World Tree MUSH

Brotherly Love

Character Pose
    The night was long and the wind howled. Dante's been on the go for a while now, only stopping to kill a pack of demons. He doesn't know why, it's just second-nature to him by this point in his life.

    That said, he doesn't show the same sort of zeal he usually does. There's more important things on his mind. Dante's close, he can feel it in his bones. The amulet pulses in his hand as he runs across rooftops, leaping gracefully across gaps between buildings tirelessly. He can feel that essence, that energy he shares with only one other being in existence.

    Question is, why did Vergil not contact him after escaping Hell? How did he do that anyway?
Vergil has his ways. 

The older of the twins had escaped Hell, fully in tact and with his own sanity in tact this time. How would he find Dante? Well, that part was simple enough, or so he thought: Just find what's making the most ruckus and go with your instinct.

Sure enough, Vergil witnesses Dante slaughter a pack of demons, and soon enough? Vergil is nearby.

"I see you've wasted no times dealing with the rodents of our heritage." Vergil greets his brother simply like that. His hair classically sleeked backwards to give him his own distinct look (otherwise he looks nearly identical to Dante). "Brother."
    Dante off-handedly finishes off the remainder of the mongrel demons, as he stares up at Vergil with ice-cold eyes. "Why hide again?" He asks, direct and to the point. "Scared I was gonna whip your ass again? We're 2-1, remember?" He smirks, but humorlessly. Gripping tightly on Rebellion, Dante sizes up Vergil. "She loved you too. Loved us both. I dunno what got into your head before, but mom never would've abandoned us for anything."

    Gripping the completed amulet, Dante splits the charm in two before tossing Vergil his half. "I looked for you too. I spent years trying to track you down...I never stopped, Vergil. _Never._"
Vergil is silent as he approaches Dante. The Yamato's grip held tightly as if he's prepared for intense combat against Dante, just as they had always done. "Fool. When did you learn to count? We're even. 2-2." But then Dante begins dropping some factual know-how on Vergil, even though the older brother keeps approaching Dante with professional stride, until he's face to face with his brother. 

There is silence. Until.....

"I know." he catches his half of the Perfect Amulet without any kind of effort. He examines it. "How many years was I there? Far too long for me to care nor keep track of. I left in search of power, and I long since found it. The power to avenge our mother and father. The power to defend that which I care about. Even since last we spoke." which was some time ago.

But then, he looks Dante in the eyes. "But even in my brief travels of tree. I have been searching for you too. As much as we are like day and night, the chains that bind us are unbreakable Dante."
    "Power...seems like the last time we met it was all you could ever talk about." Dante says, his gaze matching his brothers. Twin sons of Sparda together again. "You made a hell of a mess in the process, with the tower. You and Arkham both." He can try and look stoic much as he can, but Dante's shaking with emotion, unsure whether to embrace Vergil or shoot him just to make sure he doesn't go on another genocidal tear.

    "I was able to get a bead on you when I came to Fortuna. You know our daddy's got a cult there, right?" He manages a smile after a pregnant pause, chuckling. "How crazy's that? Not often you get to see a demon worshipped like the Almighty, huh?" He smiles sadly, shaking his head. "What a goddamn mess we'd kill mom and dad seeing us like this."
"One cannot defend what they love and hold precious to them without Dante, you know this as well as anyone." Vergil looks upon Dante with a look of stoic, looking emotionless. But on the inside? Vergil was an absolute wreck. He somehow escapes hell, and is now face to face with the only thing he holds most dear: His brother. 

Even though sometimes they really want to kill each other. Either way, Vergil seems to let out a low chuckle. "I did. They worship him as a hero and grand defender of humanity. I wonder if they know he's long gone?" Vergil says that softly...but then Vergil's composure starts to break. And without another moment, he pulls Dante in close for a brotherly hug. No more words.
    Dante isn't sure how to respond, before suddenly Vergil stops him cold with a hug. He's stiff as a board right now, people don't usually show him this kind of affection. reminds him of all the times they'd hug it out as kids, whenever Eva would stop them from squabbling over petty issues like a book or stolen toys. Or just when they'd fall asleep cuddled up on the couch, watching television way longer than their mother would ever allow.

    Dad always without fail would cover for them.

    He wraps his arms around Vergil, and braces for the inevitable stabbing. Unless there isn't one, in which case...

    "You still have shit taste in cologne, Vee." Dante teases with a laugh, head pressed to Vergil's forehead.
Vergil does not release Dante quite yet, just being in the embrace of his brother. With a sigh, Vergil nods. "And you still don't wear deoderant at all." Vergil retorts, eventually releasing Dante so he can look upon him. "It is good to see you again." He still keeps his hand on his sword though, just out of instinct. 

Vergil was mischievous...but so was Dante. Even if he is the more 'human' of the two by way of personality.

"Now then, tell me, I see you are in good health. What else has changed?"
    "Feh. You too, you stodgy dick." Dante grins cheekily. "Well...finally got my shop open. Swarmed in calls, I need a password or something. Otherwise I think I'll be all around the world on crank calls, that ain't fun." He says, before the wheels turn in his head; " and I could go into business! I mean it's not much, we'd be living in this shithole but c''s a start."
A smirk from Vergil at that point. "That demon hunter business you always wanted? And tell me, what did you call it?" Though when Dante implies actually LIVING in a shithole like this? Vergil narrows his eyes. But then he relaxes. "Something tells me that I don't have much of a choice. Very well brother, lead on."
    Surprisingly the trip isn't far as Dante expected. Devil May Cry's lights are at least on, but the place has seen better days. Rebuilding the joint took a hell of a lot of work on Dante's end, and finding some construction workers who won't ask too many questions. "By the way, kept these. I know you kinda called dibs dicing Beowulf into kibble." Dante says, producing a pair of gauntlets and greaves to his brother nonchalantly once they get in. The rest of Dante's armory is on display in a room, a violet guitar-scythe pulsing with electricity, twin blades of fire and wind, a three-section staff emitting frost, a high-caliber rifle and whatever the hell Artemis is.

    Then there's Force Edge, the blade of Sparda sealed within a longsword kept within a glass case. "I think it's best we not try to kill each other over Daddy's sword from now on. Was thinkin' we lock it away somewhere, but haven't chosen a spot yet.

    There's a bedroom free, used mostly for spare furniture. There's nudie mags and some tacky decor, but it's serviceable.

    "One other thing; We gotta find work soon, otherwise the city'll turn power off. Annnnnd we kinda need that..." Dante admits sheepishly.
Receiving Beowulf back into his arsenal, Vergil tilts his head at Dante. "I'm surprised you kept it." He answered honestly. But, eventually, he does accept Beowulf back, dissipating into blue flame as it became part of Vergil once again. 

Though, his eyes settle upon the Sword of Sparda, but does not comment on fighting for ownership, for both brothers had a legitimate claim to the throne as it were. But, when he finally gets a good view of the cesspit, Vergil narrows his eyes. "I'm tempted to stay in a hotel."
    "You kidding me? The only other option was hoping some maniac wouldn't find it. Or the demons. You know there's a frickin' blood oath for our heads." Dante says. "C'mon. ONE night. Just one. So I know you're not gonna pull another disappearing act. After that, if you think we shouldn't see one another again, fine." He says, before swallowing back tears. "...I missed you, can't even describe how much."
Vergil looks at Dante. Stares him down in fact. But it's when Dante seems to swallow back tears that Vergil just rolls his eyes. "You are a child. Fine. Fine." technically, they BOTH were acting like children, with Vergil taking the Yamato (sheathed) and carrying it in his hand so he can set it on where he'll be sleeping that night. 

Even if he's just thinking about meditating. "I'll return momentarily. Try not to break anything, Dante."
    "All I ask, bro. I'm tuckin' in anyway." Dante waves, peeling off his coat and clutching Rebellion as he ambles off toward the main bedroom, /his/ bedroom. He's so used to sleeping on his desk, it feels weird actually using a bed for once. Still, he can sleep comfortably for once. Weird as it is, a huge burden's been lifted off his shoulders finding Vergil.

    Now to find out if Vergil won't slit his throat in his sleep.