Dorothy "Ace" McShane (Don't call her Dorothy) is reckless, stubborn, headstrong and ridiculously smart. It's a shame she mostly uses those smarts to blow things up. Always fighting on the side of chaos and good (hey, they go together), it's possible the A really stands for Anarchy. But she's a loyal friend and ally to anyone who can gain her trust. Mostly human - the only "powers" she has being enhanced ESP - she's nonetheless tough and well worth knowing in a fight or a tight spot. She was born on Earth, but has since traveled through time and space after a sojourn stranded on the unpleasant backwater of Iceworld. Currently alone while she considers some things, she is used to ending up in weird places, not always of her own will.
Explosives: She blows things up. A lot.
Ace has always been fond of explosives. She's particularly fond of Nitro-Nine, an explosive compound she invented which she is capable of creating with reasonably common ingredients and access to a chemistry lab or a decent workshop. She's also been known to make molotov cocktails and other explosives. She has a good knowledge of chemistry and could probably be a chemist, but she'd rather blow things up.
Thrown Weapons: She's good at throwing things
Because of her practice at throwing explosives, Ace is also good with other thrown weapons, especially ones which don't have to hit pointy end first. Her accuracy is solid at short range, but she lacks any kind of super strength or power. Basically, her effective range is 20 feet (a bit more if she spends Edge).
Piloting: Ace is a competent (non-combat) space pilot.
In addition to knowing the basics of how to fly the TARDIS, Ace has spent enough time in high tech societies that she has a skill at flying small spaceships. She is not a combat pilot, but can get from A to B in a small freighter or similar, or a starfighter in a pinch. She does not know how to control large warships or liners. Obviously, she has to spend some time learning how to fly an unfamiliar craft.
Melee Combat: Hitting people (and Daleks) with baseball bats
Ace is good at melee combat, although she's not a swordsman. Rather, her weapons specialty is billy clubs, baseball bats, and similar bludgeoning weapons. In part, she prefers these because she can use them in a non-lethal manner if needed. Unless it's a Dalek. Daleks die.
Hand to Hand: She can defend herself even without a weapon.
She's no martial artist, but Ace can hold her own in a street brawl if she needs to, fighting in a dirty style that comes primarily from the School of Hard Knocks
Running: Sometimes running away really is the best defense.
Ace is a fit young woman who is used to athletic activity. Okay, let's admit it. Running towards or away from something (usually away) is important in the kind of adventures she's been on. She's no track athlete, but she could put down a decent time if she needed to.
Temporal Mechanics: She's not a genius, but she knows how time works.
You can't hang out with a Time Lord and not pick up something about how time itself works. Ace is familiar with the laws of time as they apply to her home universe. This doesn't mean she's going to be able to give more than an educated guess if she's somewhere else...
ESP: Ace has minor empathy and a high ESP rating
No, Ace is not a telepath, a precog, or anything of the sort. However, as a Wolf of Fenric - a descendant of a human genetically altered by the evil Fenric - she has an extremely high ESP rating. Which in practical terms means two things: 1. She's slightly empathic and can sometimes tell when she is being lied to, when somebody is upset, etc. 2. Her hunches tend to be particularly accurate...she can't always tell what she's 'picking up' on, but she has an advantage when she listens to her gut.
Reckless: She tends to charge in.
You'd think she'd learned. Well, she has. A bit. The fact is, that she still has a tendency to charge in to conflict situations, thinking she has things under control. She often has to be reminded that A. She isn't invulnerable and B. Diplomacy is a good thing, right?
Wolf of Fenric: Ace is not exactly human, and is quite sensitive about it
Although mostly human, Ace is a Wolf of Fenric. She is the descendant of a viking who was genetically manipulated by Fenric as a way of getting him out of his prison. Fenric has been dealt with, but the entire mess? It's something Ace would rather not think about. Mentioning Fenric and the Haemovores is a quick way to distract her and piss her off. Oh, and she may just show up on some genetic scans as not quite human, which could allow her to be tracked.
Unfocused: She tends to be unfocused, and thus unable to use her mental potential
Ace is actually really smart. Really, really smart. She could even be brilliant. The snag is, that would require actually focusing and working. Her schooling ended when she blew up the art classroom and called it a "creative statement." If she has to handle something in an intellectual manner, chances are she'll get bored or impatient halfway through and look for a way to blow it up.
Insecure: Under her tough exterior, Ace has a lot of insecurity about herself.
Ace might come over as tough, streetwise, and completely assured of herself. However, she is actually insecure and uncertain. For a while, her rock and faith was the Doctor, but after the Fenric affair she's had to reevaluate that. She knows he means well, but does he have to be so manipulative? It's hard for her to trust strangers, and it's hard for her to trust *herself* on occasion. She needs other people to trust her in order to actually find strength, as opposed to the false echoes of it.