World Tree MUSH

Gangsters? Molls, More Like

Character Pose
Chicago, 1929. Ace has, in some ways, been here before. Just not this particular Chicago, 1920. She's pretty sure this is worse than her own world's Chicago. Especially right now, because the young woman is running flat out, with the splat splat of tommy guns going off vaguely behind her. She turns and throws something over her shoulder, then runs faster.
Aurelia Argent
    Looking really out of place in 1929 Chicago is another young woman dressed completely anachronistically for the era, looking at the department store window and wondering... and then she's startled by the one running like Hell itself was on her tail. "Whaow!"
"Run!" Ace yells to the woman and follows her own advice. The thing she threw over her shoulder? Turns out to be a smoke bomb. It slows the four gangsters chasing her down. But it doesn't stop them. Yet. She dives into an alleyway.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia follows the advice after seeing four angry (and large compared to her) men. She dives down an alleyway and shoves a convenient dumpster in the way, little weird patterns briefly turning up in the large metal object as she moves it. Then she keeps going down the alley.
Ace does too, breathing hard. She's a fit young woman, but lacks any kind of physical enhancements. Then she pauses and turns. They're leaning on the dumpster, firing. "well, let's see." Another object gets thrown. Into the dumpster.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia grumbles at getting shot at and gestures, flipping the now explosive-laden dumpster up and onto the gangsters from a distance. Not really a need to hide what she can do here; it's not home. She has no idea what Ace threw into the dumpster.
Not explosive-laden. ON FIRE. "That..." The gangsters, amazingly, manage to scatter. Except they're on fire. "Let's get out of here before they put themselves out."
Aurelia Argent
    "You mean before I crush a dumpster around them..." Aurelia mutters under her breath before beating feet alongside Ace.
"Sorry you got caught up in that. One of them thought I would make a good moll, if you know what I mean," Ace says. Cleaned up, she might...she's quite pretty, if not exactly dressed in a feminine way.
Aurelia Argent
    "Yeah, my sister got a lot of that. Mostly because of..." Aurelia makes a gesture indicating an endowed chest. Aurelia can't make any great claims to being dressed feminine by the standards of the 1920s or even 1980s. She's got jeans, a t-shirt, and over-sized jean-jacket on. "... huge tracts of land."
Ace looks down at herself, then shrugs...and she's wearing jeans and an interesting jacket. "I think it was my hair he liked, or something. Thanks for the assist.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia laughs and gestures at her own platinum blonde hair. "Blondes have more fun?"
Ace is closer to brown. Kind of in that weird range between dirty blonde and light brown that could be mistaken for either in different lights. "He didn't look like he'd be much fun."
Aurelia Argent
Aurelia Argent shrugs. "So let's find some place not crawling with creepy gangsters then?"
Ace nods. "I think I saw like...a kind of tea house place thataway." Ace picks her way past the still burning dumpster. No sign of any gangsters.