World Tree MUSH

Beautiful Brooks and Basins

Character Pose
     Miwa arranged to have a note delivered to Meia, which indicated she had a surprise place to show her, and instructed her to catch a ferry from Malie City on her home island, near where the vine drops you off, and meet her at the Pokemon Center, which she describes as being a large cylindrical building with white walls and a red dome shaped roof, a couple blocks from the city docks. If Meia didn't have any problems following the directions, she would find the ferry trip was already paid for, and would find Miwa waiting inside the Pokemon Center, relaxing on cushioned bench seat near a wall mounted TV, which she had been idly watching before some local young Pokemon Trainers noticed her and guessed who she was, and she was now posing for pictures with them and their Pokemon.
     Meia is pretty good at following directions, and it helps that Miwa was so detailed in her description of the landmarks. So, it isn't very long before she finds the Pokemon Center and heads inside, having herself a small laugh as she watches Miwa pose for her adoring fans. "You're quite popular around here, I see. I should have guessed from that concert before, I suppose."
     Fortunately she was done with the pictures, or at least the children were satisfied, not long after Meia entered. "Thank you miss Miwa." One girl politely offers, with a boy about the same age echoing her next. Miwa couldn't help but blush a little at how polite they were, she'd never been called 'miss' before. "You're both very welcome. Good luck on your grand trials!" She offers as they both run along, presumably to other things they had to do today. Miwa grins as she slides off the bench and makes her way over to Meia. "I think my popularity has actually grown now that I've struck out on my own. Speaking of concerts, I'm thinking I might do another one soon. Just need to decide on the songs and performance parts I want to include. How have you been?"
     Meia chuckles as she waves at the children, stepping aside to let them by. "They truly do adore you, don't they?" she remarks, making a mental note to ask what a "grand trial" is later. She has an idea, but it never hurts to be certain.

In any case, as Miwa approaches her, Meia nods and crosses her arms over her chest, resting her chin on one hand. "Oh, you know, the same as ever. Nothing ever changes in Palamecia... although that may not continue to be the case. I've been keeping tabs on this very interesting Blank lately... but that's something for another time." With a smile, she asks, "What was this special place you wanted to show me?"
     Miwa chuckles a bit herself. "Yeah, they do. It's getting to the point where I can't go anywhere in Alola without getting recognized. Can't say I'm surprised, even around here it's not every day you see a Primarina getting around on land, especially not without a trainer. Most of the wild examples of my kind stick to the ocean and quieter beaches away from people, and even I only know of a few in the whole island chain... Anyway, as for the place, it's only my favorite spot in all of Alola. Can't wait to show you, so let's get going!" She exclaims excitedly as she moves to head outside and begins forming a large water bubble. "It's just a short bit to the north of here. We can travel by floating water balloon if you're up for it, unless you'd rather walk, or have a better way."
     "I see. That sounds inconvenient for others of your kind, though you obviously have little trouble with it." Meia says, following behind her friend and stepping into the water bubble. "We'll go your way. I do have my own methods of getting around, but I'm curious about this one."
     "What sounds inconvenient? Getting around on land? It's really not that bad, at a casual pace, running I can't do for very long though. Fortunately there are other ways of getting around if you're creative. Wild Primarina probably avoid going beyond the beaches because they don't have much reason to, and might be shy of crowded places if they haven't been in contact with people much. To be honest though I'm kinda speculating. I was raised among people, and I've never asked any of the more reclusive Pokemon why they are like that." Miwa offers an answer after forming the bubble large enough that it would comfortably fit both her and Meia along with some air to breath. She then begins to sing a soft melody of tones to enable her aquakinesis, moving the bubble toward them so that it soon envelopes them both, and begins to sing a little louder as her power over the bubble lifts it up into the air with the two of them inside. 

Fortunately the wind was blowing in a favorable direction and once they are up high enough, they begin to drift northward without much effort from Miwa. In fact, after a bit, she begins to simply hum to keep the bubble aloft while looking to see Meia's reaction. From here she should already be able to see Brooklet Hill to the north, a series of lakes that cascade into each other through glittering waterfalls.
     Meia nods as she listens to Miwa's speculation on the matter of movement and reclusive wild Pokemon. "I admit, it's not a subject I'm familiar with myself. I suppose that would make sense, however." she says thoughtfully, joining Miwa in the rather unusual vehicle. As they pass over the island, she smiles and takes in the view. "This is a beautiful world you live in, Miwa. I can feel the life radiating from everything... much better than the stagnation and decay of Palamecia."
     Miwa stops humming a bit, as it was a short trip and they would be there pretty soon with the wind blowing them along. She nods in agreement about the view and how beautiful and full of life it was here. "In all fairness, while this whole world is pretty full of quite varied and amazing life. The array of different Pokemon is pretty amazing, and then there are the trees and flowers and more common animals, but Alola is special. The word pretty much means land overflowing with life." She says before pausing a bit, looking around. 

"I've traveled the world too, and I still feel there is no place quite like my home here. I had to choose any other place in this world to live though, it would probably be Fiore. It's a region north of Kanto, which is far to the west of here, across the ocean. The people there have a deeper, more special bond with Pokemon, they don't even use Pokeballs at all." She ponders before uttering a few more tones to correct the coarse of the bubble and guide it in to land beside a lake mid way up Brooklet Hill. Finally with a brief high note, the bubble would burst into a fine mist and Miwa would turn to Meia with a big smile. "Here we are. Brooklet Hill, probably the most beautiful spot on Akala Island, if not all of Alola."
     "You don't say? I wonder if there's something to that..." Meia ponders, but soon enough they've arrived at their destination. With the bubble popping into a mist, she steps forward and takes in her surroundings, and not just with her eyes. Taking a deep breath of the sweet air and letting the ambient sounds wash over her, she remarks, "It's... almost overwhelming, compared to Palamecia. I'd almost forgotten there were scents other than cloying rot."
Miwa takes a moment to take in the sight as well, even if this was by no means her first time here, it still was one of her favorite places in the world. As Meia comments about the smell, she turns back to her, blinking a bit. "So it always smells like that back on your world? I had noticed it a bit, but my sense of smell isn't the best, I guess in this case I should be thankful." She comments with a small grin. "As for this place, well I'd certainly come here a lot more often if it was easier for me to get here. I suppose it would be easier if I lived on Akala, but even then there is the bubble ride."
     After another deep breath, just enjoying how /nice/ everything smells here, Meia nods and says, "Yes, it permeates every part of Palamecia. Some places stronger than others, but all of the world is in a state of decay, only kept from crumbling by Vox's machinations. It is a world of death and the dead, where very little is truly alive..." She sighs, choosing to focus on Miwa's side of things. "You could not live here directly? It seems it would be a simple matter for you."
Miwa frowns and nods. "I see, I'm sorry to hear that your world is so... depressingly full of death while mine is full of life. Though I still would like to go back sometime and try more of that battle tower. But speaking of life, no I don't think it would be good for me to live here. It's fresh water, I live in salt water. There is enough of a difference I'm told that if I stayed and tried to live here it would start to make me sick. Visiting once in a while is fine though."
     Meia nods again, glancing at the crystal clear water nearby. "Much like certain kinds of fish, I understand. Though I doubt many in Palamecia would remember fish, at least ones that aren't Fiends. Many natural creatures have... fallen out of favor, you could say. Vox's doing, as you may have guessed. The natural cycle replaced with one of his own making." she explains, gritting her teeth slightly. "Still, at least it isn't too inconvenient to visit when you wish to. Much like the Battle Tower, since you mentioned it. We can go again any time you like, of course."
Miwa nods, falling quiet again a moment as she thinks about Meia's world having no fish, and hardly any wildlife at all, it made her sad, and seems to make Meia angry. She decides to stay on the more positive subjects for the moment. "Right, it isn't too hard to get here, just hard enough to keep me from doing it every day. At least it's not all the way across the ocean in Kanto or something. Speaking of battling though, I wonder if, maybe I could get into doing some Pokemon battling here for training. I wouldn't need a human trainer of course... Wonder if that would be allowed."
     Meia allows herself to be distracted again by Miwa's side of the conversation, anything to take her mind off of the state of affairs in her own world. "I don't know much about this Pokemon League, admittedly. I'm sure you've explained it to me before, but I would have to see it in action I think." she says with an apologetic shrug. "However, I would assume the best way to find out whether it's allowed would simply be to... ask."
"Right, I guess the best thing to do then would be to take a trip to Melemele Island and ask Professor Kukui. He was actually the founder of the Alolan branch of the Pokemon League. Up until fairly recently, this region didn't participate in the league, we just had our own traditional trials system." She explains, then chuckles a bit. "Come to think of it, Kukui specializes in the study of Pokemon attacks. I could see him writing in a rule to let me compete just to see the concept of a Pokemon participating in organized battles without a trainer."
     "Kukui?" Meia asks, but Miwa does a pretty fair job of summing it up. "Ah, I see. He sounds like a noteworthy individual, and certainly an authority on the subject. And if he is a professor, then I'm sure he would appreciate the chance to learn an aspect he has not had prior opportunity to study." She smiles, then, giving Miwa a pat on the shoulder. "It sounds like we have a plan, then, no?"
Miwa grins and nods. "Yes, he's Alola's resident Pokemon Professior, which makes him the most knowledgable person on the subject on the islands. He's also pretty friendly and passionate about his work from what I hear. I haven't met him officially, but I know what he looks like, and also know that he knows about me, as I saw him in the crowd at my last concert. In any case, I can't help but notice you said 'we' have a plan. Want to join me on this trip?"
     Meia returns the grin with a wink. "You think I would turn down the chance? I would love to see more of your amazing world, and the people in it. To see so many people live life with such passion, such love for simply /being/, it's a refreshing change of pace."
Miwa giggles a bit as Meia grins and winks at her. "Can't say I blame you for wanting that sort of change of pace. I've only been to Melemele Island once before I think, so this should be fun. It's the next island further west from this one. The forth island, Poni, I actually have never been to come to think of it. I hear it has some deserts and grand looking canyons, which sounds nice, but could be hard to get around with flippers." She says with a small laugh.
     Meia can't help but let out a small giggle as well, surprisingly girlish for someone usually so refined. "I look forward to it, most definitely. As for Poni, I think I can provide some support there with my magic." she suggests, conjuring a little sphere of water in one hand to demonstrate.
Miwa smiles, watching as Meia demonstrates her water magic. "Ah yes, well maybe between the two of us we can make the dryer parts more bearable. We can go there together another time, maybe in both cases of Poni and Melemele Ash might want to come too, I'll have to ask him, unless you'd rather it be just us girls." She finishes with a grin.
     Meia grins. It's not something she's used to, but... it feels kind of good just being able to do so. Almost like she's that little girl from Corneria all over again. "That sounds absolutely wonderful. Whether Ash comes or not, I'm sure it'll be a great time."