, sooner or later you gotta figure she's going to bite off more than she can chew..." She says after washing down the last bite of her first taco with a bit sip of this world's version of lemonade.