World Tree MUSH

Of Geeks, Ghost, Tenno, and Moa

Character Pose
With the majority of the gruntwork for making the Dojo ready to be shown off for potential tennants done? Ash felt comfortable going off to see about a few of the 'subcontractors' he had gotten in touch with to help. 

In this instance he was out of his warframe waiting by a payphone dialing a number he had for 'Geeks and Ghost,' or maybe 'Ghost and Geeks' depending on who gave the organization's name. Jacker would see an incomming call, literally no hinky business leading to a mall that had seen better days. At the prompt Ash would give his location, ask after Ghost's welfare, and ask that they send someone to his location if they have time as he would like to discuss their pay and possible future work. Yes he knows they know where he is, no he done'st care. He's the redhead sitting on the floating skateboard.

Which is exactly what he would be doing if anyone showed up, sitting on a skateboard floating a few feet above theground eating a cheeseburger.
Ghost walked up behind him.... looking annoyed.

Not that it was EASY to look annoyed, considering she was a TINY METAL CHICKEN! She swore she was going to KILL him and... And soon...

"You're a red head?" she asked, flatly. "Also, that is NOT how you use a skate board. Also, you look stupid in that shirt," she said. "ALSO WHY DID YOU GIVE THEM THIS THING?!"

And then she shot him... The bullets bounced ineffectially off his shirt.

"APPARENTLY they're performing MAINTENANCE on my body so they made me fly around in THIS giant METAL CHICKEN WING WANNABE!" She was actually hopping annoyed.
Truethfully Moa ordinence was perfectly aduquit for personal defense and surround and drownd tactics. However between likely downgrading the power collectors in the gun, decreeasing the cell's charge rate, the armored nature of Ash's jacket, the fact Ash was a void infused abomination..

It was like getting hit by a nerft pellet raher than a small caliber round.

Ash finished his burger, tossed the wrapper in the trash, and stood before turning to look at the Moa Ghost was stuck in. "I could joke. I could point out how cute you sould." He kicked the board, causing it to spin and go upward before he caught it, tucking it under an arm. IT was longer than a normal skateboard, almost more likea hovering surfboard.

Still, he smiled before offering Ghost a hand, "So if you're mad, let it out. I won't stop you." Mostly because doing so would cause the poor moa chassis to explode. He sounded quite calm as he held his arms wide. "Stomp away," There was a smile, more of a grin really as he looked at Ghost.
Ghost stared at him and.... "Stupid. It's no fun if you just TAKE your beating. Though you DO deserve one. Don't think you do," she said, huffily. "And I do NOT sound cute."

"Actually, you sound adorable," Boogan came on the line. "Hey, Ash. Don't mind her. She's in a foul mood since we're installing some new containment fields in the energy matrix... After SOMEONE fried them."

".... You're the ones who gave me lava powers."

"We did NOT. You FOUND those and it is HORRIFYING that you still have them."

"... You better not remove them."

Ash's grin remained as he motioned for Ghost to follow, "I actually wanted the Geeks half of Ghost andGeeks for a bit of a thing before recruitment actually turns into people showing up with whatever is deemed Money from their homes." He would pause to make sure Ghost was following and match pace. "It isn't that I don't especially not trust my new friends and cohorts up there. It is simply I know better than to trust them completely. Plus I figure having backups in place in case... oh.." He gestured absently with his hands as he considered something horrifying, "Someone tries to co-opt the room configuration utilities and tries to do an impromptu remodeling while they're people inside." Granted the Dojo's internal reconfiguration specifically had a standard intervul before unmaking would happen and an inability to unmake anything that wasn't at the end of a chain of rooms, but Corpus had surprised him in the past.

"Plus I figure for you getting actual unfettered access into an unknown arcitecture would be something like opening a solstice gift. The fact I'm trying to butter you up before asking if you want an automated kiosk to take jobs from should be entirely besides the point."

He really was hoping he had leanred the right lessons from watchign Darvo do his thing rather than simply sticking his foot in his mouth.
Ghost walked with him and... then groaned. "Oh dear heavens this is a business talk, isn't it? That.... that's not fair. I thought I'd at least be able to shoot things. Or jump into something that could shoot things. Or.... shoot things! This... this is borderline STEALTH!"

"Uh huh," Jacker said. "So you need a basic support job, setting up the package and... Sure," he said after a minute. "You're good people, Ash. And you're right. It's probably best you have a... third party looking over the systems. Someone who isn't looking to make a bunch of money off your systems," he said with a hum. "I'll need to take a look into the system itself, make sure I can connect with it. But I don't see why it would be hard."

"It's true, Ghost said with a sigh. "I swear, I've yet to see a system he can't get control of... eventually."

"And working with Ghost has made me far faster at turning off alarms." Ash could VERY MUCH hear the annoyance and sarcasm in Jacker's voice. "More stealth my..."
Ash chuckled softly, "Plus before we turn the lights on I really do want a good look at Ghost in her element. Several of the training rooms are fairly reconfigurable and then ther'es the whole station, empty of anyone we care gets hurt. Ever gone through an abandoned mall with a paintbaull gun?" Why was he asking this?

"I had with a few diffrent people," Except that wasn't quite true. He went through an empty mall with a braton and lato clearing out a government hit squad on some local rablerouser. "Malls tend to be some of the msot fun to run through." there was a faint smile at the memory. "What about you, space stations, open cityscapes? Malls?"
Ghost had stopped and then.... "Yes. Okay. I officially forgive you. So, when can we--"

"AHEM!" Jacker said. "Now, we have a standard contract we'll send over for you to sign, as well as another contract that... well.... Geeks and Ghosts is not responsible for any damage or destruction caused by allowing Ghost to run around with her explosives and have 'fun'. While we are okay with it, we do not accept responsibility. This is on your head, Ash."

"Eeeeee! I've done a few! I used to blow up a LOT of space stations. Well. Things IN space stations. It wasn't very fun, though... until I met Jacker and Boogan. They make every mission fun." .... And there was no hiding the.... just.... the affection in her voice when she spoke about them. "You should have Boogan tell you how they met, once. It's an AWESOME story. Don't have Jacker. He ruins it."
"Jacker, that's part of the fun. I need to make sure the observatio ndeck windows won't blow out if you so much as sneeze in the wrong direction. So the stress test is part of the package," A pause as he considered the crowd and th group of people in matching outfits dancing in the food court. "I'll give you a physical location to mail anything,or electronically if you'd prefer that either is fine." He squinted at the impromptu dancers. "So long as we stay away from the power generation wings any damage should largely be cosmetic."

He then looked to the moa ghost inhabited, "Man the least you could have done was negociate for a bursa... Those thigns take all sorts of abuse."
Ghost blinked a few times. "What in the world is a bursa? No. Wait. I don't want to know. I'm still VERY mad at you for this. But you're going to let me blow stuff up. So I can forgive you. BUT ONLY THIS ONCE," she said firmly.

Jacker sighed. "Okay. Though we can't promise that she won't like... destroy everything. Even if it is, technically, impossible," he said with a shake of his head. "She'll find a way. trust me. She'll find. A way."

The moa rolled its eyes. Which WAS NOT EASY. "Listen. We'll get there. I'll test things. And well, after I'm done, OH MY GOSH! Does this mean I can bring the REALLY big gun?"

".... Um... How.... much stress are you looking for here, Ash? Because she's giving those eyes and... You'll need to be the one to tell her no."
Ash looked at Ghost. The camera eye expanded, somehow looking like a little furry creatur'es eye. HE couldalmost even see a tear forming at the bottom of it as the little moa frame shook. "I'll have Ordis upload footage of the time I broke out the Zarr. If the station can stand up to that thing? Nothing short of a Balor Fomorian is gonna crack the deck plating. So go ahead," He sounded more confident than he felt since for all he knew Ghost had a pocket planet buster out of sheer contrary spite for all physics and logic. "Go full ham. Better to find otu BEFORE people show up than after that oops... the deck plating is not rated for playing nuclear foootball."
Jacker was silent and then... "Is that a literally hand CANNON?"

"Huh? I have one of those," Ghost said. "Why is it--"

"No, as in a cannon, from a ship. But in the hands. IT shoots cannon balls," he said with a sigh.

"..... When can I get one?"

"NO!" Boogan and Jacker said at once. "And I don't know... maybe? I can't really... say if it's more or less. But hey, it'll be fine either way. Full ham... just.... make sure you're in a secure area, first," he said. "And we'll send over the contract. It should arrive in an hour or two. Okay?"

Ghost nodded, walking besides him and humming. "Well... that's the business and..." Pause. "Hey. Let me borrow your skateboard. I wanna see if I can do it in this body." Oh please no.