Meia (Dropped)

World: Mobius Final Fantasy-1
Actual Age: Really Old
Apparent Age: 20s
Quote: "Hope is not worth repeating the same despair again and again."
Role: Azure Witch
Species: Human
Theme Song:


Meia the Azure Witch was once a simple warrior woman, until she fell in love with another warrior of prophecy. The two of them were branded heretics for breaking the rules laid out by the prophecy, hunted and killed, and their bodies cast into the sea. Meia later woke after washing ashore, and discovered she'd been revived with great magical powers by an unknown entity. She has since resolved to find a way to end the cycle of suffering in her world, even looking outside for help. Wielding powerful water- and ice-based magics and the ability to summon some of her world's guardian deities along with her enormous steel battlefan, she is a force to be reckoned with, but often still feels inadequate for the challenges facing her. Nevertheless, the memory of her old love keeps her going, even if it seems like giving up is the better option.


Ambidextrous: Able to use both hands comfortably in many situations.
Meia is equally comfortable using both hands in a variety of situations, from combat to the mundane. If one hand is disabled, she is able to switch to the other with negligible loss in ability.
Azure Witchcraft: Destructive magic primarily centered around water and ice.
Meia is capable of casting elemental magic for the purposes of combat, with a strong affinity to water and ice. She can also launch bolts of non-elemental magic via the Ruin spell, but they are individually weak. She is able to cast magic of other elements as well, such as fire and lightning, but with very limited effectiveness in combat. They can come in handy for mundane situations, at least.
Sicarius: Summons a powerful guardian deity to aid with magical attacks.
Meia is able to summon one of the powerful guardian deities of Palamecia, collectively known as Sicariuses, to assist her in combat by forging a bond of contract with them. Only one can be summoned at a time, and they will remain a persistent and active participant in battle until either they are defeated or Meia's magical reserves run too low to sustain their presence. Effectively, they perform bigger and more powerful versions of the magic she can normally cast, at the cost of greater drain on her magic reserves.
Battle Tower: A tower where warriors of all kinds can train and grow stronger.
After murdering the previous Warden, Meia took over the Battle Tower in Palamecia, a place where warriors go to hone their abilities in live combat. The tower grants her special summoning powers, able to conjure creatures of all shapes and sizes inside of the tower in order to challenge those who dare to brave its depths. However, unlike Sicarius contracts, these summoning powers /only/ work inside of the tower, and only for the purposes of helping others sharpen their skills and gain practical battle experience.
Arc Mirage: An axe-like weapon that helps focus Meia's magic.
Meia's weapon of choice is a strange one, resembling a massive semicircle axe head, but with the handle placed in the back center portion of the blade itself. It's exotic and weird and helps focus her magic.


Tower Monsters< D-Tier Basic >: An assorted variety of monsters to challenge warriors.
The Battle Tower contains many monsters summoned by Meia to challenge those who dare brave its depths and help them gain experience. Any creature native to Palamecia may show up here, from the basic Dust golems to the ever-quirky Cactuars to even mighty dragons and undead monsters of all stripes. They cannot leave the Battle Tower, but the threat they pose is very real... which is why all who enter the Tower are advised to prepare as well as they can in advance.
Famfrit< Named C-Tier >: Living armor wielding powerful water magic.
Famfrit, the Darkening Cloud, is a Sicarius, one of the guardian deities of Meia's homeworld, Palamecia. Resembling a massive, ten-foot-tall suit of armor, he carries an enormous, ornate water jug on his shoulder which can magically produce vast quantities of water in all its forms, from a high-pressure stream to dark stormclouds which rain hail and lightning upon his foes. The jug can also be used as a melee weapon, as it is permanently attached to him via a chain, making it an impromptu flail.
Echo< Named F-Tier >: A faerie guide who provides minor buffs and healing.
Echoes are faeries who exist to guide Warrior of Light candidates along their path, each of them a copy, or 'echo', of a single original entity, with their own experiences and personalities. Meia's Echo takes after the darkest parts of her own mind, frequently taunting her about her insecurities or trying to goad her into bringing the world to ruin. Nevertheless, as an Echo, she is obligated by Palamecia's laws to render aid to Meia, usually by healing small wounds or giving Meia a momentary burst of speed to squeeze out one more hit in a combo. Echo cannot be seen or heard by anyone native to Palamecia.


Cagey: Very secretive and has difficulty trusting people.
Because of her past, Meia has developed a natural distrust of people, especially those who claim to be serving some intangible higher power or greater good. She has a habit of being very secretive even among friends, rarely giving direct answers when questioned about herself. This can make her come across as rather distant and asocial, at least when she isn't misdirecting people with her flirting.
Flirtatious: Playful attitude and loves to fluster others.
In order to deflect personal inquiries into her life, Meia often adopts a very playful, teasing attitude as a metaphorical mask. This usually involves flirting with others, or otherwise trying to embarrass them until they get so flustered that they forget all about whatever they meant to ask her.
Dark Echo: Her faerie guide is kind of a massive jerk to her.
Meia's Echo is a twisted reflection of the darkest parts of her own personality. While Echo is obligated to render assistance to Meia with small, insignificant buffs, such support does not extend to maintaining Meia's emotional wellbeing. The purpose of all Echoes is ultimately to make sure their partner keeps fighting, and this one chooses to do so by feeding Meia's insecurities, whispering in her ear about her failures and inadequacies, taunting her with her past and suggesting that Meia simply burn everything to the ground and go out in a blaze of glory. Worse yet, this Echo has a tendency to go out of her way to make things harder on Meia, such as by stirring up dangerous local wildlife or deliberately mouthing off to the wrong people. It's all justified in the name of making Meia stronger in the face of adversity, right?
Something To Prove: Feels inadequate and tries to overcompensate.
Meia has a huge chip on her shoulder. She feels that it's her fault that she and her lover were killed, because she wasn't strong enough to save them both. Even now, she constantly worries that she simply isn't up to the task of toppling Palamecia's cycle of despair, though she clings desperately to the idea that anyone, even a Heretic like her, can become the Warrior of Light- the hope that her lover left her with. Unfortunately, this means that she will oftentimes take on a task that she cannot complete, or push onward in spite of certain failure. She cannot become the Warrior of Light without overcoming whatever challenges come her way, even if it means stubbornly bulling her way through.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
538 A Splashing Battle at Clawmark Hill Jul 13 2019
424 Beautiful Brooks and Basins May 06 2019
390 Miwa Does Some Power Leveling Jan 12 2019
153 The Missing Miwa Jun 13 2018
146 A Moonlit Sea Side Serenade Jun 05 2018
141 A Grave Concern Jun 02 2018
134 Out Of The Blue May 30 2018
See All 7 Scenes


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